AGNPH Stories

TRLT Part II: Pursuit by nonasuomi


Story Notes:

This is the continuation of The Road Less Traveled, which follows a group of newbie trainers as they get caught up in things more deep than they can comprehend, and their attempts to make sense of it all. I certainly hope everyone here can appreciate it, and thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, it's been great!

Chapter 8: Flashpoint

Back inside the building, none of the Team Galactic members seemed to have noticed that five members of their ranks were now missing. In fact, most of the rank-and-file that were assigned to this mission had only been given enough information to complete their own task, and had been strictly ordered to "keep their heads down and only worry about their own assignment."

Chapter End Notes:Chances are there's a few formatting, spelling, and/or grammar errors, but as I said above, I'm simply too tired to care right now. I'll be back later to check, but for now I'm just glad to have finally finished it and gotten it online.

Oh yeah, the disclaimer: I don't own the pokémon franchise or any commercial holdings etc. related to it. Just this story and the OC's therein, KK? Good. Now g'night all!

Well as I said above, I've now had plenty of rest, and have proofread and fixed a number of problems, although I'm sure there are more. As for the plot itself, well I don't want to say too much at this point, because this is a rather dicey portion of it- if I say too much (which wouldn't take much) then it could potentially ruin a lot of what's to come later, so... For now, at least, my lips are sealed

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