AGNPH Stories

Complex Affairs by Anonymless


Story Notes:

This is a self-contained story and does not have any connection to "The Dare Club" or my upcoming series "Earthford Showdown". As always, any comments or feedback is appreciated.

Chapter 1

Complex Affairs by Anonymless

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


The living room had white wallpaper and a rectangular table in the middle made of glass, with chairs on one side of the table and a big sofa on the other. There was a blonde girl lying in the sofa and watching a television on the far end of the room, which was playing a situation comedy; in it, a few people were talking to each other while eating dinner. Every now and then, the conversation was interrupted by noisy laughter coming out of nowhere. The girl was eating potato chips from a bowl on the table while she absently kept her eyes on the program.

The sound of the front door opening came from outside of the room, and the girl looked up from the sofa. "Already home, Cathy?"

There was no response except for the noise of shoes coming off and garments being put up on coat hangers. Afterwards, a girl with long brown hair walked into the room and collapsed on one of the chairs, sitting bent backwards and sighing. "Yeah."

The blonde girl leaned forward to grab a few more chips from the bowl. "What's the matter? I thought you were gonna ask John out today. Did he turn you down?"

"Well..." Cathy looked away. "I didn't ask. I'm just not confident enough to do it."

The girl in the sofa put down one foot on the floor and glared at her. "Hey, what are you babbling about now? You'll never get what you want if you're not even trying!"

Cathy looked back at her. "You don't understand. We're so different from each other. He is mature, he knows what he's doing, and I'm just a stupid girl. He deserves better than me."

"You keep thinking like that and you'll never become better than you are." The blonde girl raised her leg and lay down on the sofa again, watching the television and disregarding her hesitant friend.

"Yeah..." Cathy sighed. "I know. I need to be more confident. That's the problem... I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be if I messed up and bothered him." She pushed away her chair and stood up. "I'm going up to my room for a while. I want to be alone."

She walked out of the living room and into the hall, then ascended the stairs to the second floor, where she walked up to a door that had some Pokemon decals on it and a sign that said "Catherine". She opened it, walked right over to the bed inside and threw herself on it. She tugged at the blue blanket and closed her eyes.

There was a light sound of movement, and she looked over the side of the bed to see a Marshtomp sticking up its head and watching her with an anxious gaze. She smiled a little. "I thought you were in the ball. I guess I forgot to put you away this morning..."

The creature tilted its head lightly and buried one of its pointed cheeks in the blanket, still watching her. "I'm fine... don't worry." She rolled around and sat up on the bed facing the Marshtomp, extending an arm to fondle the fin on its head. "Sometimes... I envy Pokemon. You live your lives so free of worries and complicated affairs. It feels like I would give anything to be like that, even if just for a moment..."

She stood up and walked a few steps away from the bed, taking a look in a mirror on the wall. Then she turned around to the Marshtomp again and crouched. "I know. We can pretend to be two Pokemon and play with each other. I can be a Marshtomp just like you. What do you think?" She picked up a pair of orange crayons and held them on her cheeks while the fish creature looked curiously at her antics. After a few seconds, she dropped the crayons and laughed. "Aw, you silly fish! I'm just kidding."

The Pokemon sat down on the floor with its back to the side of the bed, and Cathy sat down across the room under the mirror, a few meters away. "Well, I've cheered up a bit now at least. If only I could have felt like this when I was with John, it would have been much easier for me to ask..."

She stopped in mid-sentence with her eyes fixated on the Pokemon in front of her, then after a few seconds she shook her head and looked up in its eyes. "Uhm... there's something I'd like to try. Are you ready? I think you'll like it."

The Marshtomp looked confused for a moment while Cathy walked over to the bed and put one of the pillows near the edge of it. "Come up and sit here." The Pokemon climbed up on the bed and sat on the pillow, its blue legs hanging freely in the air. Meanwhile the girl sat down on the floor in front of it, with her head at about the same height as the Marshtomp's crotch. It sat still on the pillow, waiting for whatever it was she was going to do.

Cathy inched closer to the Marshtomp and examined him; Underneath the orange spot on his belly there was a sheath sticking out a little between his legs clearly visible from this angle. She giggled and reached out with a hand to feel it. The Marshtomp nearly started in surprise but held still, grasping the pillow and looking down at his trainer while she kept stroking that sensitive area.

She watched as a light blue tip came out of the sheath, growing larger with every second of her caress. A moment later he was fully erect and the blue penis stood several inches long right in front of her face. "Oh my, I never thought you'd be this well equipped!" She laughed. "And so eager, too."

She inhaled and smelled a minor scent coming from the organ which made it almost impossible to resist. She drew closer to him and took a long lick along the underside of his penis. The Marshtomp started breathing heavier and holding tighter to the bed as she licked another time, and another, her tongue slowly passing over the soft skin while a drop of pre started forming on his tip.

She stopped for a moment and looked up in his eyes. "Let's do it." With that, she opened her mouth and put in his member, burying two inches of the blue appendage inside. The Marshtomp's heavy breaths turned into moans as she took it in, her tongue dancing around the tip and lapping up the pre that came out.

She let another inch go inside of her, then pulled away so that only the tip was in, and repeated the process. Meanwhile the Marshtomp was breathing more and more erratically, looking down at the human girl sucking him off and just gripping the pillow on the bed.

As she pulled back to lick on the tip some more, she felt the member pulsate in her mouth. Then, before she could react she felt a paw on the back of her head, holding on tightly to her hair and keeping the Pokemon's cock in her maw as it began spurting a jet of cum inside. She gulped and swallowed the load but it was followed by another, and the semen coated the insides of her mouth coming from the big penis waiting on her tongue. Soon the spurts stopped and it lay still, and she thought she heard knocking on the door. This was confirmed as the knocking grew louder. "Cathy! Are you there?"

She pulled out the Pokemon's penis from her mouth and swallowed some of the semen that remained. "Yeah?"

"John is on the phone! This is your chance! Get out here and talk to him!"

She grinned and looked up at the Pokemon sitting on the bed in front of her. "Tell him I'm not interested."

"WHAT!?" Cathy held back a laugh as the girl behind the door shouted at her. "Have you lost your mind? You can't just...!"

"Calm down. I've made up my mind. There's another guy I'm gonna date instead." Smiling, she leaned forward and started cleaning the Marshtomp's member, licking off a trickle of semen that had formed on it.

"Huh. Well, whatever! If that's how you want it to be, fine, I'll tell him that."

There was the sound of footsteps fading away as the other girl disappeared, leaving the two lovers in the room alone. Cathy had finished her licking and was looking up at the Pokemon, their eyes meeting each other. The Marshtomp was still breathing a bit wearily and looked back with an astonished expression. She stood up and threw her arms around the Pokemon, causing him to blush a little. "...did you like it?"
Chapter End Notes:The rest of my works can be found at:
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