AGNPH Stories

Pokemon (Journey to Another World) pt2 by totall


Chapter 10

Journey to Another World 4
Ch. 10

I didn't know what to expect when I entered the room, so I kept my left hand on my swords hilt and entered with Jenavee at my side. Unlike the corridor outside this room, there was a little more lighting within the room. Once we were in the room I saw that there were three pedestals with a strange Pokemon on the top of each. Each seemed to be under some sort of hypnosis as they seemed to be asleep.

"Oh this is just horrible." Jenavee said as she advanced to the first.

I noticed that the three pedestals were in a triangle formation, that had the tip facing towards us and the door we just came through. "Damn these Galactic members." I said as I walked over and saw that the first Pokemon which probably was a Legendary, it was hooked up to several wires that ran from where it sat on the top of the pedestal to various parts of it's body. "How low are they going to stoop, to reach their goals?"

"As far as it takes, so that we can create our perfect world." Said a voice.

"Wait a minute." I said as I jumped back from the pedestal, and crouched into a fighters stance to use my quick draw, and looked around the room. "I recognize that voice." 'Jenavee, get over here.' I said to Jenavee over the link.

She jumped back as well and stood on my left, and brought her fingertips together in preporation to launch a psychic attack. "Well, I'm glad that you've not forgotten my voice." Just then Saturn came out from behind the pedestal that we'd been standing in front of, with Rena held in front of him, with a dagger placed to her throat. I could see that Rena was greatly frightened, shaking slightly, and looked to not have eaten since she was last with me as her ribs were showing. "As much as I love to kill your Lucario here. I want to pay you back ten fold for what you've done here."

I slowly drew my sword, raised my sword to my chest, blade upright, and grasped the hilt with both hands to make sure that I had enough power to truly cut him in half. "Then come and face me. Man to man." I said.

"As much as I'd love to cross blades with you, like the old days. I'm afraid that I'm no match for you. So if you value the life of your Lucario, drop the sword." He said as he pressed the daggers edge into Rena's neck, making her gasp as it slightly cuts her throat. I can see a small trickle of blood slowly run down the blade, showing that she had been indeed cut and that he meant business

A snarl slowly crosses my face, but I know that I can't move fast enough to cut him down before he slits her throat. I slowly lower my sword and place it on my right side. "That's right boy. Now, kick it over here and no funny business." So I place my shoe behind the hilt and kick it over to him. The blade skids across the floor, making a clanking sound, but skids past the two.

"Fine." I say as I raise up my arms in defense. "Now let her go. Your quarrel is with me. Leave her out of this."

Saturn slowly glimpses behind him, as if checking where the blade has gone, then turns back to us. "Not...just...yet." He says as he smiles. "You've nearly destroyed our operations here. I want to return the favor." He says as he takes Rena by the arm and throws her into some kind of box under the pedestal in the back right. As soon as she hit's the back of the box, a set of electric bars appear, locking her inside.

I'm about to rush to her, when I see him pull something out from behind his back. He points the thing towards me and I can see that it's something like a garage door opener. He presses a button on it and Rena screams as the box's floor electrifies, effectively giving her a really nasty electrical shock through her feet. I quickly back off and he lets the button go. The electricity is cut and Rena crumples down to the ground. "Just in case you get any funny ideas." He tells me.

"You sick ass basturd. I said let her go. You've got me now." I say as I swipe my arm across the air in front of me.

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you. For that reason..." He chuckles. "I'm not going to."

"Fine then. What do you want." I say as I can feel my blood begin to boil.

"Oh it's very simple, I want to have a battle with you." He says as he points the dagger at me.

"You honorless basturd. You want me to fight you without a weapon." I said in a loud tone. He looks down to his dagger then back up at me. "So be it. I'll take you apart one piece at a time."

He looks down at his dagger again. "WHAT?!" Then back at me as I'm about to lunge at him. "NO! no-no-no-no-no. I already told you. You are a better man with a blade. What I'm talking about is a Pokemon battle." I just sneered at him. "I will battle your Pokemon against mine. If you win, I let you and your Lucario go."

"And if I loose?" I asked. 'Heaven forbid.'

He laughs, then points the dagger at me again. "Simple. You hand over all your Pokemon to me." He says with another chuckle.

"YOU ASS! Do you really think that I'm just going to allow you to make..." He doesn't let me finish as he raises up the clicker again and points it at me. I look back to Jenavee and she too has a fierce look in her eyes.

'I will do it. If it means rescuing Rena.' Jenavee says without looking at me.

'What are you saying Jenavee? Your going to risk your own well being.' She just nodded without speaking as I can feel her fighting spirit. 'Your right.' I turned back to Saturn. 'I should trust you girls abilities a lot more. If your ok with this, then we'll do it Saturn's way.' "Alright Saturn. Call out your first Pokemon and lets get this battle started."

A smirk appeared on his lips. He reached behind himself and pulled out a regular Pokeball and threw it up and caught it at it's peak. "Lets show this punk how Team Galactic fights, go Pokeball." He says to the ball as throws out the ball which sails across the floor and opens with a popping sound in mid air. Then light quickly shoots out of the ball, heads strait for the floor, and materializes an upright purple bullfrog. The large frog was mostly purple in color with black bands around it's shoulders, thighs, and eyes. It had a red line that ran from under one eye, over it's upper lip, to the underside of the other eye. Under it's chin, like the bullfrog, it had a large red sack that when inflated with an intake of breath looked like a big red balloon. Finally it had a red toe in the middle of it's three toed feet with a red claw in the same place on it's hands.

"Quick Toxicroak, use Nasty Plot then Mud Bomb." He orders the toad.

"Jenavee, use Calm Mind then..." I didn't get a chance to finish what I wanted her to do next as she was hit in the face by a large ball of mud.

"Now Sucker Punch." Saturn said as he pointed to Jenavee.

'Donovin. I can not see.' Jenavee said in a panicked voice through the link.

I had to think fast, as that frog was quickly closing the gap between them. 'Jenavee, float up out of the way of it's attack.' With that Jenavee quickly floated up out of the way as the frog stopped and spun which would have pimp slapped Jenavee. 'Now use Thunderbolt strait down.' I said to her over the link.

Jenavee placed her palms over the other, and released a quick Thunderbolt. The frog wasn't expecting this and was hit easily with the electricity strait through the head. Unfortunately it was only a quick Thunderbolt, which meant that there wasn't the much power behind it. "Oh you think you've got the upper hand. Well think again." Saturn said. "Jump up and use Poison Jab."

The frog crouched down and using it's great jumping abilities of a frog, it leapt into the air and stabbed Jenavee in the leg with it's red claw. Effectively sending it's poison into Jenavee's system. I could see that she was poisoned as she would wince now and again. "While he's still up there with you Jenavee. Use Psychic and throw that frog six feet under."

Jenavee didn't hesitate as the frog was wrapped up in the purple aura, quickly thrown to the ground, and thanks to the Calm mind that she had time to finish as she was in the air, the attack was all the more powerful. When the frog impacted the ground, I could see that the hard metal floor was just as unforgiving as I hoped, and the frog was flattened. (Author: Frogger, first arcade game, if you need a visual.) While Jenavee slowly floated down to my side of the area, she quickly started wiping off the mud that was clinging to her face.

By the time she got back to the ground most of the mud was off her face, but she was cringing time and again from the poison. Eventually the poison proved to much for her and she fell to the floor. I quickly rushed over and held her up in my arms. "Hang in their Jenavee. I'll get you to..."

'No Donovin.' Wince. 'We still need to...' Cringe. 'rescue, Rena.' Shudder. 'Recall me and get Kit out here. Kit should be able to finish off the rest of his...' Moan. 'Pokemon.'

There wasn't anything more to say as I quickly recalled her to her ball, then looked at it. "You did wonderfully Jenavee. I guess that Nasty Plot had the same effect as Calm Mind." I shrank her ball and attached it to my belt, and saw that Saturn had done the same. I could see now just how hard Jenavee had tossed that frog, as the floor now had most of the floor in chunks and solid dirt underneath. Looking back up at Saturn I could already see that he had a new ball in hand. I didn't have time to really think as I reached back to my belt and pulled off a ball.

"If you think she'll be a good choice Jenavee. Go Kit." I said as I threw out the ball. The ball popped open and released it's light. Though for some reason, when the light started materializing Kit it took a lot longer and it Kit was a lot bigger than I remember. "Wait a minute..." I said as Undine was finally materialized from the light. "Oh crap."

Undine looked around the area and then strait back at me. She gave me a scowling look then brought her tail around and knocked my feet out from under me. She quickly slithered over and then wrapped herself around my body and began to squeeze me. "How dare you let them put me back into that ball." Once she said that, she began to rant about how she was a goddess and shouldn't be treated in such a manner.

"Undine, stop. Your hurting me." I said as she steadily increased the wrap's tightness around my body.

"You had better believe it. This is what you get..."

"" I said as I struggled to breath. Undine stopped looked at me and turned and looked at her surroundings a little more. She stopped looking around when she saw that Saturn had released his next Pokemon, which was revealed to be a Bronzor. The small coin like Pokemon floated there, as if suspended in mid air. It's dark blue body was surrounded by balls in different sizes and areas around it's body. On the outer part of it's body were six, the next one was in the middle of it's body that looked to be it's nose. It had two oval shaped eyes that had four circles around it's eyes.

"It would seem that your Milotic still needs some train...Wait a minute, did your Milotic just, TALK?" He said in a shocked tone.

I couldn't answer him as my back was just about to give out from the constant pressure that Undine was placing on my body. Fortunately she seemed to grasp the situation and slowly released me. Once I was dropped to the ground I started to gasp for breath. "A battle? You called me out to battle!" She turned her head to me and growled at me. "What do you think I'm..." She didn't get the chance to finish what she was going to say as Bronzor began to spin like a flicked coin and then collided with her head.

Undine was knocked back quite a way, until she collided with a wall. I couldn't believe that that coin had that much power to hit her that hard. "Why you little!" She quickly came back and then thrust her tail out and began to spin it in the air. In a moment the wind started to spin around the room due to her large fan like tail. Eventually the wind began to spin so fast that a Tornado began to form within the room. To say the least, I was speechless, as I watched both the still spinning coin, but mostly Saturn, look on in horror as the wind began to turn towards them.

Though the coin spun with a clockwise motion, it slowed as Undine's counter-clockwise Twister slowed it to a stop. Once it was stopped, Undine quickly threw the Twister at the coin. Since the coin was suspended in the air the Twister quickly sucked it in then spat it back out at such a velocity that it hit the wall behind Saturn with a resounding boom. When both Saturn and I looked up to where the coin hit, our jaws dropped as the coin was embedded in the wall.

"Holy Crap!" Saturn said. "What are you doing Bronzor? Use Confusion to counter." To which the coin's yellow like eyes glowed a light blue. Undine was enveloped in the same colored blue, then was smashed to the floor by an unseen force.

"Double ouch." I said. "Now I know what happened to that frog Pokemon Jenavee used her psychic abilities on." I thought as Undine shakingly rose up from the floor.

"That really hurt you little retch. Now I'm gonna..."

"Undine stop." She turned to me. "I've got a great idea for an attack you can use against that Bronzor." She looked over her shoulder and saw that the Bronzor was still stuck in the wall, but was making progress on getting itself un-stuck.

"This had better be good." She said as she leaned down, and I quickly whispered the move to her. A wicked smile slowly spread across her face. "Oh, Donovin. That's absolutely evil. I can't wait to try it." She said as she turned and faced her now free of the wall opponent.

"Just be careful with your aim. We don't want to hurt any of the other Pokemon in here." But my plea fell on deaf ears as Undine brought her tail around and she began to laugh.

"Here's a little payback for that Confusion you just hit me with." She said as her tail started swirling the air around the room.

(Author: Oh you thought I was going to leave you hanging until next week. Think again.)

This time when Undine used her Twister attack, she kept it fairly small but lowered her head to the bottom of the vortex. She slowly opened her mouth and a blue bead started to glow between her jaws. As she opened her mouth wider, the ball grew in size until it was half the size of the Bronzor. "Try this on for size." She said as she pushed the blue ball into the vortex with her tongue.

The ball was instantly sucked into the vortex and began to spin around and around. Eventually the ball was spinning so fast that the twister had taken on a bluish tint and then the ball was shot out of the vortex like it was shot out of a cannon. Though the shot was traveling at such a high rate of speed and made contact with the Bronzor, the hit was not right on target and only hit the edge of he Pokemon. This caused it to go into an involuntary Gyro Ball spin.

"Not bad for your first attempt Undine."

"Why thank y...Wait a minute, are you making fun of me." She said as she slowly brought her head around and looked at me.

I quickly brought up my arms and waved them in front of me. "Not at all. Though if you want, you can take your frustration out on that...WATCH OUT!" I shouted as I pointed towards the other side of the battle field.

Unfortunately, Saturn had taken advantage of our conversation and ordered Bronzor to attack Undine with Gyro Ball that she put it into. Like before, Undine flew across the room and hit the same wall. This time it took Undine quite a bit more time to get up from this hit. 'Damn, she must be at the end of her rope. Got to finish this fight up before she passes out from exhaustion.' I thought. "Come on Undine. Are you a goddess of the sea or not."

She slowly looked back at me then faced forward. "You had better believe it." She said as she seemed to be coming back to her old stuck up self.

"Then show this guy what a goddess can do." She nodded and then began the same thing again. Only this time Saturn must have been expecting it as he yelled out something to his Bronzor that was lost to me through the howling of Undine's Twister. The Bronzor quickly started darting around as Undine began opening her mouth near the bottom of the vortex.

It was almost like lightning hit my brain as I thought up a variation on the move. "UNDINE. USE WATER PULSE ONLY IN SMALL AMOUNTS, THEN PUSH THEM INTO THE VORTEX!" I shouted. At first I didn't know if she heard my plan, but after I saw her start to push more and more smaller Water Pulses into the Vortex did I grin. The effect was that similar to one of those water park amusements that shoot several water squirts out of the ground, only this one was with multiple balls not squirts. The balls were shot in rapid succession and the Bronzor was hit by many of them.

Finally the whole ordeal took it's toll on the two Pokemon as they both collapsed in a heap on the ground. I wanted to run out and check and see if Undine was alright, but Saturn was in no mood to allow me that, as he pulled out another Poke-Ball and pointed it at me. "Damn you. I never knew that you were this good at Pokemon battles." I was about to say something witty but he didn't give me that chance as he threw the ball out and a Kadabra emerged from the light.

"If you beat my Kadabra, then you all are free to leave, which is highly unlikely. And if I win,..." He laughed. "Go Kadabra." He said as the ball sailed through the air and released the psychic type to the battle field. The Pokemon looked to have a brown chest plate that covered over it's entire chest and had shoulder protectors, though much of the rest of the body seemed to be without. Much of it's body had a yellowish color to it, while it only seemed to have three fingers and toes each (Though the toes only had two in front with one in the back like a chickens). It had a large tail that came down to a point, it had a ring of brown at it's larger part of it's tail. Finally it's head looked much like that of a fox's, a red star on it's forehead that matched the same color of the lightning bolts on the front part of it's hips, then a very long mustache (Which meant that it was a male) that matched the color of the rest of it's body.

I pulled off Undine's ball and pointed it at her. "Sorry Undine, but I'm going to have to recall you." She slowly moved her head across the ground to look at me. "I know that you don't like to be in your ball, but your really hurt and I can't carry you to the Pokemon Center." She took a long sigh then nodded to me.

"Fine..." Wince. "But that's all. When I am healed, I do not go back into that thing again."

I nodded to her and then recalled her to her ball. After shrinking it and placing back on my belt, I pulled off Kit's ball and kissed it. "It's all up to you now Kit." I threw out the ball but when she materialized there was nothing on the battlefield other than that hole in the floor from earlier. Both Saturn and his male Kadabra looked around the area, trying to find the missing Pokemon.

"Hay, what's going on here? Haven't you released your Pokemon?" He asked me in a confused tone.

"Oh I'm sorry. Here, let me re-release her so that we can..." And just like that Kit burst from the ground and struck the confused Kadabra in the jewels with her head. It was totally comical when that psychic types eyes bulged a little out of it's eye sockets in shock an pain, as it was hit into the air. After hitting the Kadabra, she landed gracefully over the hole. "That was a little...Oh forget it. Kit use Iron Tail and give that Kadabra a dirt nap." Kit didn't respond as she leapt from the ground and quickly said over the psychic.

"Oh no you don't! Kadabra use Reflect then Confusion to throw that Ninetails away." With that command, the psychic crossed it's arms and started to glow a light brown color. When Kit rotated like a Yo-yo with her tails solidifying into a solid silver mass to hit it, the Kadabra took only a little damage but the rest was somehow reflected to Kit as she let out a yelp. Just as quickly as the psychic had turned the fight around, he opened his arms wide and threw out his arm with the spoon and Kit began to glow that brown color.

'I know what's going to happen and I'm not going to let it.' "Kit use Dark Pulse while your up there." She quickly opened her eyes and mouth and started to gather the dark energy. It was strange to see her do it as the energy seemed to be coming from her teeth. 'So that's how it works. The original Bite that would transfer the dark energy directly into the receiver of the attack leaked out of her teeth and then into the gathering ball. Like all dark type attacks the ball swirled with dark energy with a purple core.

Once the attack was of a decent size I couldn't help but smile. 'Since the Kadabra is suspended in air with Kit due to it's Confusion attack, it makes it a perfect target.' Kit shot the Dark Pulse which hit with double the damage due to the type advantage. So once the air cleared from the attack, both Kit and Kadabra landed on the ground looking a little scrapped up. (Though the Kadabra looked like it was still wincing a bit from the hit Kit landed earlier.)

"Damn it. I didn't know that your Ninetails knew Dark Pulse. Got to finish this quick. Kadabra, use Psycho Cut." The psychic brought it's spoon wielding arm around and the spoon started to glow brown. Once it was a decent brown color it brought it's arm around and that let off a crescent shaped streak of energy that quickly made it's way towards Kit. I think we were both kind of shocked to see that strange attack heading towards us.

At the last moment Kit jumped over the attack that would have taken out her legs. "Kit, use Dark Pulse again." And so it went. The Kadabra would continuously use Psycho Cut while Kit would mostly dodge the attack then launch another Dark Pulse. After a few more minutes, the attacks had taken their toll. Kit was standing on shaky legs with much of her fur in tatters or covered in scorches, while the Kadabra still had it's legs crossed to protect from another shot to the crotch.

I looked across the area and I could see Saturn was sporting a big grin. "Kadabra, use Recover." With that, the scrapes and bruises started to fade away revealing undamaged skin. To which I couldn't help but smirk as well.

"Kit, use D...I...G." The Kadabra froze and then a shocked look spread across his face. 'Since it's using Recover, it can't move and that means a wide open shot to the...Jewels' When I looked at the field again I could see that Kit had already disappeared underground through the same hole, then I looked across at the Kadabra. I could see the pained expression in it's eyes as it wanted so much to cup it's jewels but couldn't. "This is really going to hurt." I told it as it's jewels were still tender from the last hit. The Kadabra gave me a pleading/helpless look as if to ask for mercy, but I wasn't going to give it.

Kit burst from the ground again and hit his jewels. The large psychic had had enough and fell to the ground unconscious, but for good measure Kit readied another Dark Pulse if it even had the slightest hind of getting up.

"NO!" Saturn yelled. As he looked down at his last defeated Pokemon. "This cannot be possible. Recover should have brought my Pokemon's health back up to full." He whined.

Kit slowly walked over to me and lay down at my feet, exhausted. I leaned down and started to stroke her from head to tail. "You did a wonderful job Kit. I'm really proud." I stroked her a few more times then looked up at Saturn who was stomping around and fuming. "There's two problems with Recover." Saturn stopped fuming and looked at me with a scowl. "One, Recover only brings said Pokemon's health back up to � of it's full health. Two, said Pokemon must remain immobilized for the move to work which in turn leaves it open to attack. That gave Kit the opportunity to attack and defeat your Kadabra."

Saturn didn't seem to take the advice very well, as he pulled out the remote and aimed it at Rena's cage with his right hand. "Damn you! I will not loose." Though, he didn't get the chance to press the button as I'd been expecting this and quickly lunged forward. With an upward slash, I rendered him permanently left handed with a dagger that I kept hidden on the back of my belt.
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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