AGNPH Stories

Divinity by dairu123


Chapter 4

As Lucy and I walked down the street of people celebrating I couldn't help thinking two things; one, I hope this isn't too much for Lucy, and two this is very much like one of those street parties I heard so much about. Lucy and Vicki seemed to be enjoying all the attention, especially Vicki who had climbed up onto a stall and was dancing while a group of people shouted "Go Vicki! Go Vicki! Go Vicki! Go Vicki!!!" Meanwhile I sought out the merchant who had the swords.

I soon found him among the throng of people, and shouted to him "Hey mister!" He turned, "Ahahaha! The kid who has saved us all! Well done kiddo!" "Thanks" I said beaming I then held out the sword to him "I believe this is yours." He looked "Hahah! How could I take away the weapon of a Shadow Slayer! Keep it kid!" I was over the moon!

Later I was walking back with Lucy after receiving a huge amount of gifts from shop keepers and the such when Lucy, who was carrying armloads of sweets, turned to me and said "Well Dante, looks like we're heroes!" "It would seem so!" I said "I cant wait to look through all these CDs and DVDs they gave us, I wonder..." Before I could get any further I heard a call from behind us. "HEY! You two ain't gonna leave without saying goodbye, are ya?" It was Vicki. She was soon right beside us and said, "are you two leavin' now?" "Yeah, sorry" Said Lucy, "Wanna sweet though?" "Yeah thanks" said Vicki picking up a piece of fudge. After eating it she said "Well, I'm gonna go back to the party, its getting pretty wild, if ya know what I mean!" "Aww, that's too bad..." said Lucy "Good luck to ya." I said. Vicki then said, "Come here, Dante! gimme a hug, you!" She then grabbed me up in a hug during which she slipped something into my back pocket and whispered in to my ear, "Call me..."

Soon after Vicki had left Lucy and myself arrived at the Meeting Halls where Madam Greenwood was there to meet us. She rushed over to me and exclaimed "Dante! I saw your valiant and heroic fight against the horrible Spoke! I knew there was more to you than meet the eye! Are you hurt? No? Good!" Here we go, she's babbling again. "We must get you back to the Academy at once! You are such a hero! You have the potential to be the greatest hero of our time!"

I was not interested at all, in fact I felt almost unbearably tired.


Cut past the two hour journey home wherein the Madam said how she would have to find another reward for me, among other things. Once we had returned to the shuttle port it was well after eleven at night. I turned to the Madam, "Madam, where will Lucy be situated?" "In your room of course, I have already had a bed moved into your room!" I was far to tired to object, not that I wanted to later believe me!

Lucy and I returned to our room soon after. I turned to Lucy, "Well, today has been tiring so I'm gonna hit the sack, you should do the same." She nodded. The bed that Madam Greenwood had sent over was neatly laid out with a nice, soft looking, red duvet. On top of those were some very nice, also red, silk pyjamas for her. Lucy started to get changed, pulling off her top. I quickly looked away, looking out the window,
heavy clouds,
a storm approaching.


Late that night I awoke to hear the storm in full roar, making the windows shake. But what I heard over it was more worrying; Lucy was crying, quite softly, but audibly. I got up.
"Is the storm frightening you?"
"Bad dream?"
"Of your past?"
I gently put my hand onto her shoulder, "Come on, Lucy, get up. Just for one moment." As she got up she took my hand in her own. I looked straight into those beautiful red eyes, now streaming with tears. For a few minutes I held her in a tender embrace as the lightning crashed outside. "Come here, you can spend the night with me." I led her to my bed. She lay down and got comfortable. After which I lay down and got comfortable right next to her. When we were both comfortable I started to drift off into a sleep. Just before I went out again I heard her whisper something, but I couldn't tell what it was.

That was the first night Lucy spent with me. She slept the hole night without waking.


The next day I awoke to find that Lucy was already awake and dressed. I got up, I had fallen asleep fully clothed so I was fine. She was looking through all the gifts we had gotten while sucking on a lollypop. "Morning Dante!" she said quite cheerily, as if non of last night had append. "Did ya sleep well?" "Yeah great, thanks." I said "You?" "Just great! Thanks!" I was wondering if she remembered any of last night at all. "Check out all the cool stuff we've gotten!" She said smiling. There where some Manga books, CDs, DVDs, jewellery, and tons of sweets.

I first took a look at the jewellery most of which was Alchemy Gothic stuff. Among it though was an amazing pendant that was a Chaos Star on a silver chain. I picked it up. "This here," I said to Lucy, "I'm keeping this one!" "What do we do with the rest?" I looked among the stuff. "Here!" I had just spotted a very cool jewellery box decorated with a silver spider. It opened out with tons of compartments for pendants, rings, bracelets, est..

We then turned our attention to the DVDs. There where around fifteen different dvds to sort through. However someone was nice enough to give us a dvd stand as well. Among the dvds there where some comedy shows such as Bill Bailey, Lee Evans, Dane Cook, and many others. There were also some other movies like some classic Tim Burton films, among some others. But the one that really caught my eye was the movie remake of RENT. I picked it up. "Hey Lucy, I found us a film to watch tonight!" "Super!" she replied.

The next was the Cds. There where some anime soundtracks, some 'Weird Al' Yankovics, but best of all a hole pile of Alice Cooper cds. These where going straight onto GIR tonight! Lucy was looking at a cd. "Watchya got there Lucy?" I asked. "The cd soundtrack to 'Wicked'." she said, bringing it over. "Wicked!" I said, "How excellent!" I had heard a lot about Wicked. It was the first musical to incorporate Pokemôn as well as humans. Because of this ticket revenues skyrocketed and a hole mess of other musicals and plays started to do the same. You could say it was one of the first Pokemôn rights campaigners. Now there are versions of musicals and plays performed entirely by Pokemôn.

Anyway the days went by as normal and finally one day Lucy and I had planed to go to town to get some of the nation famous Honey Ice Cream. Just before we left I got a phone call. I picked up. "Your on with Dante. Ah, yes, hello Madam. Yes I remember...... WHAT!!! ....... T-today....... We'll be right there...." I turned to Lucy, "She wants us for something, something about that day a few days ago." "Oh..." Said Lucy, "No Ice Cream then?" "I guess not, but I promise I will buy you some Ice Cream."

We soon arrived at Madam Greenwoods office after saying hello to Dianna we entered the office. Madam Greenwood was behind her desk as always viewing her screens. "Ah! Dante! Good to see you my boy! How have you been?" She exclaimed. "I'm alright, thanks" I muttered. "And you Lucrecia?" "I'm very good madam." Lucy replied. "Excellent!" The Madam exclaimed. "Do have a seat." Two chairs appeared out of nowhere in front of her desk. Believe me that wasn't the most surprising thing of the day.

"Now!" Said the Madam. "To business." We both sat down. "Dante, can you explain this?" She turned around the largest of the screens. On it was CCTV footage of Lucy, Vicki, and myself fighting Shadows. "Well, Madam, there was a crisis and since we were the only ones there we had to do something." The Madam was taken aback. "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about how you are bounding off the walls! How are you doing it?" I too was taken aback. "I don't know Madam, when I touched Vicki, the Blaziken, I seemed to absorb her agility." "My word!" Said the Madam falling back into her chair. "You have a Gekikenki!" "A what?!?!?" Lucy and I both said at the same time. Madam Greenwood looked up. "A Gekikenki! A 'Bloodline Trait' an ability which exists only in you. It would seem that you can absorb other Pokemôn abilities, and you probably still have them. That would explain that Chidori attack you did to Christopher. You touched Lucrecia so you absorbed her ability to channel aura..." I didn't hear a word after this my head was spinning... me... a one of a kind bloodline... incredible!

"You must be trained!" Said Madam Greenwood suddenly. "What!" I said snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes! You must, you must!!! If you learn to channel all this energy then you could........." She trailed off then. "Then it is decided. You and Lucrecia will be my personal students! I will train you!" As she said this a fan-fair started in the air. I looked at her, "No offence Madam, but how are you gonna train us? No offence, but your not exactly young."

I shouldn't have said that. A glint appeared in her eye, "Oh really, I'm too old am I? Catch!!!" She hurled a ball to me. I caught it but before I could react I felt a cold blade against my neck. Somehow Madam Greenwood had gotten behind me in the time it had taken me to catch a ball. "Still think I'm too old?" She said. "N-n-no M-madam." The blade vanished. "Right then" She said "Shall we say tomorrow?" I was still in shock. "Yes Madam."

As me and Lucy left we both wondered how she had done that.


The rest of the morning was spent with Jack and Hikari, they asked us about the mission to town and the battle. Late afternoon I got a call from my old friend West. A cool eighteen-year-old, West was one of my best friends. He always looked wild with long dark blond hair which was so curly it would actually dreadlock itself. He had just returned from his Kanto Pokemôn League conquest. Yes they still had the Pokemôn League only it was a bit different; you would fight along side you Pokemôn as a team. This meant that the Pokemôn Trainer age range went shooting up.

Anyway West and his main partner an equally wild looking Infernape were sitting outside the Academy grounds his mid length jacket was on the ground near the tree he was sitting against. As he was sitting there he was strumming on his guitar singing 'When Grandfather Dies'. As I approached I joined in his singing after the end of the song we all started laughing. "Hahahahah, ah, We all missed you around here Wez," that's what I called him, Wez, "Yeah, well I just had to follow my heart on this one. Anyway I beat those Kanto League guys, and let me tell you their leader. What a Douche bag! No feeling for his partners whatsoever." One of things I liked about Wez was the fact he never treated me like a kid. He suddenly noticed Lucy, "Oh hey whos this? You finally got a partner? She's a beauty!" "Thanks Wez, this is Lucy. I guess she is my partner." He nodded, "Lucky man, Lucky! Lucarios are really rare and powerful. You two could go far!" Myself, Lucy, Wez, and Infernape talked late into the night and soon we when our ways.


Myself and Lucy went too bed as usual and soon we fell asleep. Later that night I was awoken by someone shaking me, it was Lucy. "Lucy? What's up?" I asked. She looked at me. "Dante, can I cuddle up with you again? I really enjoyed it last time." I looked at her. "Sure you can, just let me make some room for you." I moved over some pillows and shifted over to the side. "Okay, get in." Lucy got into bed with me and we fell asleep in each others arms.

I would awake the next day felling better than ever ready for whatever Madam Greenwood could though at me this time.
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