AGNPH Stories

Kenji by catsithx


Story Notes:

I'll be changing the warnings as I go and rating also.

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. Really now if I did I would be rich.

It had been several days since Kenji had left Bern's humble abode to find a place to call his own. If he had known it would be this hard he would have actually thought of a better plan instead of just improvising. He sighed as he looked around for a place to rest after another day of coming up empty handed in looking for a home. The last few days had been eventful to say the least.

The first day after he had left Bern's den, he had run across a pack of Scythers who seemed to be just looking for something to chop to pieces. Of course Kenji realized he was outmatched despite having a type advantage over them. Bern's first lesson that he taught Kenji on survival in the woods is no matter how strong you are, sometimes numbers can overcome type advantage or strength. Kenji remembered Bern's words perfectly in his head, "Never think that just because you are stronger than one or two of the Pokemon in the forest that they won't come back with their pack or others to kill you."
Knowing full well they would kill him with numbers alone he retreated.

Of course the pack of Scythers didn't want to give up their prey so easily so they pursued Kenji for what seemed to be hours until they finally got bored and seemed to give up the hunt.

The only thing he could think of after seeing the Scythers leave was, (Finally... I can rest...;) "Damn bastards chasing me like I'm some Stantler for them to feast on. Bunch of over sized bugs if you ask me."

This seemed to be the pattern over the next few days with most of the inhabitants of the forest as they often attacked him for entering their territory. It seemed that he never caught a break, like the forest was out to get him.

He looked to the sky and saw a flock of Pidgey fly by. He raises his claw up to block out the sun and that was when he saw the real problem: the color of his blue skin.
The usual color of most Charmeleon's was red or orange. He thought back to the time that Bern had told him that there was a gold Charizard and he remembered scoffing at the idea. He then looked down at his own coloring and thought that Bern's story might have been true. He sighed knowing it wasn't his fault that he was born different.

He slowly walked over to a nearby tree and sat under its cool shade. Even though he was a fire type he didn't care much for heat. He had always liked the water, which was one of the reasons Bern always called Kenji, 'Vaporeon'. This would always piss Kenji off; much to Bern's enjoyment because afterwards he would always tell Kenji to go find a nice Vaporeon girl, knock her up and raise a litter of little Eevees and Charmanders. They would always fight after Bern said that but Kenji never beat him on account of Bern being much stronger then him... not to say that Kenji didn't try though. No matter what attack or trick Kenji would try against Bern the bear would simply overpower him and... on many occasions Bern would sit on him until he gave up. Kenji remembered telling Bern that one day he would evolve into a Charizard and he would beat him then but Bern simply snickered at the Charmeleon and said, "Yeah, but then you'd still just be an oversize Vaporeon with wings." This made it even worse because Kenji, most of the time, had no comeback, and would simply pout or fume over what Bern had just said.

He really missed Bern and he wished that he hadn't of had to leave, but Bern had told him he had to find his own place to live. He was, in Bern's words, "cramping his style" whatever the hell that meant. Kenji sighed coming to the realization that simply sitting under a tree reminiscing about the past wasn't going to help anything going on at this moment in time. He still had to find a new home.

As Kenji started to stand up he heard, and felt, his stomach growl loudly. Kenji let out a slight chuckle as he scratched his hungry stomach, "If this was an attack I'd be able to scare away anyone I wanted."

He looked around the area he had chosen to relax in to see if he could spot a berry bush to preoccupy his hungry stomach for a while. He doubted that he'd be able to find much else let alone a Stantler or a Rattata to feast on.

He also knew that he didn't even have close to enough strength to find a pond or lake to go fishing in; fish was always Bern's favorite meal. He knew he'd have to settle for berries though a Pecha berry sounded pretty good at the moment. As he looked around for a bit he saw a small clearing that seemed to have berry bushes extending off into the horizon and then some. He looked around wondering if anyone had laid claim to this and thought, (Well, they won't mind if I claim a few berries for myself. There's so many here that no-one would miss a few) He rushed to the bushes searching them for his favorites even though Bern had told him that they were only used for healing if you were poisoned by an Arbok or any other poison type out there. He had always loved the taste of them; sweet and juicy.

He found a bush full of Pecha berries and began eating to his heart's content but that was when he heard some rustling behind him. His eyes widened slightly when he heard more sounds around him and he realized why there were so many bushes around with no-one daring to enter and enjoy one of the delicious fruits. He now knew that this area must belong to a pack or even a clan of the area. He started to pray that it would be a pack that he could outrun if only for a short while because they would only sometimes follow to the edge of their territory. A clan, however, would most likely hunt him down and kill him no matter where he went. He quickly dived into the bush to get more cover and to see what his options were and whether or not he was going to be lucky enough to talk his way out of this.

Several Sneasel came out of the bushes; their claws catching the light of the sun making them shine menacingly. One of the Sneasel spoke, "We see you in there Vaporeon! Come out so we can have some fun!" One of the other Sneasel walked over to the one who had just spoke and said, "I'm telling you it was a Charmeleon." The first one looked at him angrily, "Look, idiot, there is no such thing as a blue Charmeleon so it has to be one of those damn Vaporeons of the water clan! Who else would have the gall to be here like this?!" One of the other Sneasel raised his claw slightly as he spoke, "A Gyrados...?" The other two Sneasel turned and punched him shouting in unison, "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!!!"

Kenji cursed his luck, (A group of Sneasel; how could this get any worse?) As if he had just summoned a jinx on himself a Weavile walked out and all of the Sneasel immediately became silent in its presence. Kenji knew he was in trouble now; the Sneasel could have probably been talked out of fighting because they didn't seem too bright but this Weavile looked like the kind who enjoyed a good kill. Kenji knew that Sneasel and Weavile were ruthless killers as he had heard it from many of the Pokemon who lived around Bern and he also learned that they took great offense to anyone entering their territory.

Anyone who lived in the forest knew never to cross paths with either of the Pokemon unless they had a death wish. Thinking of all of this Kenji started to wonder if he had been born under a bad moon. His thoughts were stopped when he heard the Weavile speak, "I can see you in there little one. Come out and we can... talk about your intrusion on our land." The Weavile's voice was clearly feminine but had an oddly seductive tone to it.

Kenji knew better then to trust anything this Weavile said. As soon as he left the cover of the bush they would attack, (It had to be a female.) He thought. He had leaned that most females that were pack leaders were more vicious to prove their own worth among the males. Her being a Weavile didn't help anything since they were the most dangerous, (This day just keeps getting better and better...;) Kenji knew full well that a frontal assault would have disastrous results given the number of opponents. If it had only been two or three then maybe but he had no chance with the amount he saw. Running was just as pointless as attacking as Weavile and Sneasel were, as he had heard, extremely fast and would overtake him in no time and he knew that he would need a head start, if anything, if he was going to get away.
He then came up with an idea as the Sneasel started to approach the bush but he quickly realized that no-one would be stupid enough to fall for it. Then again... what other options did he have?

Kenji made up his mind and suddenly jumped out of the bush much to the surprise of the Sneasels and pointed to his left and shouted, "Look! It's lord Entei, ruler of all the land!!!" For a second he believed that they would all either fall over laughing at his stupid exclamation or just simply attack but much to his surprise some were bowing in fear and a few others were looking to where he had just pointed, "Where? I don't see him!" One of the Sneasels said. Another Sneasel said, "I think that's him by those two trees!" "No, that's some clouds you idiot! I think that's him over to the left next to those bushes!"

Kenji stood there for a moment a little dumbfounded but quickly realized this was his only chance to get away and he ran like his life depended on it, which it did.

The Weavile roared at the Sneasels, "You idiots he's getting away!! After him!!" She pointed angrily in the direction Kenji had run in. After hearing this most of the Sneasels jumped up and chased after Kenji.

Kenji couldn't believe his luck! His plan had worked better then he could have dreamed it would have but as he continued running he heard his pursuers cutting through the brush like it was water. He kept looking over his shoulder to see exactly how much distance he had between himself and the Sneasels but they were gaining on him quickly. Kenji then realized that he was running out of options fast. One of the Sneasels had overtaken the others faster then he had thought as it jumped out of the bushes to his left. Kenji barely managed to avoid the attack getting grazed by the razor sharp claws of the Pokemon. Once the Sneasel hit the ground it lunged at Kenji with its claws but Kenji quickly grabbed the Sneasel's arm avoiding the claws and spent no time throwing the light body of the Pokemon back at the ones pursuing him and with that Kenji took off again.
Kenji busted out of the forest and looked up realizing he had just encountered another problem to his already terrible day.

It seemed that the Scythers he had had trouble with the other day were in front of him with very angry looks on their faces especially the one he had burned the wings off of. Kenji simply smiled having almost instantly gotten another idea, "My pack will be here any minute so you'd better leave now!" The Scythers responded how he had expected them to by laughing at the stupidity of the Charmeleon... that's when the Sneasel burst from the forest charging at them.

The Scythers suddenly believed he wasn't lying and readied their scythes before attacking the intruders. Kenji began shooting flames towards the Scythers making them scatter from the blaze. Kenji plowed right through the scattered barricade of Scythers and continued running for his life while a battle began between the Scythers and Sneasel.

He ran for a while longer hoping that they had all given up on him and had killed each other off.

He walked for a bit more as he listened quietly looking back to see if anyone was still coming after him but his ears picked up on a different sound, running water. He found himself to be thirsty after having to run so far so fast and he walked towards the sound. It was a river, nothing fancy simply a nice little river. Now he thought that he was in the clear and that he could catch some fish without having to deal with another pack having claimed this river as their own when a noise caught his attention.

He turned around and he saw that he was not alone. The pack of Sneasel that had been following him all day looked a bit battered and bruised, except the leader Weavile who looked untouched by that day's events.

Kenji slowly rose up and looked at her, she actually looked kinda cute despite the point that she and her followers most likely wanted to end his life in a very brutal way.

She spoke in a sultry voice, "Well you led us on a merry little chase you little blue Oran berry. I would love to keep you as a pet but my pack wants your head because of the little run you gave them today."

She slowly moved her clawed hands gently across his face and a wicked grin spread across her lips, "Make it a painful death my little ones."

As she jumped back to let the Sneasel have their way with him Kenji raised his head up a bit taking in a quick but deep breath and he let loose a mighty roar. This shockwave threw the Sneasel off balance a bit and Kenji set fire to the ground around him creating a wall of flames between himself and the bloodthirsty pack of Sneasels, "This little fire won't stop us."

The Weavile mocked him. Kenji let a grin spread across his face as he looked at the female, "I know; I just had to ready myself for this." After speaking he took a step back towards the water. The female snickered at his movement, "What? You going to go swimming?" Everyone knows full well tha..." She stopped speaking abruptly when she saw Kenji leap into the water and actually begin swimming across the river. One of the Sneasels behind the Weavile whispers to another, "I told you he was a Vaporeon." The other Sneasel shook his head in disbelief, "I guess you were right."

Kenji quickly reached the other side of the river and climbed from the water slowly out of breath as he looked across to see if they were going to try and follow him. His gaze fell upon the leader Weavile and he saw a look of hateful spite on her face. He watched as she screamed at the Sneasel to follow him but they all shook their heads all knowing that they couldn't swim.

After a short while she turned away and left in an angry huff. The Sneasel waited for a bit longer knowing full well how much trouble they'd be in if they let Kenji get away. Kenji let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the Sneasel slowly turn and walk away one by one. Kenji turned and looked for a place he could rest his weary body while being out of the way of prying eyes and he found a bush crawling into it.

One of the biggest misconceptions about fire types, especially Charmanders, Charmeleon's and Charizards, is that if they enter water their tail flame would go out and they die simply from becoming wet. In truth their tail flame was a representation of their life-force and the power they possess. Water does hurt them though; it felt like thousands of pine needles were pricking him all at once. It was ridiculous to think that they never went into water; how else would they clean themselves? (Dumb morons... Kenji thought bitterly.

Well it was true that this misconception may have saved his life in more ways then one. As Kenji laid there he realized how tough it is out here in the real world without someone to look after you. He missed Bern despite all the names and jokes the bear had made at his disposal. Kenji hated everything at the moment; especially the woman he felt was responsible for doing this to him. A small tear fell from his eye as he thought about it. He put his claw to his face as he tried to stop the tears from coming out but they wouldn't. The tears of his past continued to fall down the Charmeleon's face and before long he had cried himself to sleep praying to anyone out there who would hear his plea to somehow make his pain go away.
Chapter End Notes:Well I don't have much to say but hope you enjoyed the chapter
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