AGNPH Stories

On A Valentine's Day... by kiaace


Story Notes:

Was supposed to post this tmr, but I'm not free so... yeah.

Waiting forever...

Valentine's Day. A foolish human custom, in my opinion. I've never really understood why some humans did things, not when I was young, and even then, not now.

I'm Shadow, your ordinary umbreon, freshly evolved from an eevee not more than a month ago. My trainer was away on a honeymoon with a female that I haven't met yet, so he left me here, in this pokemon center, to wait for him.

I didn't mind much, really. I was waiting for someone just as important to come back here with her trainer, stare at me with her luminous purple eyes and laugh peals of tinkling laughter as she smiled at me. I felt a gaze burn into my pelt, so I turned around.

There that espeon was, lying on the carpet, staring at me as though she wanted something, like a debt from a past life, and yet she shied away every time I looked back at her. I had no idea what her intentions were, for her expressionless face hid her intentions well. I couldn't even sense anything from her from my instinct as her thoughts were shielded. Whenever I went for a walk or a random battle in the forest with one of the other pokemon in the forest, she would always stay there, nearly unmoving. In fact, I have never encountered a moment without her glistening purple eyes burning into my pelt.

Well, she was very attractive, and I almost wanted to go after her, but I knew I couldn't. In reality, I was waiting quietly at the pokemon center for that eevee to come back, like she said she would three months ago.

It all happened three months ago, just like I described...
I whined softly as my trainer carried me in his cradled arms to the pokemon center. It was the first time that I had gone there, and the foreign environment scared me badly then. The place was very cold, and there were a lot of humans inside walking around with their wounded partners in a line waiting for treatment.
In my case, I broke a leg in a bad fall from a tree when a human surprised me. He took the chance to catch me, but he brought me here for treatment. A nurse bandaged my leg and applied a yellow salve over my open wounds, which stung and hurt. I nearly cried from the pain, until another eevee lying next to me licked my cheek, a sign of affection.

"It'll hurt less if you don't think about it." She said, smiling at me. I looked deep into her purple eyes and saw a glimmer of something, but I wasn't too sure what then. The nurse pressed gently on my broken hind leg, making me yip in pain. The eevee licked my cheek again to calm me down.

"But it hurts so bad... how can you take it?" I winced again, but her voice seemed to soothe me somewhat.

"I guess I must be here often. You'll get used to it." She looked up at her trainer, who nodded at her. "It seems that I need to go. How about this, we'll meet here in three months time, in February. My trainer is going out on a date somewhere else, so she'll put me here. Until then... tell me your name first."

"I'm Shadow... you? Wait! I don't know your name yet!" I opened my mouth to speak, but she was already back in her ball, her trainer leaving the center.


That was more or less how it went then. I've been here since February, but she never showed up. My trainer sensed my depression and left me here to wait. I just keep waiting, waiting, and waiting, and this is the day I think I will finally give in. I can't take it anymore. My love will most likely never return. Oh...why didn't I tell her I loved her then...

Walking in the espeon's general direction, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to ask the espeon something. To my surprise, I bumped into her. It seems she finally moved.

"Sorry...I... I...didn't mean to knock" The espeon stuttered. My head tilted curiously as I watched her blush vigorously.

"It's Valentine's day and, well I don't really believe it but, you're not supposed to spend the day alone. So, will you spend it with me?" Her ears perked for a moment, but quickly sank as she sighed.

"I would have done that sooner but... I'm waiting for someone else in my heart. A young eevee. It's just that... I think he may have forgotten..." She collapsed onto the carpet, a tear rolling down her cheek. In a moment of dawning realization, I blasted myself for not noticing earlier. Her purple eyes should have told me everything but...

Lying next to her, I licked the tear off her cheek as she stopped crying. "I've been waiting for you for a while already, Espeon. I was that eevee from 3 months ago." She looked at me wildly, an impossible hope in her eyes.

"Shadow!' She buried her head into my fur, her tears spilling all over it. I didn't know that that was you... I missed you so much... I should have told you that I fell in love with you then.' She murred softly, continuing to sniff.

"I love you too. Come, it's been a while. Let's go for a walk." The two of us walked deep into the forest, our tails tied together. The full moon only added to the ambience as our tails grabbed each other's. The lucent moonlight reflected in her eyes while it reflected of my glossy black fur, creating a new look for me. When we reached a secluded spot near some bushes in the forest, a sudden tackle from Espeon pinned me against her ground. It was then I noticed the lust in her eyes, and I gulped.

"You're in...heat." I commented, as she blushed slightly.

" that's why I asked you to come then. That would have been my first heat." She placed a forepaw on my sheath, coaxing my member out.

It felt great, but I had some qualms about her actions. "You positive you want to do this? It'll hurt the first time, you- mmph!" She pinned my head to the ground, silencing me with her paw. I stated to rebut gain when she placed her mouth to mine in a passionate kiss. I was shocked by this sudden action at first, but I quickly returned the kiss by sliding my tongue into her mouth, our breaths mixing as we rolled onto our sides. Her hind legs kicked against mine gently, but I didn't mind. This wonderful moment ended when she broke the kiss.

Taking a hint, I climbed onto her back, licking her cheek again as my hardening member pressed against her moist furry entrance. "I love you." I said simply as I thrusted my hips, sending my member into her tunnel. Espeon wasn't very prepared for it, and she cried in pain, some blood leaking from her cunt from the sudden entry. "You'll get used to it." I laughed in my mind dryly for the sarcastic remark, but she was panting so hard she didn't catch it. I started to get off from her, feeling her legs buckle and shake from my weight, but she let her front legs collapse so that I slid forward. "Espeon, if it really hurts, I can stop." I offered.

"No... I want you..." Espeon thrusted her hips backwards to impale herself, iliciting another scream from her. The pain made Espeon stand up again, so I continued to move slowly deeper into her pussy. My member was at its full length now. Her tail coaxed my underside, as though teasing me to go deeper. Espeon's labored screams slowly became moans of pleasure, echoing in the empty clearing.

I myself felt a great deal of pleasure, increasing my humping rate as I sent one final thrust into her, our climaxes hitting as we screamed each other's name in unison.

My knot expanded inside her pussy, preventing my seed from leaking out. Her own juices shot against my belly as she collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. After thirty minutes, I freed myself from her still clenching walls, sending myself against one of the bushes. Peering through it, I saw something which made my day.

My trainer was with what I saw to be his mate in the same position I was in just now. I couldn't help but feel a sense of déj� vu. He seemed to notice me as he whispered something to the female, pulling out and walking over to me, stroking my sweaty fur with his hands. "Now, I know you don't usually see me without my clothes on, but this is a special occasion..." The bushes rustled as Espeon curiously peered her tired head through to see where I had gone. The female human gasped in surprise.

"That...that's mine... espeon, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay at the pokemon center?" She looked at her trainer, forcing a tired smile on her face. She sent a psychic message to her trainer so she could understand us.

"We're celebrating Valentine's Day." She thought simply, before collapsing onto the ground in exhaustion. I stared at my trainer, who smiled in return.

"We've going to travel together from now on, Shadow, and I thought you two would fight but... I must say... I certainly didn't expect you two to fall in love so quickly. Now let's go home... come on, Shadow. Espeon's already tired enough." I shook my head, and he understood, putting on his clothes and leaving with the female human.

Espeon sighed softly in her sleep as I cuddled next to her in a ball, soaked in some of my cum, her fluids, and her blood. I licked her cheek gently and whispered something in her ear, but I wasn't too sure if she heard me...

"Happy Valentine's Day, Espeon."

Scratch whatever I said earlier today.

Valentine's Day is a wonderful day.
Chapter End Notes:minor adjustments to grammar near the fron
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