AGNPH Stories

Sir Whozzawhatzit by tsumeryuu


Story Notes:

If you are wondering about the title, I wrote the entire story with "Sir Whozzawatzit" as the main character's name, and Search + Replace'd it at the end. I couldn't think of a title, so I went with that. This is basically my first story, so I hope you enjoy it.



Picking up a stick from the ground, Haritz stirred the ashes of his rapidly fading fire. It was getting dark, and he knew that it was complete foolishness to spend a night in the Ilex Forest without one. Sighing, he stood up, grabbed his ball belt, and started off to collect more wood.

Most of the wood Haritz found was either still green or too small to be of much use for anything other than tinder. He had found and burned most of the useful wood around his campsite, so he ranged out further. Something fell from the trees onto the tip of his nose. Startled, he touched it, and realized it was water.

"Blast, it's raining." he grumbled. "Why didn't I bring a Fire Type with me?"

Muttering to himself, he pushed on through the wood and rain, looking for wood that was still dry.


Howling in the woods is not uncommon. Under most circumstances, it doesn't even signify danger. There are many reasons for howling, and many different types of howls.

Haritz had been in the woods long enough to distinguish between several of the different types of howling, and even distinguish the species howling from the sound itself.

There had been howling resounding through the forest for several minutes now. Normally, that would mean it was a Whismur, or one of its evolved forms, who make noise just for the sake of noise. However, the tone and pitch were both off. The next most likely would have been a Houndoom, but they generally lived in warmer areas than the Ilex forest. No, the howling was from of a Mightyena, or a pack of them.

Haritz knew the dangers involved, but he proceeded towards the sound for three reasons. The first, it sounded like a single Mightyena, and so he was confident he would be safe. The second, he had never heard this particular brand of howl before. And third, he was lost. Horribly lost. Day in the Ilex forest is known as being like night anywhere else; night in the forest is unfathomable.

The howling came to an end, but Haritz kept walking towards where he heard had heard it from. Gradually, through the trees, a dim white light became visible. It seemed to illuminate his surroundings while at the same time warping them. Trees seemed to writhe in agony, branches clutch out at him. Despite the effect, his progress sped up. Finally, Haritz stumbled into a clearing, and the moon dissipated the unnatural light. Across the clearing, he could see its source: a Haunter. Startled at his presence, it fled the scene; its ghostly ambience filtering through the trees.

Haritz walked into the clearing. He thought about giving chase to the Haunter -- after all, they're rare, and he didn't have a ghost type -- but he discarded the notion. Better to stay in the clearing, where light through the night was guaranteed.


The rain kept falling. Icy cold. Haritz started to doze. A word hovered just out of the reach of his consciousness. Sleep... He needed sleep. Then he would remember. The word seemed to be screaming in his mind. If only he could understand. Water ran in rivulets down his face. He had only sat down a moment ago, why wouldn't his mind just let him rest? The water was at his shoulders... He was lying down. Still his mind screamed at him. What was it saying? He focused... Hypothermia. He blinked. Suddenly it struck him, he was dying!

He pushed himself up, the realization giving strength to his muscles. If he slept he would die. He started walking. The motion started heating him up, his brain beginning to work. How close he had come! He walked towards the center of the clearing. There was no shelter anywhere, so he might as well avoid the trees. Avoid the temptation to sit, to rest against one.

The rain formed small streams, flowing from the top of the hill. Haritz climbed. The hill wasn't particularly large, nor tall, but still concealed part of its surroundings. One stream ran deeper than the rest. Haritz rounded the top, and stepped into a personal nightmare.

A Mightyena lay there, the one he had heard howling. Haritz had seen death in many forms, but this was worse. Something had caused a deep slash it its side. Blood still ran out and mixed with the rain. Death is release, and this creature lived. Lighting flashed in the background, momentarily illuminating the creature's heaving chest. Now that he was closer, Haritz could hear the ragged breathing.

Although Haritz was not used to scenarios like this, he knew what should be done. He should leave. Mother Nature has her own ways of doing things, and who was he to contradict her? Besides, what could he do? Alone, lost, freezing to death, without supplies... He might die himself before long. Still, he hesitated. The rain splattered them both. The Mightyena opened one eye and stared at him. Good lord, the poor thing is still conscious!

He decided. If he was going to die, so be it, but he was going to die trying to save this life. He walked over and took off his shirt. After wrapping it around the wound, he picked her up, and started carrying her towards the trees. She whimpered in pain. His heart went out to her, but she wouldn't survive through the night. He had to get her to a PokeCenter.


Nurse Joy was reading a book when the PokeCenter door banged open. Standing in the doorway, illuminated by flashes of lightning, was a young man carrying a Mightyena. The man appeared to be delirious. The Mightyena was wrapped in the man's shirt, and appeared to be close to death. Surprised, but composed, she ran to take the Mightyena from the man. A Chansey rolled up a cot to put the Pokemon on. The man's grip was like iron. He seemed determined to hold the Mightyena back from even death himself.

"Sir, I need you to let go of the Mightyena. I can't treat her if you keep holding on."

The man focused in on her, but didn't seem to comprehend her words. She tried again.

"Sir, let go of the Mightyena. I'm here to help."

This time he heard, and released his grip. She wanted to question him, but doubted he would answer, so let it be. Putting the Mightyena on the cot, she rolled him into the operating room. She directed the first Chansey to tend to the man, and a second Chansey to help her. The man had passed out on the floor, but didn't seem to be ready to die just yet. Warmth and rest would be enough for him.

Turning her attention back to the Mightyena, she sighed. This was a different story. The wound appeared to be deep, but not very wide. Stitching would suffice, in conjunction with blood transfusions. She began to work.


Confused images floated in and out of Haritz's mind. Trees, blocking his path. Pokemon, scurrying out of his path. And blood, dripping from the dying package he carried in his arms. Gradually, the images began to be replaced with sounds. Beeping, as from some kind of electronic device. Rustling, as clothes moving upon a body. And footsteps. He opened his eyes.

He could see Nurse Joy, moving around the room. He started to sit up. Immediately he regretted the move, as his head throbbed and the world turned around him. Slumping back down, he could hear Nurse Joy rushing over to him.

"Sir, try not to move around too much. You're no longer hypothermic, but you're moderately dehydrated"

Moving his tongue around his mouth, he could see that she was right. Suddenly, it seemed funny. He began to laugh.

"What's wrong? Oh, I hope he's not still delirious." She bent over him, concerned. He rolled over, still chuckling to himself.

"No, it's not that," He said. "It's just, the rain nearly gets me lost, then nearly kills me with cold, and now, after having run in it for ages, I'm dehydrated! It's just mocking me now." Suddenly serious, he sat up again, ignoring the spinning of the room. "The Pokemon I carried in. Is she safe? Alive?"

"Yes." She said, "She's alive. Thanks to you. Most trainers wouldn't have gone so far for their Pokemon."

"She's not mine."

"What? Then who's is she?"

"I would assume no one's."

"Then what do you plan to do with her? Because we can't hold her, and you can't just release her, in her condition."

"Well then, I'll take care of her until she's better." He started to get up off the bed. Nurse Joy looked at him closely. Most trainers she had seen in her life would have either been overjoyed to have a new Pokemon, or be looking for some way to get out of caring for the Pokemon themselves. She would have said he was completely uninterested, but for the fact he had nearly killed himself trying to save the darn thing.

"Is she better?" He asked.

"I'm sorry?" She replied, startled out of her thoughts.

"I'm asking if I can take her and go."

"Oh, yes, of course. She's in the second room on your left. Try to make it so she doesn't have to move too much, and try to keep the wound clean."

"Thanks then."

As soon as he was out of the room, Haritz relaxed. He had never been entirely comfortable around other people; One of the reasons he spent so much time out in the forest in solitude.

Reaching the correct door, he went inside. The Mightyena was there. He could see the stitches where the fur had been shaved and the wound closed, but other than that, she seemed to be doing well. He saw his shirt underneath the Mightyena. He guessed that she recognized his scent, and so found his shirt comforting. Or maybe she realized that shirt had done its part in sustaining her life. Suddenly he realized he was in a borrowed shirt. Nurse Joy hadn't said anything, but it would be a poor display of gratitude if he walked out with it. Changing back, he folded the shirt on the bed and signaled the Mightyena to follow.


The Mightyena trotted after the human. He seemed to be steering back to the forest, which was fine. It was her home, after all. Once he reached the first of the trees, he sat down crosslegged. She trotted up and sat in front of him. He seemed to be saying something.

She could hardly make out anything of what he said. It certainly didn't seem to be like anything she'd ever heard before! She cocked her head to the side, in an attempt to hear him better. Seeing this, the human sighed. That, at least, she could understand: He could tell she didn't understand. He stopped talking as much, and started to gesture.

The first thing he did was take out a small, red and white round ball. She had seen these before. They made other Pokemon disappear. She growled at it. He sighed again, and placed the ball on the ground, to try to make it less threatening. She kept growling. He moved it away, so she stopped.

He tried something else. He touched her on the chest with his hand, and then moved the hand to his own chest. He was saying something slowly, but she still couldn't understand what. The movement was obvious though. He was stating a connection. Well, she knew that! He moved the ball back, and moved it in between her and himself. He made the movement again. Apparently, the ball had something to do with the connection. She disagreed. If they were going to be connected, it might as well be direct. She emulated his own gesture, by first putting her nose to her chest (as best she could), and then, bypassing the ball, placed her nose on his chest. He seemed surprised. A moment or two passed, and she began to wonder if he would insist on his way. Then he shrugged, and put the ball away. Good.

He began a new gesture. He placed his hand out, slightly in front of her, and held it there while he said something. She cocked her head again. He repeated himself. Apparently, the word was important this time. He repeated a third time: Makatza. She blinked. He was naming her! Well, that was fine too. She really didn't mind what he called her. It's all the same in the end.

Satisfied that she understood, the human stood up, and resumed walking towards the forest. Makatza followed.


The two of them stayed on the outskirts of the forest that night, and for a good number of nights afterwards. The reason was twofold. First, Makatza was still recovering from her injury, and probably shouldn't be exerting herself too much. Second, rain, in a forest like Ilex, where the sun hardly shines, keeps things wet for a long time. Dry wood would be easier to find on the outskirts anyway.

Haritz sat with his back against a tree. Staying in the outskirts appeared to be the right decision. They had found a grove of Sitrus trees nearby, within a few hours of setting up camp.

He watched Makatza wander through the trees. The natural beauty of the land was being destroyed. Neither the Mightyena, nor the trees she walked among are native to Johto. Careless trainers never bothered to realize where they were dropping their seeds, or releasing their Pokemon. This entire grove probably had started with only a few discarded fruit, and her pack with only a few breeding pairs.

He saw Makatza looking serenely up at the multicolored fruit above her head. No, the beauty wasn't destroyed. It was replaced.


Finally, the day came when Makatza could walk without limping, and had enough energy to be released. That is to say, the day came, and went, and the two still traveled together.

Haritz had misgivings about keeping her. She was intelligent, amusing, loyal, and loved the forest as much as he did, but their meeting had been a clash of blood and death. Running through a nightmare of death has it's effect on a man, and her presence halted time's oblivion. Sometimes he heard her whimper in her sleep, and knew she remembered as well.

He laid down, and watched Makatza through the fire, until the haze of lethargy was overtaken by the void of sleep.


Once again he ran through the trees. His shadow was a pool of blood, following him on the ground, while darkness streamed out of the package in his arms. His destination was nowhere in sight, and the darkness behind him looped forward to become the darkness in front. There was no end. And back of him, a black cloak, over skeletal remains, urging him onward, as it beckoned him to halt.

His mind recognized the scene, no different than the distorted reality he had run through while awake. The darkness snagged him, and he fell to the ground. The apparition stood over for him, unable to take him as long as he refused to give up and die. The same thoughts came again. How easy it would be not to get up. How easy it would be just to keep lying there. He closed his eyes, but could still see the skeletal hand drawing nearer.

Once again, he felt a lick upon his cheek. His charge urging him to get up. He opened his eyes to see death hand on his heart.


Makatza woke up, and saw an old, bad, memory. She barely remembered the events that gave her the gash that nearly killed her, but she remembered this. A Haunter, hovering near her. Back then, she didn't have the strength to move, and it had it's way with torturing her. Even through the hypnosis sleep, she could feel herself dying, but the pain was dwarfed by the terror of the nightmare. She had been ready to die, when the nightmare receded. She had opened her eyes to see the man she now trusted and followed standing above her.

But now the roles were reversed. He lay on the ground, and this time she was the one who could move. She leaped forward. The Haunter turned in time to avoid the biting lunge, and responded with a Shadow Claw. It's hand began to glow purple, and Makatza flinched with memory. She remembered the same attack before, striking from nowhere. She growled, and her fear gave way to anger. It was a direct attack this time, not an ambush. She had the advantage, both of typing and of resolve. The attack hit Makatza full on, but she was braced for it, and bit down on the Haunter before it could move away.


The Haunter lay on the ground, staring up at the Mightyena. Curse her! She had escaped him herself, and was now interfering with other's deaths! He readied his curse. It wouldn't save him, but he couldn't manage much else. He drained his life down, and started to cast the curse. At the last moment, he changed his target. She had begun to fight, not for her own sake, but for the man's sake. Let him then take the curse! His death would be her misery!

The Mightyena braced to take his curse, and her eyes widened as she felt it pass her. She released her hold and jumped over to the man. What luck! He sank into the ground before she had a chance to attack him again. As he fled, he could hear her howls of anguish reverberating through the night.

Chapter End Notes:I had some last minute formatting issues, so I'm not sure how this will end up looking. I hope you liked it. If you have any advice for me, I'm more than happy to listen
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