AGNPH Stories

Tail of the Traveller by neo782


Story Notes:

Well, this is my first non-horror story and my first on AGNPH so I hope you like it. Now onward into the liquid abyss!!!

The Loss of Innocence


It took forever to be let in past the front desk. I knew my story was a little farfetched but give me a break! I walked forever to meet a boy I was destined to be with from birth leaving behind all that was familiar to me. Once I finally was let in I was told to wait in the lobby. The receptionist was nice enough, but I really didn't feel like being very friendly back seeing as she was also the one who had retained me.

Surprisingly, I only had to wait for a short while. The door opened and the boy who stepped through nearly blinded me with his aura. I found myself squinting even though I didn't even use my eyes.

"So, you are the one who wanted to meet me, right?"


I had been called away from training early that day. Kyle had protested, but the messenger sent to get me wouldn't take no for an answer, so he let me go with a regretful sigh. "Alright Chris, that's enough for now. I'm bored with kicking your tail at the moment anyway," he said with a grin.

The messenger explained as much as he could on the way. Apparently there was a blind Riolu waiting in the lobby who thought it was her destiny to serve me! I personally thought it sounded pretty ridiculous but hey, who was I to judge? My life was so insane I was just about to believe anything by then, what with legendary ghosts after my blood, an insane masochist who wanted every trace of me obliterated, and the possible threat of attack at any moment. Sounds fun doesn't it?

When I finally made it to the lobby I was pleasantly surprised. No one was pulling my chain like some of my rivals from the arena sometimes did. There really was a blind Riolu waiting in the lobby for me. It was rather eerie; her sightless eyes were like deep pools that seemed to go forever, as if there was something more than just a Pokémon behind them. I decided to say something to break the ice. "So, you are the one who wanted to meet me, right?"

She nodded shyly, mumbling something to quiet for me to hear. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," I said kindly, taking a seat next to her.

"I said I didn't expect you to be this bright."

"Come again? What do you mean by 'bright'?" I was definitely confused by then. I had only said one sentence, so I didn't think she meant intelligent, and why was she squinting?

"I mean your aura, it's blinding." That made a little more sense. I mean, I knew I was the elemental of light, and she was a Riolu, one of the few Pokémon with the ability to read aura.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could tone it down, but I can't. Is there anything you need? I know you didn't come all this way for nothing. Why don't you tell me why you're here?" She cocked her head to one side.
"What do you mean? You were the one that sent for me. Your crest was on my egg."
It was my turn to be puzzled. I honestly had no idea what she was talking about, but, like always, knew it had something to do with the prophecy. "I think I might have some explaining to do. I honestly have no recollection of doing that to your egg. I don't have any memory of what I did as an elemental. If I sent for you then I have no idea why." She frowned, looking down as she thought.

"Then why am I here? I was supposed to serve you and learn your arts, according to legend. How can I do either if you can't even remember what I'm supposed to do?"

"I'm not sure, but we can sort that out in time. Come on, I bet your hungry, and my team and I can get to know you a little better."

She glanced curiously back up at me, and asked in a small voice, "Team? What do you mean by that?"

I figured she was probably wild, so I explained to her the concept of the Pokémon 'team' that accompanies a trainer, allowing her to ask questions when she got confused.

During that time I also found out her chosen name was Cecilia, Latin for "way of the blind." Apparently in their native tongue they didn't need names so a Riolu or Lucario would have one only if they wished.

After our brief trivia I brought her to my quarters and called my party there so I could introduce them to her. "Hey guys, this is Cecilia. She's going to be staying with us for awhile, so why don't you say hello."

My Crobat was the first to speak, much to my surprise. "It's very nice to meet you Cecilia. My name's Dylan and I'm honored to make your acquaintance." Yeah, not something you would expect to hear from him, is it?

The next to speak was Neo, ever polite as always, if a little crude. "Hi! My name's Neo. It's great to meet'cha." He went to shake her paw, but she shyly withdrew, staring at the ground while blushing for some odd reason.

"Lighten up; you're scaring the poor thing. Hi, my name is Rena." Rena enjoyed teasing Neo, so I let it be for the moment.

I did, however, decide to interrupt before things got out of hand. "Okay, who wants to go get some chow?" That got a hearty cheer from my group, and Cecilia ears perked up when I asked, so I took the vote to be unanimous.

Lunch was alright, although I couldn't help watching the poor Riolu. She seemed so depressed, as if she had just lost a friend. It was then that it dawned on me, she was just a pup! Now it made sense. That could and most likely would cause both her shyness and sadness. She wouldn't be used to being around people or Pokémon other than her mother and she would miss her terribly.

I wasn't sure if it would help, but I decided to do something to cheer her up. I got up and sat down next to her, and by the time I sat down she was near tears again and the others were starting to take notice. She looked up at me with her sightless eyes and I couldn't help myself. I pulled her into my lap and held her close, letting her bury her muzzle in my shoulder. "Don't worry, things are going to be alright, I promise," I said, trying to reassure her.

She just cried into my shoulder, and when people gathered trying to see what was happening Rena and Neo shooed the away with deep growls. All the while I was stroking her head, trying to calm her down. It took about ten minutes before she did anything else. She looked up at me and sniffled, then said with a laugh, "I'm sorry, I guess I just lost it for a second."

"It's alright," I replied. I understand. let's just get you someplace warm and we can talk about it, okay?"

She nodded, so I took her away to my room to let her pour her heart out.


It wasn't fair! Why did that lowlife shrew of an elemental always escape every time I placed a trap? I caught his Pokémon and he rescued them. I kidnapped him and his Pokémon rescued him!! I sent a LEGENDARY and he demolished it!!! To top it all off, Giovanni decided to blame it all on me. If he thought I was so incompetent, then why didn't he just chase the brat himself? Of course, if he did I still wouldn't stop. My Butch wouldn't appreciate me giving up on his vengeance. He told me so last night. The doctor told me I was hallucinating, but I know it was real. He was just like the Butch I knew, just pale and transparent, like a pane of colored glass fleshed out into life. He spoke to me, and there is no way that he wasn't the real ghost of Butch. I would get that stupid brat if it was the last thing I did.


That night I had another dream. In it, I was flying high above the cloud, far beyond the range of the wild birds. I soared and glided above the puffy white cotton balls, light as a feather. I looked down to see nothing but white for miles, with a small dark speck in the distance. Suddenly that speck spread, turning the blue sky pitch black, and the puffy clouds beneath me became a roiling mass of thunderheads. A bolt of lightning shot straight up and struck me through the chest and I plummeted through a cold wet nimbus. As I fell, a dark form appeared beneath me that had stark white flames on its head and piercing green eyes. I tried to run and throw an aura sphere, but when I attempted, I found I could not move my arms. A black vapor streamed from the apparitions mouth and surrounded me pulling me in. As I struggled and watched with dread, it changed into a giant ghostly dragon and swallowed me whole, plunging me into darkness.

I woke with a start, sweat dripping from my face and soaking my blankets, a worried looking Rena hovering over me.

"Another bad dream, wasn't it?" She asked concernedly.

"Don't worry, it was nothing," I replied, still trying to shake the disturbing images from my head. "Okay, so it was the scariest thing I've ever seen, so what," I teased, trying to convince her that nothing was the matter.

"I don't buy it, but if you say so..." she said, obviously unconvinced. She lay down on my chest and finished with, "If it happens again I'll wake you in the quickest, most painful way possible." She faked kicking me in my manhood for emphasis.

"Ouch, that's a little harsh, don't you think?" She just winked at me and gave me a playful lick before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

I had lie awake that night for quite awhile, unable to get any real rest. What was that dream, and did it mean anything? I finally was able to get some shut eye by snuggling up close with my fluffy white fur ball and just ignoring the rising feelings that were growing inside of me. She moaned happily in her sleep and I couldn't help but laugh as I slowly drifted off, wondering what she was dreaming about.

Somehow during the night she had shifted, so when I woke up I got an embarrassingly close view of the nether region which was quite a surprise to me. I sat up quickly, causing her to fall forward and wake up, which just put us in a more awkward situation as she was now wide awake with her face flat against you-know-what. She shot up, looking away embarrassingly and blushing the whole time. Right about then I was glad that the others by then had gained their own rooms right off of mine, because that would be a little awkward to explain.

I could tell she was burning up inside, so I decided to calm her down a little. I lifted her delicate face up and gave her a tender kiss, releasing only after several moments. It definitely worked, because her embarrassed blush then turned into a mischievous smile. She didn't say anything, instead crouching low on my chest like a cat about to pounce, slowly backing away. She stopped right between my legs and deliberately placed her paw on my until then unnoticed growing member.

"I've been meaning to try something for quite awhile, interested?" she asked innocently, all the while keeping her seductive smile as she slowly started to knead my cock back and forth with her paws, stopping only for a second as I let out a low moan. "Do you like this big boy?" she asked in a sultry voice, simultaneously hooking her claw on the edge of my boxers and slowly sliding them down.

All I could manage was a nod before she continued, softly kissing the base of my cock and sliding her cold wet nose right to its tip. She then returned to the base, this time slowly licking its length with her warm soft tongue. I let out another moan as she lapped up the pre cum that gathered at the tip of my member. I thought it could get no better, but boy was I wrong. "I have a present for you master. I hope you like it," she said, blushing coyly.

Rena adjusted herself so I had a spectacular view of her tight pink slit and took the tip of my member in her mouth. She slowly suckled on the end, then started to bob her head down my swollen shaft. I was in ecstasy, but had the mind to repay the favor. I lifted my head to her slit and gave it a delicate lick while it shivered in delight. I decided to make a bold move and in one move pressed my face deep within the pink folds of her pussy, forcing my tongue in deep and causing Rena to growl involuntarily while forcing her farther up my shaft which just added to my pleasure.

She began sliding her delicate tongue around my shaft and bobbing her head much faster than before as her inner walls began to soak me with her delicious juices which I greedily lapped up. I felt my own climax building as she hilted my entire cock, partially taking it into her throat as she soaked my face with her own climax, grinding her folds against my tongue as her inner walls rapidly pulsing as if to take me in farther. The throbbing slowly subsided and she finally collapsed, utterly. spent.

"What just happened?..." I started to ask, but was stopped as she turned and pressed her lips to mine and once more trapped me in her gleaming red pools.

"I love you," she said softly as she closed her eyes, resting her head against my chest and slumbering peacefully. She was truly exhausted, so I just held her close and closed my eyes with her, for once truly happy.
Chapter End Notes:****

I checked it out, and it turns out that the name Rena means joy
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