AGNPH Stories

Down in the Bush by Daneasaur


Part 1

Yeah, I finaly decided to do this. This is only my second lemon, so bear
with me.
Legal mumbo jumbo- This is a lemon (not a delicious fruit mind you). It contains content of an adult nature (duh, that's why we're here). If you are are not legal age of 18 or it is illigal to read this sort of stuff where you live, stop reading now and go somewhere else. I do not own any of the depicted characters. Copyrites belong to their respective creators.
If you have made it this far and you didn't read the description, this is
a lemon containing a male Caterpie and a female Oddish. Enjoy!

The sun peered through the trees, spreading light like a wildfire across
the slightly moist morning. Caterpie awoke to the plesent sight of the
beutyfull grassy wooded area he lived in. He streached out on the tree
limb he was resting on and began to climb down for a breakfast of river-
side ferns. He thought he saw something move out of the corner of his eye
twords the river. He waited in place for some movement, but there was
only the gental swaying of the trees and bushes. After shruging it off,
he continued twords the river for breakfast. He reached the riverside and
wasted no time in munching away on the ferns. He multched one stock down,
then another, then another. He took a break and took a sip of the clear
river water before resuming his breakfast. He continued munching, but when
he bit into the next fern leaf, he heard, "OW!". He jumped back at the sound
and prepared to run (scurry) if it was a Pidgy or something similar that liked
to eat Caterpies. But instead of a Pidgy, an Oddish walked out of the ferns.
She was holding one of her fern-like hands with her other hands. It had a
clear cut bite mark and was dripping cloraphil-like blood. "OW! What was that
for!?" she screamed. She took one more steap and collapsed. "Oh no! What
do I do? What do I DO?!" He began panicking and scurrying around, going
nowhere fast. He finaly collected himself and quickly gathered some healing
plants in his mouth, hopeing they would have the same effect on her as they
have on him. After bandageing her up, he picked up a cupped leaf in his
tail and scooped up some water in it. He then gently sprinkled the water on
Oddishes' face. Her eyes slowly opened and adjusted. She looked up into
Caterpie's face and said, "Why did you bite me?" "I'm sorry, you looked just
one of those delicious ferns. Are you feeling any better?" She tried to
sit up. "Ung! Out of all of the hands you could have bit, how did you manage
to bite the one with a major vein?" she said with a rather up-beat voice.
Caterpie was more worried than ever as his face turned white. "What's wrong?"
she asked. "If your worried about me kicking the bucket, don't be. We
Oddishes heal fast and even a major vein break will heal if proporly taken
care of, which I see you did a nice job of." She said lifting herself up.
Caterpie's color returned to normal. "Oh thank goodness! I don't like to
hurt anybody, especialy a prety plant like you." he said releaved. "You
think I'm pretty?" asked Oddish. "Yes very pretty." he said happily.
"Prettier than any Caterpie I have seen." Oddishes' eyes widened slightly
at this. Then she got an idea. "Do you think I'm pretty enough to make
love to?" she said softly. "Why yes I...." he frose mid sentence. "What did
you say?" he said nervously. "Do you think I'm pretty enough to make love
to?" she repeated. Caterpie's eyes widened. "Do you honestly mean it?" he
said shakly. "Why yes. After all, I do owe you something for saving me and
you are pretty handsome." Caterpie almost melted right then and there.
"Of course I'll... make love to you." He said nervously. Oddish smiled.
"Well, where do we... begin?" said Caterpie. "You just lay on your back and
I'll handle the rest." said Oddish. Caterpie complied and lay on his back,
proping his head against a tree. Oddish walked up to his side and began
rubbing his body with her multiple "hands". Caterpie was loving this treatment.
It didn't take long for his pink featureless member to emerge from in between
the yellow marks on his lower body. Oddish began to lick his mid section with
her blue tongue, slowly working her way to his member. She slowly licked it to
the tip and back down to the base. Caterpie was shivering with pleasure. He
had never been with anybody else and masterbating with legs as short as his
was not easy. Oddish wasted no time in taking his whole knob into her mouth
and sucking on it painfuly lightly. "Ohhhh.. Ohhhhh! More more! Don't stop!"
Oddish sucked hard before Caterpie blew his load all over her face. She
quickly lapped it up and looked at Caterpie in the face, who was breathing
hard. "Wow *pant* that was *pant* amasing!" Oddish smiled. "We're not done
yet!" She hopped onto her back. "I gave you yours, now give me mine." she
said with a smile. Caterpie scurried up to her. "Before you do ANYTHING,"
she shouted, "no biting this time ok?" Caterpie smiled "No biting."
Oddish lay back and spread her legs wide. Caterpie slowly leaned in and
stuck out his yellow tube-like tongue (a proboscus) and gently rubbed it
in between her legs. She gave a soft moan at this, so Caterpiecontinued rubbing his tongue up and down inbetween her legs. He soon found her slit and rubbed
it. Oddish gave a slightly louder moan. He gentaly parted her folds and gave
a few licks inside. Oddish moaned even louder at this treatment. He moved a
little ways up her slit and bumped her clit. She gave a partial yell of
exticy. Getting the idea, he slipped the nub into the tip of his proboscus
and gave a hard suck. "OHHHHHH!!!" Oddish screamed with pleasure as her juces
spilled onto the grass. She collapsed on her back and was drousy. Caterpie
saw Oddish sleeping and curled around her dosing off as well in the beutyful
grassy plain.

That took 2 hours. I'll do a second one later. Sorry I cramed it at the end,
but I have other things to get going. Questions? comments? E-mail me at
[email protected] Flames will be deleted, so don't bother.
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