AGNPH Stories

Pokemon (Journey to Another World) pt2 by totall


Chapter 6

Journey to Another World 4
Ch. 6

To throw the ghost off balance, Jenavee launched a Thunderbolt at the Mismagius. The shot went a little high, which caused the ghost to levitate closer to the ground. (Author: For this chapter I'm going to translate the Mismagius's voice so that you can better understand what's going on. There will be ** around what she says when she speaks.)

*Ha. What was that supposed to accomplish.* But just as she said that, she had to avoided another that was launched, shooting/hoping to knock off her hat. *Are you trying to knock off my hat? Is that all your capable of doing* She laughs.

"Not quite." Jenavee said as she continued to throw bolts of lighting at the ghost. Each bringing her closer and closer to the ground. Just then the bolts stopped, and the ghost looked over to her.

*Well congratulations. You've succeeded in pushing me to the ground. But now it is my turn to attack.* She placed her cloak/hands together. *How about another Astonish?*

"No thanks." And just as Jenavee said that, the Mismagius was caught up in her psychic hold again and was slammed down to the ground and held there.

*Guh. What was that. Are you trying to make me eat...* She was about to finish when she started looking around the area. *Wait a minute. Where is that Ninetails?*

"Right below you. KIT NOW!" Jenavee yelled. And just as she did, the psychic hold that held the ghost to the ground released the ghost, at the same time Kit burst from the ground hitting the Mismagius with a Dig attack at point blank range. The attack was so effective that the ghost flew several feet into the air, while being quickly followed by Kit. Kit didn't let up as she quickly bit down on the ghost several times with a Bite attack, sending dark energy coursing through the ghosts body.

She cried out in pain as the attacks type did it's damage, but Kit was still not done with her, as her tails quickly solidified into one large silver tail, and then hit her with a downward chop. Which sent her spinning down to the ground like a meteor.

"Aw this is going to hur-rt." I said as I turned my head away from the upcoming collision. But what I didn't notice was the ghost had just pulled out of the suicide fall, and stopped mere inches from a face plan in the dirt. When I turned back to find out where the earth shaking collision had gone, I was shocked to see that the ghost still floating. Though the floating seemed to be the only thing that she was able to do.

"You are one tough ghost. I will give you that." Jenavee placed her hands over each other and prepared anther Thunderbolt attack, but stopped when I placed a hand on her shoulder.

(Author: Back to normal speech)

"Hold on a minute Jenavee." I walked over to the ghost and knelt down so that we were more eye to eye. "Do you yield?" I asked her as she slowly drifted down to the ground. She looked up at me then turned to Rena and said something to her. I didn't look away from her as I could hear Rena step closer.

"I do not believe she understands Donovin. As a matter of a fact, I do not understand either. What do you mean, yield?"

I smiled as I looked over and saw that she was kneeling right next to me. I reached up and petted her head. "It's the sword fighters honorable way to ask if their opponent has had enough. After all, we're not really battling to hurt each other. Were just battling to see who's the strongest. Not to mention, but Kit is coming down and I could have her use another Iron Tail attack, that would send you pretty deep into the dirt." (Author: Probably six feet under. Pun intended.) I held out my hand and the Mismagius just stared at it. "Though I'd have to say that this battle was a little one sided. Considering that you did have two of my girls against you." The ghost took my hand and I lifted her up, only to see her slowly float down to sit on what I supposed was her backside. "Though you did ask for a two on one battle though."

Then out of nowhere, her son shot in and tackled it's mother to the ground. To say the least I was quite surprised at how fast that little guy could move, but he was a ghost type, and that's what ghost types do. Then to surprise them, I picked the two of them up in my arms, and walked them to the tower with my girls following close behind. The Mismagius looked up at me then started speaking again. "I'm sorry. Hold on a second." I looked over my shoulder and nodded to Rena.

Rena didn't say anything as she came up to walk by my side and spoke with the ghost, instead of translating for me. I looked over at Jenavee and she just smiled. "It is alright Donovin. The Mismagius just wants to know what you are doing and Rena is just saying that you are taking her back to the tower." She looked at the tower then back at me. "You are taking her back to the tower. Right?"

I nodded to her, then nodded to the ghost in my arms. "That's right. I'm just taking the two of you back to the tower. This way, if a trainer comes along he wont get the bright idea of catching you while you recover from our battle." A few moments later the Mismagius started yelling something at me, but whatever caused her to yell only got the girls to giggle. I looked back to my girls but then turned back to the ghosts as she started punching me in the chest. "Now what'd I do?" I asked them then looked back at the girls.

*Who do you think I am! I'm not some low level runt that you can just carry around. I can take care of myself!* She said in her Mismagius language.

The girls didn't answer me as their giggles turned into full blown laughter, so the rest of the way to the tower the mother continued to beat at my chest until we reached the threshold of the tower. Once we reached the tower, she finally managed to get out of my arms and quickly zipped into the tower with her son. I was a little surprised that she'd done this, but then again she was a ghost and ghost probably didn't do so well out in daylight. "Not much of a goodbye. Oh well." I turned around and held out my arms to my girls. "I must say that you three did wonderfully. Now it's time that we continued on our journey to the beech." Which got nods or smiles all around.

Though that may have been the plan, but both Kit and Rena weren't making it any easier for us to get there. As soon as we left the large tower and the next town, both girls started to act a little strange, walking like a Penguin, and holding their stomachs. At least that's what Rena was doing. Kit on the other hand or should I say tail, had her tails between her legs, which made her look like a cowboy who spent way to much time in the saddle. (Author: If that doesn't help you visualize what she looks like, then think of a sumo wrestler stance. And that's how she was walking.)

'Do not turn around Donovin. I just want to talk to you like this for a minute." Jenavee sent to me telepathically as she walked by my side. 'I know that you know what is happening to Rena and Kit. So when are you going to help them?' She asked in a concerned tone.

'As far as Rena is concerned, I hope to help her tonight.' Jenavee grabbed me by front of my shoulders.

'WHAT! BUT TONIGHT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR NIGHT!' She screamed in my head, while shaking me.

'' I said shakily. 'I...was...just...think-ing...that...we...' She stopped shaking me and slowly looked me in the eye.

'What are you saying.' She gasped as she let go of my shoulders. 'Are you saying that...that...that Rena and I...and' She stuttered quite a bit and stepped back as her eyes quickly went as wide as they could.

Obviously this must have been a new thing for a Pokemon or Jenavee. Maybe even this world. 'What's the matter Jenavee? I thought you were concerned about Rena's well being.' I turned away from her and continued walking. 'I thought you wanted to help her.' I looked over at the two girls who were having a tough time keeping up with us. 'Need to find a place to camp. Those girls look about ready to drop.' I thought to myself.

'Though I intend to keep my promise with you.' I said to Jenavee over the link. I started looking around the area for a good place that was well off the beaten path, and secluded enough for us not to be disturbed. Since Jenavee was quite vocal once things started getting interesting. 'I don't really see the harm in being with the two of you.' I looked back over and winked at her. 'Besides. Where I come from, it gets quite interesting the more people who participate. Not to mention, a lot more...exciting.'

"Geeze girls. You look about ready to drop. Lets find a nice quite place to sleep for the night, so that you can rest." Rena and Kit only nodded to me as we begun looking for such a place. 'It's going to be a long, interesting night.' "But where exactly are we in the first place." I said as I looked around the area.

"The last town that we passed through had a sign saying Solaceon Town. I think it had a Day Care Center." Jenavee told me. I was about to nod to her when I could see that she had a large deep green blush on her face.

'She must still be thinking over that idea about her, Rena, and I together tonight.' I pulled at my collar a bit, as the idea was a little steamy. "That's right." I pulled out the Poke-Nav and keyed in to our location. "It says here that we are currently on Route 215. And by the look of things..." I looked around the area. "I don't think that anyone is really going to bother us tonight." So I led the girls to a secluded spot near a yellowish kind of tree that reminded me of the Maple trees in fall, and made camp.

It worried me quite a bit on how both Kit and Rena refused to eat anything that I made for them. I knew that being dog types, that during their heats they'd feel uncomfortable. I just didn't know by how much. So after cleaning up the remains of our dinner and cleaning up for the night, I took a long sigh and quickly recalled Kit to her ball. Which surprised Rena.

"Donovin. Why did you recall Kit. I thought that the four of us were going to be sleeping together tonight." I looked up from my belt as I clipped Kit's ball onto it, and saw Rena with a confused look on her face.

"Well since I can see that you're very uncomfortable with you being in heat and all. I thought that I', I thought we'd help you with your heat." I looked over at Jenavee and could see her fidgeting with her dress while sporting an even deeper green blush than before.

"Wait a moment. You mean to say that you...and...Jenavee are going to help me with my heat?" She looked from me then to Jenavee.

"Now wait just a minute. Do not get the wrong impression here. This is all Donovin's idea." Jenavee said in a cross between nervousness and excited voice as she waved her hands in front of herself.

"But I do not understand." She looked over to me. "Why not the two of us Donovin? Why does Jenavee have to be with us tonight? She is not in heat."

'Shit a trap. Damn these girls know how to choose their words.' I thought to myself. "Because I don't want to play favorites. I love all my girls equally." 'Few, another close call avoided.'

"I still do not understand. Kit is going through the same thing I am. Why not her too?" Rena asked.

'Dodge the bullet, but got hit by a grenade.' I thought to myself again. As bullets of sweat started soaking my shirt and forehead.

"By your own words, you do not want to play favorites. So why are you leaving Kit out of this, when she is suffering just as much or more so than I am? After all, she has been without a mate longer than any of us have."

Just the I felt a hand land on my shoulder and saw Jenavee step up next to me. "Because of me." Jenavee said. "You know the rule that we all agreed upon. And you also know that Kit broke that rule when know." Both Jenavee and I shivered, but it was mostly me. "Therefore she needs to be punished for what she did." Jenavee walked over and placed her arm around Rena's shoulders. "Besides. It is not like she has dealt with something like this before." Jenavee looked over to me to stop me from saying something with a slow shake of her head. 'Do not worry Donovin. I know that what Rena said was a tough question.' She sent over to me personally.

'Thanks Jenavee.'

'And as thanks for said save. I get to be the first to be with you.' She gave me a wicked grin. "I am glad that you had a big dinner tonight Donovin, because you are definitely not getting any sleep tonight." She said as the two of them started looking at each other and gave each other wicked grins. This got me on my feet in a second, as well as the girls.

I started backing up while holding my hands out in front to defend myself. "Now wait a minute girls. We should..." I didn't get a chance to say more as my heel caught the edge of the tent and both girls quickly tackled me. Fortunately for me, the tackle landed us all within the tent as both girls giggled as soon as we landed. The flap/door started to glow a purplish color as it moved into place to be closed, then the zipper quickly moved around to sealing the door, which sealed the three of us within the tent.

(Author: Sorry reader. Your going to have to wait until next week to find out what happens within the tent. *Snickers* I know, I'm evil like that.)
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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