AGNPH Stories

Jewelwriter Presents: Amelia's Saga by jewelwriter


Story Notes:

This is an important NOTE! This isn't my story but another's that has vanished from the face of this earth. I'm doing this to help restore a story I seen lost.

Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Amelia�s Saga 1

Young Amelia was living in the pokemorph village. Her parents Kalja and Kuland were raising her in accordance with village traditions. She had just finished the mating rites, passing with the greatest of ease. Her mother taught her how to flee from aroused males and her father taught her every trick that most of the males knew to dominate the females. With these two bits of knowledge, she easily lasted the five minutes and even managed to escape her male partner without being dominated.

The male she had escaped from was depressed. It had never been known to happen that a child failed any of the three mating rites though they were hard. The pokemorph may have failed the rite of dominance but he passed strength and wisdom so he was still allowed to mate. The first two parts were the only real ones needed to pass, the last was just to find and claim a mate.

Amelia, the Smeargle morph was now laying on the top of her own personal hut that she built after passing the rites and being declared an adult. Although technically she was only 15 years old, pokemorphs lived shorter than humans by a whole 10 years so their age restrictions were greatly lower than humans.

She had just finished painting the inside of the hut with her green tipped tail and was now taking a break, that is until she was interrupted by the three morphs she didn�t want to meet.

The Chu Brothers

The youngest was a pichu morph named Timmy, he had passed his mating rites only due to the trickery of his brothers, they had altered the traps and tricks to let him win. Being a Pichu, he wasn�t entirely skilled in his powers and using them often resulted in back fires, hence the help from his brothers. He was quite lithe for a pokemorph. He was 15

The middle was Kenny, a pikachu morph. He was a little taller than his pichu brother and had an athletic build. He had passed his mating rites with only minor help of his brothers, he was in more control of his powers and didn�t need the help all that much. He was 16

Finally there was Damon. Damon was a Raichu morph. The chief was the only one who had reached full evolution stage before he did. His brothers had given him a thunder stone just an hour before his final rite and with the new power he got from full evolution, he easily passed. Damon was the tallest and had a muscular build, in full control of his powers too. He was 17

These three pokemorphs were the biggest perverts in the village, they didn�t take life long mates, instead they dubbed themselves pokemorph breeders, they were helping expand the village when in reality, they wanted to fuck freely and not be tied down.

�What do you boys want?� asked Amelia looking at them out of the corner of her eye. Timmy used quick attack to warp up onto her roof.

�We wanted to congratulate you on dodging that charmander morph� said Timmy in his I-Just-Finished-Puberty Voice.

Amelia rolled away from him and dropped form her hut, landing safely on the ground.

�Oh come on, you don�t have to flee like that�.� said Kenny as she leaned against the hut wall, he placed both hands to the sides of her, blocking her from escape� or so he thought.

In a split second, she was gone and a good distance away from them.

�You should be careful about using special moves in a Smeargle�s line of sight�� she said giggling. She had escaped with quick attack, using the outrageous speed to dodge under his arm and dash away.

�Come on Amelia, you�re the first person to not let your partner pass the final test in�.ever! You�re quite popular, imagine if people found out you took on the official pokemorph breeders of the village!� said Damon smoothly.

�Yah, I�d be considered a slut if I did it with you perverts�� Said Amelia seriously. She placed her hands on her hips and flicked her tail, splatting paint on the grass.

�Brothers�. Let me catch her, please�� said Timmy standing from the roof. Kenny and Damon looked at him and shrugged.

�Just be careful about using powers� she can copy them just by seeing them.� said Kenny. Timmy nodded and used quick attack to go into warp speed. As soon as he had vanished, so too did Amelia as they both used quick attack.

The world around them slowed to a crawl as they moved at outrageous speeds. Because they were both going pretty much the same speed as each other, they could see each other running through the village, to them it seemed like they were running normally and everything else was either moving extremely slow or was frozen in time.

Timmy was tempted to grab an object and hurl it into her path but he knew that at the speed he was going, reaching out and touching anything would either shatter it, or possibly dislocate his arm. Instead he jumped onto one of the hut roofs and dashed as Amelia spotted him. He leapt off the building into her path and due to the slow speed of him going through the air, the world went to normal speed for him and he appeared in sight once more.

Although he didn�t see it, he knew Amelia was charging right for him. He placed his hands out in front of him and felt something like a car slam into him, quickly he clamped his arms around the object as he went skidding across the ground. Amelia appearing in his grasp.

They slid across the wet grass and rolled about five times before coming to a halt just outside the village limits. Soon Kenny and Damon appeared at the entrance as well, the had run the whole way at normal speed.

�Looks like we got you now�� said Kenny smiling. Suddenly Timmy let go of Amelia and stepped away from her.

�Timmy? What are you doing?� asked Damon.

�I don�t know�. I�m so confused!� said Timmy in a strained voice.

�That tends to happen when you�re hit by confuse ray�.� said a voice. The chu brothers and Amelia began to look around for the source of the voice.

�Up here!� came the voice. They all looked up to see a haunter morph girl hovering about 15 feet above them. She looked typical to a normal haunter pokemon except she had legs and her hands were not detached from her body but instead had arms. Otherwise, he body was a collection of ghost energy that stuck out in spikes on her head resembling spiky hair. Except for the vampiric fangs, she also looked pretty sexy.

�When did she hit him with confuse ray?� asked Damon to Kenny. Kenny simply shrugged as the ghost morph lowered herself until landing on the ground.

�I suggest you leave this area now� Timmy won�t be able to walk right for at least five minutes so he�ll need your help�� said the haunter girl.

�Abetha thinks she can take on the chu brothers!?� asked Kenny cracking his knuckles. The haunter girl grabbed onto Amelia�s shoulders and in a flash, they were gone. They soon reappeared back at Amelia�s hut.

�You okay girl?� asked Abetha. Amelia nodded and smiled.

�Thanks Abetha, I see you learned teleport� that can come in handy now that I can use it.� said Amelia.

�yah well you can only learn four moves, don�t forget, and you already have teleport and quick attack. Both are pretty much forms of travel. You have two more left�� said Abetha, her ghostly energy swirling around her like mist.

�Well with teleport, I don�t really need quick attack any more. I get tired from running that fast.� said Amelia smiling.


�Damn it� now she knows teleport! We�ll never get her�.� said Damon as he thunder punched the village wall. Lightning crackled through the stone wall and sent a few cracks through it but the wall still held.

Timmy was trying to learn control of his bodily movements again while under the effects of confuse ray.

�Peace brother, I have a plan�� said Kenny as he placed a hand on Damon�s left shoulder. Damon looked at him and Timmy looked the opposite direction before turning to face Kenny when he realized to look right, he had to try looking left.

�Teleport is a psychic attack� while it is very useful, only psychic type pokemon can use it repeatedly. The more she uses it in a short time, the more strain it puts on her mind� in other words, each use tires her out�.� said Kenny who was obviously the plan maker.

�So we have to get her to use it a lot in a short time until she becomes too tired.� said Damon smiling.

�Wasn�t there a story of a bunch of machoke who did that?� asked Timmy as his mind was finally fixing itself.

�Yeah, that�s where I got the plan from�� said Kenny smiling.

Amelia�s Saga 2

Amelia and Abetha were sitting at Amelia�s house deciding what to do about the chu brothers. Surely they would not give up. The fact that she had gotten away was far more arousing to them than simply having her lay down and be their toy.

Abetha had spent the night with Amelia to ensure that they didn�t bust into her home. Unaware that they actually had a plan to get her�

They decided to take a walk as they had been cooped up all day and were getting sore muscles.

As they left the hut, Timmy crouched in the bushes near Amelia�s front door. He stayed hidden as they walked down the dirt road from the living district and into the business district of the village. When they were out of earshot, he slowly crept out of the bushes and followed them, keeping low to the ground. When ever they were just about to leave his sight by rounding a corner, he would use quick attack to warp close enough to them without being heard or seen and then resume his stealthy approach again.

It wasn�t long before he reached the check point. He saw the hiding spot of his brother Kenny and used quick attack to run forward to it, unseen despite the fact he had run right past the two girls. Kenny was hiding in an alley and when Timmy appeared and gave a silent nod, Kenny took over the watch.

This was the plan, observe the girls over a long period of time and find out the three places they would most likely frequent, after they had learned that, one of them would hide in each spot and ambush them when they teleported to that area.

Kenny managed to follow them but since he wasn�t as skilled in the quick attack technique or stealth as his younger brother, he had a hard time. He just managed to sneak to Damon�s hiding spot without being noticed.

Kenny gave Damon the sign and he nodded, moving from his hiding spot in a pile of storage containers the village had looted from a team rocket outpost. Of all his brothers, he was by far the worst at stealth. Timmy was small and lithe, plus the ability to move faster than the ability to see him was a huge bonus to his sneaking powers. Kenny�s athletic body allowed him the agility for sneaking. Damon however was a muscle bound raichu brute. He didn�t like doing this little plan thing and would have preferred to just fuck the girls and move on. But with both girls knowing teleport, that wasn�t how it would happen�

The raichu morph got out of his hiding spot as the girls passed by and began to follow them. He was almost discovered five times in only two minutes. Finally he trailed them back home.

The chu brothers met up back at their house which they referred to as �Base� and discussed the places they had seen while following. They charted a map of the village while they talked about this and did the same procedure over the course of one month. By the end of the month, they had a mapped out area of the three places they most visited and the other minor areas.

�Okay these three places are their house� the business district�. And the food district�� said Kenny marking the places out with a pointer stick. �all three of these are relatively close by so if one of each of us hides there for the ambush, we can quickly let the others know. Likewise, these act as cross roads in the village�� said Kenny pausing as his brothers listened.

�You can�t get anywhere in the village that�s a huge distance without passing by any one of these areas which means we will easily be able to ambush them even if they go to a minor place, we simply send the two on the closest roads to box them in, one coming from one side and the other coming from the other side. This seems pretty good in our favor.� said Kenny.

They all gave a high five and prepared. They had spent the month masturbating so that the girl�s wouldn�t change their routes out of fear of being raped. They hadn�t touched a single female all month to keep a low profile, many of the villagers thought they had left the village since they were hiding practically all the time and trialing Amelia.

�Man, I need to get laid now�� said Timmy as his penis was already getting hard by the thought of it. Since only the chief wore clothing, his dick was sticking out for his brothers to see. It was four inches long and about half an inch thick, not surprising considering his small size and age.

�Don�t worry brother, we�ll get them this time� but it will be hard, they can teleport. So we have to stick to the plan or else�� said Kenny.

They moved out and got into their places. Damon as the ambush for food district, Timmy as ambush for business district, and Kenny as ambush for the house. Not one of them were naive enough to expect to catch the girls without tiring out their teleport first so they didn�t get their hopes up.

�I haven�t seen the chu brothers in a long time�� said Abetha as she and Amelia were getting prepared for another day in the village.

As they left the house after a small breakfast of berries, they heard the laughter of Kenny. Looking to it�s direction, they saw Kenny crouching on Amelia�s roof right over the door. He was perched gargoyle style looking down on the two girls.

�I�m going to enjoy this�� said Kenny trying to make it seem like he didn�t have a back up plan for their teleport. In the position he was sitting in, his hard penis was exposed. It was larger than Timmy�s by two inches and was an inch thick. Just as he was about to land his pounce on them, the girls vanished in a small flash of light. He caught himself on all fours and smiled.

�Bingo�� he said as he waited for the signal from his brothers.

The girls appeared at the food district almost the instant they had teleported away from the house. �Hopefully now we can get some peace�� said Abetha.

�I don�t think so�� said Damon. He had seen the flash of light when they appeared in his area and had raced to the spot.

His penis was by far the largest and he was also the most ready for mating. It was eight inches long and two inches thick, already dripping precum onto the ground. He got ready to strike but the girls quickly teleported to the business district.

�This better not last much longer�� said Damon angrily.

As they appeared in the district guarded by Timmy, he saw them and quick attack warped to their location.

�Hey girls�� he said licking his lips.

�God damn it!� shouted Abetha as they teleported away again. They had only made it a few yards away from Timmy before they phased back in. both girls fell to the ground clutching their foreheads.

�Gotcha�� said Timmy. He held one hand straight up in the air and let off a thunder shock attack into the sky. Shortly after it was launched, he brought his hand down, clutching it as the lightning had backfired like usual.

As he launched the attack, it was actually a signal. Damon and Kenny arrived just moments later.

�You� Planned this?� Asked Amelia in disbelief as she clutched her aching head.

�Where do you think we were all month? We�ve been trailing you�� said Kenny smiling.

�Hey guys, this is a bit crowded, even if it is our village, we should go to the woods�� said Timmy.

�Fuck that� I�ve waited too long for this�� said Damon walking up to the girls.

Damon picked up the weakened Amelia and hugged her close, both hands groping her ass forcefully.

She tried to teleport but it only resulted in a pounding head ache for her. Abetha resulted in the same headache when she tried to teleport away from Timmy who was fondling her.

�You�re going to pay for confusing me that day.� said Timmy smiling.

Kenny decided he�d double up with Damon and while the eldest brother groped his victim�s ass, Kenny groped her breasts.

They dragged the girls into one of the alleys of the business district and quickly set to work. Amelia was lain on the ground on her back as Damon lifted her hips into the air and kneeled between them, Kenny mounted her chest with his erection right at her mouth.

Because Timmy didn�t have a partner in his rape, he had to be careful and so he stuck close to his brothers as he pinned Abetha to the ground on her stomach.

Damon laughed a little bit as he gently slid the head of his penis into Amelia�s virgin slit making her squirm a bit but she still held back due to the pounding head ache. She had to think of something fast.

Soon Kenny grabbed her by the sides of her head and when she opened her mouth to insult him, he thrust his cock into her mouth as far as he could, instantly getting a gag out of her. Timmy aimed himself and shoved his penis into Abetha�s ass while holding her down by her shoulders from behind.

Damon then warned Kenny to brace himself for possible biting of his cock. Kenny responded by charging some electricity to the tip of his left hand�s index finger and held it over Amelia�s left eye. She winced as she got the idea and then Kenny nodded to his older brother. Damon then proceeded to ram his huge cock as far into Amelia as he could as fast as he could.

Amelia let out a muffle scream as her virginity was torn asunder by the large raichu morph.

Kenny instructed her to start sucking, and having no escape plans, she began to do so.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Timmy hammering away at Abetha�s behind while holding her shoulders down. As a Pichu, he had more mass than the evolved ghost pokemorph so it was easy for him to do so. Abetha was yelping with each thrust of her rapist.

Then she felt the pain of the enormous raichu�s cock pulling out and ramming back into her. The force of his thrusts made her body lurch which further helped her blowjob she was giving to Kenny. Kenny was panting rashly as she sucked and bobbed on his dick, the whole time he was contemplating whether he should cum inside her or on her face.

Amelia was surprised when Kenny grabbed her head in a way that held her mouth closed around his member and then felt the warm liquid of his cum pour into her mouth. It tasted horrible, as if he had fucked a great deal of females and caught something.

As Kenny force fed her his cum, she swallowed every drop before he allowed her to pull her mouth off him.

Damon was now starting to fuck her beyond what she could handle. She screamed in pain as his large member ravaged her. It wasn�t until now that she realized with the pain in her legs, she had lost her headache.

Timmy gave a struggled gasp as he let his seed shoot into Abetha�s ass. As he pulled out, he gave his victim a rather hard slap on the ass and stood up as Abetha was laying on the ground, exhausted, angry, and crying.

Amelia secretly moved her right hand to aim at Timmy as Kenny stood up and walked away from her, they waited for Damon to impregnate Amelia and then he would move to do so with Abetha.

Amelia smiled, though it was hard to do so with what had just happened. She let loose a thunder shock attack which hit Timmy and sent him sprawling across the ground.

Kenny rushed to attack her but she turned and thunder shocked him, also sending him skidding away.

�What the!?� said Damon, he was only two more thrusts from cumming but in his surprise, he stopped. His mistake as he would have to start over again. Amelia let another thunder shock from hands at Damon�s face making him pull out of her clawing at the tingly feeling he was getting. Being a Raichu, he had a resistance to lightning attacks but that didn�t mean he wasn�t at least effected by them.

As Amelia struggled to get into a kneeling position, her legs still numb somewhat. She dragged herself over to Abetha and touched her shoulder, in a flash they teleported out of the village limits.

Damon stood up, the tingly feeling left his face as his brothers were now crouching, massaging the pain away. Damon looked at them and growled.

�YOU BITCH!� he roared at the top of his lungs, and in his anger, lightning bolts exploded around him, hitting several places in the alley, charring them to a crisp. Kenny and Timmy cowered in fear as their brother was known for this behavior.

Ordinarily, their brother was tough and liked to rape females for �expanding the village� but every once in a while, a female would come along that was quite illusive. Damon hated the chase. His brothers loved it.

When there was a female he couldn�t go after, he got into a weird mode� the brothers knew that Amelia would either fuck him, or he would kill her.

Amelia�s Saga 3

Amelia and Abetha ended the teleport in the forest where the two final rites were usually held. As they arrived, Amelia�s head ache returned in full and she crouched to the ground groaning, she had teleported away the instant she recovered from her headache to avoid being raped and impregnated.

But they had suffered. Amelia was forced to swallow Kenny�s cum and Abetha had been sodomized by Timmy. If Amelia hadn�t acted quickly, they both would be carrying Damon�s children.

�We can�t keep running. We have to do something!� said Amelia through the pain. Abetha was seemingly in deep thought. She turned slowly and had a smile on her tear stained face.

�I believe I have a plan�� she said. Amelia looked at her hopefully.

�You remember my confuse ray?� she asked. Amelia nodded. Abetha began to explain the plan and as she spoke on, Amelia also donned a mischievous grin.


Damon smacked the meowth morph as he had just finished cumming inside her, giving her his child.

Kenny and Timmy were making sure to stay a good six foot distance away from their older brother as he was now in his murder mode. The meowth girl was laying on their hut floor sobbing as Damon had been ravaging her for several hours now. Damon jerked his head in her direction while looking at Kenny who nodded and went to move the girl from their home. He dragged her to the business district and plopped her on the ground, not caring she was too wracked with pain to make it back home.

He quickly returned home as Damon was trying to figure out what to do now.

�They already expect us to trail their new routes. They could keep it up for several weeks and then teleport to different areas when we arrive.� said Kenny. Damon glared daggers at him for stating the obvious.

�Here is what we do�� said Damon angrily. He had been in a rage for the entire time that Amelia and Abetha escaped them.

�we will catch them and drug them, I have a friend who can help.� said Damon.

�Who is your friend?� asked Timmy but cringed when Damon leered at him.

About an hour later, they were at the hut of Damon�s friend.

His friend was a Treeko morph and was an assistant to the village alchemist. He knew a great deal about plants, medicine, and drugs as he would often gather ingredients for such medicines.

�So Leek, what can you do to help us?� asked Damon in rage. Leek, the Treeko morph thought hard and went to grab some bottles and containers.

�I�ve been working on a new item that most pokemon trainers would pay hundreds of thousands for.� said Leek as he began mixing the ingredients on his laboratory table.

�What does it do?� asked Timmy.

�It�s a reverse of Sleep Heal. I plan to mass produce more kinds, reverse paralyze heal, reverse freeze heal, reverse burn heal and reverse antidote. I call this one the sleep grenade.� said Leek as he finished mixing the ingredients.

He held up a canister of the new item. It was cylinder shaped and had a pin in it.

�Simply pull the pin and throw the grenade, it will explode into sleep powder and knock them out.� said Leek smiling.

Damon took the grenade and smiled deviously. But then he remembered, since only the village chief wore clothing, he had no place to strap the grenade to, that meant he�d have to carry it around the whole time. He grumbled and they left to take care of the haunter and Smeargle girls they were after.

�Okay so here is the plan, I lure them in here and you blast them with confuse ray using all your power points into it.� said Amelia. Abetha nodded and explained.

�Using all my power points in one confuse ray will leave me too weak to move, but if it works, we could turn them gay for the rest of their lives.� said Abetha as she got ready with their plan.

�See if you can make them do incest as well.� said Amelia smiling as Abetha got into her position. Amelia was going back to the village to lure the boys to her.

As Amelia was walking back to the village, she heard a noise and got ready to fight, but as the bushes rustled, out came the last person she expected to see.

�Torch!?� she asked.
Chapter End Notes:This is the full story so far. If you are the owner of this story, please mail me
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    Reviewer: poke_fan2
    Date:Jan 12 2015 Chapter:Chapters 1, 2, and 3
    Glad to see my story survived. ^_^

    Yes, it's me! :D