AGNPH Stories

Kenji by catsithx


Story Notes:

I'll be changing the warnings as I go and rating also.

A journey begins

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. If I did I would be rich and own a home. So I don't and work for a living.
I would also like to give thanks to ChloeTheFirefox for proofreading my story.

The sun rose on a new day, as the light from sun touched everything in the forest, though the light seems to touch one area of the forest more than rest, to the annoyance of a certain inhabitant.

A regular looking Charmeleon, as one would think, but look at it, and you would notice its skin color was blue, instead of the normal red or orange (which is a rare sight) sleeping near the entrance of a cave.
It opens its eye in pain, then shifts itself to where its back is to the sun so it can go back to sleep.

A loud, groggy voice is heard from deep with in the cave.
"Man I hate mornings, damn suns so bright; I should have taken up that pack of Houndoom's offer to take other cave behind this hill," the voice growled.
Heavy footsteps are heard as a large Ursaring walks out from the back of the cave.

As soon as he gets outside he just plops down and looks around. Scratching his head with
his large paw he turns his head to look at the Charmeleon near the entrance of the cave.
"Man you can sleep through a damn thunderstorm, I think. Sheessshh!"
He drags himself over to where the blue Charmeleon is, and taps the Charmeleon with one of his claws.

"Come on wake up you cheap imitation of a Vaporeon. You're missing a great sunrise." says the Ursaring as he continues to tap the Charmeleon on the head. The Charmeleon tries futilely to swat away the claw from his head
"Lemma alone just a few more minutes..... I'm tired," replies a very sleepy Charmeleon

"You have been sleeping since yesterday before the sun even set. If I have to be up now so do you. Misery loves company, so now wake up." the large Ursaring says, as he starts to shake the Charmeleon more now.

The Charmeleon sighs as he slowly opens his eyes.
"Alright, alright, I'm up, I'm up. This sunrise better be good because I don't see why I have to get up so early; it's barely dawn you oversized throw rug."
"Because like I said, misery loves company, anyway if I have to wake up, so do you, so just deal with it?"

Kenji simply looks at the large Ursaring.
"Ok, what ever Bern, I think you just enjoy brothering me every morning because you can't sleep late."
Bern scratches his chin as he turns his up to think about what was said then replies with an evil grin.
"Yeah you're actually right I do enjoy making you suffer," they both laugh at the answer.

"You know real reason I woke you up today for is right?" Bern's voice turns serious. Kenji sighs
"I know, I know, I have to find my own place to live now."
"It's not like I want to kick you out, but I want to have a mate and having you here kind of cramps my style"
Kenji snorts at that statement.
"Bern you have no style, no class, you're a slob, and every time you snore I think a tree is getting cut down. I wouldn't see what the opposite sex would ever see in you."

Bern stand up that point's one of his claw fingers at Kenji.
"I'll have you know all the female Ursaring crave me; they all want this hulking figure of an Ursaring." he stood up with this statement spread his arms apart, and the sun shined upon him as to confirm what he had said. Kenji walks past him and says
"Yeah, yeah what ever man, you keep telling yourself that and live in that little world of yours Bern. I understand though I have sort of over stayed my visit here, I know you want a mate in your life and some little ones. Me being here does sort of put a stop to that. I just never thought that it would come so soon. I guess I do need to find my own place out there where ever that may be,"
Kenji looks to the mountains, and a tear falls from eyes.

Bern looks at him "I know it hurts to know can't go back, but you need to move on from the past and make your place in the world. You can't let chains of your past keep you wrap up forever" Kenji looks up at Bern
"Man that's the lamest thing you have ever said to me, and you've said some lame things over these last 12 seasons."
Bern chuckles at this.
"Yeah I know but you know it's true as corny as it sounds. So do you have any plans where you might go Kenji?"

Kenji ponders this for a few minutes, before he replies as he starts to scratch his head "I guess I never thought about it. I've started to enjoy it here, but everyday I look at the mountain I realize I need to get away from there. Most likely south of here, I guess." Kenji looks around the area of the cave and sighs "The only thing really keeping me here is you because you're my only friend." Kenji looks to the Ursaring with a small smile on his face

"Now who's being corny, but I see what you're saying. Most others see you as a freak because you being blue; I never saw that as a problem, it's just a color. Now if you had fur on you I would be laughing my butt off at you."
Bern points at Kenji and starts to laugh as Kenji makes an attempt to bite Bern's extended paw, which Bern pulls away before Kenji bite's down on.
"Hey if you're hungry go eat a Stanlter not me."
With that, he smacks the back of Kenji's head.

"You're all heart, Bern; I do appreciate all you have done for me."
Kenji stands up dusts himself off while rubbing the back of his head.
"I guess this is as good as a time as any to hit the road. I'll miss you Bern. I will try to visit you when I can, ok?"

Kenji notices that Bern's eyes are starting to water.
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I will miss you little fire bug,"
Kenji walks over to Bern and tried to put his arms around him; anyone who saw this would laugh at how silly it looked; a Charmeleon trying to hug something as big as an Ursaring.
"You better have a mate and some little ones when I come back around here one day." Kenji says after releasing the Ursaring.
Bern pats him on his head.
"I will, my little blue friend, I will."
With this Kenji turns and starts off on his new path were ever it may lead.

As Bern waves at his friend disappearing in the distance, he stands there a bit longer, watching him walk away, until he's gone from sight. As Bern turns to go back to his cave a beating of wings is heard from behind him. He doesn't bother to turn around.
"I was wondering when you would get here,"
"I just wanted to make sure he was alright," a soft but deep voice speaks from behind him.
"Then why all the secrets? Why not show your self to him. He is your child, despite what your so called mate says,"
Bern turns to see a large female Charizard standing there.

The female Charizard eyes were filled with sadness.
"You know why he is supposed to be dead? Because the lord of the fire clan said he was a freak, and was to be put to death. I did what I could to keep him hidden as long as I could, but even his own father wanted him dead. What else could I have done?" she said, now on the verge of tears.
"I never wanted this for him. I wanted him to have a normal life, like any other of the clan,"
Bern scoffs at this.
"You fire types always put so much on appearance and power; it's a small wonder why you all haven't killed each other off. I am just glad he turned out different than the rest of your clan,"
He snorted.
"Bunch of elitist snobs,"
Bern turn and looks over the bushes.
" I know you're there too, old one, you know I am better at sensing my opponents than you are at hiding yourself,"
The female Charizard looks to the bush puzzled for a second.
Slowly a Ninetails walks from behind the bushes with a gentle smile on its lips.
"You do know who taught you to do that right?"
Bern pondered this for a moment
"Yes I do, I taught myself because every thing you said was either a lie, or full of half truths,"
Bern voice turns angry.
"Why are you making me send him off on his own? He still has much more to learn! He's not ready for any of this."

The Ninetails simply looks down the path Kenji had just taken.
"You know that Kenji has been chosen to unite the valley as one, and bring peace to the land. I have foreseen this of him,"
The female Charizard looks at the Ninetails.
"Why can't some else do it? Why him there are others who cou-" but she is cut off with a stare from the Ninetails.

"I have tried to tell you before that he is the one I foresaw that would bring all those who live in the valley together in harmony. Nothing can change this. He will go through his trails to become what he must be,"
Bern looks at the Ninetails and shakes his head.
"Then why must he go alone? I could have gone with him and made sure he would be alright,"
The Ninetails shakes its head "No, he must find his own path which, hopefully, will lead him to true calling. We must have faith that he will overcome all that fate and destiny has set in his way, and that he will fulfill what he will become. "

"Bah, you say that now Aodh, but mark my words, if anything happens to him; I will make sure you will suffer for it,"
Bern points at him angrily.

Aodh simply looks at the large menacing Ursaring in front of him.
"He must find his own strength. To persevere over the challenges that he will face and he will be able to stand up to what he must do."

"Don't worry there will be others who will join him to help guide him whether they know it or not," Aodh smiles, "He won't travel alone for long."
Chapter End Notes:Please review and rate I can't get better with out some comments. Also please be gentle I hurt easily.*hides under blanket of protection
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