AGNPH Stories

The Pokemon Rape Fantasy by gillman


Story Notes:

Warning: This story contains scenes of explicit sexual material. Anyone who has a week stomach or is offended easily should NOT be reading this.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 6

Once she was gone, I sat down on the sofa and turned the T.V. on. I was surprised to see an urgent news report. A reporter was standing in front of a T.V. camera shouting about an intense riot that had broke out in the town of Heaven's Peak, the place where Bob and I were viciously raped. After a few seconds, I saw a familiar face, and my heart sank. As the reporter was shouting so he could be heard over the noise of the riot, A Zangoose with a bandage wrapped around the top of her head jumped up with a chainsaw and tore his head clean off. The camera dropped to the floor as the guy holding it ran for his life. The Zangoose looked into the lens of it and smiled evilly, her psychopathic face covering my T.V. screen.
"We're coming for you, Gill!"
I quickly turned the T.V. off and sat back, breathing heavily.
"Great. Now what do I do?"
I sat there, thinking for ten minutes before deciding what to do first. I went into the kitchen and pulled a machete out of the drawer. Without even going to find Bob, I ran out of the house and into the forest where the Lucario lived. On my way to her house, or cave, I ran into her. I guess she was on her way to my house. She looked into my eyes for a few seconds and knew instantly what was going through my mind.
"And where do you think you're going? No! Don't even try it! You're going to get fucking murdered if you even attempt what you're thinking!"
I sighed and looked away.
"What are we going to do then?"
She rolled her eyes.
"YOU'RE going to get away from here! They already know where you live and they aren't going to waste any time getting here. Get Bob and flee, but don't get anywhere near those thugs!"
I hesitated and then nodded. I ran back to the village and knocked on Bob's door. He answered it and before I said anything he nodded.
"I know. I saw it on T.V. Let's get out of here!"
He grabbed his own machete and we headed out of the village, but away from Heaven's Peak. Towards God knows where. We followed the road out of the village that we had never even followed before. Eventually we realized that the road we followed lead right into the other end of Heaven's Peak. We entered the town without realizing where we were. We looked around and then each other before both clapping one had to our foreheads and ran back towards our village. As we backtracked through the forest, I heard some rustling in the trees above us. I looked up and then at Bob. He didn't seem to have heard anything so I just assumed it was my imagination. Apparently they didn't know where we lived after all. Well, one or two of them did anyway.

As it was getting late we decided to just go back home and hope for the best. We said good night to each other before going into our houses and to bed. I awoke in the night to find that my hands where tide behind my back, my legs were tied together and my mouth was gagged. I was being held captive by someone but strangely enough, I was still lying on my bed. Having just woken up, I couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, my bedroom light was turned on, almost blinding me. I closed my eyes tight for a few seconds and opened them again. By now, it was obviously a mistake to go back to my house so soon. Whoever it was who was in the room with me walked over to me. Still lying on my back, I looked up to see the Zangoose from before standing over me. She smiled down at me evilly. As I stared at her, my heart seemed to stop beating for a brief moment. She knelt over me so my head was between her legs and she began to lick my face, turning me on despite how scared I was at the time. The gentle and soothing feel of the tip of her tongue sliding up my face caused me to moan in pleasure. As soon as I achieved an erection from being continuously licked by this beautiful creature's tongue, she moved down and began to suck me off. Her sharp teeth scraped the sides of my cock slightly, causing me to moan even louder. She then began to lick the head of my cock, putting her tongue inside the hole, causing me to nearly scream in immense pleasure. Eventually, she stopped and put her mouth right next to my ear and whispered quietly into it.
"If you promise to be a good boy and cooperate with me, I'll take the gag out of your mouth. So are you going to behave?"
She then held her face above mine again and I nodded, being desperate to breath through my mouth again. She smiled contently.
"There's a good boy. And don't even think about trying anything clever again! You got that, punk?"
I nodded up at her.
"Yes, ma'am."
She continued to smile and rubbed the right side of my face gently with the palm of her hand. I closed my eyes and moaned softly but then she stopped. She stood over my face and lowered her self, smothering my face in her vagina. She rubbed it, viciously in my face, making me scream like all hell. I heard her laughing evilly before telling me what she wanted me to do.
"Don't be boring otherwise I'll break your neck right now with my legs! Now go on, lick it. Get your tongue up there!"
Of course, I did what she told me without question. I began to lick her vagina, making her moan softly and very arousingly. She began to scream loudly, piercing my eardrums and squirted sperm all over my face. After a few seconds, the downpour stopped and she pulled my trousers down and started to slide her vagina up and down on my cock, pleasuring us both greatly. She thrusted harder and harder until I was close to an orgasm but before it happened, I was saved. The Aggron from before looked through my window and saw her raping me. She squeezed through the window as fast as she could and shouted at the Zangoose.
"Get off of him!"
She punched the Zangoose in the face, knocking her unconscious. She then threw her out of the window and untied me before hugging me tightly.
"I knew I shouldn't have left you! Are you okay?"
I nodded, breathing heavily.
"She didn't hurt me."
She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Good. Now, how about I show you some real love?"
I took a deep breath and shook my head.
"I'm too drained to do anything now."
She frowned slightly and I could tell she was disappointed.
"It doesn't matter. You won't be able to resist."
She smiled sadistically at me and at that moment, I slipped out of her arms and jumped out of my window. She climbed out after me and started to chase me around the village. I staggered all around the village in my boxers. One of the neighbours looked out of his window and saw a guy in his boxers being chased around by an Aggron. Needless to say, they closed their curtains and pretended not to see it. I hid behind one of the houses and waited. I looked around the corner of the house to see if she was there but I couldn't see her. I then looked above me and saw her on top of the roof, looking down at me. I ran for it again and she jumped down and chased me into the forest. I started to slow down as I was nearly drained of all my energy. I could hear her huge feet thumping the ground behind me and in a few seconds, she caught me. I felt her two huge claws grab my arms and she pulled me into her. She held me tight and I looked up at her, practically begging her to let me go. She chuckled at me.
Don't struggle. It'll only hurt more. I gave up and stopped resisting. She continuously licked my face in order to give me an erection which succeeded. She then gripped me tight and began to shove me inside her, causing me to groan in pain to which she giggled at seductively. She continued to do this, making me begin to lose consciousness. As I started to faint, she stopped and smiled down at me.
"Are you thirsty?"
I nodded slowly and she gently moved my head towards her giant breast. She made it so my mouth was around her nipple and told me to suck. I smiled and sucked hard. Her breast began to fill my mouth with warm milk, probably the best milk I had ever tasted. I could also hear her moaning slightly. After a while, I stopped and she carried me back to my house. I had fallen to sleep on the way there.
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