AGNPH Stories

Kenji by catsithx


Story Notes:

I'll be changing the warnings as I go and rating also.

Chapter 3 Freinds and a new home?

As the sun rises on a new day the Pidgey and Taillow sing lovely on the morning of a bright and sunny day. Upon hearing this Kenji slowly opens his eyes groggily and looks around to see if anyone else wants his head.

He hears the fish from the river jumping out of the water then back in, as if on cue his stomach begins to growl."This is how my day went from bad to worse yesterday, because I was hungry. Oh well I guess I better get some fish to eat. It's better than getting some berries that might belong to someone else. "He sighs as he slowly but painfully gets up. He walks over to the river steadily trying not to fall from all the pain. Once Kenji got to the shallow end of it he simply stood there not moving for a while. Some fish slowly pass in front of him. He plunges his clawed hand into the water to skewer a Magikarp on his claws. He smiles at flaying fish "Sorry my friend but I am hungry and you're my meal for the day."

He caught a few more just so he would have a nice meal. Magikarp always seem to be the best to catch mostly because they're the easiest to catch. Happy to have something to eat besides berries; he walks over to the pile of fish when he notices a little Houndour eating one of his fish. "Hey!" Kenji shouts at the Houndour who stops for a second before grabbing the half eaten Magikarp with its mouth and tries to escape into the forest. Only to run, face first, right into a tree. Dropping the fish to the ground raises its forepaws to its head in pain.

Kenji walks over to the little fire puppy grabs it by the scruff of its neck." You know asking first before taking stuff might not get you in trouble."
The Houndour turns its head to look at Kenji "Wow I didn't know Vaporeons could walk upright and look so ugly". The little fire puppy says with a high female condescending voice. Kenji's left eye twitches with this statement.

He walks over to the river until the water is to his knees still holding the little Houndour. With an evil grin"Do you know how to swim little one? "Kenji says with malice in his voice. The female Houndour realizes how close the water is, and starts to shake with fear. "What's the matter little one, don't you like the water?" Kenji still smiling as he slowly lowers her closer to the water.

Then she does two things he doesn't expect to happen. First she starts to cry, more like a waterfall of tears cascade from her eyes, and second she starts to wet herself. "Ok maybe I went too far with this. " As he holds her over the water he thinks maybe he should at least clean her off a bit from her 'mess' he caused her. Without thinking about it he dips her into the water.
She absolutely freaks out over this. "I am dying your killing me someone help me this ugly vaporeon is killing me."She screams out while trying to get out his grasp.
Kenji sighs as he holds the pup in the water for a bit longer to make sure she clean from her accident. "You're not dying. Anyway who told you that you would die from being in the water?" He raises her from the water to have her dripping body face him eye to eye so to speak.

"You're a meannie why did you try to kill me?" she asked still crying.
"Let's see my little thief you were taking fish that I caught. You could have asked if you're hungry. I doubt that others in the forest would have been as understanding as I have been." Kenji states as he flicks her forehead.
She winces in pain. "Just wait till my big sister comes here and kicks your blue vaporeon ass" she flashes him an evil grin.

"What is she a Houndoom little one. Think about it little one I am a fire typ..." Just then Kenji notices movement behind him. He throws the little pup aside towards the river bank, and tries to get ready for the coming attack. It comes too late as he plowed into the river by a large white furry mass.

He struggles with his opponent under the water, realizing that not is he not equipped to fight under the water, also the point that the water is stinging all over his body, he can't breath. The one weird thought that goes through his mind is maybe I should have been born a vaporeon.

He starts to feel pain all over his body as he tries to fight off his unknown opponent. Finally he breaks free of his opponent's hold, and swims franticly to the shallow end of the river. He slowly walks over the edge of the water nearing land seeing the pup looking at him in amazement. Until his feet are pulled from out under him. He lands face first into the water, and his head is shoved into water. Who ever this is wants him dead he realizes at he starts to see stars in his eyes. He thrashes about trying to get out. He finally uses his tail to grab his opponent's leg and sets them off balance enough to shake them off. He drags his battered body to dry land. He thinks to himself 'What in Arceus name did I do to deserve this.'

He turns to see his opponent walk towards him. To his surprise it's a Zangoose dripping wet from the tussle in the river. The Zangoose lunges at him at speed that makes him realize he's' going to have to fight with more than just strength , at the last second Kenji rolls out of the way. He is still too late to avoid the attack of the Zangoose's claws. He is cut across his chest; three red lines appear across his chest. He winces in pain from the cuts"Ok that's it no more games!"

The Zangoose lunges at him, at the last second Kenji rolls out of the way. He readies a fire attack inhales deeply and releases... smoke? Both the Houndour and Zangoose give him a look of surprise at the failed attack."Ok just a sec I need to clear my throat." Kenji tries to cough the water he swallowed from the river out. The Zangoose lunges at him, he tries to ready another flame attack only to shoot more smoke in the Zangoose's face. The Zangoose crashes into Kenji coughing."Well that worked well." He smiles proudly even though that wasn't the attack he was trying for.

He shoves the still coughing Zangoose off of him. As he turns to look at his opponent, and notices that this Zangoose is a bit smaller than a typical normal Zangoose. The Houndour runs up to the Zangoose that's still trying to catch its breath "Are you ok Lin" nuzzling her.
Just then the Zangoose hits Kenji knocking him to the edge of the bank. Still trying to clear his throat Kenji realizes that the little Houndour's sister is a Zangoose. Kenji sees the Zangoose charging at him again with her claws aiming towards his face.

Instead of using a fire attack he steadied his footing and put up his hands. He ran a couple of steps forward right as his hand met her. Trying to force Kenji into water the Zangoose yells, "You're gonna pay for hurting my little sister!"

Kenji struggling to keep himself from being pushed into the water said, "Hey your sister is perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with her look!" Trying to persuade the Zangoose to believe him he pushes her with all his might causing her to fall on her back. Which meant he was fighting a female, who seemed to want him dead also like the female Weavile the other day. 'I think I was really born under a bad moon'Kenji thinks to himself. The female zangoose looks him over as she slowly gets up and pushes the flame puppy behind her. She growls at Kenji slowly showing her sharp teeth as she once again extends her claws to ready to attack.

Kenji does something she doesn't expect. As she lunges forward hoping to skewer him. He side steps out of the way. As soon as she stumbles past him he uses his tail to trip her into the river. As soon as she crashes head first into the river. He realizes he has to fish her out before this gets worse. He walks over to the river to help her out. She gives him a look of malice as she walks past him, shoving him aside still dripping wet.

"Look we're off to a bad start here. Look she was taking my breakfast and I was just a bit pissed about it ok" Kenji states as he looks around to make sure there are no other zangoose around. Zangooses are known to travel in packs like most canines but are just as deadly alone and they are known to be the most feared hunters in the forest. Only a few are their equal in combat, or would even consider engaging them in combat. Usually those who do fight a Zangoose have one of 3 things going for them. One they're suicidal and had little reason for living. Two they were not alone and had a group behind them. Three who ever this 'mon was had great confidence in their fighting abilities to take a zangoose one on one.
Kenji thinking about it figured that he falls in the third category. He's a pretty good fighter when it comes down to it. He has on occasion been able to hold his own against Bern. So one could say he could take a zangoose one on one. He hopes.

Finally Kenji was brought back to reality by the female zangoose. "What's your name Charmeleon? Do you belong to the Fire Clan of the mountains over there?" She points towards the mountains.

He turns his head towards them; his facial expression darkened looking towards the mountains. With bitterness in his voice that even surprised him. "No I don't belong with them. Also my name is Kenji and yours."
She was a bit startled by this change of emotion; "I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you like that, but if it's true what you said about someone taking your food I am sorry about that." she looks at the fire pup, who cringes at this.

The little pup yells out. "He tried to drown me the big ugly Vaporeon." She sticks her tongue out at him.
"Alev you have to stop that. I have told you not to be taking what's not yours from others. You're lucky he didn't try to kill you as others would have done. Remember when you stole from those Poochyenas. All those favors I had to do to keep the rest of their pack from killing you."

Alev lowers her head in shame as she starts to whines softly. "But Lin I was hungry, and the Magikarp looked so good I figure he wouldn't miss one."

Lin smacks Alev on the head; "It's thinking like that will always get you in trouble. I swear you think more with that bottomless stomach of yours then you do with your head."

"Look I am not here to place blame on anyone. If she had just asked I would've given her some of the fish. I am not greedy." stated Kenji.

Lin turns and looks at Alev; "Unlike some little pup I know." Alev lowers her head more and wines a bit more as tears well up in here eyes.

A low rumble is heard from Kenji's stomach. "Well look you're both welcome to join me for some food. I know you're both hungry as I am."

Lin sighs "I guess so I haven't had some real food since the Arbok last night, and I am getting sick of eating berries all the time."

"I like berries especially the Oran and Razz berries." Alev runs around Lin happily then runs over to the pile of fish and starts to eat another one.

"Well I guess that settles that then. You sure are a vicious one when it comes to fighting I see." Kenji winces a bit over the wounds over his chest. The bleeding from the wounds seemed to have stop. Still there was a fair amount of blood that had bleed from the wound across his chest. He simply sighs and walks over to river and starts to submerge into the water to wash most of the blood off.

Lin watches him do this she sees his body shudder from being in the water, but notices no real sign of pain on him beyond his body shaking a bit. "Doesn't that hurt you being a fire type and all, by being in the water like that?"

He simply turns and looks over towards her; she is eating one of the fish now. "If you haven't noticed you did try to drown me and I still keep fighting. I do feel pain just like not as much as if it came from a water type. I really don't why know but I don't feel that much pain from being in the water. As long as I am not basted by it I am usually alright. "

"It's because he's half vaporeon, and an ugly looking one at that!" Alev starts to laugh at her cruel joke, as some flecks of the fish she has been eating shoot from her mouth as she starts to laugh hard at her own joke.

Kenji shakes his head as he walks back to dry land; "No little one I am just blue. Both my parents are Charizards. I am sorry to burst your bubble little one." He uses his tail to splash some water towards the little fire pup. She runs behind Lin and cowards in fear of the water. Lin simply laughs at this.

Lin looks at his tail flame as it still burns brightly even after all the fighting in the water and while he has been cleaning himself off in water. "Won't your flame go out if you keep going in the water like that?" She points to flamed tail.

He chuckles softly at this. "You know that the greatest misconception everyone has about the Char family. Everyone seems to think the flame is somehow real" He waives the flamed tail. "In a sense is not real. It's a manifestation of our soul and power. Most flame types don't have this except the char family or at least as far as I know of. That's out greatest weapon because every water type attacks the tail first thinking if the flame goes out we die. In a weird way if out flame does go out it signifies our death. "

Alev looked at him with an innocent look. "So did your parents teach all this?" Kenji stiffens at this question. Lin notices the facial expression on him change so fast that Alev may have not notice it but she did. Seeing that expression sent a cold shiver through her fur even though she was sitting in the warmth of the sun, as if a Glaceon had used an ice attack on her. As quickly as it came it disappeared just as fast as this feeling of fear that she felt from him.

A small smile spreads across his face. "No I was raised by a good friend by the name of Bern. He's an Ursaring. He taught me everything I need to know over about 10 seasons. He's the closest thing to a family I have. "
Alev looks at him with a sad look in her eyes. "Did your family die or something?"

Lin smacks the fire pup on the back of her head. "Have some decency it's rude to ask something like that. I am sorry Kenji you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

He looks at them both in turn. He walks from the water and walks over to the fire pup. "It's ok Lin. To answer your question something happened that I don't want to talk about right now ok."

Alev starts to say something again but is cut off by a stern glare from the zangoose which ends that discussion. After a few more fish and some berries from some near by bushes, all seem content with their meal.

Kenji gets up and looks around for a bit. "Lin do you know anywhere around here I can find that would make a good home; like a cave or some hole in the wall, or even a dead tree stump I can curl into. I've been looking for a place for a while with no luck."

"Nothing really comes to mind. If you keep looking around you might run into some other packs territory. How about you stay with Alev and me we could use the company." Alev jumps up at this as she flashes a big toothy grin. "Does this mean we can have more fish? Yes!" she says as she actually jumps for joy."No more tough Arbok or Seviper meat." She runs around Kenji barking with delight.

Lin simply looks a bit peeved at this. Kenji looks over to her with a worried look across his face. "Are you ok Lin? I don't want to be a burden to you and Alev."

"NO! No problem here. Just someone is not going to be sharing my meals any more." She gives an angry glare at the fire pup who just sticks out her tongue in response to the glare she was getting. Then she starts to run around Kenji again barking happily.

"Well I guess that's settle for now. So where do you live so I can rest it has been an eventful day," he stretches a bit "All that fighting now I want to take a nap."
"Follow me then I'll take you to our home." she beckons him to follow her. He smiles at this, as the fire pup scrambles up to his head.

"Hey I am not a Ponyta that you can ride anytime you want."

As he looks up at the fire pup, she sticks out her tongue, "You are now, so giddy up. "

Lin simply laughs at this. "Careful Alev he might drop you in the water again."

Suddenly the pup clutches tighter onto his head. "He wouldn't dare!" though the sound of her voice tells other wise.

"Well lead the way Lin to your humble abode." She simply smiles and leads Kenji deeper into the forest toward what Kenji hope is a place to call home.
~A little later by the river~

A tall Zangoose followed by Mightyena and a Hypno. They look around the area as if searching for something. The Zangoose sniffs the area, stops as he smiles licking his lips. "She was here I can still smell her sweet scent. She was here recently. Can't you sense her yet?" The Hypno tries to concentrate, as he stretches out his hands to reach for something not there.

He is like that for the next few minutes. "Why all the rush to find her all the sudden?" the Mightyena scoffs," She left the village on her own accord not like she cares for her position in the village any ways. "

The Zangoose turns and looks at him" Because it's her time, also I will give her one more chance to avoid the fate that awaits her if I have to take her back."

The Mightyena simply shakes his head in disbelief, "Well now I've heard everything. Remember you're the reason she left. I think if she had a choice she would accept her fate as a sc..." he is suddenly backhanded into the bushes.

"Never speak to me like that do you know who I am?"
The Hypno comes out of his trance and sighs, "Yes we do you remind of us of it everyday. I can't find her I think her god-father taught her to well how to avoid psychics like me. I can't get a clear reading of her anywhere. Also I do sense something else. I just can't figure out what though?"

The Zangoose looks around in anger. "Damn at this rate they will have no choice but to send out the hunters for her to get her to come back. Then there will be no other option." He looks around one last time. "Damn it Lin why do you have to be so stubborn! Come it's going to be dusk by the time we get back to the village. Let's hurry I don't want to run into the other packs in the area after dark." He turns and runs down the river bank as the other two follow him wordlessly.
Chapter End Notes:Well hopefully I won't take as long to do the next chapter. Though I doubt it
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