AGNPH Stories

Shadow of the Serpent by sorai



Shadow of the Serpent:
Chapter 1: Rekindling
By: Sorai

Gary sat on a bench with his legs crossed. Said bench rested just between the long dirt roads and the forest, offering a decent view of the city beyond. He rolled a ruby badge in his fingers, staring at it idly. As he wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead, he pondered the night's events"

He came into town somewhere around noon with his troupe of cheerleaders and fans close behind. T'was Just his next stop on his way through the league- nothing special. Another gym, another badge, another nondescript, simple victory. Later, at the house in which they were to stay until the next morning, the damned girls wouldn't leave him alone.

"You're amazing!" One gasped adoringly, while they fawned around him. "Definitely the best."

All the same to him. The empty compliments, the mindless adoration- they'd used to make him feel so big. Spark his ego, until he felt like he was at the top of the world. Now all they did was bother him to no end. Even the victories themselves felt empty. Wiping the floor with his opponents, one by one, there was little fascination left.

He'd feigned having to go to the bathroom and escaped out of the restroom window. Though they eventually caught on to his escape, he'd managed to run to the outskirts without being noticed. Gary ground his teeth in frustration.

"Damnit!" he threw the badge to the dirt and ground his teeth. "Where's the satisfaction? Where's the sweet taste of victory? What accomplishment is there in stepping on bugs? No, it's not enough."

"Gary! Gary! Where are you? Oh, Gary!"

Gary cringed and snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his loyal fans calling out to him. He could even see the troupe dashing out of the town in their frantic search. He stood up from the bench and lurched into the woods without a second thought. Gary disappeared into the night forest without a trace.


The forest whizzed by in a blur, Gary's feet pounding the earth until he could no longer see the lights of the city behind him. He stopped in the middle of a natural forest path, taking a moment to catch his bearings. Waiting for any signs of trouble, he listened quietly. No crunch of branches and plants; no one was following him. Good.

Now that he had finally come to a stop, he realized just how dark the forest was. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. In this particular area of the forest, the pine was so tall and densely packed that the canopies completely blotted out the skies. Aside from the natural paths, the rest of the way was covered in slopes and dead trees; branches and bushes, nearly impassable without any trouble. But there was no one else here. He smirked, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and resumed walking.

Hours seemed to pass by as he pondered his plight. He certainly wasn't lost; all he had to do was turn around, and work his way back the way he came. Even if he was lost, he could just call out one of his pokemon, have them find the way out, and not tell a soul.

Tonight, though, he felt no urge to return home. No desire to go back to a comfortable bed, a weekend of pampering, and a disgusting amount of attention. Instead, he continued to wander further into the darkness, further into the wild. There was something satisfying; no, alluring about each step, the progress tasting sweeter each minute, yet more tempting to keep going.

All he could see was the path as it delved deeper, twisting and turning. The trees grew sparser, though, and soon the stars and moon shined in, casting a pale light on the woods. Across the way, he swore he could see a golden glint, but it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Who is it?" he called out, but no one responded. He stepped into the place where the trees parted. The wind swept by him in a whoosh, ruffling his clothing and leaving him chilled. Light from the moon covered his skin, giving it a sort of pale luminescence.

The way no longer seemed to call to him, and the night cold wasn't a bother for him. He stuffed his hands in his sleeves and looked for some place to rest in the clearing. The miniscule hills of moss looked comfortable, if not a little dirty. And there were a few stumps around, but nothing that suited his fancy. He made to move when he heard the moss squelch behind him.

Gary spun around; nothing behind him but blackness and the trees beyond- no, there was something else. In the moonlight, several golden rings shimmered, fading in and out. As he squinted, he could make out the silouhette of another person... no, it couldn't be, he thought. It bore too much resemblance to a pokemon to be human.

The umbreon 'morph was distinctly female, judging by the slight mounds on her chest. Her ruby eyes glimmered in the moonlight, the onyx pupils sharp and focused. She had a hunter's build- each muscle toned perfectly to compliment a balance of strength and grace. The black fur that coated her body was well kept and appeared very fine. On her limbs, tail, and tall ears, several golden rings pulsated. Their glow was much stronger in the moonlight, and barely faded into black before glowing a brilliant yellow again.

Before he could sort out his thoughts, the shadow lunged. However, Gary had some reflexes of his own. He moved his feet quickly enough to stumble out of the way, falling to a nearby mound of moss. At the same time, his attacker materialized nearby, quickly recovering from its failed pounce. Gary struggled to get up, finding little grip in the soft ground. The umbreon had a paw on his back before he could even move a muscle. It pressed his face into the moss where he felt the smear of mud and plants against his skin.

"I'm impressed you could see me," the umbreon finally spoke, sliding the now-extended retractiles across his back. "But for that, I'll have to dispose of you."

"Like hell you will," Gary growled into the moss and threw a hand up, throwing the umbreon off balance. Immediately he rolled aside and took to his feet again, then stopped dead in his tracks. "You're not human! Yet you can speak?"

"Surprised?" the anthro responded, flexing her claws. "I suppose that's right... I'm not human. But what does it matter? I can still best you."

"I doubt that," Gary smirked to himself and reached to the pokeballs on his belt. "A few minutes and you'll be mincemeat."

The umbreoness tensed, raising a single clawed finger at him. "Maybe, maybe not. But really, would you be defeating me with your own strength? If you can't rely on your own power, then you really are weak."

Gary hesitated. His hand moved away from the pokeball, instead raising in a fist. He could feel something burning within him- a fire that had long since been nothing but embers. The night assassin's eyes pierced his. Finally, he gestured to her. "Fine. I'll take you on myself."

"You've got spirit," she said casually, circling him now. "I admire that. I can feel your passion burning- it's been a long time since you've had to carry your own torch, hasn't it? Now, can you handle this?"

Gary continued to turn, watching her intently as she circled him, almost to her own amusement. "Stop talking and come at me, then!"

She stopped on the next step, shrugged, and smiled at him. "Fine with me."

Her next moment was like a blur. She faded into the shadows again and lunged. This time, he anticipated it and moved swiftly aside. She stopped by him and drew up her claws, and swung. Immediately he parried, lifting his arm to block hers, then threw another fist right at her stomach. It hit against solid muscle. He cringed as she grabbed his wrist and flung him backwards.

"Not bad, not bad at all!" she purred, shaking a finger. "Not for a human, anyway. Is that all you've got?"

Gary caught himself after a few steps and turned around. This time he led the offensive, going in for her repeatedly. She casually sidestepped him and tapped his face or shoulder with her claws, her fangs bared in a grin.

"Damnit, you wench, you're just playing with me!"

"Uh-huh," she replied, then moved again. He saw her fade from sight, once again utilizing her faint attack. This time she moved much faster and was on him in the blink of an eye. Before he could even blink, her body impacted his. He gasped as the wind was knocked from his lungs, now pinned between the umbreoness and a large tree.

"That was fun," she grinned again, crimson eyes just an inch from his. "Now, what to do with you? Humans don't make good food, and you're far too fun to kill. But I can't let you away, seeing what you've seen."

Gary simply glared at her, doing his best to force himself away from her. There was, however, no room between her and the tree to work with. In response to his struggles, he felt her body press harder on his.

"Oh, don't make faces like that! Though I admit you're rather cute when you're angry. Now, let's see..."

Her razor-sharp fangs brushed his cheek in just a way that they did not cut his skin. He now felt the full weight of the female upon him. Her breasts were heavy on his chest, small as they seemed. The fur on her arms was just as soft as he'd assumed, which was a relief, considering how hard she had his wrists. And then there was her hips, so casually straddled over his waist that it made even Gary somewhat sheepish.

"What're you plotting?" Gary said lowly, eyes not blinking once. She simply shifted her weight against him and shrugged, playing her claws over his wrists.

"You're strong, for a human, at least," she said quietly. "That fire burns strong... don't you want to let it go?" she added with an additional dip of her hips against his.

"W-what are you saying?" he growled.

"What I'm saying," she said, removing one hand to stroke a finger against his neck. "Is that I think you'll think twice about mentioning me, if you have a dirty little secret of your own."

Gary flushed. He could feel her weight against the crotch of his jeans that tried helplessly to repress his hardening manhood. She was so close that he could feel her hot breath flowing into his lungs. "You can't be serious..."

"Oh, but I am," she breathed into his ear. "I have to protect the secret of my existence. And imagine the shame if someone found out that you were beaten down and taken by one of my kind*? you'd be expelled from every league there is! You couldn't show your face in public! Wild ones like me aren't exactly... kosher."

He stared at her silently, and she returned the sentiment. After countless moments, he realized that she had released her grip on his wrists. Hesitantly, his hands lowered, moving inch by inch until they settled on her hips. She smiled deviously as his fingers stroked through her fur. Any doubt about her lack of clothing was now erased; every inch of her body was covered with only the black silky fur. He explored up her body, stroking her stomach and grasping at the mounds of her chest.

"What happened to that iron will of yours?" She murmured as he played with her swollen chest. "If you're going to handle me like a milk sucker, then I may as well leave you dead in the road."

Gary blushed. He couldn't stand her incessant teasing- she seemed to know every way to lure him into her clutches. Each moment that passed left his chest burning with desire, and left him with the pain of his dick grinding against the inside of his tight jeans. He shifted, carrying her with him, onto the large root of the tree, his hands now squeezing her firmly.

"Better." She grinned and ran her claws down his shirt, quickly opening and removing it. It fell from his body, leaving his lightly sweaty chest exposed. He shivered at the feel of his bare breasts against him, the tiny but thick nipple poking through her fur and against his chest.

His fingers kneaded her thighs. Sure, he'd had experience with this before- any time he needed to relieve himself, his fans were more than eager to help. Something felt different, though. She was so very warm against him, and his mind was all a haze. Shaking off his drowsy hesitance, he thrust his palm against her crotch and began to fondle the fur there.

"Mm, that's nice," she droned, one hand clasping his shoulder as she fidged with his jeans. Gary smirked at that. Now with some sense of control, he felt no hesitance to stroke his fingers over her, clasping her slick labia between them. He grabbed and pinched and stroked her outer folds, leaving them slicker and more swollen on each stroke. She groaned and her head lowered. He almost lost focus when she bit into his ear. He could feel the blood flow, and her long tongue licking up the small trail, stroking his ear.

Before long, he'd maneuvered her against the tree, nestled right in between a couple of larger roots. She'd removed the rest of his clothing and he now enjoyed her full embrace, bare body soaked in the warmth of her fur. As he continued to tease her, she suddenly reached down and grasped his swollen manhood.

He shivered as she rolled the hot shaft in her paw, smooth leather pads and finger-fur squeezing and turning every nerve. It took all he had not to lose it right there, and more just to work her further. Before she could continue to molest him, he pushed her back and spread her hips with his hands.

"Well? Is that it?" she teased him as he hovered over her. There was some truth to her words, he thought in the back of his mind. If someone found out about this, his entire life would crumble... but then, what else could he do? This was his chance... to take something he truly wanted, to throw the rest aside.

Another thought cut off as she pulled him closer, thin lips pressed up against his. They exchanged the kiss briefly, her long tongue probing his. Her eyes narrowed to slits as his body angled against his. Her hips were even softer than the rest of her body. Each bit he moved closer left a flash of heat in him.

Gary barely had enough control to realize that he'd come upon her. His skin rested firmly against her body, which relaxed as he got nearer. He dug his fingers into her haunches and thrust. She hissed as he plunged into her, thick shaft splitting her folds and filling her tight tunnel. Her claws sunk into his sides, but he paid little heed. The touch of her fur was filling his mind now, all other senses fading as he finally took his prize. As soon as he felt the brush of her cervix, he drew back and thrust again.

"Good... good! Ah..." she gasped as he regained his former confidence. Her vagina squeezed and tensed as he forced himself into her, forcing his hips against hers. Her fur ruffled and spread against his skin, filling him with warmth in every moment they touched.

Now she had him totally in her grip. While he 'claimed her,' thrusting deeper and deeper into her cunt, she had total control over him. Her whole body shook with pleasure as he drove into her, awakening new feelings in her that she had long missed. Her legs wrapped up around his waist and encouraged him further, using her muscles to aid him.

Gary couldn't take much more of it. Her pussy had grown slick with her juices and his own, and the coral lips milked at his shaft incessantly. The intense heat soaked through him, each wave of pleasure stronger than the last. She'd become totally entwined with him and was pulling him deeper.

Instinct took over. The fires burned intensely now as he threw himself to her. His hips ground against hers. She squeezed him so strongly that she could not stop, soon starting to grow much tighter. The heat increased. He let a loud yell as he suddenly climaxed, driving hard against her. His cock jerked firmly against her slick inner walls as they spasmed. As his cum spurted into her, she gasped and moaned, growling quietly as her own orgasm waned behind his.

He kept thrusting, even after his climax had waned, and his energy left him. The haze took over his mind again, and the last thing he saw before he passed out was her satisfied grin. The world faded to black as her precense took him over.


The next morning, he was surprised to find himself still alive. He'd been redressed in his torn clothing and left to sleep in the crotch of the tree, where even he could smell her lingering sent. His body tingled. As he grasped the earth to stand up, he felt something crumple between his fingers.

"A note?" he murmured and lifted the paper to his eyes. Unfolded, it read in crude writing:

"Turns out I couldn't bring myself to kill you after all. I'm afraid our introduction will have to be left at that, and I pray that we never meet again. Well, to be honest, I wouldn't mind. But you wont find me by looking. Thanks for the wonderful night- remember, it's our secret!

Gary stared at the note for a few moments, dumbfounded. The light sprinkle of rain brought him to his senses, and after a moment, cleared the sweet smell of musk from the air. He stumbled to his feet and tucked the note away, glancing down at himself. She hadn�t stolen any of his things, pokemon or otherwise. And he hadn't been hurt- in fact, he felt better than ever. That empty place somewhere inside now burned brightly again.

"Gary! Is that you? Gary!"

He glanced up at the sound of one of the older girls' voice. Quickly, he dusted himself and tried his best to look calm. Said girl, a simple blue-haired ditz rushed up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Gary! It is you! What happened? Oh, your clothes are ruined! And you're hurt! Really, what happened?"

"Calm down," he said, raising a finger to her nose. "I just needed some air, and the forest looked nice. It was dark, and I got lost in some brambles. I think I got out pretty good, honestly."

"I guess so." She looked down, defeated. "Oh, you dropped this, I think."

Gary looked down. She'd picked up the badge he'd thrown earlier; he plucked it from her and casually put it away with the rest.

"Funny how that'd happen," he said as he faked a pondering look. "Anyway, the girls are waiting, right? Let's go."

He gave her hand a firm squeeze and then began to walk off through the trail, confident as ever. After he'd gotten some distance, he turned back to see her staring down at her hand.

"What's wrong? Come on, now!" he called after. Flustered, she looked up in a snap and nodded.

"I'm coming!"

She rushed ahead and looped her arm through his. He seemed well enough, and much happier than usual. But she couldn't seem to understand just what had gotten into him. And there was that black hair on her palm... Before she could ask, they'd cleared the forest and stepped into the road where his luxury car awaited.

"Time to go, Celine," he said as he slipped into the passenger seat. "Looks like we're off to the next city. I'd hoped to get a shower or something, but we're in a bit of a hurry."

She nodded and got into the back with his other cheerleaders. As they took off, she could make out something about the driver lecturing him about the state of his clothing. The others tried to get her attention, but she couldn't seem to keep her mind off of the black strand of hair.


(Author's note: There! First request finally published. I've got the others coming along, and like I said, some of my other works. As for the *, Nanashi is basically Japanese for 'nameless' or 'anonymous.' Seems she didn't even want to give him a codename! Actually, her organization is something of a port from another series of mine- you'll get hints of their background through other stories that I'll post eventually. As for this story, I wasn't too keen on using a canon character, or a human, but I tried to have fun with it. It actually didn't turn out too bad, though I could do better. I left it open, because I might continue along this storyline in my own way. I hope you don't mind the liberties I took with the request. Please comment with criticism and whatever- it helps a lot, honestly. I'm still trying to sharpen my lemon skills once more. Anyway, I've had your ear enough. Sorai, out.)

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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