Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter 1: Transformation.
Darkrai was bored.
Giving people nightmares no longer amused him, neither did tormenting his younger sister, Cresselia."Darkrai, why don't you go find something else, something new to do!" She had suggested in her infuriatingly peppy tone... Somehow this phrase had lodged in his mind so firmly that he couldn't shake it out no matter how hard he tried. He had gotten ideas before... Ideas that were frowned upon in Legendary society... But what would happen if you put some of that to use not in life as he had thought before, but... In a dream? Darkrai's near noexistant mouth turned up into a grin. First, he had to find a victim... Willing preferably, but that more than likely didn't matter with what he had planned.
A blonde 18-year-old student living in Hearthome banged her fists on the desk thatstood in front of her. She just couldn't find the right words for her report on the Sinnoh Legendaries... She would so very much prefer to meet the pokeon in person rather than listening to sound bytes of their cries and looking up what meager information there was on the subject. She was stuck on one pokemon in particular... No not the omnipotent Arceus that was the creator of the universe... No not lady Cresselia who's feathers brought pokemon and humans out of the deepest throes of nightmares, she was stuck on the pokemon Darkrai... So mysterious, shrouded in shadow, coming and going in the beforespoken nightares... A true character never before heard of having any contact with humans other than what his job gave him daily. She so very much wished she could meet in person, or even improperly in a dream of sorts. A shadow, black as tar flitted by her window. She looked over and when she saw as every time before merely the garden, she went back to her work, still frustrated.
Darkrai stopped at the house of a girl that was particularly attractive (For a human) who's head was filled with thoughts about he himself. It seemed too good to be true that his second stop would be the one he needed... He stopped briefly at the window to get a better view of this girl but quickly ducked when he was nearly spotted. He would visit this girl later, properly.
That night as she was getting ready for bed, that same shadow flitted across the room in the corner of her eye she caught it flitting from shadow to another shadow... Could it be...? The shadow rose up off the floor and solidified into a dark pokemon with a red collar-looking item around it's neck and piercing blue eyes that looked as if they were ice, though they warmed quickly to her figure as she was still getting dressed and was half-naked. It was all she could do keep from screeching in indignity and fury because she did not like being looked upon without her clothes. She quickly gathered up her nightie and threw it on, facing the pokemon again at least with some modesty. If pokemon had expressions he would look amused, she thought, and the nightmare pokemon did indeed seem amused at this display. Suddenly a voice resounded in the room, she knew it to be Darkrai's. "I will come to you in the night, after which I will answer any questions you might have." His deep male tones erasing any doubt of his gender from her mind, now. After he said that he dissapeared from view, melting back into a shadow and flitting out the window. The girl shook her head. What an astounding turn of events! She was hesitant to get into bed now, but she suddenly felt exausted, as if she hadn't slept in a long time. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes...
That night in her dream, she was standing on an island in the middle of the ocean. She looked around for any sign of life but there were none, not even a bird chirping in the trees. She was very aroused in her dream... She noticed a secluded forest area and a path leading into the heart of it. She followed this winding path all the way to a clearing along the side of which behins a tree stood Darkrai himsef. She didn't seem to have noticed him however, and walked down to the side of the crescent moon shaped pond which was in the very center of the clearing. She dipped her hand into the water and it was like a potion, she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable and fire sprung up on her limbs, she watched them change shape and size until she was a slightly larger than average-sized umbreon with darker than normal colored rings. She was utterly confused by this transformation but abruptly the fire came back, only in her nether regions and with even more potency than before. "I must be in heat..." She thought briefly before that thought too was whipped away by the whirlwind that was her lust. She looked back and forth in the clearing for a likely canidate and finally spotted Darkrai, who had moved out of the shadows and into the meager light of the moon. Not even recognising Darkrai but going up and presenting her rear to him, the umbreon whined with need. Darkrai had grown incredibly aroused by her display and his sex tool was now around nine inches long. He positioned himself at her entrance, not even botheing with foreplay, and thrust into her with a decent amount of force, knocking the umbreon off balance and she whined even more, not even noticing that her hymen was broken but grinding her hips into Darkrai as his dick scraped with friction against her walls. He pulled out slowly as if teasing her, then thrust back in with as much force as last time. he continued doing this only in more and more rapid succession and the umbreon moaned and barked at him to go even faster until they both came hard with a loud cry of happiness from the umbreon and a grunt of exctasy from Darkrai. He then pulled out of her slowly, pleased at how well this whole escapade had gone. He then retreated back into the shadows of the forest, leaving the satisfied Umbreon on her own. He watched as she lay down on the floor of the clearing, overcome with exaustion. She quickly fell asleep, wondering what the new day would bring...
Giving people nightmares no longer amused him, neither did tormenting his younger sister, Cresselia."Darkrai, why don't you go find something else, something new to do!" She had suggested in her infuriatingly peppy tone... Somehow this phrase had lodged in his mind so firmly that he couldn't shake it out no matter how hard he tried. He had gotten ideas before... Ideas that were frowned upon in Legendary society... But what would happen if you put some of that to use not in life as he had thought before, but... In a dream? Darkrai's near noexistant mouth turned up into a grin. First, he had to find a victim... Willing preferably, but that more than likely didn't matter with what he had planned.
A blonde 18-year-old student living in Hearthome banged her fists on the desk thatstood in front of her. She just couldn't find the right words for her report on the Sinnoh Legendaries... She would so very much prefer to meet the pokeon in person rather than listening to sound bytes of their cries and looking up what meager information there was on the subject. She was stuck on one pokemon in particular... No not the omnipotent Arceus that was the creator of the universe... No not lady Cresselia who's feathers brought pokemon and humans out of the deepest throes of nightmares, she was stuck on the pokemon Darkrai... So mysterious, shrouded in shadow, coming and going in the beforespoken nightares... A true character never before heard of having any contact with humans other than what his job gave him daily. She so very much wished she could meet in person, or even improperly in a dream of sorts. A shadow, black as tar flitted by her window. She looked over and when she saw as every time before merely the garden, she went back to her work, still frustrated.
Darkrai stopped at the house of a girl that was particularly attractive (For a human) who's head was filled with thoughts about he himself. It seemed too good to be true that his second stop would be the one he needed... He stopped briefly at the window to get a better view of this girl but quickly ducked when he was nearly spotted. He would visit this girl later, properly.
That night as she was getting ready for bed, that same shadow flitted across the room in the corner of her eye she caught it flitting from shadow to another shadow... Could it be...? The shadow rose up off the floor and solidified into a dark pokemon with a red collar-looking item around it's neck and piercing blue eyes that looked as if they were ice, though they warmed quickly to her figure as she was still getting dressed and was half-naked. It was all she could do keep from screeching in indignity and fury because she did not like being looked upon without her clothes. She quickly gathered up her nightie and threw it on, facing the pokemon again at least with some modesty. If pokemon had expressions he would look amused, she thought, and the nightmare pokemon did indeed seem amused at this display. Suddenly a voice resounded in the room, she knew it to be Darkrai's. "I will come to you in the night, after which I will answer any questions you might have." His deep male tones erasing any doubt of his gender from her mind, now. After he said that he dissapeared from view, melting back into a shadow and flitting out the window. The girl shook her head. What an astounding turn of events! She was hesitant to get into bed now, but she suddenly felt exausted, as if she hadn't slept in a long time. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes...
That night in her dream, she was standing on an island in the middle of the ocean. She looked around for any sign of life but there were none, not even a bird chirping in the trees. She was very aroused in her dream... She noticed a secluded forest area and a path leading into the heart of it. She followed this winding path all the way to a clearing along the side of which behins a tree stood Darkrai himsef. She didn't seem to have noticed him however, and walked down to the side of the crescent moon shaped pond which was in the very center of the clearing. She dipped her hand into the water and it was like a potion, she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable and fire sprung up on her limbs, she watched them change shape and size until she was a slightly larger than average-sized umbreon with darker than normal colored rings. She was utterly confused by this transformation but abruptly the fire came back, only in her nether regions and with even more potency than before. "I must be in heat..." She thought briefly before that thought too was whipped away by the whirlwind that was her lust. She looked back and forth in the clearing for a likely canidate and finally spotted Darkrai, who had moved out of the shadows and into the meager light of the moon. Not even recognising Darkrai but going up and presenting her rear to him, the umbreon whined with need. Darkrai had grown incredibly aroused by her display and his sex tool was now around nine inches long. He positioned himself at her entrance, not even botheing with foreplay, and thrust into her with a decent amount of force, knocking the umbreon off balance and she whined even more, not even noticing that her hymen was broken but grinding her hips into Darkrai as his dick scraped with friction against her walls. He pulled out slowly as if teasing her, then thrust back in with as much force as last time. he continued doing this only in more and more rapid succession and the umbreon moaned and barked at him to go even faster until they both came hard with a loud cry of happiness from the umbreon and a grunt of exctasy from Darkrai. He then pulled out of her slowly, pleased at how well this whole escapade had gone. He then retreated back into the shadows of the forest, leaving the satisfied Umbreon on her own. He watched as she lay down on the floor of the clearing, overcome with exaustion. She quickly fell asleep, wondering what the new day would bring...