AGNPH Stories

Brush fire by Daneasaur


chapter 1

For all of you who don't know, this is a sexual story between a Male Meganium and a Female Flaireon. Don't like it? Then why are you here?

Brush Fire

The sun broke softly through the trees. The light glimmered off of the stream that gently ran through this little forest clearing. Resting by one of the trees, just behind a set of bushes, is a sturdy male Meganium, and so our story begins.

He awoke slowly, drowsy eyed and awkward. He raised his head and gave a little look around at his surroundings. He talked to himself, "Hmm... Sunny, bright, and utterly peaceful. In short, nothing new." He shook his head to rattle the sleep away. He then elevated his backside and cat stretched. "Mmm, I think I'll do the same thing as always in the mornings, get a drink, eat a ton, and sleep till the next day." He said sarcastically. He found his footing with his front feet and stood all the way up. He slowly walked to the crystal clear river that was flowing in his little domain, all the while muttering, "*sigh* Why doesn't anything interesting ever happen to me?" He reached the riverside and dipped his head down to take a drink. He hadn't taken more then a few gulps of the cool water before he heard a slight rustling in the bushes about ten feet from the opposite side of the river. It made Meganium jump a little bit, but since he was the biggest species of pokemon in the local area, he had little to fear. "Who goes there!?" he shouted without the slightest sign of fear in his voice.

There was more rustling and soon, Meganium could see a pair of sapphire blue eyes looking back at him from inside the bushes. A little puzzled, he shouted again, "Who goes there!?". With a little more rustling, a figure stepped out from the bushes. A little Flaireon stood on the other side of the river. "My my," she said. "You sound as tough as you look." Meganium was a little puzzled. "How long have you been spying on me from those bushes?" "Long enough to know that you want some zest added to your life." Meganium tilted his head to the side. Flaireon walked forward and hopped over the river. "What is it that you had in mind?" Meganium asked her. "Well, first, I need to ask you a few questions." "I'm listening." "Well, have you ever been with a female of your species?" Meganium was a little taken back. "Well..." he blushed. "No... I haven't." "Hmm... Okay, have you ever been with a female of a different species?" "Again, no." Flaireon tilted her head to the side. "Okay, have you ever masturbated?" Meganium turned bright red. "HEY! First you spy on me, now you ask a bunch of questions pertaining to my sex life? Who are you anyway?" "I'll tell you if you answer my questions." Meganium was getting a little freaked out. A Flaireon girl, a beautiful one at that, had apparently been spying on him all morning, and she hadn't even introduced herself, and now she was asking all sorts of questions about his sexual past. He had to know who she was, even if he was going to spill his most intimate secrets to a total stranger. "Alright, I'll tell you. I have indeed masturbated. Doesn't every male at one time or another?" Flaireon giggled. "You don't need to be so upset." "I have every right to be!" he shouted. Meganium took a deep breath and regained his composure. "Alright. I answered your questions, now tell me who you are and why you were spying on me." Flaireon sat down. "Okay, I'll tell you everything." she said with a smile. Meganium sat down and readied himself for the explanation.

"You see," Flaireon explained. "I have been searching for the perfect male to spend the rest of my life with. One that is strong, brave, caring and well endowed." Meganium eagerly listened to her story. "I have found many pokemon who covered the first three requirements, but they were always lacking in the size department. I need a male that can love me," Meganium's heart fluttered. She was very pretty, but did he feel love for her already? "I need him to be strong," Meganium unwittingly straightened up and puffed his chest out a little. It was true, he was very strong. "I need him to be brave" Meganium became a little smug at this remark. He was unwittingly letting this go to his head and became a little blinded by this. "A female, a pretty one at that, has been looking for a brave, strong, and loving male to be with for the rest of her days." he thought to himself. "and I need him to have a nice big dick." she said. This caused Meganium to snap back to reality. He looked into her eyes with a bright red face. "And... where do I fit into this?" he said with a little flutter in his voice. "I've noticed," she said "that you are strong, you are brave, and you could show compassion quite easily." Meganium didn't let it go to his head this time and listened closely. "I just need to see if you are big enough to satisfy me." Meganium turned redder then the flower pedals around his neck. "Uhh... Well... Uhh..." was all that he could get out. "And judging by your reaction, you are probably embarrassed that you aren't big enough and that I won't even try for size." Meganium shook his head. "Hey, wow, wait a minute. This is all new to me and it is happening way too fast. Slow down and start from the beginning."

Flaireon sighed. "Allow me to be direct. I want to see if you have a big penis. Come on, what have you got to lose? I won't tell anyone." Meganium's face slowly returned to normal. "Uhh... Okay, but be extra careful not to hurt me." "Oh now, you don't need to worry about that. Now, lay on your side." Meganium slowly laid on his right side, but kept his head up to see what she was doing. After all, this is his first time. Flaireon moved right up to Meganium's lower half. "Now, lift your leg so I can get to it, and be sure not to kick me." Meganium did as he was told and lifted his leg. "Ahh, there it is." Meganium had balls the size of tennis balls, but they didn't dangle. They were just two slightly protruding spheres near his anus, designed to be protected from fierce battles. However, that wasn't what Flaireon was looking at. Her attention was directed a little ways to her left, to Meganium's sheath. It was about 1 inch thick and 4 inches long. "Hmm... It certainly seems like it's bigger then the rest of them. But I'm willing to bet it'll get bigger." Meganium gave her a nervous look. Interspecies sex was not unheard of to pokemon, nor was it a taboo. It is also quite possible for two different pokemon to actually produce offspring, so that wasn't the problem. The problem was that Meganium was just nervous at his situation. Hell, wouldn't you? Flaireon lifted her right paw up and gently placed her warm and soft pad on Meganium's sheath. "Oooo..." Escaped from Meganium's mouth. Flaireon heard him, but continued doing what she was doing. She slowly moved her paw left and right, causing another little noise to escape from Meganium's mouth. Pretty soon, she could feel Meganium's sheath expand from it's base and move up to the small opening at the end. It swelled up to three inches thick and his penis protruded from the tip. Flaireon watched as it extended to around a foot long, pink and nearly featureless. "Oh wow. I think this might be a little too big..." Meganium blushed and hung his head as a little tear dripped from his left eye. He wouldn't normally shed tears at a time like this, but this situation was far from normal. Flaireon saw this. "Ohh, I'm sorry. Are you still afraid that I won't try you?" Meganium slowly nodded his head. "Maybe this will remove the doubt you have." Flaireon dipped her head down and gave the base of his penis a gentle lick. Meganium shuddered as his blushing and tears dried up. She continued licking along his length, giving Meganium feelings and pleasures he had never felt before. "Ohh, this is lovely. But what about you? How can I... Ohh... Give you a similar treatment?" Flaireon stopped her licking and looked at his soft eyes. "Here." she said turning her backside towards his face. She was now looking directly at the tip of Meganium's penis as her backside was facing his face. "Uhh, what do I do now?" he asked, looking at the bush of yellow fur. "You see that little wet spot?" Meganium could see a little more then a little wet spot. It was more of a major wet spot. "Uhh, yes I see it." "Past all of that fur is a little hole. Lick it, suck on it, whatever, but be gentle." Meganium hesitated for a for a moment, then slowly moved his head in for a little sniff. It didn't smell bad, but it was certainly different. He stuck his tongue out and placed it blindly in the sea of fur. He licked around until he felt a little mound of flesh. "Mmm... That's it." she moaned. Meganium licked her mound up and down with little skill, but he was gentle and slow.

Flaireon nearly forgot what she was doing due to Meganium's extra smooth tongue. She gently shook her head and resumed her work. She opened her mouth and gently took in the head of his penis. Meganium's eyes widened, but he continued his work. Flaireon worked more and more of his tool into her mouth, but she could only get one third of it into her mouth due to its massive size. Meganium on the other hand was having very little trouble. As he ran his tongue up and down her little wet mound, he felt his tongue go a little ways into her and run across skin that was much smoother and had quite a different taste. Again, not bad, but certainly different. "Oh!" she said as she jumped a little. Meganium stopped, unsure of what happened. "Wa wa what happened?" he stammered. "You did something right. Don't worry," she said as she looked back at him. "You didn't hurt me. Please, continue." she said with a smile. Meganium was far from arguing with her. She had him wrapped around her proverbial finger. She turned her head back around and continued her work, as did Meganium. Meganium went back to the damp fur that he had his face buried in and stuck his tongue out again. He quickly found her wet mound and began slowly licking it up and down again. After a brief few moments, his smooth tongue found her slit and slowly stopped licking, and began sticking his tongue into her. Flaireon's eyes widened and her licking and sucking slowed to a halt due to the new waves of pleasure surging through her body. She had been eaten out before, but none of them ever had such a smooth tongue as Meganium's. Meganium slowly stuck more and more of his tongue into her body. She slowly bent her front legs down as she moved her backside closer to Meganium's face to get as much of that smooth tongue into her body as she could. Meganium was aware of this and was happy to please. He continued sticking yet more of his tongue into her wet cunt. Flaireon squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth as she felt his tongue touch areas of her insides that no other male came close to. "Huuuuu." she moaned. Her knees were quivering and her breathing quickened. Meganium's acute ears picked this up. He had quite a long tongue, about six inches long. He had about four inches of it inside Flaireon's body and he decided to try something. He slowly began to move the tip of his tongue in small circles. Flaireon gasped and was sent over the edge. She did little more then grit her teeth harder and shake as her orgasm swept through her body. Meganium's tongue was squeezed hard as her vaginal walls contracted in her wave. As Flaireon's juices flowed out of her body, they were shot out and into Meganium's face. Meganium's tongue was finally freed after her wave subsided and he quickly pulled it into his mouth.

"Oh... Wow... That was... Amazing..." she muttered between her gasps for air. Meganium slowly lowered his back leg, partially covering his dick. "I think I know what happened there." said Meganium. "I may not have had sex with another, but my teachings when I was young were enough to know how to please another of my species. However, I was in lost territory with you." Flaireon was listening, but her body wasn't holding out and her backside fell to the ground due to lack of energy. "Are you all right?" Meganium asked, a little worried. "I'm fine, just a little tired." Meganium stuck his tongue back out and licked off the juices that had splashed onto his face. "Mmm. When you said zest, you meant it." Meganium slowly clambered to his feet, his large penis drooping towards the ground and just inches from Flaireon's face. Meganium hung his head a little. "I am kind of disappointed that we couldn't actually have sex." He said it in a fairly calm tone, but Flaireon could hear the slight whimper in his voice. Meganium began walking around her behind so he could lie down along her right side, but Flaireon had other ideas. "Who said we couldn't?" Meganium stopped in mid step. "What did you say?" Flaireon could hear a small jump of glee in his voice. "I said, we can still have sex. You have been looking into your own species biology too much. Just give me the time and I can go around two times and hour." Meganium's eyes widened. "Really?" "Yes," said Flaireon who was looking over her shoulder at Meganium. "As a matter of fact, I want you in me right now." she said as she rose her back end a little ways off the ground. Meganium was rather speechless. He could only smile as he gazed into her shimmering blue eyes. "Alright, but are you sure I'm not too big?" "I'm sure of it and I want you now." she said as she shook her cute furry backside at him. "Okay, brace yourself." Meganium turned slightly in place and reared up on his hind legs. He made a few wobbly steps up behind Flaireon before landing his legs alongside her head. "Brace myself? You stand clear over me. If I'm not bracing myself for your body weight then what am I... Oh, I get it." Flaireon could feel the heat coming from Meganium's slightly damp dick on her backside. She spread her legs a bit and grasped the turf with her paws. Meganium slowly moved his tool closer to the damp sea of fur that held Flaireon's amazing treasure. Meganium lowered his head to rest with Flaireon's on the ground and gently licked the right side of her face. Flaireon smiled and whispered to him, "Go slow. I want to enjoy every minute of it." Meganium just smiled. He moved his back legs just a little closer to her and slowly moved his pelvis closer as well. His massive tool closed in on her sea of fur and dove into it only to miss her love mound. He blushed a bit and felt a little embarrassed. "Tee hee, don't be embarrassed. Keep prodding and you'll find it." she said. Meganium's blush faded and he resumed his work with a smile. He pulled his tool back a little bit, shifted to his left a little and slowly advanced. He felt his tool make contact with the wet fur surrounding her mound. "Almost there." said Flaireon. Meganium backed up again and this time, he flexed some of the muscles in his penis to make it lift a bit more. He slowly advanced again. He felt the wet fur surrounding her wet cunt and he move onward. He finally felt the tip of his dick touch the soft warm flesh of her mound. Her mound twitched a little at the sudden stimulation. "THAT'S IT!" she shouted. Meganium was a little off taken at the moment, but he cleared his head. Just touching the wet outside of her cunt, he pressed his tool forward slowly. It slowly parted her skin and dipped into her insides. "Ohh, don't stop, keep going." Meganium didn't object. Wanting to feel more as well, he slowly pressed onward. Since his penis was a pointed shape, he didn't need to worry about her being too tight to part. He pressed more. One inch, two inches, three, by four inches, he had his full three inches of thickness parting her cunt. "Ohh..." Flaireon shivered. Meganium licked the side of her face again. Flaireon turned her head towards his and licked him across his lips. Meganium was already lost in his sea of lust and slowly locked his lips with hers, dipping his tongue into her mouth. With no objection, she probed his mouth with her tongue as well. As they slowly mingled their mouths, Meganium pressed his tool forward again. Five inches, six, he felt the tip of his tool run across a small bump inside her. This cause Flaireon to muffle a moan into their intertwining mouths. Again, Meganium had a feeling what he hit, but he wasn't sure why it was INSIDE her body. Still, he pressed on. Meganium was touching new and sensitive areas of Flaireon's body. Flaireon never felt so full and began a steady moan into their now slobbering wet mouths as their saliva dribbled onto the grass. Nine inches, ten. Within a few more seconds, he had his entire tool inside her. Meganium slowly pulled his mouth from their embrace. "I'm all the way in... Am I big enough?" Flaireon opened her eyes and smiled. "Without a doubt." Meganium's face seemed to glow with joy. "Now, I want you to finish what we started." Meganium smiled as they locked lips again. Meganium slowly pulled his tool about three inches out and pressed back in. He gently rocked back and forth, working both of them closer to the brink. Flaireon's body was quivering on the ground as Meganium's tool rubbed and pressed against new and previously untouched areas of her body. She knew that with this stimulation, she wasn't going to last much longer. On the other hand, neither was Meganium. He was not used to this stimulation and was peaking quite fast. As they peaked, they quickened their pace with their mouths, licking, sucking, and kissing each other as they were lost in their sea of orgasmic ecstasy. Meganium's penis throbbed and simply erupted in side of Flaireon as her vaginal walls squeezed and juiced as they seemingly tried to squeeze every drop of semen out of his penis. Their juices poured out and splashed onto the grass. Their kissing and licking slowed to a stop as their wave of pleasure dwindled down.

They simply lay there, one on top of the other, looking into each other's eyes. "I... I love you." Meganium said. "Shh, I know. So do I." They laid there for just a little while longer. "I loved every minute of that, but I can't believe we never told each other our names." Flaireon's eyes opened wide again. "Oh dear, where are my manners. My name is Daisy. Yours?" "My name is Zach. As much as I love this, I would like to go clean up, if you don't mind" he said. "Oh! tee hee. Me too." Zach lifted his head back up to it's normal height and lifted his right fore leg up and over the left side of Daisy's body before planting it back on the ground. He slowly stepped back and pulled his penis slowly out of her body. This caused each of them one more quick jolt to their organs. As it slopped out, half hard and shrinking fast, more of their juices spilled out of Daisy. Zach wobbly walked over to the river that was three feet to his left and jumped in. He rolled and splashed about playfully in the cool water, quickly washing away the bodily juices on his groin. Daisy meanwhile had rolled onto her side, lifted her leg, and was licking her vagina and the surrounding fur clean. Zach's splashing came to a halt as he looked Daisy. She quickly finished and immediately took a running leap into the river. Both of them pranced and splashed around for a while before they climbed onto the grass again and shook clean. Zach sat down on the riverbank, as did Daisy.

They looked into each other's eyes once again. "So Daisy, have you made your choice yet?" Daisy smiled, "I have as a matter of fact." Zach took a deep breath, awaiting the answer. "I have decided that you are the one. I will stay with you until the end of my days." Zach was astonished. His heart fluttered and his face gleamed with joy. He walked over to her and sat down. He extended two vines from behind his petals and wrapped them around Daisy's shoulders. He leaned his head in and wrapped his long neck around hers and looked her in the face. "You don't know how happy that makes me." Both of them smiled. However, something caught his eye. "Oh my goodness! It's night time already!" Daisy looked to the sky. The sky was dark, the stars were bright, and the moon was full. "Wow. Time flies when you're having fun." said Daisy. "Do you have anywhere for us to sleep Zach?" "As a matter of fact, I do. Follow me." He retracted his vines and unwrapped his head from around Daisy's. He walked over to the tree surrounded by bushes that he was sleeping by this morning. He walked behind the bushes and laid down on his left side with his back against the tree. Daisy soon came around the corner. Zach lifted his right front leg and looked down his chest at Daisy. She walked up and lay down on her left side with her back up against Zach's chest. Zach lowered his leg around Daisy's shoulder and snuggled his head next to hers. Daisy gave a sigh of contentment, as did Zach. "You know what?" said Daisy. "What?" "I've never been so happy with a male. You are certainly something else." Zach smiled. "Your strong, brave, loving, and are well endowed. But there is something I need to tell you." Zach was a little worried. "What is it dear?" "You probed so deep and shot so much. At first, I didn't think you would, but you did." "...And?" Zach could tell that she still had something to tell him. "I didn't think I'd need to tell you, but I'm fertile on days and nights when the moon is full." Zach's eyes widened "Are you telling me that..." "Yes, you're a father." "That's wonderful!" Daisy didn't expect such a response and was rather off taken. "Finally, a family to call my own." Zach kissed her cheek. "I'm so glad your taking it so well." "Of course dear. I already told you that I love you and I meant every word I said." Daisy smiled. "Thank you dear. I love you too. Good night." Daisy yawned and closed her eyes. "Sweet dreams." Zach closed his eyes and, soon, fell asleep in his wonderful serene garden.

Whooo! That took me 3 months to do. All for you Nico.

Note: I made it so that Daisy's biology was closer to that of a dog, since that IS what she basically is. If you have any complaints, tough. This wasn't for you. This was for Nico.

Nico, I hope you liked it.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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