AGNPH Stories

The Pokemon Rape 2: Streets Of Rape by gillman


Story Notes:

Warning: This story contains scenes of explicit violence, gore, sex, and bad language. Not recomended for under 15s.

Chapter 2

As I was walking through the forest, I was wishing to myself that I had just stayed in that bed instead of walking outside into the most insane world in existence. I then heard something moving behind a bush. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. As I started to think it was just my imagination, I saw a bush moving around. I slowly approached it and put my hands on it, ready to pull it open. My heart was pounding in the back of my throat as I wondered what was hiding in it. I pulled it open and was surprised to see a male Aggron curled up in a ball. It was kind of cute to see but after I opened the bush, it jumped up and backed away, growling defensively. Not moving forward at all, I tried my best to calm it down.
"Hey, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you, big guy."
Still growling, he glared evilly at me.
"You are! You're one of them! Just let me go home!"
I hesitated at first but I knew he wasn't going to listen to what I had to say. I slowly walked over to him and as I did so he growled louder and louder. He backed away from me until he backed into a tree. I'm surprised he didn't rip me to freaking shreds, but he wasn't violent at all. As I approached him, he stopped growling and simply started to whine in fear. I gently placed my hand on the side of his face and spoke in a soft tone of voice.
"Listen to me. You're free now. No one's going to hurt you least of all, me."
He then stopped whining and calmed down a bit and I continued to gently rub the side of the poor creature's face. He then smiled cutely at me and said,
"I can go now?"
I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, go."
He licked my face and then started to walk home. I continued onwards to find a way out of the forest. I was walking for about five minutes before I heard something behind me. I turned around to see the Aggron I met earlier walking behind me. Slightly confused, I looked at him and said,
"I thought you were going home."
He gulped and then replied.
"I was going to, but then I decided I want to go with you."
Of course, I didn't question him because I knew I was going to need help getting out of this place. I smiled and patted the side of my leg twice and said,
"Come on, boy!"
The creature smiled and ran towards me and we began to walk together. I looked up at my new found companion and asked,
"So, can I count on you to help me get out of here?"
He smiled down at me and nodded. I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his response. By now the sun had been covered by clouds and it was getting cold. I started to shiver. My new friend looked down at me and, without saying anything; he put his right arm around me and held me close, my face being pressed against his large thigh. Of course, this made me feel weird at first but I didn't complain as he shared his warmth with me. I almost fell to sleep as I was walking and my new friend soon noticed that. Without saying anything, he picked me up off of the ground and held me in his giant arms. I started to fall to sleep in his arms due to how exhausted I now was. My friend spoke to me in a soft voice.
"Hey, don't fall to sleep yet. We're nearly out."
I nodded and rubbed my eyes, to keep myself awake. I told him where I lived and thankfully, he took me there. Unfortunately, I had completely forgotten what was waiting for us there.

We approached my house and he pushed the door open. He walked inside and looked inside a few of the rooms until he found my bedroom, with the sleeping horror inside. He looked at the female Aggron lying on the king sized bed and luckily, he didn't even think anything of it. I love people who don't ask questions. He simply placed me on the bed next to her and left, quietly closing the door behind him. A few hours passed and I awakened. Forgetting that the female Aggron was in my house, I saw her next to me and at first, I thought it was my friend from earlier, but then I noticed the massive breasts and remembered everything. She opened her eyes and looked over at me.
"Where did you go? You were gone for so long! Why did you sneak away?"
I gulped before responding.
"I just had to take a walk to clear my head, and then I ran into a friend and spent some time with him. That's all."
I felt comfortable saying that because I wasn't necessarily lying, I was just leaving out the important parts. She nodded and said,
"Okay then, just tell me next time. I was worried shitless about you!"
I sighed and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry."
I moved closer to her, hoping she wasn't too mad, but as I tried to cuddle her, she pushed me away with one arm and then got out of the bed.
"I'm going now! I might be back later if I decide to forgive you."
She left and I cursed out of frustration at her being such a bitch. A few minutes after she had gone, Bob walked in and said,
"Dude, your door was open. So, how'd it go?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now."
Before he could respond, my new found friend walked through the door. Bob turned around and backed away.
"Oh shit! Who the hell is that?"
I stood up and walked over to the two of them.
"Don't worry, we met earlier."
Bob then looked at the Aggron and gulped before offering his hand. The Aggron then smiled and shook his hand, nearly crushing it in the process. I hugged my over sized friend and said,
"Can I ask you something?"
Without saying anything, he nodded.
"Do you have a name?"
He shook his head, silently.
"Well, we know a couple of Aggrons now and we can't call you both Aggron without getting confused, so how about we come up with a name for you?"
He seemed to like the idea as he smiled and nodded his head and I turned to Bob.
"Any ideas?"
"No, Gill. I'm shit with names."
I stood there and thought to myself for a few minutes and then it came to me.
"I've got it! How about we call you Mammoth?"
Bob smiled and said,
"That's an awesome name for him."
The Aggron smiled and nodded, wagging his tail. I laughed and said,
"Okay, Mammoth it is."
Mammoth smiled and licked my face. Bob laughed for a few seconds until the alarm on his phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and said,
"Crap! My film's on! See you two later."
He left in a hurry to catch his movie and Mammoth smiled down at me.
"So, Gill. What do you say we get to know each other a little better?"
He said, smiling down at me.
"Mammoth, I'm not sure what you're suggesting."
"Of coerce you do, Gill. Now get on your knees!"

Needless to say, at this point I immediately regretted ever walking over to that bush. I got on my knees and waited for his order, but before anything could happen, Bob came back through the door and said,
"It's all right, I decided to tape it instead."
He then noticed me kneeling in front of Mammoth.
"Oh, am I interrupting something? Sorry, guys."
Without delay, I shouted,
"Bob! Help!"
Mammoth then immediately walked towards Bob with an angry look on his face. Bob backed away into the kitchen and grabbed the baseball bat that was leaning against the fridge. It's a good thing my house is such a damn mess. Bob stood defensively as the beast approached him and Mammoth laughed.
"What are you going to do with that, little one?"
Bob swung the bat in a straight upwards motion, striking Mammoth directly in the balls and bringing him to his knees, screaming loudly. At this point, I stood up and ran towards Mammoth, leaping on his shoulders. Mammoth jumped to his feet and started flailing around wildly, attempting to throw me off. As he flailed insanely, he moved outside and eventually sent me flying into a tree. At this point, Bob ran out with the bat and smashed Mammoth in the leg with it, knocking him down to one knee. The monster turned to him and stood up before grabbing him by one ankle and holding him upside down. He snarled evilly at Bob before I got up and ran back into the house. Having already seen Aggron being dealt with on T.V. and all, I quickly filled the bowl in the sink with cold water. Now, the great fear of water comes naturally with all Aggron, so I ran outside and threw it over Mammoth's front side. He immediately dropped Bob and began to cower against the nearest tree, screaming in terror. That wimp! Bob stood up and we both stood there, looking at him. And of course, our good friend, the Lucario chose this moment to come and see us. She looked over at Mammoth, almost crying and then me standing next to Bob who was still holding the bat and then back at Mammoth, a tear had appeared in her eye and she began to scream at us.
"What the hell have you two been doing to this poor creature!?"
Bob and I looked at each other but couldn't think of what to say, so I said what everyone does in this type of situation.
"I swear to God, this is not what it looks like!"
She stared at me with a look of sheer anger in her eyes and I noticed a tear running down her face. Without looking away from her, Bob said,
"Do you think we should try and get her to believe us?"
I shook my head and then replied,
"No, this looks too bad from her point of view."
Then, there was a couple of seconds of silence and I spoke again.
"I say we bail!"
Bob nodded and replied with the words,
"Right behind you!"
And without further hesitation, we began to run, not expecting to get very far, with her being so much faster than us and all but we managed to get away in the end. She screamed at us,
"You two get back here! Now!"
She began to run after us but then decided to go back and comfort the frightened Mammoth. Even though we were fully aware that we had lost her, we continued to run until we got tired and then decided to walk slowly to Heaven's Peak to lay low for a bit and hopefully find the elusive Jack encase we needed him.
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