AGNPH Stories

Marine Flowers of Passion by cameronjc


Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Feelings Confessed

Ash and his friends walked through a town by the seaside while heading for the docks. They were waiting for a boat to come to take them to their next destination. Battle cruisers followed the boats as they were afraid that Sektor Sieben would attack the vessels. "Now why would Sektor Sieben want to attack the ships with those battleships there?" A Team Magma grunt of Ash's group asked. "Well, if you remember they said they will kill any human that has been helping Pokémon." a Team Aqua grunt replied. The Team Magma grunt said nothing as he just sat down. Marina was jumping with joy to see the water. "Hey Marina, what's with you?" Ash asked as he tried to keep Marina from jumping into the water. "I'm a Water type, remember? We love the water!" Marina said as she calmed down a bit.

A few hours later. Ash sat in his cabin on the ferry. Looking out of a window, he saw one of the two battleships acting as escorts for the ship. Ash sighed. He really wanted to tell Marina his feelings, but was just too shy. Even so, he knew that with the threat of Sektor Sieben, he might not get the chance. 'I might as well just watch her and not tell her my feelings. What're the chances of her feeling the same way?' Ash thought as he got up and went out for some fresh air.

On the top deck of the ship. Ash had walked up to see Marina looking down at the water. Marina stared down as she watched a school of goofy Magikarp swim by. Ash came over next to her and he noticed she was right up on the railing of the deck. Ash spoke up, "Marina, I was thinking. What happened to you when we first met?" Marina looked at him and said "Well, the reason I tried to attack you was because I was attacked by humans. They didn't use Pokémon. They used only their fists. They were men dressed up in black suits. Which I now know them as Sektor Sieben agents. They tried to kill me. I never knew why until the day I was taken by them. They want me to die so they can prevent a so-called disaster." Marina said. "Disaster? What Disaster?" Ash asked. "I don't know it fully, but it has to do with something about metal giants from the stars coming here to wage their war." Marina replied. Before Ash could say anything, the ship rocked from side to side.

"What the...?! What's going on?!" Ash shouted. "We are under attack by Sektor Sieben!" someone shouted. The two battleship escorts aimed their weapons at vessels heading their way. More of the Sektor Sieben's weapons hit the boat as they tried to sink them. Ash and Marina held onto the railing as the ship was now viciously shaking side to side. Ash was then thrown off the boat as a shell hit it. He fell into the water and didn't surface. Marina panicked and dove in after him. Looking around, she saw Ash floating down to the bottom, his eyes closed. Marina grabbed him and tried to swim to the surface so he would not drown. But the Sektor Sieben ships dropped depth charges into the water. Marina was injured from the concussions and passed out.

Ash awoke several hours later to see that he was lying on a beach. He also noticed the sun was setting. Looking down, he saw Marina on his chest crying her eyes out. Ash reached out and cupped Marina's face with his hand and said "Don't cry, Marina." Marina looked at him and said "Why don't you want to see me cry?" A moment of silence passed as Ash gathered his courage and said "Because I love you, Marina." Marina was shocked by this and just said "Wha...what did you say?" "I said I love you. I fell in love with you a while back. But if you don't have the same feelings for me, I've just got to say one thing. Please don't leave our group. Even if you don't have the same feelings, I still want you around." Ash said. He then saw tears building up in Marina's eyes again. She then began to cry happily and hugged Ash. "I love you too, Ash...I love you too..." Marina said. The two of them looked at each other and moved their heads forward. Before they knew it, they were having their first kiss ever.

As Marina felt her lips being graced with those of the boy she had fallen in love with, she felt more at peace with herself than ever before. Almost instinctively, she parted her lips and slipped her tongue out. Ash noticed the feel of her tongue and parted his lips. When their tongues touched, the both of them closed their eyes and held each other tightly. They trembled as their tongues danced. It felt like a dream that they did not want to end. Still, they broke the kiss after several minutes, dangling a string of saliva from their lips.

"You taste really good..." Ash sighed as he reeled from his first kiss. Marina was also a bit overwhelmed by these new feelings. However, she was snapped out of her trance to feel a strange lump between her legs. When she looked down, she saw a bump in the middle of Ash's pants. (Is that what I think it is?)

Ash was in a daze from the sensations he felt during the kiss, but came to when he felt Marina doing something to his pants. When he looked down, she was trying to figure out how to pull his pants down. "Wha?! What are you doing?!" Marina grunted as she kept yanking, "Something was poking me and I'm trying to find out what it is. It's somewhere in your pants!" Despite Marina's innocence, Ash was not thrilled by this and yelled, "NO! Don't do it! It's not what you think!"

Marina looked up at Ash in surprise. He had never yelled at her like that. "Why don't you want me to see it?" Ash was not all that surprised that Marina could not even guess what was under his pants. But then again, she had never seen him nude. "Well...uh...ah, what the heck. Just this once." Ash then raised himself off the ground and slid his pants down just enough so that his underwear was fully revealed. "See? Just my underwear. Nothing to worry about." Ash gave a nervous laugh.

Although most Pokemon would have probably been convinced, Marina was not quite convinced. "I don't think that's what it is. Maybe..." Ash noticed that Marina was gripping the top of his underwear and shouted, "GAH! NO! Don't..." But it was too late. With one good yank, Marina pulled the front of Ash's underwear down, revealing an erect penis.

"It's so big! Is this..." Marina looked up at Ash and saw that his face was a deep red from embarrassment. "Marina, it's not what you think! That's just my..." Ash froze when Marina took it in her hands. (If this is what I think it is... It can only mean one thing.) Marina looked straight up at Ash and asked, "Do you...want to mate with me?"

Ash could not believe what he just heard Marina ask him. "It's not like that! I'm only twelve years old! I'm still just a kid!" However, he saw Marina blush as she gazed down at his member. "Uh...what're you doing?" After a moment, the Buizel looked back up at him and said, "It doesn't matter to me how old you are. I still want to mate with you." Ash was speechless at this confession, but managed to ask, "Why?" Marina let out a giggle and replied, "Isn't it obvious? Isn't that what lovers do?" Ash blushed, "Heh, you got me there."

Marina climbed up to Ash's chest and positioned herself right over the tip of his manhood. "Are you ready?" Ash gulped, "This is my first time. I guess I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be." Marina giggled and slowly lowered herself down, sliding Ash's member into her womanhood. She let out a gasp as she shuddered in pleasure. Likewise, Ash was tense with enjoyment as well.

"What the...what's wrong?" Ash noticed that there was something in the way as Marina seemed to be only halfway down his member. "Huh? I'm pretty sure it should've gone in deeper than that." Marina pondered this and said, "I think it's because I'm a virgin. I'm pretty sure you have to break through that thing, whatever it is." Ash nodded and held her by the sides as he raised her up a bit. "Bring me down as hard as possible, OK?" Ash nodded and slammed her down hard.

"OW! What was that?!" Marina yelped in pain as her hymen was pierced. "Marina! Was it too hard?" Ash asked with a hint of fear in his voice. Marina gritted her teeth and said, "I don't think so. I think it's supposed to hurt a little the first time. Could you lift me up a bit?" Ash nodded and raised her again, but shuddered at the sight of his member. It was covered in blood. "Marina, you're bleeding!" Marina managed a small laugh and said, "I'm pretty sure it's not as bad as it looks. Put me back down." Ash was still worried, but did as she said.

"Oh yes, that's better. Um, could you help me with this?" Ash thought he got the picture and began to gently raise Marina up and down on his member. As time passed, he increased the speed. Marina was having the time of her life as she made love with the boy of her dreams. Ash was also in heaven as he panted in pleasure. He could not believe just how good it was to have sex.

"Oh Ash, this is amazing!" Marina gasped as she bounced up and down. Ash was about to say something, but he suddenly felt a dull pain in his groin. "Oof! Something hurts!" Marina simply said, "Maybe if we keep going, the pain will disappear." Taking his lover's words to heart, Ash sped up the movements Marina was making. However, the pressure only increased. "It's getting worse..." Suddenly, Marina let out a high-pitched shriek as she had a mighty orgasm. Ash felt her inner walls clamp down on his member as fluid gushed out past it.

"Stop shaking... You're gonna make me...AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" Ash screamed in a combination of relief and pleasure as his testicles released his blessing of human sperm. Marina shuddered as she felt a warm fluid filling her. "It's so lovely..." Her face went bright with a blush as she felt her womb filling to the breaking point. Fortunately, the orgasm subsided after a moment, leaving them both spent from their efforts. "Aw man...that was nuts..."

Ash collapsed on his back, sweat covering his body. "I can't believe that wore me out so much..." Marina crawled over to her sweetheart and looked into his eyes. "So...what was it like?" Ash panted. Marina sighed and said, "It felt like a hot explosion in me. I feel so's like I weigh a ton..." She then sealed lips with Ash for a sweet little kiss. "Love you, Ash." The Trainer panted, "Love you too...Marina." Right then, fatigue took over and he fell fast asleep.

"I can't believe that really happened. To think that we actually mated!" Marina giggled as she pulled Ash's pants back up. She then pulled a blanket out of his backpack and draped it over him. Night had come and she was bushed as well. "I love you, Ash." Marina whispered as she climbed under the blanket. She soon fell asleep. But before that, she thought to herself, "I wonder what Buizel will say?"
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