AGNPH Stories

The Order of Blood and Bone by maedhros


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. * * *This is my first story that I've let anyone read. My friends loved it, so I decided to post it here. Hope it's as good as they say it is!

Chapter 1

Jake sighed and started walking, not knowing or really even caring where he would end up. He had the same intention as any other kid in the world: to go on an adventure with his friends, catch and train Pokemon, and eventually take on the Pokemon League. Jake, however, had a problem. He was fifteen now, and had yet to befriend his first Pokemon. Any potential candidates either shied away from him or attacked him, the latter leaving various scars and burns. It wasn't like he was cruel to Pokemon either, quite the contrary, as he did anything in his power to help any that were hurt or otherwise endangered.
He envied his two best friends, Boom and Zeak. Boom had got his first Pokemon, a Numel, when he was on vacation with his dad when he was eight. Zeak met a Geodude who wandered into the middle of town later that year. This left Jake to wallow in his self pity, but he never let them know that.
All these depressing thoughts were getting Jake to believe that he was just destined not to become a Trainer, when he snapped back to reality. He had wound up in the forest surrounding his home town, Littleroot. He walked over to a nearby stream and bent down to take a drink. He heard something running through the forest in his direction, and a small brown Pokemon dashed between two trees. It was looking back towards where it came from, and ran right into Jake. He looked down and recognized it as an Eevee. It had numerous cuts, several bleeding severely, and its fur was ruffled all over.
They heard another Pokemon running their way, and the Eevee stood behind Jake, quivering. A Houndour ran straight at them and stopped a few feet in front of Jake, snarling at the Eevee. Jake guessed the Eevee either attacked the Houndour first, or more likely, stole from it.
The black, dog-like Pokemon tried to run at the Eevee, but Jake snatched it up, struggling to subdue it. He was waiting for the Eevee to run, but it just stood there, shaking with fear. Realizing he should let the Houndour go before the rest of its pack came, he set it down and gave it a little push. It growled, but went anyways.
Jake bent down to examine the Eevee. It was a girl and, sure enough, it had a light blue stone in its mouth, probably taken from the Houndour. She looked like she couldn't stand on her own much longer, so Jake picked her up and ran to the nearest Pokemon Center, the one in Oldale.

Jake ran full speed thrugh the doors of the Pokemon Center, making Nurse Joy jump up out of her seat. She noticed the injured Pokemon in Jake's arms and had Chansey immediatly take her to one of the operating rooms.
Jake sat in the lobby, studying the stone he was keeping for the Eevee until she was healed. It was a very light cyan in color, and smooth all over its elliptical surface. It radiated a cooling sensation wherever he touched it. He turned it over and noticed a snowflake just under the surface, almost as large as the stone itself.
He fell asleep after a little bit, and woke up to Nurse Joy shaking him. "Sir? Is the Eevee you brought in yours?" she asked in her usual cheery tone.
"No." he replied. "I found her in the forest just west of Littleroot Town." He paused for a second. "I suppose you want me to take her back?"
"If it isn't too much trouble. I'll be right back with the Eevee." She returned, and handed the now bandaged Pokemon to Jake. "Be careful!" she yelled as Jake left.
As the two started down Route 101, Eevee started squirming and Jake set her down so she could walk freely. They walked in silence for a while, enjoying the beautiful scenery, until Jake got an idea. He knew he should'nt, since she wasn't his Pokemon, but he had a name for her.
He bent down to talk to her easily. "Hey." She looked at him quizzically. "How would you like a name?" She was still looking at him as if he was crazy, but slowly nodded. "How about Krystal?" he said, getting the idea from the stone she carried with her. She thought it over for a little bit, then nodded a few times, appearing pleased with her new title.
The sun was starting to set as Littleroot Town came into view. They veered off to the right of the path and soon found the stream where they met. Krystal, somewhat reluctantly, started off to her small den nearby. Jake walked back towards home, feeling satisfied with his actions, but vaugely dissapointed.

Jake beat his alarm the next morning and took a quick shower before eating a small breakfast. He had nothing important to do, and Zeak and Boom weren't getting back from their vacation for three more days. Jake decided to go for a walk, hopefully less eventful than yesterdays.
He soon found himself in the exact spot he ended up yesterday and decided to explore the surrounding area. He spotted a few Pokemon, all of which avoided him. Several times he thought he heard someone following behind him, turning around to see nothing at all. After a while he got hungry, so he went back home to make some lunch.
By the time he got home, Jake was becoming paranoid, constantly checking behind himself to spot the person that he was sure was following him. He finally got home, locking the door behind him, just in case. With that out of the way, he went into the kitchen to make some sandwiches.
He made three, enough to sate his appetite, and sat in the living room to watch some T.V. He finished one sandwich and started the next. He reached for the third one on the table next to him, but grabbed a handful of fur instead. He gave a shout of surprise and fell off the couch, making Krystal laugh at him.
"How did you get in here?" he half-laughed, half-groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. She nodded towards the door. "A smart-alec, huh?" he chuckled. Seeing that Jake wasn't angry, Krystal jumped back up on the table and continued eating his sandwich. "My mom always said that once you feed 'em, they never leave. So I guess that means you'll have to stay with me. How does that sound?"
She gulped down the rest of the sandwich and thought about that. Food like this every day? Sleeping indoors instead of in that nasty hovel she called home? T.V.?! She jumped on Jake, knocking him to the ground again. "That's great! One thing, though." Krystal looked at him, wondering. "When Mom gets home, what do I tell her?"
* * *
Chapter End Notes:Well, there it is! :D Comment and let me know if you like it so far. It gets alot more exciting later, I promise
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