AGNPH Stories

Birds and the Bees Theme Submission by masterwriter_to


Story Notes:

I decided to do this as a way to test new waters and try to expand my writing abilities. Well tell me what you all think.

Birds and the Bees Submission

Birds and the Bees Submission:

Dark Honey



The Eterna Forest was home to many pokemon who were seeking a peaceful life style away from the hustle and bustle of the city and humans. Many flying type pokemon lived in the forest and flew to the city to bring back interesting news from the city to the forest pokemon so they could stay informed about what was going on and if it affect them. One of these pokemon that were constently going to the city was a Staravia by the name of Windtail who was said to be the fastest flying pokemon of his age. Today was his day to give the daily report about what was going on in the world of humans.

"......not much really outside of the usual pokemon battles at the gym and travelers speaking about their most exciting pokemon battles to date." Windtail told the small group of forest pokemon that night.

"What's it like Windtail being about to go into the human cities?" A buneary asked holding onto her cotton like fur. "Is it....magical?"

"Nah its pretty boring, their always having pokemon battles and forcing us to fight against our will. It kind of makes me sick."

"I have a brother who use to be a trainers pokemon." A female Combee spoke up as she flys just above all the other pokemon. "He said the trainer made him battle day and night trying to make him evolve but as you know only females evolve so he was released because he was considered useless."

"See what I mean no point in going out there." Flies off into a nearby tree. The female Combee followed him up there though.

"Windtail can we talk?" She asked him as she buzzed around the bird.

"Ya what is it Pollen?"

"Well what is it really like in those cities?"

"Why is everyone keep asking me that? I've already told you that there is nothing to see there."

"I know but I'm just getting so tired of being here in this forest doing the same old thing everyday for the queen and I want to live like" She buzzed with a look of admiration for the bird. "You think its possible for me to fly all the way to the city?"

"Maybe, I mean I'm not sure just how poweful those little wings of yours are but shoot if you put your mind to it I'm sure you can do it." Coos as he was beginning to become sleepy. "You going to head back to the hive I'm sure Vespiquen might not miss a few of her drones but she might come to miss one of her little princesses."

"Alright...I'm going." Buzzes off though as Windtail watches her go he couldn't help but notice she was flying in a different direction. Normally he would go ask her where she was going but he was too tired to try and do anything and simply dismissed it that she was taking a different way back home.

Windtail sleep pretty well that night the peaceful sound of pokemon cries always soothed him to sleep but by morning time all he could hear was the awful sound of.....buzzing. He was use to waking up to the sound of a little buzzing since Pollen always came to see him in the morning but today it sounded like a entire hive was around him.

"Pollen...could you...please give me...five more minutes...." Yawns as he tried to cover his face with a wing but now the sound got even worse as the sound was even closer. Finally getting pissed off Windtail lifts his face out of his feathers about ready to yell at the little bee but found that the one who was buzzing around his face wasn't his cute little friend but her entire hive.
"You guys are not Pollen." Was all he could muster up to say as the male bees picked up the bird and carried him away back to their hive.

It was a little bit later when Windtail was finally dropped onto a soft stick ground. Looking under him he saw that he was laying on a honeycomb which wasn't doing his feathers any good.

"What is you guys problem, do you know how hard it easy to get these feathers clean?"

"Be quiet." Windtail felt his heart nearly stop when he heard that voice. Of all the pokemon in the forest who you didn't want to piss off it was the owner of that voice.

"Oh shit....."

"Where is my baby?" Vespiquen asked in a worried but very angered voice. "Where is my little Pollen?"

"What?" Windtail cried as he was shaking his wings clean of what loose honey he could. "Didn't she come back last night?"

"No!" Windtail saw the large female queen bee fly closer to him her arms shaking. "Wait, wait why are you asking me?"

"You are her best friend and the last one seen talking to her last night. WHERE'S MY BABY!" She tries to snatch the bird but he was too quick to get caught but wasn't fast enough to escape the wall of Combees as they formed a wall in front of his escape bath.

"I don't know!" Windtail yelled fearfully. "Please don't hurt me."

"If one hair on her little body is out of order I swear I'll sting you to death myself." Vespiquen yanks him up. "You have until sundown to find her and if you don' don't want to know what will happen if you don't." Drops the bird while the Combees broke up and flew away letting him leave.

"Man Pollen what have you gotten me into?" Flies off as quickly as his wings could muster the bird feeling a sense of fear for what will happen to him if he didn't find his friend before sun down. Where could she possibly be though Eterna Forest wasn't the smallest forest in the world and trying to find one little pokemon in a place like this could take days and that wasn't a luxury he quite had at this moment. Windtail took a rest after a few hours of flying around without stopping. Landing onto a rock Wingtail looks up to the sky for guidance.

"Pollen where are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Windtail what you doing out this way?" A Mothim asked from a tree branch above him. "Its not normal for me to see you without your shadow."

"Thats the thing I can't find my little shadow today." He said in a voice of hopelessness. "Trying to find one little bee in a forest like this could take days and that is with help."

"Well I saw her last night if that is any help." Mothim announced. "She was heading out west last night while buzzing about seeing some place."

"You serious?" He said with a bit of hope. "West...whats out west again?"

"Nothing more but that dreadful city, no place for a insect if you ask me."

"Of course!" Memories of last night began to come back to Windtail as he remembered telling her that if she really tried to could reach the city. "I know where she is." Takes off and starts heading towards the city as fast as his wings could take him. Wondering if she might already be there made him worried since she might get attacked and caught by a trainer because of how rare she was.
"Pollen please be ok."

It took Windtail a hour to reach the edge of the forest, which at that point changes into open plains as one draws closer to the city. This gave Windtail a advantage since he could see everything easily at that point and would be able to spot Pollen in a instint. Circling the area Windtail looked for the slightest hint of a small yellow bee.

After a few more hours Windtail saw that it was starting to become late afternoon and was beginning to grow worried. Dropping down to the ground Windtail groans as he knew he was running out of time to find the little bee. At this point he knew he needed a miracle.

"Windtail!" A small voice cried out. Looking around Windtail felt like his heart would jump out of his chest as he saw Pollen buzzing towards him from the direction of the forest. He was wished that he could get stung right now just to make sure that this was really happening.

"Pollen what are you-." he was cut short as she buzzed by him flying as fast as her little wings could take her. The sound of something roaring was heard coming from the forest as he saw of all things a Ursaring chasing after her.

"Go Ursaring blast that Combee out the sky." A purpled headed trainer walked out after the Ursaring. "Lets see if she's of any use to me." He held out one of those strange red things and was pointing it at Pollen.

"Whats going on?" Windtail asked the Ursaring who just passed him by as it chased after Pollen.

"I guess it'll be useful..." The purple headed trainer puts the device away. "Hurry up and use Hyper Beam Ursaring."

"NO!" Windtail used quick attack and struck the Ursaring in his jaw making him miss Pollen by inches.

"What the-" The trainer said. "Get out the way you dumb bird. Ursaring Fury Swipes."

Windtail dodged the attacks as he felt the sharp claws of the big bear miss him by a a hair each time, there was no way he could keep this up for long.

"That Starvia is way faster than that Starly I released a while back." The trainer pulls out a poke'ball. "You might actually be useful. Ursaring return." The trainer called his Ursaring back into his ball and pulls around another one along with a empty one.
"Elekid stand-by." Throws one of the balls and a Elekid appeared out of that strange bright light.

"Pollen get out of here now!" Windtail yelled to the Combee female as she buzzed high above them.

"But what about you?" She cried wanting to go down to help him but was too scared to do so.

"I'll be fine....just get going before you get caught up in this again." Windtail knew he might not win this but if he didn't fight back then Pollen might be in danger again. No all he could do was distract the trainer long enough in hopes that Pollen will escape. Looking up he saw her slowly leaving but not fast enough.

"POLLEN GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Windtail yelled.

"Elekid Thunderpunch." The trainer ordered. Windtail was fast but this Elekid was in a class of his own as he slugged him so fast that Windtail didn't even have time to think of how to evade the attack and was sent rolled into the dirt his entire body feeling heavy and not responding fast enough to his will.

"Windtail!" Windtail heard Pollen yell from high above.

"Pollen...please get out of here...." Could barly speak none the less get up.

"One punch you serious?" The trainer gripped. "Maybe I was wrong about you." Looks up and sees Pollen hovering over them. "Elekid use thundershock to knock that Combee out of the sky."

"You got it." Charges and fires a bolt of weak electricity at Pollen and knocked her out the sky. She landed face first in the dirt and was stunned from the attack her wings not responding to her.

"Why is everything in this forest so weak?" The trainer asked no one in general. Windtail saw that he was pulling out one of those capturing orbs and knew that he was going to try and catch Pollen. Getting up he fought off the effects of that Thunderpunch and flew at the Elekid and stuck him with of all moves Brave Bird knocking the Elekid into a rock.

"What the!?" The trainer asked turning his attention to Windtail. "Was that Brave Bird? Maybe you do have some use after all." He throws the poke'ball at Windtail though it was dodged easily as Windtail glared at the trainer. Stepping back the trainer trainer returned his Elekid to its ball and runs off before Windtail tried to attack him.

"Ya you better run." Flys after the trainer peaking at his head to make sure that he didn't try anything else.


Windtail followed him until he was sure that the trainer wouldn't come back and quickly flies back over to Pollen who was finally recovering from getting shocked. She looks up at Windtail who was smiling at her.

"You feeling ok?"

"Y-Ya..." Gets up and starts crying. "I"m so sorry for causing you so much trouble." Buries her face in his feathers.

"Don't worry....its nothing that I haven't been though before." Pats her on the head trying to calm her down. "You have to be more careful when you leave the forest since there are trainers out here who will try to catch you."

"I was so scared."

"Hey it was your first time coming out here, I was the same way when I first flew out this far." Windtail comforts her.

"You mean I can come back out here some time?" Pollen asked as she fought back tears.

"Ya but next time bring me along so I can make sure you stay safe deal."

"You bet!"

With that the pair decide to call it a day and head back home and this time it was Pollen who was giving out the evening report as she told everyone of her adventure of how she was nearly caught by a mean trainer and how Windtail came to her rescue. Windtail was haled as a hero when he brought Pollen back home and was treated to a life time supply of free honey.

All in all it was a happy ending for everyone.....Well all but the trainer who had to get treated for all the lumps he had on the top of his head from Windtail.
Chapter End Notes:So tell me what you all thought. I know it was sexless but I just couldn't figure out where and how I would want a sex scene to be
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