AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 Reunion from Loss

It has been several hours since they awoke to find Latias changing back to her old form. Ash sat next to her as she looked at her right arm. "This shouldn't be happening." Latias said. Her voice was changing a little bit to her real voice, but it still sounded mechanical. "What do you mean?" Ash asked. "There aren't enough cells in this body to reconstruct my old body." Latias said. "But there is." Neo said. "What do you mean by that?" Latias asked with a confused look. "There is enough in your brain and I believe the Soul Dew is helping with the remonstrating of your body." Neo said. Latias turned and looked out the window at the city; seeing humans, Pokemon and aliens walking around. Some were conversing while others were just going on with their daily routines. In the night sky, fighters flew over the city and warships were landing or taking off. "I can't stay here much longer." Latias said. "Why?" Ash asked. "Because the Rocket Empire and the other Cyber Legendaries will not rest until I am back under their control." Latias said before she took off. "Follow her." Amber said as two Vhozon fighters took off. After a few minutes of silence, one of the Vhozon pilots spoke, "She is heading for the star." "Keep following her." Ash said. "She has just dropped a glass pyramid with a red orb in it." the Vhozon pilot said. "&Pick it up now." Ash said. "On it." the Vhozon pilot said. The second Vhozon pilot spoke up "She just flew into the star." After a few minutes the two Vhozon pilots were standing in front of them. "We don't know why this is important to you, but here it is." One said as it handed over the pyramid with the Soul Dew in it before walking off. "We might as well put this somewhere safe." Ash said with a sad sigh. It was obvious that he was trying not to cry.

On the Rocket controlled Earth, the rocket leader sat in his control room. "So the first of the Cyber Legendaries has been killed." the rocket leader said. A soldier ran into the room. "Sir, we have the uplink ready." the soldier said. "Good. Activate it now." the rocket leader commanded. After a few seconds, a mechanical voice was heard. "What do you want?" "I want you to help us in killing someone." the rocket leader said. "I hunt, not kill." the voice said. "But this person is worthy prey for you." the rocket leader said. "Well, if I had information on him I might consider it." the voice said. "You should be receiving it now." the rocket leader said. A few minutes went by. "He seems like worthy and challenging prey, but what about Neo and the Bayleef? Also, what is in it for me?" the voice asked. "Well, we will give you whatever you need to hunt him and we will take care of the other two." the rocket leader said.

A few hours later, Ash sat inside one of the six warships heading towards a planet. They had detected the signals of the rocket empire. The planet itself was covered in dense jungle with several cities on it. "We have detected several rocket empire signals on this planet." Neo said speaking as Ash was still sad. "Now we will be divided into groups to search the planet." Neo said. Ash got up and his unit walked towards the troop transport. Once fully loaded, the transports came out of the warships and headed towards the planet.
On the surface, several creatures watched the transports. "Which is the target?" one asked in a hissing voice. The lead creature pulled out a device and scanned the transports. "The one that is heading for the east" the lead creature said. "They will meet up with the others in the nearest city." another creature said. "Alright, move out for the target. We will take them out one at a time before we meet up with the group XD-385 is leading." the leader said as they moved to the east.

Ash held his sword as his group walked through the jungle. Several soldiers had heard noises and went of to investigate and came back after a few minutes claiming nothing was there. Soon, all soldiers had gone off and came back, all of them claiming there was nothing. Ash heard movement in the bushes. "We've got to check it out." He said, but when he turned back to the bushes, a large creature came up from behind him and hit him over the head with a rock.

Neo and the group he led waited for Ash's group to arrive. They soon arrived, but something was strange about some of the soldiers. "We didn't find anything. What about you?" Neo asked. "All we found was a signal device." a solider said. "We might as well go." Neo said as the two groups headed for the transports.

Ash awoke to see himself next to the soldiers in his unit. "Where are we?" Ash asked as he got up. "Not sure, but readings say the transports and ships left two hours ago." a soldier said. Ash looked at the soldier and realized something. "Have we met before? You look familiar somehow." Ash said. The soldier was a bit taller than Ash and had blue eyes and brown hair. "The name's Jake. My great, great grandmother name's was May." Jake said. Ash wondered, (So, May found someone else in the end.) Nodding, Ash went to check on the other soldiers. A beeping sound was heard. "Two small life forms have been detected nearby." a soldier said. Ash walked with several other soldiers. After a few minutes, they came to a bush. Moving the leaves aside, Ash was shocked to see what was laying there. A Bagon and a Larivitar and they looked like babies. "We can't leave them here." Ash said. "I agree. We have to take them back to headquarters to find who and where their parents are." Jake said. Ash nodded before picking them up. A small green creature watched and smiled before disappearing. Ash returned to the rest of his unit when another beeping noise was heard. "Sir, we are picking up a life form nearby." a soldier said. "How far is it?" Jake asked. "I'd say right behind you." a mechanical voice said behind them. Turning around they saw a figure. The figure was the size and shape of a human. It wore silver armor and had black circles where the eyes are. "What are you?" Jake said. "I am known only as the Hunter, but that is all my prey needs to know. Now I will give you a two minute head start." the Hunter said. With that, the soldier's ran while Ash carried the baby Bagon and Larvitar. The Hunter pulled out a laser riffle and waited for two minutes and went after them.

On one of the warships, Neo sat in a room watching as the soldiers moved forward. Their bodies were glowing orange red. They revealed themselves to be hideous aliens. They were solidly built humanoids with large, cone-shaped heads. Their heads, arms and torsos are covered in suckers and they have deeply inset faces. Neo backed away and saw what he thought was Ash change into one of the aliens. "We are the Zygons." the lead one said. They all charged at Neo. As the first came, he flipped it over his back before the others tried to jump him. The door to the room was knocked down as soldiers came in firing at the Zygons. After a bit, the Zygons were killed. "If they were enemies, then that means..." a soldier said. "Master and his unit are still on the planet!" Neo said. "Turn the ship around!" a soldier said as all six warships turned and headed back to the planet.

Ash, still carrying the Bagon and Larvitar, ran along with the rest of his unit. The hunter was still chasing them. "Jake, where is it now?!" Ash shouted. Before Jake could answer, a rock next to them exploded. Without waiting for an answer, all of them ran again. "Sir, we may be able to stall for some time" a soldier said. "What is it?" Ash asked as they ran. "We may be able to generate an energy field that may mess up its scanners." the soldier replied. "Then do it now." Ash said. The soldier pulled out a device and pressed several buttons on it. "The Hunter's scanners shouldn't pick us up now." the soldier said. Nodding, they ran in a different direction.

The warships flew at top speed towards the planet. "We are picking up Ash's unit along with two other life forms with them. But there seems to be a third life form chasing them." a soldier said. "We got to get to the planet faster." Neo said as the captain nodded.

"There it is, up in that tree!" a soldier shouted as they fired several shots at the Hunter. Ash turned to see the Hunter jump down and running towards him. Jake came out of his hiding spot and fired several lasers at the Hunter, hitting it in the shoulder. Several soldiers took advantage of this and fired more shots at it. The Hunter got up, but was hit by more lasers as more soldiers and Neo appeared as they all fired. "I will be back for you!" the Hunter said before it ran away. "Who was that?" Neo asked as he reached Ash. "I don't know, but I think that it may be a problem in the future." Ash said as soldiers ran into the direction the Hunter ran. "And who are these two?" Neo asked. "I don't know. I found them in some bushes. We plan on taking them to run a DNA test on them to find their parents." Ash said as he looked down at the still sleeping Bagon and Larvitar. He had a feeling of happiness that was the same that he got when he saw Amber and Onyx for the first time.

Several hours later, Ash, Neo, Bayleef, Mewtwo, Latios, Amber and Onyx waited with the Bagon and Larvitar, who were awake now. A scientist walked into the room. "So who are there parents?" Ash asked as everyone looked at the scientist. "The DNA test shows that the Bagon and Larvitar contain traces of your DNA. In other words, they are your children." the scientist said as everyone stared in shock.
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