AGNPH Stories

Requested by gardevoir_lover


Story Notes:

Unfortunately, due to the level of stress that this has been putting on me, I am sorry to say that I will not be taking any more requests, and Little Legends will remain unfinished unless I am miraculously able to quickly write it without stress. I am terribly sorry for this, but who knows, maybe once my own story is complete I'll be able to handle taking your requests again. Feel free to take a look into my story, Isaac and Maria, though. And if you are following my story already, please know that you will want to look into Seikiru's story, Salaceon Tales. There is stuff that happens in that story that you will need to know for the future in my story.Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to Pokemon, its characters, plot, etc. Those rights are owned by Nintendo, GAME FREAK inc., Satoshi Tajiri, and any of the other creators of the games/anime I forgot to mention. No copyright infringements are intended. These are non-profit, fan-based parodies. Any similarities between our stories and others are also not intended.

Little Legends Pt.1- A Party?

If there is one thing in this world that we cannot control, it's who we fall in love with. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we deny it, it is still true. Though sometimes, we just need a little help in realizing those feelings. Sometimes we refuse to admit those feelings out of fear of hurting the ones who our feelings are directed towards. This, my friend, is where the story begins.

Mew sat upon a branch of the large tree outside of her mansion, looking toward the ocean that surrounded New Island. She was smiling, enjoying the beautiful spring afternoon. The sun was shining brightly, giving the air a nice, warm temperature that Mew found very relaxing. The branch she was sitting on dipped down perfectly so that she could lean back against the tree trunk and not have her view of the ocean obstructed by leaves, while at the same time being high enough to see the whole island. The island itself was large enough to have a small forest surrounding the mansion. The scene was worthy of being called a masterpiece painting of beauty brought into reality.

Mew's smile faltered a little... something was missing. She thought long and hard about it, but couldn't figure out what it was. She then realized it wasn't in the scenery itself, but in the fact that something like this shouldn't be viewed alone. She was feeling rather lonely at the moment anyway. "Milly, come here! You've got to see this!" she called to the Kirlia that was watering one of the flowerbeds that was around the mansion.

"Be there in a minute!" Milly replied. She finished watering the flowerbed and teleported onto the branch. Mew moved out of the way, floating next to Milly as the Kirlia leaned back against the tree trunk. Milly smiled as she looked over the scenery, "This is quite a beautiful sight."

Mew nodded and smiled, "Whenever I need cheering up, I just sit here and look out at the ocean... although it loses its effectiveness at night."

Milly looked at her, "What do you do when you need cheering up at night, then?"

"I sit on the roof," replied Mew, "and look up at the stars. On more than one occasion, I've actually fallen asleep up there."

Milly chuckled a bit, "Really? I would never have known. You always wake up so early." Mew giggled at that. It was true... she had always been one to wake up early, as it gave her "more time to get things done". Even so, Mew wasn't one to get things done. She instead used the extra time to play, relax, or just be random... anything but getting things done.

"I really wish you would do something more productive with that extra time though, Miss Mew," said Milly, watching Mew do slow back-flips in the air.

Mew stopped so that she was upside down and facing Milly, "But I don't want to." She groaned and then smiled, "I like to have fun."

"I understand that," said Milly, "but the time that you use for fun greatly outweighs the time you use for completing your tasks." She quickly added, "Not to question your ways, of course... heh heh..." She rubbed the back of her head.

Mew chuckled, "Relax, Milly. You know I'm not like that."

The Kirlia relaxed, "Forgive me, Miss Mew."

Mew smiled, but used a more serious tone, "You're doing it again..."

"I'm sorry."

"Milly, enough..."

"My apologies, Mi-"

Mew flew behind Milly and lifted her up, making the two float upside down. Milly froze up with an "eep". Mew then told her in a calm voice, "Really... enough." She then returned them right-side up and set Milly on the ground gently. Milly looked at Mew, "Thank you." Every so often during her time serving Mew, she would continue to apologize over and over, thinking that Mew would punish her if she didn't. Mew wasn't like that, though. She was actually very relaxed about tasks being done on time and about hearing her servants' opinions.

Mew thought for a moment before a smile appeared on her face, "We need to do something different around here... and I know just the thing..."

Milly tilted her head a bit, "What would that be, Miss Mew?"

Mew grinned, "A dinner party." Milly tilted her head again. It wasn't like Mew to decide to host something. In fact, she only invited a friend over occasionally. Hosting a dinner party was a bit unusual, but if that's what Mew wanted to do, then so be it. "Alright then... who do you want to invite, Miss Mew?"

Mew thought for a moment, "Hmmm... It's been a while since I've seen Mesprit... quite a while, actually. And if I'm inviting her, I should invite Uxie and Azelf as well. I'm sure Celebi and Shaymin would like to come, and I know that Jirachi must be wanting to see me again. And, let's see here... one more friend... Manaphy." She smiled, finding her choices of who to invite quite good. Milly nodded and smiled at Mew, "Alright, I'll get started on the invitations... What day do you want to have this party, though?"

"Tomorrow," Mew replied. With that, Milly went inside to begin working on the invitations. Mew returned to the branch and resumed looking at the ocean.

The feeling of loneliness returned to the legendary feline. It seemed to pop up at odd times, and had been occurring for the past three months. At times, it could be hard to shake, and on four of those occasions had led to her crying. Mew closed her eyes, trying to prevent a fifth, managing to calm herself just as the tears welled up. "Hopefully I'll have enough company tomorrow to get rid of this feeling for a good while," she said to herself, "I don't know what else to do... I can have anything I ask for, but... there's just something missing... and I don't know what it is."

After Milly had finished the invitations, she handed one to each of the six Swellow and one waterproof one to the Floatzel. They set out to deliver the invitations. "Now all we have to do is wait for the responses," Milly said to herself. She then slapped her hand to her face as she realized that she had forgotten something in the invitations. "Shoot!" she said, "I forgot to ask them what their favorite foods were." She sighed as she rubbed her temples. Milly would just have to ask them tomorrow.

Milly could sense that Mew was feeling lonely. She knew better than to disturb her, though. Milly couldn't help but worry about her, even though she knew why Mew felt so lonely. The Kirlia could sense that Mew wanted to be with someone... not just for company, but someone to love.

Milly went through the list of the things she had to do, checking off the completed tasks. She found that she had finished everything on the list. "Odd," said the Kirlia, "I never complete my tasks this fast." Milly didn't know what to do... she had a lot of time before the responses came back.

Milly thought about what she could do to pass the time. A small grin found its way onto her face, and she scanned the house, sensing for where the other three of Mew's servants were. All of them were far away from her room... perfect. She teleported to her bedroom, and once inside, she checked to make sure that the door was locked. She, for once, had free time... and gosh darn it, she was going to use it.

Milly climbed up onto her bed, the grin still on her face. She slipped out of her maid uniform and leaned back against the pillows, sitting upright a little now. It had been quite some time since she last had some... fun of her own. She could feel her face growing warmer and felt a little embarrassed about doing this. She shook her head, "Why do I feel embarrassed? There's no one here, and besides, it's my room, I can do whatever I want in it." Her face grew hot now, not with embarrassment, but from arousal, as she felt that familiar wetness between her legs.

Milly ran her hands over her body slowly, giving a small sigh of pleasure. She closed her eyes, taking in the feeling as her hands passed over her inner thighs. Her breathing got slightly heavier as she ran her hands back up her body. She reached her breasts and gently massaged them, mmm'ing at the feeling, teasing her nipples and moaning softly.

The psychic fem was becoming quite aroused, her sex getting wetter as that tingle between her legs intensified. She moaned out as she reached down and touched the sensitive flesh. Milly blushed at that and grabbed a pillow, "I can tell I'm going to get loud from this." She placed the pillow over her mouth to muffle the noises of pleasure she made. She began stroking her sex slowly, purring a little and moaning into the pillow. She rubbed in circles on her clit and squirmed a bit, starting to feel really good. Her juices were leaking out faster, and she quickened her pace while moving a finger between her folds, eliciting another moan from her.

Milly could feel her pleasure rising quickly. It slowly rippled throughout her body in rhythm with the throbs from her clit, making her squirm in joy. She panted and pressed the pillow to her face to muffle a loud moan as she slid a finger into her slick cavern. Milly began moving the finger in and out, blushing up and already feeling her climax approaching. She slid a second finger in and quickened her pace, moaning out in need. "Al...most... th...there," she said before moaning loudly into the pillow again.

The Kirlia felt her walls starting to contract as she drew nearer to her climax. Her hips began moving, trying to push her fingers deeper into her passage. Her pleasure was mounting, and she closed her eyes tightly. Milly pressed the pillow firmly to her face as she came, screaming into it as bliss rolled over her. She pressed the tips of her fingers to her internal hotspot and moaned out long, her fluids rushing forward and squirting out a bit around her fingers. She arched her back as she rubbed her clit with her palm, prolonging her orgasm.

When her orgasm finally ended, Milly's body fell limp on her bed. She had a smile on her face as she panted through the fading pleasure. "I... needed... that," said Milly, feeling that a lot of her stress that had built up over time had vanished. She sighed happily as her pleasure finally faded, and she closed her eyes to take a quick nap to recover.

It was nearly sunset when Mew woke up. She had fallen asleep on the branch shortly after Milly had gone to make the invitations. The legendary feline stretched and floated back to the mansion, feeling quite hungry. She went to the kitchen and started making herself some dinner.

Just as Mew had finished preparing her meal, she heard six returning Swellow and one returning Floatzel walk in, carrying with them the responses to the invitations. Mew smiled and thanked them for their help as she took the responses from them. They left afterward and Mew read the responses... all of them "yes". Mew was filled with joy at this, and proceeded to do loops in the air from how happy she was.

Mew then remembered her dinner and settled down so that she could eat. Once she had finished, she rinsed her plate and put it in the sink. She decided to go to bed early, wanting to wake up extra early so that she could get started in preparing for the party. "Tomorrow will be a fun day," said Mew, as she got comfortable in her bed, "An extra fun day..." She fell asleep and drifted into dream world.

Chapter End Notes:Yeah, I know...short. But hey, I included the solo scene so that there was SOMETHING to at least get 2,000 words. I promise that the next four installment of this will be much better, so stay tuned. ;
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