AGNPH Stories

Another Day In Paradise by orasin


Another Day In Paradise

I watched the muscles in her back twitch in pleasure, the almost
silent moan followed by a sigh. I continued as if nothing changed, my
shaft sliding easily in her, it had already been ten minutes, I was
getting bored, she was too slick for me to get anything.I hate
foreplay with her, I hate intercourse with her. Outside of the sex,
she's a great person, nice and compassionate. Wrapped around my finger,
or my cock, rather. I shouldn't say that about my wife, I'm supposed to
love her, aren't I?

I watched her back, the brown strips quivered again as she rode
the throes of ecstasy I couldn't feel, her brown paws gripped the ground
as her tension rose. She shook for a moment, then fell, I slipped out, a
spew of liquids gushed from her as she climaxed onto the ground below my
less-than-eager member. I sighed, then got on my knees, and reentered
her too-loose hole. I started up again, hoping, praying that I might be
able to end this soon. I was horny, yes, but she wasn't doin' it for me.
I quickly came to the conclusion that tonight would probably end up

My mind wandered as her tail went limp, the yellow bolt-shaped
tip twitching in her orgasms. I had long ago discerned that I was big
for my species, and no female would have me, for fear of exactly what
was happening with my wife.Was there a berry that would fix this? I
tried to remember as my gaze shifted to a nearby tree, my body
automatically taking over the arduous task of copulation.

I think there was a berry that would help this... Was it the
Irisili? No, that just jumped her into heat and made me really horny.
Perhaps the Yill Berry? No... The Zaph? Yeah, that might've been it...
But where could I get one around here, it's not like there's a store up
the street that sells random berries daily, this wasn't a video game my
previous owner played frequently. Speaking of whom, I wonder how he's
doing? I hope him and his new girl-toy are doing okay.

Girl-toy...? Is that what I've become? A toy that pleases Myrna,
my Raichu wife?
I looked down, my red paws had gripped her wide
hips, and had started to aid in my thrusts, I could almost feel her
inner walls through the massive amounts of slick lubricating fluids. My
gaze traveled up her usually arousing body, coming to a rest on the
pile of drool that pooled under her chin and had begun to run downhill,
towards me. I slowed to a stop, her closed eyes and light snoring an
indication I had pleased her sufficiently enough knock her out.

I pulled out, a thick string of her fluids filled the distance
between us, I ignored it as I stood, it broke when I stepped back to
looked at her, falling to the ground, a glistening trail leading
straight to her over used snatch. I cocked my head as I wondered
whether I should just paw off, or find a more suitable match. I rubbed
my shaft as I thought about the consequences if she caught me with
another... She wouldn't catch me, sleep would hold her in its tight
embrace for at least three hours, before she awoke wanting more. If
only her pussy were as tight.
I took my paw off my dick and turned
away, her pheromones were strong, and I would need to get away from it
before I went back to pounding her with futility.


The rotund, pink Pokémon wandered the forest, lost. She had
taken the dare to enter the forest, one that she now regretted. She
stroked her cottony wool, what she usually did when she was nervous. It
had been dark for almost an hour now, and she just kept trudging on,
scared, but curious. If she had any weakness, it would be her curiosity.
Instead of running at the shivering bush, she went to inspect it.
Instead of hiding from the Nidoking's wrath, she strove to find it's

It was that which lead her deeper into the forest, she had
thought she had seen a new type of berry she had never seen before, and
had decided to investigate. It was Pecha, as it turned out, but now
something new drove her. A curiously strong smell had wafted through the
trees, extremely sweet, yet had an underlying layer of muskiness to it,
she liked the smell, but couldn't place it.

It was then that she happened upon the Zangoose emerging from
the bushes, an odd protrusion protruding from between his legs. It was
wet, probably a tumor of some kind, leaking all over his paw, which kept
returning to it to rub it. She ducked behind a tree, intent on following
this poor fellow.


I stepped onto a well used path, hoping some poor fellow would
happen me in my current condition, and would help me out. I rubbed my
swollen prick, then stopped, promising that it would get its attention
regardless as to the out come. I felt a stir, a rapid movement, and I
was immediately looking in the direction it came from. Though I couldn't
see all of it, there was something hiding behind the tree only a couple
meters away, something white was hanging out from behind the tree.

I decided that that was my chance. "Hello?" I called out. There
was a nervous shuffle, an act of confusion as if it were trying to
decide whether I talked to it or not. I chose to aid in its decision
making. "Behind the tree, come out, I won't bite." I started walking
forward, the muscles that controlled my claws tensing, ready to extend
them in less than a heart beat, the ache for battle was almost as strong
as the ache between my legs, but that particular blade was already
unsheathed, and awaiting combat, so it had priority.

The being stepped from behind the tree, my keen sight, best
during the day, but better than most at night, determined it to be a
Flaaffy. Another electric type, my favorite. She shuffled forward
nervously, aware of my now throbbing member, but not knowing what it
was. The scent of my wife was now sufficiently far enough away for me to
smell the new comer. Females smell different than males, they have a
more sweet smell to them, asking one to bury one's self deep into them.
Males were more musky, a more sickly smell to those of the same gender,
such as myself, it was usually a turn-off, unless it is yourself you are
smelling, or have homosexual tendencies.How old is she? Heh, does it
really matter?
I continued towards her until we were only a couple
paces away.She smells very sweet, perhaps virgin? Even better!

"What're you doin' out so late, eh?" I inquired, my hand
involuntarily rubbing my shaft again. She mumbled something, then looked
away, blushing. "Again, please, you mumbled that last bit."

"N-Nothing, just following my nose..." Her blush deepened,
apparently she realized what was in my paw.


She stepped from behind the tree, the Zangoose was approaching
her, and her heart was already racing. She realized, now that she was
only a couple steps from him, that what was between his legs was
something a little different than a leaking tumor. It smelled strong,
for one, a nice musky scent that made her mind hazy with a new urge, one
she couldn't quite place. There was another smell under that one, though
it was mainly stationed on his paw, that smelled quite sweet, reminding
her of when her mother was in heat.

"What're you doin' out so late, eh?" His voice was smooth, a
nice even tone that one could easily listen to for hours.

"You're pretty cute..." She mumbled to herself, then realized
that she had said it out loud, and blushed, her gaze falling to the
floor on her right.

"Again, please, you mumbled that last bit." More of his silken
voice. She felt a tingle up her spine just hearing it.

"N-Nothing, just following my nose..." She found herself
beginning to moisten between her legs, the over powering smell of his
throbbing penis, as she realized what it was, and the smell of
another's juices on him working her mind over, turning it into mush. She
felt as though she had trudged through a waist-deep mud just thinking
about that sentence.

"Hmm..." He stepped forward her gaze returning to him, her face
turning crimson as her blush deepened to impossible depths. She wanted
to jump on him, to kiss him, to feel his lithe body on hers. She found
herself suddenly lusting.


I stepped forward, a new dilemma. She was obviously virgin, or
very good at acting, and even as I stand here, the pheromone's I've been
unconsciously spewing around have begun to eat at her mind, turning her
into what my wife becomes when she sees me at night. I quickly worked
through the possibilities, and decided that right here, right now, would
be the best way. I stepped forward and extended my paw, an offer for her

She unhesitatingly took my paw, and I immediately pulled her to
me, wrapping my arms around her, leaning my head down to kiss her even
as she gasped at my actions. She looked up and our lips connected, her
mouth open in surprise, an almost full second passed before she returned
the kiss, my first betrayal of the night. I extended my tongue, and
licked her lips lightly, asking for entrance. She accepted without
delay, spreading her own, I pushed into her mouth and began to rub her
tongue gently.


His penis throbbed on her belly, it was leaking something onto
her soft fur, but she didn't realize this, too caught up in the euphoria
of her fist kiss. She eagerly let him into her mouth, his tongue, a
warm, slimy thing, unbearable at first, but she quickly came to like the
way it messaged her mouth, exploring her teeth and tongue. She moaned as
he worked, then he slowly broke off, withdrawing his tongue, then
pulling away, a thin strand of saliva snapped, and dangled from their

He placed a foot between her legs, even the minor warmth of his
knee was pleasing, she shuddered at as a new ache deep within eased into
existence, she let him ease her onto her back, the ground cold beneath
her. She didn't feel it, the warmth of his touch sent a kaleidoscope of
sensation through her body, wrapping itself around her mind. He resumed
kissing her as put his other leg between hers, she shuddered again as
the much hotter heat of his member pressed against her lower lips, the
slow tingle of euphoria that had been trickling through her began to
turn into a stream. He kissed her again, immediately thrusting his
tongue into her mouth.


She was hot down there, hotter than Myrna had ever been. I
didn't mind, hell, I wanted it! I attached to her face again, not really
caring about how she felt, I just wanted to get the full experience, one
that probably wouldn't happen again for a long time, besides, her mouth
tasted good. My cock tickled her entrance for a couple seconds, my back
arched painfully at my position, I decided I spent enough time torturing
myself. But wait, now there's another decision.Should I just ram it
in, and then pound her tight virgin twat until I fulfilled my
treacherous fantasy, or should I ease myself in, let her get accustomed
to me, and make her first one to remember?

Whatever, I'm horny, she'll remember it anyway, it's her first
for fucks' sake!
I pushed in just a little, a slow moan as I eased
the first half inch of my six inches into her, I found myself waiting
with a high level of anticipation at her reaction. I suddenly rammed the
rest in, right up to the hilt, damn was she tight! She gasped loudly as
I tried to hold back my orgasm, it had been too long since I had felt
this level of pleasure and heat. Tears welled up in her eyes, the pain
unclouding her vision, she realized what was happening. Too late,
though, I placed my paws on top of hers, pinning her down, her writhing
form below me would most definitely aid in my pursuits.

I started with a gusto, each thrust a pleasure-filled reminder
of the days of old. My four years of twice-daily sex had greatly
increased my stamina, I quickly determined that I would be enjoying
this for at least five minutes, what with it being tighter than Myrna's
ass when she puckered it.


She stopped squirming when the pain turned to numbness, her
first had started so semi-romantically, now she was being raped. She
began to doubt it, though, as pleasure began to rise from the numbness,
her walls being pressed against from his large cock as it pounded her.
She closed her eyes as the pleasure rose, the tingle in her spine fell
back as her climax rose, her moan the only outside indicator. Her moan
was slowly cut off as she held her breath, the climax taking precedence
over all else. Her breath let out in a massive sigh as the pleasure
washed over her, the tingle spreading like fire from her lower region,
expanding through her like wild fire, igniting every nerve and sending
shivers of ecstasy wherever it touched.

She opened her eyes as her walls tightened around his cock, his
actions never once slowed, the warmth of liquid that spewed from deep
within her pooled, then fell out as he retreated. He smiled at her, his
right eye twitched slightly, she managed to think that he might be
coming to a peak soon, too.


Damn was that tight! Her first orgasm almost made me
lose it, I wouldn't've cared, I just want actual release. Myrna once
told me that when her walls were clenched, she was more sensitive. I
decided that I would give her one more before I finished up. I started
pounding harder, I knew her clenched walls could take it. And they did
because her smile quickly turned to a look of concentration as I pushed
deeper into her, I had purposefully refrained from plunging my deepest
into her depths because I had decided to reserve that for when I wanted
to cum. She closed her eyes, another slow moan escaping her. I went
faster in response, egged on by the impending closeness of my own


He hammered her, his member hitting deep spots in her, the
pleasure returned almost immediately, the sensation more powerful in the
throes of her orgasm. Her legs gripped his waist, in an attempt to stop
the godly torment he was unleashing upon her body, to give said body a
rest, a chance to relax before the next wave of pleasure.

He took it the wrong way and released his painful grip on her
arms, eased them under her arms, gripping the opposite shoulders as he
thrust harder, aided by her pulling legs. She wrapped her arms around
him, pulling him closer to her, feeding off of his power and heat, the
scents emanating from him urging her on as the second climax rose, a
blossoming of heat deep in her that began to soothe the ache.


This was it, I'm gonna blow it!I thrust even harder,
if that were possible, my rod a leaking, throbbing shaft of pleasure
heat and pressure, the tip holding the age-old itch, the need to for
release. She wrapped her legs around me, a sign she wanted me to hold
off for at least the next orgasm. I didn't care anymore, I went faster,
harder, my cock tensed up as my body slipped my arms under hers, my left
paw gripping her right shoulder, my right paw gripping the left., her
head cradled on them, bent upward into my neck. She wrapped her arms
around me, pulling me even tighter to her, I didn't bother resisting the
urge to bite her.

A slight trickle of blood flowed into my mouth, but I didn't
taste it, all of my senses were directed at the longish stick of pink
and red flesh that burned with the need for release. Fate had thrown me
a cruel twist, my stamina kicked in at the last moment, herding off my
pending orgasm, the wonderful flood of euphoria that flooded with me
simultaneous release, the sate of the itch and pressure pleasurably
gone, denied. I started grunting as I thrust deeper, driving myself as
far into her as I could go.


She felt the sting of his bite even as she panted into his neck,
it drove her on, the pain was confusingly pleasurable, she didn't
question it at the moment, her climax had hit the top, the flare deep
within burning strongly with the need of dousing. He dug deep into her
her walls stretching to accommodate him. She closed her eyes tightly,
her breath slowly caught again, the ache building with the flame. Her
hot breath flew back into her face as the flame wavered, then turned
into a mind-numbing pleasure that swept through her body, robbing it of
all of its energy. She came, her walls tightened again, liquid from
within flew out as he thrust into her.

He came a thrust later, his member pulsing deep within her, a
liquid hotter than her own filling her as his breath slowly let out into
the bite mark on her neck. She remained awake long enough to feel him
pull out and stand, untangling their bodies, then darkness swept over


That was... Just what I needed... I panted as I stood,
weak from the climax and the effort of trying to attain that earlier. I
was weak now, but not weak enough to pull her into the bushes so that
when Myrna came by, should would only smell the sex, not see it. That
done, I returned to our clearing, said Raichu was still on her stomach,
though now in a much more relaxed position, sleeping in a pile of her
own drool.

Sleep... Doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I lay beside
the wife I just cheated on, and curled into a ball, tucking my head into
my luscious tail, resting my head on my paw, and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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