AGNPH Stories

Down in the Bush by Daneasaur


Part 2

have finaly got around to part 2. You know the legal stuff, I don't own these characters, get out if your under 18, etc. Well, on with the show.

Daylight came softly this morning, pouring over the dew wetted grass and leaves. Oddish woke slowly. She looked around her to find that her lover was wrapped around her body with his head next to her. She wondered if her hand had healed properly and slowly moved it. No pain and no aching. She sat up slowly, slipping out of Caterpie's embrace. He stirred at this but didn't wake up. Oddish slipped the leaves and vines off of her hand and looked at it. Perfectly fine, not even a scratch. She laid down again, but landed on Caterpie's head. "Unf!" he mumbled. That woke him up. "Oops, sorry." she said, quickly getting off of his head. "Mmmm," said Caterpie, "Did you sleep well?" "Yes, of course. I had you to snuggle up to, didn't I?" said Oddish. Caterpie blushed at this. Oddish lay comfortably, still in her lover's embrace. Caterpie wrapped his body slightly tighter around Oddish's body and kissed her on her left cheek, causing Oddish to blush this time. They lay in a state of fully awake, but too lazy to get up. Oddish's mind wandered to yesterday and she relived her and Caterpie's erotic adventure. She remembered how his "tongue" felt exploring her body and how she plunged into a sea of ecstasy when he sucked on her clit. The sheer though made her moist between her legs. At the same time, Caterpie also drifted upon his part of the adventure. How Oddish licked at his body, the soft sucking and gentle licking on his genitals, it was like nothing he had ever even dreamed of. The thought of it aroused him mightily. His dick slid out and happen to press against the inside of Oddish's right leg. At the same time, her juices dripped onto his belly. This caused the both of them to get up and look at what was going on. The sight caused Caterpie to freeze with embarrassment. Oddish on the other hand was calm and collected and proceeded to even let a smile cross her face. Caterpie stammered, "I... I... uh... umm...". *giggle* "Don't worry." said Oddish. " I was already thinking of some more fun we could have today." Caterpie unfroze and said, "Re-really?" The thought of having the same treatment as yesterday caused a drop of pre-cum to form on the tip of his dick. "But I was thinking that we would do a little something different today. *giggle*" said Oddish. Caterpie was confused. He knew very little about sex and if what they were doing yesterday wasn't all of it, what else could they do? Oddish got up. "Come on, follow me loverboy." They wandered to a nearby tree. "Ok, now rest with your back up against this tree." Caterpie followed what he was told and rested with his back up against the tree. So far, everything seemed to be going just as it was yesterday. "Ok, now just relax and let me do the work." she said. She rubbed his body with all of her hands again, but proceeded to go directly to his genital slit. Caterpie's dick slid out and Oddish gave it a few quick but gentle licks as it grew hard. Caterpie was beginning to moan at the treatment, but all too soon, it stopped. Caterpie opened his eyes to see what was going on. He saw Oddish climbing onto his lower body and asked, "Umm, what are you doing?" "You'll see soon enough." said Oddish. Oddish took one of her hands and rubbed her pussy lips in anticipation, spreading her juices around. She grabbed Caterpie's dick and lowered herself a little. The tip of his dick touched her clit as she lowered herself, causing a gasp to escape from her lips. She regained herself and moved Caterpie's dick farther down her slit to her entrance, giving a soft moan all the way back. The tip of Caterpie's dick was just outside her entrance, quivering with anticipation. "You ready big boy?" Caterpie could only nod. Oddish resumed lowering herself onto his dick. The tip slipped in as Oddish continued to lower herself into a crouch. Caterpie's head was spinning. The feeling was incredible. As Oddish lowered herself, moaning all the way, she lost her footing and fell down, causing the rest of Caterpie's dick to shoot up into her body. She gave a yelp of surprise at the sudden mass in her body. Caterpie's eyes shot open at the incredible warmth and tightness around his dick. Oddish took a deep breath and regained her footing. She slowly lifted her body up off of Caterpie's dick, only to move back down again. With each lift and press, Oddish brought Caterpie to new levels of pleasure. Again and again, she continued to hump Caterpie, until finally, she had her orgasm. The spasming of Oddish's pussy drove Caterpie up the wall. However, he managed to hold off his orgasm. Oddish stopped fully impaled on his dick panting heavily. Although Caterpie loved what had just happened, he hadn't had his and he asked Oddish in a rather disappointed and shaky voice, "Umm... I haven't umm... gone yet. What now?" Oddish looked into his desperate eyes and got an idea. "Don't worry, I have another plan." Caterpie was as lost as you could get. Oddish climbed off of Caterpie's dick, her juices dripping on his belly. She walked down to the tip of his tail and licked it. Caterpie was at a complete and total loss. She continued to lick his tail and a little ways up his lower body. "What are you doing now?" Caterpie asked. "You'll see." said Oddish. After getting his tail nice and wet (which, by the way, is just a little ways from his dick) she said, "Ok, now lift your tail a bit." Caterpie complied. She wandered up to it and stood up as tall as she could get. She then lowered herself onto his tail. It slipped in effortlessly as she continued to skewer herself onto Caterpie's body. She continued down until she reached the end of his tail and paused. She took a deep breath and continued down a little ways until she reached the base of his dick. She backed up a bit and grabbed his dick with one of her hands. She slowly bent it toward her body. (Caterpie's body is rather elastic so he felt no pain.) She then continued to impale herself onto his dick and body. Her pussy stretched to it's max to accommodate both his dick and the lower end of his body. She continued down until all of Caterpie's dick was in her body. Caterpie was both astonished and amazed by the pleasure he was receiving. Oddish, now sitting, began to move her body back and forth on the ground. She had never been so full in all of her life and the waves of pleasure just increased with every movement. Caterpie could hold back no longer as a sea of pleasure washed through his body and out his dick, pumping jet after jet of cum into her body. The insane fullness and now the jets of cum splurging into her body sent her over the edge for a second time this day. She moaned loud enough for the whole forest to hear as her juices poured out. She sat there with the lower half of her lover still inside her, both of them panting their hearts out. Oddish quickly slid back, causing Caterpie's body drop sloppily on the ground. She then looked at her lover and smiled. His face had a plastered look of surprise and pleasure. "Umm, Caterpie?" He slowly shook the face off and looked at her. "Yes?" he asked. "We better wash off and get somewhere where Pidgys and such can't find us." Caterpie quickly looked at the position of the sun. High noon. "Yikes! We better get going!" They got up as quickly as they could and ran for the river. They took a flying leap and dove in. They rubbed each other down as quickly as they could and jumped out of the river, shaking themselves off. "Where are we going to hide?!" Asked Oddish desperately. "Don't worry. Climb on my back and hang on tight!." Oddish didn't stop to ask, she jumped on his back and hung on with all of her hands. Caterpie took off like the wind and shot up the tree he was sleeping in earlier. He continued up the tree at break neck speed, before slowing down. He climbed into a hole in the tree and stopped. Oddish was still tightly clung to his body. "Are we safe yet?" she said shakily. "Yes, we're fine now." Oddish opened her eyes and loosened her grip. She looked around and saw that Caterpie had hollowed out the tree and had a whole house inside of it. "Wow!" she said hopping down off of his back. "I take it you like it?" he said. "Just one thing." she said. "What is it?" he asked. "Do you think this place is big enough to house 3?" "Why of course. Why do you ask? Do you have a friend that you want to live here too?" "No." she replied "Then what are you talking about?" She smiled at him, looked down at her stomach and patted it gently with one of her hands. "We're gonna have company in a few months." Caterpie was shocked and at the same time, overjoyed. He rushed over to her and hugged her as best as he could with his little legs. "Oh my dear love, I will love you forever." he said. "And so will I, my love." And they lived happily ever after.

Wow, that took 3 hours. I wanted to balance out the spooge and the love in this story, so tough if you hated it.
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