AGNPH Stories

Sir Whozzawhatzit by tsumeryuu


Story Notes:

If you are wondering about the title, I wrote the entire story with "Sir Whozzawatzit" as the main character's name, and Search + Replace'd it at the end. I couldn't think of a title, so I went with that. This is basically my first story, so I hope you enjoy it.


Makatza was asleep, dreaming vividly. She saw a forest. Everything in the forest was growing and decaying at an extreme rate. Berries fell from dying branches, and, upon hitting the ground, burst into full grown trees. Birds flew across the sky, giving birth and dying without pause, skeletons raining on the ground to feed the trees. The ground was illuminated with the light of countless evolutions, and the air was thick with the smell of growth and decay.

A dark figure appeared amongst the chaos. At first, it seemed to be Death. But, it was on four legs, rather than two. It stood still for a while, observing, unaffected by the rapid passage of time around it.

It walked forward, moving deliberately, but with a distinctly feminine grace. Her object was clear: a man, dying at the trunk of a withering tree. They looked at each other for an instant; the man's fading eyes met her unchanging ones.

The atmosphere changed. Time, instead of rushing forward, stood almost still. The air seemed stretched, as though some great tension were straining it. Another instant passed, and the dark figure lowered her head to the man.

Two worlds collided.


Makatza woke abruptly, tense and acutely aware of her surroundings. A fruit was falling above her, and she jumped out of the way to avoid a tree springing up at her. It hit the ground and split open, but nothing changed. Breathing heavily, Makatza shook the remnants of the dream out of her mind, and tried to make sense of the world around her.

She was in a forest, but it was familiar. It was Ilex forest. She felt a familiar twinge of annoyance, but then she remembered... Death had sent her here, not to get rid of her, but to help her accomplish her goal.

At that thought, the dream returned. She shook it off once more, and began walking towards the nearest town. Still, one fragment remained. The face of the dark figure in the dream. It was her own.


Makatza was crouched outside of Azalea Town. She had been outside of the town for a few days, watching some of the residents, her plan forming in her mind. She had learned what she needed a while ago, but was still hesitant to proceed.

She watched a man exit his house, and start picking some fruit from the orchard right by. He had done so every day she had watched him. He inspected each fruit, and some he would throw away. Most he kept. He was an older man, with grey hair, and some back problems. But, that wasn't a big issue. He seemed well respected and liked in the community, but, at the moment, that wasn't an issue either. The other residents were quite a ways away, oblivious to her presence. Suddenly, the man dropped one of the fruit. He made a sound of annoyance, and bent to pick it up.

His back was to her, and she bolted upright. Still, she hesitated. The doubts that had been plaguing her the last few days returned full force. This time, however, she shook them off immediately, lest she miss her chance. She dashed forward.


It was a fine day, Kurt thought. The sun was shining, the grass was green. Very green, in fact. He was having a bit of trouble finding the green Apricorn he had just dropped into it. He didn't want to bend down too far to look for it, since that always bothered his back.

His eyes weren't the best anymore, and he considered calling his granddaughter out. But he decided against it. He wasn't so old that he needed help with every little thing.

Aha! He saw a bit of a shine in the grass. That must be the Apricorn. He bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, he crashed to the ground, a heavy weight on his back. He managed to roll to the side, and then was pinned by two paws on his shoulders, two on his thighs, and some jaws at his throat. He saw the face of the Pokemon on him, and registered a number of things in rapid succession.

First, it was a Mighyena.
Second, it looked triumphant.
Third, he wasn't dead yet. This one confused him for a moment, until...
Fourth, behind the triumph, he could see a definite cast of doubt in its eyes. It looked as though it was backed into a corner, yet it had reached that corner by its own choices.
And fifth, that its jaws were alternatively tightening and loosening, as if to symbolize the choice it was teetering on the edge of making.


Makatza did indeed feel backed into a corner. She stood over the man, brought here by her own desires and choices, and yet, rejected with every fiber of her being killing an innocent man. She had killed before, sure, but mostly for food, and on occasion in self defense. But, wasn't her love for Haritz just as important to her?

Haritz's body had died a while ago. It was unsuitable for life. She knew even before Death had informed her that she would need a new one for him to be brought back. And here it was. But she still hesitated.

The man she stood over seemed to notice this. He must have thought his best hope for survival was at her mercy, for he lay completely still, looking with at her with eyes that showed as strange of a combination of feelings as her own.

She heard a cry from the side, and glanced over. A small girl was running towards them, crying. Makatza tensed up and growled, tightening her jaws. The man under her shouted something and the girl stopped, still crying, but obeying the man's order.

Her doubts were finally forced to her conscious. She could kill, but, in return, she would inflict her own loss on another. This girl would grieve, perhaps even more than Makatza was grieving now. She loosened her jaws, and suddenly, bolted off into the forest.


Kurt stood up, still shaking, but glad to be alive. He considered telling the town about the Mightyena. It would be hunted down, killed or captured as a threat to humans. He rejected this thought though. He had seen a change in her eyes before she ran. A change he knew meant she would never repeat her actions.

Maisy ran up and hugged him, and he stroked her hair a bit, comforting her, and then walked her inside. He made sure to mentally note the location of the Apricorn, however. It would rot if left out overnight.


Makatza lay in the deepening shadows on the outskirts of Ilex forest. She was dreaming again. The forest was growing and decaying. And again, she stood as a dark figure amongst the chaos. This time, however, she made no move. She was afraid to walk forward, and she refused to walk back. Eventually the chaos reached her, and she, swept up in time's flow, aged unto death, an unfulfilled look still on her face.

She woke with a cry, and then lay shivering, not from cold, but from torment. She didn't know what to do! A corner can be escaped by choosing a new direction, but she had led herself into a box.

Chapter End Notes:So... Yeah. I know how I'm going to continue this, so unless I get distracted by life stuff, I should be able to make the next chapter fairly soon.

Anyway, I hope you liked it somewhat. If you find any errors... Well... Point them out and I'll try to fix them. I really appreciate constructive criticism
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