AGNPH Stories

Tail of the Traveller by neo782


Story Notes:

Well, this is my first non-horror story and my first on AGNPH so I hope you like it. Now onward into the liquid abyss!!!

On the Road Again

The next morning I was awakened to a slight murmur in my right ear. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful Rena still sleeping peacefully. Last night seemed like a dream, a wonderful, amazing dream! I looked upon her sleeping face and wondered how I could ever have gotten so lucky. Her eyes opened slowly, still jaded from last night's activities.

"Morning," she mumbled sleepily, slowly moving off my chest and raising herself to a sitting position. "So, have a good time last night?" She questioned slyly and giggled to herself.

"Ah, shut up," I said playfully, tackling her while at the same time giving her a small kiss. "We should probably get showered before Neo... comes... in..." Of course, right as I said his name, who would I notice but Neo himself. He must have snuck in when I tackled Rena.

Rena had stopped giggling as Neo sniffed the air. I winced internally, knowing he knew what had happened, but was surprised when his face broke into a goofy grin. "It sure took you two long enough, congrats." Needless to say, I was speechless. I looked over to Rena to see her blushing so intensely that it showed through her fur. Sensing the tension, Neo decided he should probably break the ice. "What? It was obvious that it would happen. You don't need to get embarrassed around me, now I think you two should take your own advice and take a shower. I won't wake up our sleeping friend Riolu 'til you two get back, alright?"

I managed to break away from my embarrassed stupor long enough to nod and pull my boxers up from last night. "Alright, thanks Neo. I think I just might do that."

"Hey, what are friends for?" He replied, laughing a little as Rena and I got up and went to the shower.

We didn't speak through most of it, and yes, we took it together. That was pretty normal for us just because as a Pokémon she couldn't wash herself thoroughly, but this time felt different. Once we finished washing I sat down in the shower, just holding Rena and letting the warm water cascade across my back. "A penny for your thoughts?" I inquired of Rena, who had been silent the whole time.

She looked up at me with a sad smile. "Think about it. So far our relationship has been allowed to grow without hindrance because it was thought of as harmless. It's taboo in society to do what we've done, what if we're separated?"

"Then I'd tear down the world to find you. Don't you even think to worry about that. I love you, and there's no way in hell I'd ever let you be taken away." I held her close as I said so, feeling her heart beat against mine as I looked into her deep crimson eyes. "As a wise man once said, 'Love transcends all barriers. It knows no distinction,' don't worry Rena, no matter what happens, we'll go through it together."

Rena closed her eyes and nuzzled my chest, "I know, just sometimes I need a little reminder, that's all." We sat together like that for a few more minutes before getting up and drying off. Rena decided to play a little joke and waited for me to finish before she walked up to me and shook herself dry. "I thought you might want to share," she said coyly, as if she didn't know what she just did was bad. I just laughed and started over, getting dressed when I was finished.

We walked out to see Neo and Dylan talking with Cecilia on the couch. "Oh, come on over Chris, we were just talking about you." That did not sound good. Not good at all.

"What about me, Neo?" I replied as I sat down with Rena on my lap.

"Nothing much, we just sort'a explained everything, she was quite interested, but I think she can tell you that," he said with that goofy smile of his that was becoming more and more commonplace.

I turned to Cecilia as she began to speak. "From what I've heard, I can understand why you were so confused before. I apologize for my mistake."

"What for? You haven't done anything wrong, so don't worry about it, okay?" I gave her a smile and tussled her head fur.

"Alright..." she began right as my alarm went off. It was time for another rigorous day of training and I had already missed breakfast.

"Dang, that's my bell, I gotta go. Sorry about this," I apologized as I hurried out the door. I rushed all the way to the training room, so I didn't notice until I arrived that I had a stalker. I looked down to see Rena smiling up at me.

"I thought you might appreciate the company today," she said through her grin.

"Thanks Rena, but just so you know, I'll be busy the whole time. You'll have to wait off to the side the whole time."

"I know; I just want to be with you today, I sense something in the air, and it's not good." I decided to take that to heart, seeing as she was an Absol, so I opened the door for her and we walked in together.

"I see we have a visitor today," was Kyle's response when we stepped through the door. "So, she's here to watch, correct?"

"Yes Kyle, she wants to be close because she senses a disturbance, keep on your guard."

"I'll keep that in mind. Now, we will begin with a sparring session. Now, take your position." And with that, the pain was on.

I actually managed a few blocks and a good butterfly wrist lock, but when I was busy with that Kyle Meitei kicked me in the chest. I once again found myself on the ground with the wind knocked out of me while Kyle stood over me victorious. This time, however, I wasn't going to let his challenge go unanswered. I planted both hands on the ground and swept out his feet, simultaneously pushing off the ground to land back in my starting stance.

"Very nice, it's been awhile since I've been on my back, but let's see if you can do it again."

I groaned. I had a feeling where this was going. After a half an hour of intense sparring as well as hours of physical and mental training, I was finally free to go. It's not that it wasn't fun; It was just very, very hard, and I was glad to be done with it.

Rena and I walked towards the showers, slowly of course, for my sake. I didn't think Rena would appreciate my stench after hours of training, but I was too tired to speed up. I was able to hurry through the shower, however, as well as dressing in a hurry, as I had the full intentention to spend the day with Rena. Alas, it was not to be. Right as we were heading to the Rec Room, a wiry man with thick glasses raced up to me, nearly plowing me over when he tripped into my ankles.

"Are you alright?" I asked with concern. The guy didn't seem too bad, but then again, he did trip on nothing.

"Yes, I'm fine, but I must be on my way. I've been sent looking for Chris, have you seen him. He's about your height with bright white hair." He must have needed bigger glasses, if it was even possible.

Rena suppressed a giggle as I answered him. "No I haven't seen me for awhile now, but if I find myself, I'll be sure to let you know."

"Oh, it's you, I'm so sorry, I just didn't recognize you because of, well..." he trailed off, gesturing to his glasses. "But anyway, you are to report to Doctor Maynard immediately, he says it's urgent. Bring your team and your gear; he has an assignment for you."

With that he walked off, and I hurried to my room with Rena in tow. I walked in to find them pretty much where I had left them, still talking. I guess that little Riolu had more to say than she was letting on to me. "Guys, we need to hurry. We've been called for an assignment. We need to get to Doctor Maynard's office, pronto. Neo, where's my backpack?"

Neo was stunned for a half a second, but only a second and went for it himself. Once we were packed, we hastily made our way to Maynard's office. Once inside, we were told to sit. The Doctor seemed preoccupied with something, and as we sat down, he clasped his hands together and began to talk. "Well, I know you haven't even been here for a year, but you've really grown quite a lot, Chris. You've even impressed Agent Johnathan with your abilities, although I bet he hasn't admitted that to you. Everyone here respects you and your team, and that is why I have called you here. I have a mission for you that just might finally take Team Rocket down. The bad news is, if you fail, there will be nothing we can do."

"That's understandable, we're dealing with Team Rocket," I replied, "But what is this mission?"

"Listen carefully. Recently, there have been many ships that have left Lilycove Port and disappeared. These disappearances were just thought of as rogue incidents, but recent evidence has brought us to believe different. Within the last month, not a single ship has returned, at least until yesterday. The crew reportedly came back raving mad, jabbering on about spirits and demons, but one thing was consistent with each of their stories. Each of them saw a dark spectral form with glowing green eyes, and a ghostly dragon. I hope you understands what this means. We know that the specter is Darkrai from one of the more detailed descriptions, and as for the dragon, we believe it to be Giratina. That means not only is Darkrai still alive, but Team Rocket has made another acquisition. It's up to you to destroy them. Those abominations cannot be allowed to live, let alone live in the hands of the Rockets."

"Well, if that's the problem, then what are we waiting for? What's the plan?" I replied both excitedly and anxiously, definitely not understanding the excited part.

"So you're sure you're up to this then? Okay, here's the plan. We have a ship set up in Lilycove City. This is no ordinary ship however. It has a hidden, soundproof, lead-lined crawlspace that should be just high enough for you to sit in comfortably. Once you have reached the ship, it will recognize your bio-signature and lead you into said space. You will wait in there until the ship's onboard computer gives you the signal. This will happen after the boat has set sail and only if it is captured. It will only signal you once inside the Team Rocket base, which we have estimated to be approximately 60 nautical miles east of Hoenn. Your gear will include a stealth suit for you and adapted ones for your team, as well as an assortment of gadgets that should help you in multiple situations. We can't tell you what kind of security they have, so we've packed you with a little of everything. Your mission is to get in, make a copy of their computer files for incriminating evidence, and destroy Giratina and Darkrai with your Aura as well as with help from your team. Any questions?"

"Just one, how will I reach Lilycove?" I replied, calmly committing everything he had said so far to memory.

"Of course, I almost forgot to mention that. We have a teleportation device which should bring you to our secret office. That one is inside the Safari Zone building right off of Route 121."

"Should?" I inquired skeptically.

"Well there was one incident with a malfunction, but that was fixed years ago, and there have been no issues since. Now that you have been briefed, go down to the equipment lockers for your gear. Agent Johnathan will be there to escort you and your friends to the teleporter. Now, if you are quite ready to leave..." he finished, gesturing towards the door.

"I get it, time is of the essence," I replied, and then walked out the door with my team. "Well Cecelia, how do you feel about joining us? You wanted to help, but I can understand if this is too much for you. Defeating even one legendary, let alone two is a tall order."

"No way am I skipping out on this. I came here to help, and that's just what I'll do!" She mustered up a smile and looked excitedly at me. With how well she did that, it was hard to tell she was blind.

"Alright, but be ready for anything. Team Rocket is crafty, and they tend to err on the side of violence. I want you to be brave, okay?"

She nodded firmly, and we all walked, or in Dylan's case, flew resolutely to the equipment locker. When we arrived Kyle was there to greet us. He gave me my suit and once I had changed, he helped me to outfit the rest of my team as well. There was little to talk about, so he didn't say anything until we got to the teleporter. "Alright, bring your team into their Pokéballs," he finally said.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked of my team. They all nodded so I pulled out their pokeballs from my backpack and called them back, putting my equipment into it at the same time as their Pokéballs. "Kyle, I have a slight problem," I said as it dawned on me, "Cecelia doesn't have a Pokéball, she's not officially part of my team."

"That's alright," he replied with a reassuring smile, "The teleporter has enough room for two." And with that, he ushered Cecelia and I into the teleporter, punched a few buttons, and we were gone.
Chapter End Notes:****

Well, tell me what you think. I look forward to reading your comments
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