AGNPH Stories

Mother's Day With the Boys by jewelwriter


Story Notes:

Jewelwriter here. I couldn't have done this without my mon Testa so give him a paw for making this story possible.

Mother's Day With th Boys

It was a good morning to a mother Raichu. Looking at her family picture was her two sons, in the pic a Pikachu and a Buizel hugging their mom as one of the moments they were together. Putting the picture up she jumped to it to try and make breakfast for the two. As the breakfast cooked, the two boys came down, smiling, "Hey mom!" they shouted in unison.

"Morning Tidus, Hertz. I hope you enjoy your eggs and toast. Ran out of bacon today."

Tidus smiled, "It's okay."

Giving a chuckle she serves the two of them larger portions than normal as she gotten to herself last to eat up. Hertz blinked, "Wow...pretty big breakfast ain't it mom?"

"Maybe but then again I enjoy making sure you two boys are fed well." She grinned to them, eating up her fill. The two smiled, thanking her and digging in. She had to chuckle watching them as she eats up, finishing her food first. The two boys finished up right after her, patting their bellies, smiling big. Chuckling she looked to them. "I hope you two have fun today. If you need anything just let me know." She said, kissing both their heads as the two can tell she's doing a lot to let them have a good day.

They both smiled, nodding and hugging her. "Love you mom." She chuckled as she purred. Watching them go off as she gets things ready for the dinner ahead. The boys went to the living room and sat down to watch Tv, shoving and joking with one another. One of their shoving sessions did hit the remote as it started up the tape that was in the player. "This is quite exciting you know." That was from the TV as they would note their mother in quite an alluring swimsuit in a Gorebyss styled swimsuit.

Both of them blinked, watching intently. The music was mostly the ocean as the two of them watched her stretch out a bit before doing some poses. The camera not leaving her as she let her body get wet, having it show off her curves in a chuckle. The two gulped, blushing as they stared on intently.

The two can see her tail slip behind her back as the top of her swimsuit comes loose before the water drenched her from behind, taking off her top. Her foot caught onto it before it got taken by the water as she kicked it off camera to shore. The two gulped, feeling their shorts tightening. The two saw her grope herself at her breasts, moaning softly as if to give the cameramon the hint she's enjoying herself a bit much as she slips a paw on her swimwear panties. The two gulp, licking their lips as they watch.

Her panties fell as her tail slipped between her legs to hide her special treasure, giving a murr and holds her paw in front of her muzzle, as if knowing she really got the attention of the camera now. The two kept their eyes glued on the screen, rubbing at their bulges. Keeping her tail in front of her she kicked the panties right at the camera scoring a ringer as the bolt of her tail tip sparked a bit against her, giving a low moan as the panties hung onto the top of the camera's sight. The boys kept rubbing at their bulges, panting lightly. She moaned out on the tape as the two saw her driving herself closer to her orgasm with a long murrl of joy. The tweaking of her nipples just added to the moment as all three points of contact were sparking softly with lighting as she was pleasing herself.

The two had taken out their members, and started stroking them. It was now that the two of them saw her glow gold as she used Charge, the camera backing up as the panties feel before she moans into an orgasmic Discharge, making her nipples and sex glow white as lightning expelled from those three points as she came. The two of them came soon after, murring in bliss.

The tape ended with her giving a little light drawing in the shape of a heart. The two heard the tape rewinding by then. The two panted, looking to one another. "Mom's..." Hertz began. "Damn sexy." Tidus finished.

The two heard her about to come in as she was going to check in on her boys. "You two say something?" The two forgot that their cocks were out. It's when she got in that she had to blush, the two were a mess and they were fully out. Her shorts felt wet seeing them as the first response came to mind was easy enough to understand. "What the chu- ?" She said before her ears catch the sound of a tape stopping it's motion to go back to start. Her mind realizing what she left in there from a night ago. Tidus smiled sheepishly, "'re pretty hot mom." Hertz blinked, staring at Tidus as if he lost his mind.

" saw that didn't you?" the Raichu asked as she gotten herself to get the tape, her face very red as she was looking at them and their still exposed rods. Tidus nodded, " looked great in it mom."

"I'm flattered." Though she looks at them as she rubs her legs together a bit. "And the mess on both of you shows I still got quite a body." She got near them as she couldn't help but feel hotter looking at the two boys she raised. Her apron and bra doing little to hide the curves she still had even if she's a bit more plump.

Hertz smiled at her shyly, " you...uhh...clean us up maybe?"

Despite her blush she nodded as she looked to them with her warm smile. "Of course Hertz. I'd love to." Her tail waved as she got their shorts so they wouldn't have to worry about them while they get ready to have their mom assist them in coming clean. Both boys were blushing, smiling at their mother.

She started to undress as she got the two of them into the shower to clean them. Feeling herself so aroused had her thinking of wanting to get another little monster in her. Shaking it off she got the water started and let them in first before getting in herself. Both boys looked their mother up and down, murring in delight, members rock hard. She had to blush as they enjoyed the attention they are giving her as she got the wash cloth to start her work on the Buizel to clean his slick fur first. Tidus murred at her, smiling big, Hertz behind her, watching her backside intently.

Her tail waved as her paws worked on Tidus, getting all of his mess off as her hips jiggled in a slight tempo while she enjoyed the moment. Hertz began to rub his mother's rear end, Tidus murring louder. With all his cum gone she looked to her son as she felt Hertz's paws take in her features, her own paws playing around Tidus' member. The buizel groaned out, "mom...that feels nice."

"Glad you enjoy it son." She murred as she stroked him off a bit faster, feeling her body growing hotter as she kept this up, her tail lying on her back. Hertz murred behind her, smiling big as he stroked her ass, Tidus groaning in bliss. Her low moan was caught by both of them as she's enjoying the time they are having, starting to stroke Tidus as she parted her legs. The buizel moaned out, Hertz kneeling down and licking at her rear end.

"Oh, Hertz." she moaned, growing wet as she was licked, stroking Tidus off lustfully in turn. The pikachu smiled, encouraged by his mom's moan, licking at her harder. Putting the wash cloth down she directly started to paw off her Buizel son, her moan growing a bit longer as Hertz got a taste of his mom. The two males groaned and moaned, loving what was happening. Her face gained a blush as she was enjoying all of this as she started to lick at Tidus while she pawed him off at a faster rate. Tidus moaned out, "oh're tongue is so nice!" Hertz blinked, grumbling light, before standing up to hotdog his cock in her sex.

"Ohh Hertz" she groaned out, her hips rocking as she enjoyed the feeling of his dick against her as she gave Tidus stronger licks with her tongue. Tidus moaned out, panting hard, holding her head. as Hertz ground his cock to her cunt. She took the hint as she started to suckle on Tidus, enjoying it as Hertz felt her sex was so hot and wet in pleasure. Tidus moaned out in bliss, as Hertz began to push into the very depths that he came from. Now split roasted she murred while she slurped his length as her paws now are on Tidus' legs, her hips meeting Hertz's.

Her two boys began to hump and hammer her hard. Groaning at their work she was rocked back and forth, forward to suck on Tidus then back to hilt back onto Hertz, the water still pouring on them as she was loving her boys all the more as they continue. Hertz moaned out, "Oh mom! So tight!" Sucking harder she gripped Hertz tighter, her wetness helping the young chu pump into her as she enjoyed the two of them more and more. Tidus moaned, "Oh mom! I'm...gonna...cum!" Her tongue worked on her cute Buizel as she sucked harder, her hips are rocked as she tries to milk her other son in passion.

Tidus came with a loud moan, his seed spilling into her mouth. She drank it up as she swallowed what he fed her for a moment before she let him cum onto her face, gulping what she took as her sex got hotter, milking harder as she's feeling so horny. Hertz came with a loud moan, slamming deep into her and spilling his cream into her. Her orgasm met Hertz's as she groaned out loud, cum getting rinsed off if it didn't get into her as her love hole tried to devour her son's life giving white. They panted, murring in delight, "How's...her pussy?"

"Real good."

Tidus smiled, "Mind turning around mom? You do have to clean up Hertz after all."

She giggled, getting the wash cloth again as she turned around. "Of course son. Can't forget your brother." With that she starts to do the same to him as she did to Tidus. Hertz groaned out in joy, as Tidus sunk into her depths. Giving a long moan she started to paw stroke Hertz as she was able to quickly clean him up. The two moaned in bliss. She purred out as she started to directly paw as she was now about to get into another split roast. Tidus kept pumping his hips hard, moaning in bliss.

Her hips were rocked and now the Raichu was split roasted again as she moaned out deeply. Hertz groaned, humping his mothers face, "Oh mom! You're mouth is so nice!" She moaned as she suckled him and kept her paws on her son as she was fucked back and forth. The two boys groaned out in bliss, humping faster and harder. Her moans got stronger as she felt so good, milking Tidus plowing into her as she was sucking Hertz lustfully.

The boys groaned out, thrusting faster and harder, Tidus getting close to losing it. She was loving it as her muzzle suckled on Hertz harder, trying to work him good as her tongue played with him too. Her sex quivering as she was getting hammered and taking all Tidus gave her. Tidus panted, groaning, than let out a loud moan, his seed shooting into his mother to join his brother's. She moaned hard as she was cumming from Tidus' flood into her, sucking hard to take Hertz with her as she came. The two males groaned, Hertz moaning out as he slammed his rod in, spilling into her.

She drank the cum she was given, this time keeping it all down as she moaned, blushing good from how the two of them gave her so much. The two brothers panted hard, smiling big. The mother panted too as she got up, looking to the two of them as their incestual stains were rinsed down the drain from off their bodies. The brothers smiled, hugging their mom, "thanks mom. That was fun."

"It was fun for me too." She kissed their heads as she felt so happy. "You two care to join me in bed tonight? After all we did I think that would it would fit the three of us." The two smiled, nodding, stomachs growling. Her face turned red as she blushed up from it. "Forgot about that. We didn't have dinner yet." Getting up she stopped the water and grinned. "Let's get dry and eat. And yes you can have no clothes on if you're curious." She said as she chuckled. The two smiled, knowing life around home was going to be a lot more fun.

The raichu looked outside as she gave a slight nod, knowing her life is going to be full of thrills again. Not minding the eye full her boys took she swayed her hips as she walked in the nude, the towel she got drying her off as she moved. The two smiled, following her, murring as their members came to life again.

Hearing the two match her step for step she had to giggle. "It's cute knowing I got two charming men to love." She said as her tail brushed both of their chins as she winked to them, her cooking getting finished as she got her apron on to keep her safe. The two smiled, blushing lightly.

Salmon cakes with rice and peas were done soon enough as she serves the two larger portions again, knowing they'll love how much love she gives back to them. She noticed while serving that the two were talking about something, before looking to her with a smile. She had to chuckle, knowing the two of them got something up as she eats up with them, the meal kind of quiet as she enjoys the fish. Hertz smiled at her, "Dinner's great mom...but it doesn't taste nearly as good as you."

"T..thank you Hertz. I'm flattered." as the boys can tell she was turning again.

They smirked, Tidus licking his lips, "How did we taste mom?"

Taking a swallow she had to blush a bit more. "The two of you tasted sweet even if salty too. I enjoyed both of your creams very much."

They smiled, chuckling, "Thanks mom."

"Welcome boys." She smiled as she watched the two boys while eating, feeling all warm again knowing the three of them are a lot closer now. Dinner was finished, and the boys led their mother to her room, than sandwiched her between them. Tidus was at her front, Hertz on her back.

She moaned as she was loving it as her tail rubbed Hertz and Tidus got rubbed along his head and neck. The two smiled, their members working at finding her holes. Taking Tidus into her sex and Hertz up her ass she murrled as she felt them sink in anew. The boys groaned out together, and began pumping their hips.

She was loving it, groaning out so good. "Tidus, Hertz yes!" Tidus sped up, thanks to his natural lubrication, as Hertz slammed in harder. She moaned out to them as she is loving it, feeling the two of them pump her good. "Oh.. y..YES" Moaning out the two males pumped. Gripping them in her holes she panted out in the joy they give her. "I love you both. My MMMM wonderful sons!"

"oh mom! We love you too!" They both sped up, hammering in with gusto. They both sped up, hammering in with gusto. The two of the boys let out loud moans, hammering at her as fast and as hard as they could. She's so wet and moaned out loud. Her tail coiling onto Hertz as her breasts bounced in front of Tidus as she tried to pull them closer into her, loving the two with everything she can.

They were nearing their limits, panting hard and slamming in with reckless abandon. Her body can feel it as she was loving it all the more, her sex milking as well as her ass as she was close too. "So... close."

Tidus moaned out, slamming in hard and fast, "Almost mom!" Hertz was done though, "Mom! You ass is so tight!" he was spraying seed into her ass. She moaned and really wailed so good, gripping her son up her ass as she soon started to cum, gripping Tidus as she was milking him deep within her as she blushed hard loving the orgasm hit her with glee. Tidus let out a loud groan, hilting in, and spraying seed into her.

She murred deeply as she's filled with more of her son, draining it all as she is smiling from it all. The two pulled out, letting their mother go her knees, she didn't realize how much energy their double stuffing took from her. The two aimed their cocks at her face, and began to paw off. panting heavily. She panted, laying on her back as she watched the two of them aim at her, their lengths beating as she grinned at how they are enjoying her. With loud groans from the two of them, their seed shot out to cover her face and breasts.

She closed her eyes as she's frosted with their white cream, a blush on her as they got her very good. "My boys."

They smiled, "Our mom." they chuckled, helping her into bed, laying in it with her. She held them to her as she knew this family was going to be together for a long time, just in a new and passionate way.
Chapter End Notes:Review, Rate, and plase remember to be kind to the writers since everyone deserves respect. - Jewelwriter Eli Moonsta
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