AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 New Allies

Ash watched as Amber and Onyx played with the two new additions to his family. He smiled knowing that even though Amber and Onyx were the leaders of the LFR, they still had a playful nature. He had even thought of good names for the babies. The Bagon, who was a girl, was named Mana and the Larvitar, who was a boy, was named Slate. But Ash was worried about something. Bayleef had left several days ago to check on an outpost but never got back to them. "They say the outpost lost communications." Neo said as he sat down. "Do you think it was the rocket empire, The Hunter or the Zygons?" Ash asked. "Not sure. It could be all of them or it could be just the rocket empire." Neo said as he turned and looked at Mana and Slate. "It could be just nothing." Mewtwo said as he sat down as well. "Amber, Onyx, can you look after Mana and Slate while we check out what is going on?" Ash asked. Amber just nodded and Onyx said "Sure thing Dad." Both Mana and Slate got worried looks on their faces. "Don't worry, I'll be back" Ash said as he gave both of them a hug. Getting up, he walked toward the port where one of the warships was docked.

Hours had passed as the ship made orbit above the planet that had the outpost on it. As Ash and his unit made their way down to the planet, he had a strange feeling that something was going to happen. The transport landed on the planet near the outpost. "Move." Ash said quietly as his unit moved toward the outpost. When they entered, they saw signs of conflict. "Well, looks like an attack did happen here." Neo said before they moved on. They moved forward as they saw more signs of conflict. Blast holes were in the walls, tables and chairs had been turned over or knocked aside. Blood covered the walls and dead bodies littered the floors. Ash looked to see if he could see Bayleef's body but she didn't seem to be there. Moving deeper into the outpost, they found doors had been flung open. "I don't like the look of this." Jake said as he looked into one of the rooms. They got to the command chamber of the outpost. Walking in, they saw something a lot worse. Bodies in there had been ripped apart, the computer control panels ripped off the walls and the screens smashed. Moving carefully, they spread out to cover the large control room.

"Sir, you better have a look at this." a soldier said from next to a control panel. Ash ran over as the soldier pointed out something on the floor. It was a twisted metal shape. Ash felt a great deal of sadness in him when he recognized it straight away. It was the twisted remains of Bayleef's helmet. More bits of her armor all covered in blood were found, but no sign of the body. Ash was starting to get very scared and worried. It didn't take long before all of Bayleef's armor was found. Ash just looked at the pile of twisted metal as tears starting to form up in his eyes. Neo was also feeling the way Ash was. (I made that armor myself. Not even the Nightmare could've done this.) Then a noise was heard from another part of the room. Moving stealthily, all soldiers went towards the source of the noise. Ash stopped them and stood there next to a pile of debris. Moving some of it aside, he saw a figure moved. Then he began moving the debris faster as the rest of his unit joined in. After half of it had been removed, Ash and Neo pulled the figure out. Ash gasped when he saw the figure. It was Bayleef. But she was badly injured; cuts and blood covered her body. Her eyes opened and she looked back and forth with a scared look. Then she looked at Ash. "Bayleef, what happened to you?" Ash asked. "Ambushed. We were ambushed and attacked by the rocket empire. I tried to fight back, but they stunned me with a weapon. They then tore my armor off and then tortured me. When they left, I was left for dead." Bayleef said crying. Ash was about to comfort her when several rocket empire soldiers burst into the room. "Well what do you know? The Bayleef is still alive and the so called Chosen One is here too." one of the rocket soldiers said. All of Ash's unit held there weapons up but more soldiers surrounded them. "You don't stand a chance against us. You have at least one warship while we have a dozen in orbit." the rocket soldier said. Before the rocket soldiers could do anything, several pillars of light filled the room. As the light disappeared, several figures appeared. They looked human with long messy hair and extremely wrinkled skin. They all carried what looked like a weapon of some kind. The aliens then charged at the rocket soldiers. The aliens seem to be very angry at something as they killed the enemy soldiers. The lead alien turned around and walked up to Ash and his unit. "I am General K'tal of what's left of the Klingon Empire." the alien said. He looked at the soldiers and said "Which one is your general?" Ash stepped forward and Neo moved to his side. "My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my unit." K'tal looked at him. "You seem a little young to be in charge of a unit of soldiers." The outpost shook, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. A Klingon ran up to them and said "General, the enemy ships are targeting this outpost!" Turning around, K'tal said "You better get back to your ship." "But our troop transport is outside." Ash said. "We will help you get to the transport." K'tal said. Soon, Ash, who was carrying Bayleef, and his unit ran with the Klingons next to them. It didn't take them long to get to the transport. They watched as the Klingons disappeared in the pillars of light again.

The troop transport flew into space where several ships battled each other. Several of the larger ships had a flat body with two wings bent downwards with a bridge connecting to a sphere shaped section with a disc shaped command center with a dome on the top. The other lot had bent wings angled down, but had a short body connected to an oval shaped cockpit. The ships moved away while fired green lasers and missiles. The transport docked with the LFR warship. Ash ran to the medical bay of the warship where he put the injured Bayleef on a bed. The ship shook from laser fire from the rocket ships. Then the warship took off. Ash made his way to the bridge where he saw on the main screen that the Klingon ships were following them.

Hours later Ash stood with Amber and Onyx as they finished telling General K'tal about whom Ash was and the legend. "So you are the Chosen One of what that legend tells about?" K'tal asked as he looked at Ash. "Yes." Ash said nodding. "So why did you help us?" Amber asked. "We wish to help you destroy the Rocket Empire as they have dishonored our entire race." K'tal said. "How did they do that?" Neo asked. "They used some sort of weapon, but we can't identify it." K'tal said. "Do you have anything like a hologram of the weapon?" Onyx asked. "Yes we do." K'tal said as he pulled out a disc and pressed a button as he put it in the middle of the table. The hologram turned on to reveal the form of CyberRayquaza. "We might have to deal with him soon." Amber said as they continued to talk to K'tal.

On the rocket controlled Earth, deep inside an unknown location, the Cyber Legendaries were all in the same room. "We should strike now." CyberSuicune said as it walked up and down the room. CyberGroudon turned and said, "I agree with CyberSuicune. We should strike now." A voice was heard from the shadows. "We will not strike now as the time is not right." the voice said. "But they are made of flesh and have emotions while we are made of steel." CyberSuicune said. "No, we must not strike now, not until there is nothing left of both sides." the voice said as the other Cyber Legendaries stop talking and began to make plans.
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