AGNPH Stories

Char by netaro


Story Notes:

Uploading here and on I think some people migth like the setting and don't browse the ff.As far as i guess, disclaimer goes there, rigth?So, i'll add it there.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Advanced Rocket Science for Dummies


"You can do it! You can, just try harder, harder, yes, that's it! Good boy! Now, gimme some more!"

These words were the incentive that were used to cheer the luxray. Commander Peter Pehler tried to make him create the biggest voltage drop that his poke could generate. Although this one fought in a lot of battles, trying to restore energy to the blast door's circuitry was a totally different task, as it required even more effort than just simple discharge or thunderbolt.

And it did the trick, as the main motor that operated the machinery began to turn the sprocket which opened the door. The sight that greeted Peter and Samantha was very depressing. Although it was nothing but a damaged corridor that led from their secure place to the surface, it bore that significant symbolism of the soldiers that rushed in when the place began to close, but failing to do it. This invisible burden was more depressing than the visible damage.

Pehler took a small tube in his hands, a device with a mica window and a cable which connected it to a small box with the display. Geiger counter. This version was a small, portable one that was issued to the HECU soldiers, and nobody-knows-why to the high-brass officers and commanders, which normally would find no use of these. This time, however, was the much different situation. Sometimes, these strange, inconsiderate mannerisms would give somebody an unexpected chance of survival, and this situation happened there.
The hand of a clockface showed that although the radiation was way up above the natural background, it was still safe enough to get outside and run as fast as possible to the nearest radiation-free oasis, if such one existed, of course.
All their pokemon were inside their pokeballs, except Pehler's luxray, who had another task to do.
Close the door again. Nobody should ever get inside that room, as there was still something that wasn't finished yet.
One ICBM was still in the silo. Although Pehler's biometrics were needed to launch it, the President's passwords were still in the system. Were somebody to restore the needed power, gouging Peter's eyes out would be sufficient enough to aim and shoot. This was something that had to be avoided at all costs. The world suffered enough.

Making sure that everybody was on the right side, Pehler once again looked at O'Connell's body that was lying in the middle of the center. Now, only bones and thawing intestines were remaining as they stripped him of all his meat. All's fair in love and war, and although eating human meat was gross and unacceptable, Peter and Samantha didn't care. Nobody was to see it, and the body itself was expected to rot away in the time somebody were to open these doors once again.

With another jolt of electricity the motors rotated the sprockets, this time in the other direction.
And the door closed, trapping the command center and the possibility of launching the one last missile.

Now all that was to do was to find a safe haven. There must have been a place left untouched by the war. But when the commander and the comm officer got to the surface from the subterranean complex, they saw nothing but a burned wasteland. As the Hoenn silo no.2 was near Mauville City, they thought that going there was the best thing to do at the moment, as maybe, maybe nothing hit there...
And thus, both of then began their trek to the uncertain safety.


In the place far above the heads of a mortal man, in the vacuum of space, at the geosynchronous orbit was a altitude where numerous satellites flew. Once performing their tasks, now the great majority of them was rendered useless as there was nobody on earth to use them anymore.
With some exceptions, however.

One satellite adjusted it's solar batteries to the sun as it's receiver received a transmission. The dish bore the stylized 'G', the insignia of Team Galactic.
Soon after, the ion thrusters pushed the satellite to change the position, as at the moment it was above Canalave, or rather, what was left of it. Now, it had a new destination.

On the ground, or rather, below it, Saturn looked at the map of the world, on which a line was drawn. The line itself represented a trajectory of the mentioned satellite. Saturn stumbled upon an idea to overlook Joshua's actions and to broadcast messages for him over Eterna's radio transmitter. That transmitter which entailed to the grave a few of his men...
Saturn give Joshua an advice to search the frequencies and look for any working radios, as survivors will try to establish the communications systems again. The same thing Team Galactic was trying to do now.
This plan, however, bore a few weaknesses, as Joshua had no way to respond, so nobody will know if he heard anything. The biggest weakness was that the plan was brewed shortly before, and Saturn wished for Joshua to find the frequency by accident.
That's why they were now going to spy on him using one of the Team's Galactic spy satellites. There was no way to tell where Joshua was now, but that wouldn't be a problem at all, as the thing had the best optical instruments available, and was able to sweep a large area in high definition image.
The rest will work out for sure. At least, that's what Saturn expected to happen. He thought about using a second satellite to see how were the state of facts in Veilstone, and as he did this all he saw was nothing but ruins. And there was still no transmission from these headquarters. Joshua had to get there as fast as possible. A few of his men were readied to move out in case anything happens, and it was only Saturn's cautious nature not to send his men out to the wastes. He wouldn't do it to Joshua, but buy was insisting on the trade, car and various supplies for the mission.
"Hope he'll get there fast and safe", Saturn mumbled to himself, as he waited in anticipation for the satellite to reach the destination.


In a place far away, where human foot haven't stepped for fifteen thousand years, the machinery still did its job. It was a telescope connected to the solar batteries and a satellite dish. All of that was painted in the gray camo paint, the same color as the surroundings, to camouflage the system against the curious eyes back on earth.
One of the most powerful telescopes ever build began to adjust it's position, in an effort to locate the given place on earth. As the device on the moon wasn't calibrated, it couldn't 'just' rely on the given coordinates. Therefore, somebody was now moving in manually. Somebody, or something, it was hard to tell from that point.

Below, on the face of earth, in the ancient complex, the hooded figure was now pressing buttons on the keyboard. Were somebody to see it, he wouldn't tell who it was, as only hands were visible. Hands that were definitely not human.

Then, the holographic projector was turned on, as the image of a old man was projected again.
The speakers then soon spoke his will.

"You have the initiative, and that's what I like in you. Using the All-Seeing Eye system to spy on that brat... Although, truth to be told, I was going to do the same."

"Yeah, right."

"So, when will you depart, as it's morning already in the place where that brat with the Teller's DNA is?"

"In an hour. Hard to tell whenever Darkrai and Cresselia are still near him, so I'd have to take caution. But, even if, before that, I'd check Latias. She'd better be safe."

"She's safe, she sees you, she attacks you... Take caution."

"I will."

And after that statement, the hooded figure spoke under his breath.

"That's funny..."

"What's that?", the AI asked?

"Darkrai is trying to kill me. Cresselia is trying to kill me. Latias is trying to kill me. Almost every goddamn person I knew or met in my life wants me dead. And now, the irradiated world is trying to kill me as well. That's fucked up, don't you think?"

"You accepted that fate when you agreed to work for me, so stop complaining."

"I know, and to tell you the truth, I still think it was the best thing I've done in my life."


It was morning already when Joshua and Kyle crawled out to the surface. And the first thing they felt was the air. It was purer, almost as if nothing happened here.
Then they saw something they were silently wishing for but honestly didn't expect it. In the distance, a small town lied, untouched by the war. Trying to remember what he learned in school Joshua realized that it was the so-called Celestic Town. A small, quaint, practically-a-hamlet that lied in the middle of Sinnoh. And it somehow survived. Not a single missile hit it! Unbelievable!
Joshua began to run to the town, as fast as his legs could carry him. A few minutes later, and he arrived at the outskirts. What he noticed was the 'emptiness' of the place. It was quiet, too quiet.
Nobody was outside doing anything, and Joshua wouldn't try to break into any home to confirm or discard his conjectures.
This wouldn't be necessary as it only took a few moments for somebody else to open his doors and look outside. His neighbors did it also.
Under usual circumstances, Joshua would be more than eager to see somebody surviving the total war. This time, however, was vastly different as everybody near him had a gun. Or any other king of a weapon capable of killing him instantly.
As the citizens of Celestic raised their weaponry Joshua raised his hands in an attempt of showing them the widely-recognized sign of surrender. Kyle also tried to stand on his back legs and raise his front to look the same as his master, although given the anatomy of a cyndaquil it looked more than comical.
It was rather unexpected welcome, but then these people lowered their guns a little seeing that there is no need to kill a nineteen-year-old with almost nothing in self-defense.

Before one of these people spoke Joshua noticed something strange - there were only elderly people, nobody was under his or hers fifties. However, given the nature of the town it was somewhat expectable as almost all young tended to travel away to larger cities and those who would stay there were drafted when the war started. It was a town of the old.

One of them, an elderly bald man in his seventies spoke slowly and somewhat erratically, as it was visible he was rather scared, despite him wielding a sawed-off shotgun.
"S-s-sorry, we though you were a criminal, sir..."

A chain of thoughts began to flow through Joshua's head. Technically, he was a criminal, as he was in Team Rocket, as Team Galactic was now technically the subsidiary. Team Rocket was one of the world-recognized organization. Galactics tried to break these chains, and now they had the chance. Joshua wasn't in any part connected with them except doing that little reconnaissance mission, but one could say he was one of their men. Also, Team Galactic were the good guys now. Problem is, nobody except them and Joshua knew this.
Furthermore, Team Rocket was only a guess. It could be anybody that attacked them. Some rogues, or the prison broken down when the war started and it's inmates flooding the ground.
Nonetheless, no matter who attacked them, it wasn't wise to tell them more than they should know.
It's better to lie.

"No, I'm neutral. I'm perfectly sane human male that doesn't want to kill me some children. Not at all. Now, if you only could lower your deadly machinery please..."
To an added effect Kyle said his "Quiiiii" in a quiet, meek tone.

The man that spoke to him before grinned at Joshua's attempt at black humor. The atmosphere, however, was still tense, although nobody was pointing guns anymore, so that at least worked out.
As both parties demanded answers, it was only a matter of time a barrage of questions was to be asked. Joshua was the first to ask something connected to their strange behavior.

"So, uhm, well, the world's over, I'm but a wandering person, and you are trying to kill anything that moves. At least, pointing guns at me... Is that a way to greet a person? In the wake of destruction?"

"Stop being so goddamn poetic, boy. 'Wake'... Bah, whippersnapper. Well, the world's dangerous"

"Let me guess, mutated eevees?"


"Sorry", spoke Joshua as he thought to himself - "This old fart has quite a short fuse. Better be careful with the words."

The 'sorry' pleased the man again as he smiled. Then, he continued the rather uneasy discussion.

"Well, you seen 'em mutes?"

"Mutated eevees, right? Yes, I did. And I saw what they were capable of doing to unarmed men."

"Gross, ain't it?"

"Yes. But explain. I'm a human, you saw that. Yet, you decided to take a combat stance against me. There's more to the picture than that, right? Well, you told me that you suspected me to be a criminal. So, elaborate?"

"Humanity's gone fallin', son. There were some people that tried to attack us. They were quick to organize, somehow. It's been three days, and organized crime works again. Sad times, sad times..."

"Care to tell me more? They attacked you? How did they look?"

"They tried. Luckily, one of us' a gun nut. You wouldn't believe how much he had them shotguns. We drove them away, and I don't think we'll be of any interest to them anymore. Uh-uh."

"Organized crime... How did you tell that? You know, it would be just a random pack of people who banded and began to live like off the other's work. You seem confident about them and the whole 'organization' shebang."

"You talkin' bout Team Rocket, son! Team Rocket they were!"

Team Rocket. Uh-oh. Joshua could smell the shit he was now drowning in. His first wild guess was true after all. Trying to grin and bear it, he didn't show any kind of fear or outbalance. Trying to gather as much as possible information while sorting what he knew by now he thought loudly to his listeners, the bunch of old-ages.

"So, eevees decided to evolve and go on rampage due to radiation. Team Rocket is on the move. So, any good news? Do you know anything about other settlements? Other survivors? Any good points in life?"

"Well, son, we know nothing. We saw nobody else. All we saw were the missiles everywhere. Flashes of light in all the directions. Small chance anybody did it through. But, you are there. You come from distant places, right? Tell us why you came here?"

Telling them about his ties with Team Galactic, no matter how small and temporary they were would be a instant suicide. These people looked experienced in the life but it seemed easy to trick them. Now, any argument would be good.

"I am from Jubilife. I somehow survived, some other people also. But small numbers, almost everybody died. Oreburgh, Eterna... In Eterna I saw these goddamn abominations of eevees. Close call, I somehow survived. Kyle helped me, and weren't it for his strength I'd be dead."
"Quiii! Qui qui!" Roughly translated, it would mean "Oh, thank you, I feel so proud... Almost."

"And now, where you going at?"

"South, I've got to get to Hearthome. My extended family was there, and I must know what happened to them." Extended family... rather a cache full of goodies! The elders swallowed the lie, even given Joshua's hardships in successful tricks.
"Anyway, got anything for trade? Food, water? I have some, but not much. I'd be grateful to get anything."

"Not, we don't have much enough for ya, let alone for us to survive. Forgive us."

"Nothing to forgive. Anyway, got any bicycles, cars, motorcycles, anything that I could use to get to Hearthome as fast as possible?"

"Nope. Army took everything they could for their war expenses. We are so poor now... Goddamn war!"

Goddamn war. These words were now the best summary of the situation. Now, as Joshua and Kyle were on the move south to Hearthome they had a time to think about the situation. Soon after leaving Celestic the spoils of war became fully visible, everything scorched to the very ground, charred and barren lands on which nothing healthy will grow again in a foreseeable future. Luckily, he still had that heavy anti-radiation suit provided to him by Saturn. What he got to know from these old people from Celestic was that they knew nothing about outside world as it was of now, but were they to get anything important they'll remember to tell him when he'll come back. Also, they promised him that Celestic could be his home from the point forth, as everybody needed a place to call his own, and the town was rather empty, and as few homes stood abandoned it would be just nice to have some young gun live there.
Remembering Saturn's advice to scan the frequency band he took his pocket radio and began his search. For a few moments all he heard - static.
Then, a sudden change. He heard Saturn's voice! A cracked due to the distance and the radiation malforming the broadcast, but still recognizable.
"Joshua, we see you. Give us a sign you hear us. Joshua, we see you..."
Looped transmission. For him. And he had no idea why? And what they meant by 'we see you'? How?
The realization came to him shortly thereafter. Over his head. One of Team Galactic's satellites. An earth observation system, how an awesome idea! But anybody cared about his privacy?
Looking around the place, he noticed that it would be called a forest a few days ago. Now, only charred, black remains of trees were standing. And some rocks on the ground. Seeing that they would be visible on the ground he took some of them and began setting the sticks and stones on the ground, his cyndaquil helping him looking for more material.
Using these he constructed a few letters on the ground.
"IHU". As 'ICU' means 'I See You' in the sms-talk, Joshua hoped Saturn would understand it as 'I Hear You'. He considered just making the full sentence, but the idea was dismissed quickly, as with Saturn seeing him any strange action would provoke an equal reaction.
A few more seconds, and the voice over the radio changed. It wasn't that looped message anymore, now Saturn was talking directly to him.

"At last you heard the transmission! Answering any questions you might ask, we use our satellites to track you. We see your surroundings as well, so we can tell you if anything dangerous is near. By the way, eevees on the west, 8 kilometers, a small pack of two to four, we not sure. Wind readings from west so they won't smell you."

And now, Joshua began changing the letters to ask them more questions. It took him a minute to ask another thing. Now, the sticks and stones were reading 'CEL OK. VEIL ?'

"Yes, we saw Celestic. It's a miracle nothing happened! Veilstone, however... Figure. Still no transmission. We also saw other things that might interest you. We found an encampment near Sunyshore, there are some people. Amazing how humanity can adapt to the changes. Check on them if you could, Mr. Doctor. Oh, it seems there's more to tell me, right? I'll wait till you done."

While Joshua was listening to what Saturn was saying he once again began to move the sticks and stones. Now, the message said "BAD. TR MOVE. CEL WAS TRY ATT". This was the most tiring thing to do, as creating such a writing took him a few minutes.

"Let you confirm - does that mean that Team Rocket is there, kicking alive, and tried to attack Celestic?"


"Look, we really value your privacy, but seeing that the eevees are rather aggressive today, as they were yesterday and will till the end of the world, and with Team Rocket... We will monitor you from this point forth, till you arrive at any safe place. Oh, by the way, three things to say. First is, we checked Hearthome. The building near the Church of Arceus, you know, the one with the cache was destroyed only partially, so you won't have any trouble finding the entrance to the underground garage. Also, Church itself is in quite a good shape, which can't be told about the rest of the world... Really, miraculous. Secundo. You remember the talk we had, and how resistant I was against sending you or any of my men out to the wastes? I'm still am, to be exact, but now, seeing that Team Rocket is in the game I've readied my men. Were these fuckers up to no good, I've got a squad to move in and help were they to capture you. I'm however still afraid of sending them outside or I'd would send them long ago. Illogical, I know, but there's nothing sure or rational in this world anymore, I'm still trying to cope with the terms, you know... Also, about your privacy. Our cameras are good, but not that much, so you don't have to be, well, you can guess... Also, you look funny in that suit. But, good or bad I can't see the details."

With that last sentence before the last sentence before the last sentence Joshua knew it was a good idea to ask one more question.


"Sinnoh's was rich in water, but now many streams aren't there anymore. There's one, on your way by the way, one kilometer south. By the way, you're ten kilometers to Hearthome's suburbia. You would get there at the fall of the day. However, I don't know what you are going to do, but seeing the shit the world has become it's dangerous to drink it. You have the geiger, so you can check, maybe it's safe? But chances are so slim you can forget about that. Anyway, keep headphones on, I will monitor your surroundings to tell you about any incoming dangers, ok? Don't take them off your ears, anything can happen at any time. Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour, as the Arceus bible says. "


Geiger counter beeped a little showing that the radiation there wasn't so bad. In fact, it was rather safe there. The stream that Joshua found using Saturn's help was still running, and the place there wasn't destroyed that much. The fires that burned after the bombs fell somehow passed by the place, not harming it. Trees were still there, green, standing proudly against the stream, but the damage was still visible near. But, at the moment, it was an oasis of tranquility and greenery that promised the hope for future. And it was quiet there, as the pokemon that inhabited there either died or fled when the blaze neared
Joshua was rather the clean one, for which the hygiene was important. And now, not having washed for a few days he couldn't stand the odor. Good thing he took some soap and shaving blades back in Jubilife ruins, or else he'd die there from all that dirt.
Having in mind that Team Galactic's satellite was over him and recording and that to limit the time he was in the water due to the radiation factor Joshua jumped in.
Tepid water, heated by the day still made him shiver. After washing himself with the soap he wore his dirty clothes again as he had nothing else to change, and he took the blade to shave himself as his facial hair was growing rather quickly. Then, he heard something. Having put all his things on the bank of the stream he couldn't make the sound that his earphones made. But it was heard that Saturn's voice was frightened. Then, the rustling noise of leaves.
And a sharp pain in his left leg.
Looking in alarm Joshua noticed that he was shot with a syringe. Having remembered some things from the school he realized that it was a typical tranquilizer syringe, the one some pokemon trainers used to catch them some feral pokemon with ease. Although forbidden, many used them, even knowing that getting yourself noticed with a tranquilizer gun in hand would get the license revoked immediately.
But there was no time for thinking about the potential uses of tranquilizer syringes! The real problem is, who shot? And why him?
As the senses faded Joshua was only able to mumble "Kyle... Run away..."

Cyndaquil, obedient to his master's words fled, although hesitantly, as he couldn't just abandon him.


The enciphered radio transmission was almost no different than static, so there was no fear of anybody eavesdropping on the dialogue between the AI and the person, who was now not wearing the hooded coat but a tailored to fit camo suit with a lot of convenient gizmos like long-range radio transmitter with encoding circuit. Flying above the seas, the dialogue was about the actions that had to be taken.

"Master, I see Latias! She's near the Pastoria's beach, so my work for now is done, she survived the whole ordeal. I couldn't detect Darkrai or Cresselia near the guy with cyndaquil with the All-seeing eye, but I won't go closer until I know for sure where they are or how safe is it to come closer."

"Understood. Carry on your mission. Remember, you have to get the Teller's scythe or at least enough of his DNA and get Latias to meet the Descendant again. Descendant is in the Sunyshore."

"Subject C."



Saturn dropped the headset on the Eterna's vault's command center's floor when he saw the scene. Team Rocket, the one that Joshua warned about decided to attack him. Although it was visible that the motive was simple, not connected to Team Galactic. Just a simple robbery connected with getting the human meat, as the food became a very valuable resource. At least, that was Saturn's wild guess. But then, cannibalism was something to be expected in that grim and dark future.

Team Galactic Ghosts. Covert ops force, the best of their ranks, dealing with the jobs so dirty nobody could wash their hands after it had a first mission after the end of the world. Track and rescue Joshua. Tracking could be done with satellite system, so comm operators were now looking at a few men and unconscious Joshua being carried on a ponyta.
Rescuing part would be done using submachine guns ans a few agile pokemon trained in their speed and silence.

It was midday. Ghosts would take circa 12 hours to get to Celestic.
Saturn was really thinking about using them to get to Veilstone, but he was scared shitlessly after the antenna incident.
Now it was a different thing. He had so send anybody out to the world's face, or else...


Joshua couldn't move for two reasons. First reason is, his head was on the verge of exploding from the pain. The pain itself was very peculiar. It wasn't just a simple headache, it's as if his whole head was beaten with a baseball bat. He could also taste the blood in his mouth.
And the second reason was the rope. He could feel the ties cutting in his wrists and ankles. Opening the eyes for a brief second caused him to close them quickly, as the blinding white light was too much for his eyes to bear. And again. This time he could make the details.
He was in a room, which looked like a mechanic's workshop, with various tools like screwdrivers hanging on the walls. And he wasn't alone.
As he was seated, he couldn't turn his head to see behind him, but before were some people. Trying to make as much detail as possible with his blinded eyes and headache shredding his skull he only noticed an emblem on each of them.
A large, red letter 'R'. Wonder why they attacked him? Seeing the state of the facts just asking them wouldn't result in that much pain.
"What... do... you... want...?"

"Oh, it seems he woke up!" One of the grunts said. Others laughed at that insightful comment.

"What... do... you... want...?"

"You got pretty much stuff there! We decided to take it, as such a boy like you won't need it all! Look, a gun! We need it more than you!"
And again, the laughter.

"What... time... is... it...?"

"What do you expect? That we will tell you the time? What for, why do you need it?"
The female grunt that said that came to Joshua and slapped him on the face.
"Now, I can tell you. It's two in the night. Happy?"

"As... hell... you... cocksucker..."
A punch in the stomach hurt so much Joshua almost passed out.
"Nobody calls me cocksucker without a PAYMENT! Except my boyfriend. Oh wait, he's dead!"
Joshua couldn't tell what was worse. The pain or the crude, unintelligent humor.

And then, a gunshot.
And another. And then screams, filled with fear and pain Whatever was happening outside wasn't a pleasant experience to those involved. The grunts in Joshua's room quickly left the place, and as soon as they get on the other side the sound of a splatter was heard. Technically, the place was under the siege. A short-lived siege which would end brutally in a few more seconds.
And, to live up to these expectations, after a while it was over, there were no more screams. And a zangoose entered the room. Zangoose's sharp claws cut the ropes which already made the nasty red marks on Joshua's wrists.

Joshua stood up. The change of position made his head explode and spin in the same time, but after a moment it was much better, the pain slowly fading away.
A man clad in the strange matte one-piece black suit entered the room. His voice was tired, panting after every word. He looked like he ran all the way to him.
"Hello... Joshua. Saturn called. Help much?"

"Give me a mirror. Or tell me how bad I look."

"Don't have a mirror, sorry, But, not much, only a marks. Tad swollen, too. Will disappear after a few days, no worries. Oh yeah, somebody wants to see you. He lead the way there. Weren't it for him we would have a hard time finding the place, as our satellites don't work well in the dark, even with infrared scanners."

And with that, Kyle hopped into the room. Joshua would normally jump from the happiness, but his tired body didn't show any emotion. Kyle understood this perfectly, and as he expressed the concern about his master's face in his cyndaquilish way he began to climb to his usual place at Joshua's shoulder.

Stepping outside he couldn't make out where he was actually, as it was pitch black. Only flashlights and the lights in the workshop illuminated the place,which was now cowered in dead bodies of Team Rocket grunts and their pokemon. Joshua noticed two figures dragging somebody to the shack where he was bounded a mere few minutes ago. Except the shack there was nothing else. It looked like it was a clearing in the middle of a forest.

Joshua decided that now was the best time to ask, as some strange muffled sounds came from the shop.

"So, I take it for granted that you are Galactic's Ghosts, right?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Pulcinella's secret. Even a child heard these urban myths... Which weren't, as I see now."

"Eh, guess nothing will pass by you."

The muffled sounds now resembled the whimpers of pain. Joshua's curiosity had to be satiated now.

"Who's the guy you took inside and why the torment?"

"We captured the leader. We are, well, 'interrogating' him."

"Can I get in the play? He beat me up, so I think I have the obligation to say a simple 'thank you'?"

"Ask them inside. But I think they will be more than happy to receive such an enthusiast in their works."

And with that, Joshua swinged round and walked back to the workshop.
Upon entering he noticed that his backpack was behind the chair on which two Galactic's Ghosts barraged some guy with 'R' on his chest with many questions while chikorita's vines whipped his belly.
Not caring about the brutal torment happening near Joshua made his way to the backpack and checked it thoroughly. Nothing was missing. Except the glock, but he had it already, taken from the body of a grunt who was killed on his way by the same zangoose that freed him from the bounds. Murdered in quite gruesome way, as the blood flew freely from a deep incisions on his face.

When he donned his backpack the interrogation stopped, as the men had all the answers to their questions. Also very curious Joshua asked them while standing next to the beaten body on a chair.

"So. What do you got from him?"

One of the ghosts, whose face wasn't visible as he wore the goggles spoke to him in a rather cheerful, but tired voice.

"Nothing much, really. They were from Team Rocket, note the past tense, as they lost their contacts after the war. Banding, and trying to attack others while playing dumb. Everybody thought they're from Rockets, they are not, but you can imagine what could happen were somebody to cut a big red 'R' out of plastic foil. It's easy to impose nowadays, it seems."

"So, they were only trying to rob me?"

"Yes. It's only that simple."

"Simple or not, I don't care. What you are going to do now?"

"Dispose of him?"

"Let me guess. A boot to the head. Use this. Much more effective", and when Joshua spoke that sentence he got something out of his backpack. A small TNT charge, the size of a cigarette, used in mining to crush the big blocks of coal for easier transportation.

"Whoa there, Josh, dynamite mouthwash? Boy, you sure are somewhat aggressive."

"I'm not aggressive. I'm perfectly calm guy who had a bad day and wants to relax. Also, you made yourself pretty gross scene there. Let me contribute to the general image."


Joshua will never forget the face of a man who had a cigarette of doom. Now, the shack got itself bloody red paint, which pleased the eye, as it was a color similar to the 'mechanic's red' in which many tools were already painted. An art mayor would write an essay about the usage of human blood in indoor paining after seeing the exquisite work of what a combination of head and small TNT charge could do.
But there was no time to deliberate. It was three in the morning. Everybody were tired already, but there were more things to be said.

"So, let me ask you something, gentlemen.", Josh said to the squad. If we can call three a squad.
"I came all the way there to get to Veilstone. In return I'd get a car which I need, as I couldn't find anything that could work in Jubilife, Oreburgh or Eterna. Celestic? Army confiscated all the metal they could for the war effort. And now you came here. So what about me?"

"Saturn's thinking about it. He's not sure now what to do now."

"Got any connection?"

"Yes. Through our headsets."

"Can I talk to him?"

"Of course." Said a Ghost, giving Joshua his headset.

"Hello there, Saturn."

"Hello, Joshua."

"So, what about my mission?"

"Well, I'm not sure anymore... I've got my men outside..."

Josh discovered that Saturn, the actual boss of the team was a person who had a hard time working under pressure. Now, seeing that he was very stressed Joshua decided to talk his way out.

"It was only a my own mistake, a mere inattention. And these men should be now with their families back in the Eterna. I don't have a family anymore, so I can do it. And also, I need that car like a crazy motherfucker on steroids. Really, I do. Pretty please?"

"Uhm... Ok. But beware, I won't send my men again, ok? You're on your own now."

Were it a RPG session Josh could joke it was a successful charisma check with dice rolling the lucky 20. Now the men could be recalled, Joshua was once again alone, and he could get the way of commutation that he needed most to get back to the Floaroma's Pokemon Battle Tower's foundations dig.
There was no light, but looking at the Coronet mountain range, the jagged summits barely visible in the faint moonglow he could tell he didn't strayed that much from his route. He was now northwest from Hearthome.
Traveling in the dark wasn't the brightest idea, so Joshua settled down outside the shack. Dirtying it was idiotic, but at least it served his cruel, vengeful amusement.


Nobody finds it pleasant to wake up wet and covered in sand.
One young woman, at least judging from her looks, wearing nothing but a two-piece swimsuit found herself on a beach, in the middle of the night. Confused, as the last thing she remembered was her destroyed hometown she saw it wasn't but a bad dream.
She was near the ruins of a city she couldn't recognize. Far away from her home.
And she was tired. Standing up she felt the grit rubbing unpleasantly against her skin.
Muscles sore, skin wrinkled from the prolonged exposure to the water, it was a hard time for the flotsam to take another step in the wet sand.
Seeing that there was no point in moving anywhere at the moment she laid back on the beach and fell asleep.
Chapter End Notes:On a side note - My first idea how to name a chapter was "Dynamite Mouthwash".

Also, i was listening to Astral Projection and Electrypnose while writing it. Good music always rules
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