AGNPH Stories

Marine Flowers of Passion by cameronjc


Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Jealously gone too far

Ash and Marina had been keeping their love a secret ever since they rejoined the group. However they did send little messages through body language to each other. Still, it didn't go unnoticed with Absol. He smiled as they walked towards their next destination.

Absol walked up to Marina and said in his language "So, I have noticed that you and Ash have become closer." Marina looked at him and then said in her own language "How do you know we've become closer? We're just good friends." Absol laughed and said "Well, the way you two are acting near each other, let's just say I don't need a Ralts to tell me that you two have become closer." Marina blushed and then said "We have." "I know it is rude to ask this, but I must know. Just how close have you two become?" Absol asked. "Well, let's just say we have become mates. Why did you need to know?" Marina said. "I just wanted to know. Nothing more." Absol replied. Marina looked back to the road. But Absol was thinking 'The Legend has come true so far. I just hope the other two parts don't.' "Hey, does anyone know what time it is?" Ash asked. "I think it's about midday." Dawn answered. "Then let's stop and set up camp." Ash said as everyone stopped.

Several hours later. Ash and his friends and escorts had set up camp. They had all released their Pokemon as there was no reason to keep them pent up inside. Ash watched all of them. His Pokemon were playing games with Dawn's and Brock's Pokemon. The Team Magma and Team Aqua member's Pokemon just sat down enjoying the time in the sun.

Ash got up and stretched. He turned and said "Hey Marina, want to come for a walk?" Marina looked at Ash and understood what he meant, got up and followed him. Buizel had seen them and moved off from the other Pokemon.

After following Ash and Marina for a while. When they were are away from the group, they stopped. Buizel hid in a bush as he watched them. He was then stunned when he saw them kiss. ' can't be! A human kissing a Pokemon. But Marina was meant to be my mate! Not a mate to a human! No, it just can't be happening! It's not true!' Buizel thought to himself as he ran back to the camp.

Night had fallen and Ash and Marina stayed up and looked at the night sky. Ash looked at Tabitha, who was standing guard for parts of the night sitting outside his tent. Looking up, Ash saw a shooting star. Ash began to wonder if this was the same star he saw before, only now it seemed closer. He noticed the star disappear as it neared Earth. Shrugging, he looked back to other parts of the sky.

On another part of the Earth. Team Rocket grunts with a large armored transport waited near a crater created by the shooting star. A large metallic figure rose up and looked at them. "We are here to escort you to our HQ. But you need to lie down in the transport." a grunt said. Nodding, the creature walked and laid itself in the truck, its red eyes watching as the grunts closed the door. The vehicle drove off when the grunts boarded.

Later that night Buizel, who was out of his Poke Ball, was still trying to get his mind in order. 'She was meant to be my mate, not Ash's. Maybe I can convince her to mate with me and we can leave these humans behind and start a family. Yeah, that's it. Marina, you will be my mate no matter what!' Buizel said as he looked and saw the Team Aqua grunt on guard asleep. Smirking, he walked to Ash's tent and very slowly he pulled Marina out and walked away from the camp while dragging her.

A few minutes later in a well hidden area. Marina woke up to find herself lying against a rock. Buizel stood in front on her. "Buizel, what are we doing here?" Marina asked as she became a bit scared. "You and Ash were just playing a trick on my mind that you two were mates. But I know the truth. You don't want Ash as your mate. You want me." Buizel said. Marina thought he was going a bit crazy, but said "You don't understand me and Ash are mates. We are meant to be together." "No Marina. You were not meant to be with Ash. You were meant to be my mate. You've just been brainwashed by Ash." Buizel said as he moved forward. "W-what do you mean? What're you going to do?!" Marina said shaking. "I am going to make you my mate. It will break the brainwash Ash has put on you." Buziel said as he walked forward with Marina shaking and starting to cry as she had no way to fight off Buizel.
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