AGNPH Stories

Time by kiaace



"This could be worse, I guess." I sighed to myself, lugging the gigantic knapsack on my back through the dense forest. Stepping nimbly over a tree root, I subsequently fell on the marshy ground. My Espeon giggled.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun!" She encouraged me, sticking out a paw to help me up. I pulled it ungraciously, sending her into the mud beside me. Angrily, she shook her whole body, sending specks of mud onto my face. We stared at each other and laughed.

I was on a camping trip with Espeon. The school holidays were here, and what I really wanted to do was to sit down in my couch and relax; perhaps gain a kilogramme or two from snacking. Honestly, I never expected that I would end up camping because my dear espeon pouted. I sighed as I looked at her, and I couldn't help but admire her
beautiful pink face.

Modestly, I wasn't exactly the most attractive guy in the class. I didn't have many friends, and my social circle was more or less limited to my gaming friends online. Even then, I barely knew anyone. Perhaps it was because of what am, or was, but people tend to stay away from me.

Espeon, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was a natural-born leader and socialite, making friends with just about anyone or anything everytime she went into the center for treatment. Which wasn't often. She charmed her way about her opponents, sometimes helping me with the catch. She shared some interests with me, we spent time studying together and I really looked up to her as a close friend. Not the romantic sort, of course. It wasn't long before our bond strengthened to the point where I could understand her every word with ease, something my friends just couldn't comprehend. Somehow, I always had the gut feeling that we were more than just friends, though I didn't know why. The fact that she was a beautiful espeon helped.

My parents forced me out of the house soon enough though, with utterly unfounded complaints about me rotting from spending too much time inactive indoors without exercise. I hated anything to do with movement, which included most sports. The only sport I was good at was gaming, which my parents frowned upon.

It wasn't really the sport itself that got to me, but the incidents that happened. When I tried to play tennis, I got hit with a ball real hard, leaving me with a bad bruise. I sprained my wrist bowling, and got tackled hard in soccer. My slender frame automatically ruled me out from any contact sports, and my slow reflexes generally ruled me out of everything. I tried going to a Safari, but my luck there was terrible. I could have filled my poffin case to the brim if I didn't try the safari.

"Come on! We have to hurry to set up camp before it gets dark! I have something I want to show you tonight." Espeon's soft voice pierced through my reverie. In my exhausted state of mind, I couldn't do anything but to nod blankly at her. We got up, cleaning off as much mud as we could without water. After a hellish trek through, if at all possible, deeper forest, she finally led us to a clearing where she threw her bag down.

"Hey Espeon? Are you sure this place is safe? We are quite far in the forest, you know." I asked worriedly, but she merely laughed.

"It's relatively safe. I've been here by myself a few times before you caught me. Now, if you'll set up the tent..." She bit the green tarp from my knapsack and dragged it out, laying it messily on the floor. It took the two of us a while more to set up the frame of the tent and secure it to nearby trees, but the effort was well worth it. Before long, we had a prim and proper tent, just the right size for a snug fit for a pokemon and her trainer.

Night sank on us quickly. The sun flashed vermillion, its glow gradually fading as the full moon and stars started to twinkle in the sky once more. Espeon laid out some fallen branches and started to make a fire with her mind. As I observed her working in the darkness, I couldn't help but feel a spark of admiration for her ability. She was bred from an egg, but that didn't make her a slob in any way. In fact, the reality was quite the opposite. She was always ready to get down and dirty, just like any other ordinary tall grass pokemon. She was modest, never showing off, and fought only for the opponent to lose, and not for her to win.

It didn't take her long to get a steady fire going, it's warm glow landing on her face, creating shadows all around. I sat down next to her, forgetting my fatigue, as I absent-mindedly hung a mess tin filled with water over the crackling flame. Espeon proceeded to take out some food from the tiny bag she was carrying, willing it to go in the water to make a stew. She was a good cook too.

I only realised how hungry I was when the makeshift soup started to boil, its deliriously delicious scent wafting through my nostrils. My mind wandered off as I took a moment to enjoy the scenery. The ambience of the night appealed to all my senses. It was rather cool in the forest at night, much unlike the conditions in our earlier hike. The crickets sang their hearts out to the night; their rhythmic beats setting the mood for the night. Without the artificial lights near our homes, the stars were clearly visible in the sky through the leaves, their unsteady glow flickering like a faulty light bulb.

There was a moment of complete silence in the dense forest, almost like it was offering a warm welcome to us. Espeon bent over, starting to lick the inside of her hind leg.

I blushed furiously. "Espeon... what are you doing?"

"Don't be so naive!" She exclaimed, almost offended. "I just want to clean my fur." I closed my eyes tightly as she continued. It was a while before I opened my eyes.

Sighing, I took off my own shirt, throwing it into the basin of water that she had collected.

"Alright, it will take another hour or so to finish soaking, why not we go for a walk first? I know a very special place." Espeon's voice broke me out of my trance.

"Sure, why not?" That was all I could say. I had my doubts about this place at first, but the cool night seemed to take it all away. She led me out of the forest, and for the first time this whole day, I was reluctant to leave it behind. Trailing behind her closely, I squinted to see the road ahead, but to no avail. It was simply too dark to see. A gentle breeze blew, calling me slowly towards the sound of colliding waves on the beach.
My mind was completely relaxed. I had never known this kind of peace while I was gaming. I couldn't help but watch Espeon lead me with her tail wavering behind. Soon, we arrived at a beach, the starry night now even more distinct as the salty tang of the sea greeted my nostrils. Absently, I wondered how this would smell to her.

"Take a good look at the sky." She said simply, sitting down on the bed of sand. I did the same beside her, looking at the cloudless night. There was a full moon today, its luminescent glow illumination her face. "I want you to have this." She placed something shiny in my hands.

I took a closer look, trying my best to observe it under the pale moonlight. It was a silver necklace, with what appeared to be a silver and smaller version of me and her hanging from it.
Trying to make conversation with her to pass this awkward moment of silence, I asked her a simple question. "Why did you give this to me, Espeon? How did you even get this?"

"I worked hard for it. The lady at the store looked strangely at me, though..." She actually blushed, something I had never seen her do before, before she replied my question. "We've been partners for quite a while now and... and... I think we've become something... more. But I didn't want to say it earlier because..."

"Go on."

"I wasn't sure if you would like me the same way I did."

Silence. I didn't know how to respond in this kind of situation. The waves continued to tumble and roll, creating a soothing atmosphere. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight, like diamonds on a ring.

She looked at me with an expression I had never seen before on her face, and I instinctively placed my lips to hers. She was startled for a while, but soon returned it. I knew I was right.

She snuggled up beside me, purring softly, as I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep on the cool sand of the beach.

Espeon was more than just my partner, more than just a friend to me.
Chapter End Notes:I'm off practic
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