AGNPH Stories

Tail of the Traveller by neo782


Story Notes:

Well, this is my first non-horror story and my first on AGNPH so I hope you like it. Now onward into the liquid abyss!!!

Struck Blind

"Are you two alright?" I heard from a disembodied voice. I felt as if I had been hit in the head with a sack of bricks, but other than that, things weren't too bad. Sure, it was dark in the teleporter but I've had worse experiences. I was just about to relate that to the man when another voice came from beside me, my voice.

"We're fine, but I think we have a problem."

"Hang on a second, what's going on?!" I asked frantically. I panicked and went straight into my sight of Aura. It was then that I saw the situation. I was in a very large room with way too many lights for me not to see. Also, I was a Lucario.

"Hey there girl, everything's fine, you just had a rough transport, that's all," said the man, unaware, of our situation.

"I would say not! That's my body over there!" I cried out in panic. Cecelia, nodded, confirming my statement before she continued swiveling my head from side to side, as if to take everything in at once.

"Oh dear, this is not good, not good at all. This hasn't happened since, well, since the first test run. There's a way to reverse it, but it's rather drastic, and neither of you are going to like it. Man this was not supposed to happen! I just checked the machine this morning; I fixed the calibrator, reset the atomic reconfiguration module, heck, I even oiled the damn thing!" This guy was definitely not a person who did well with pressure, but then again, I wasn't doing too well with it either. Luckily for both of us, Cecelia wasn't that kind of a girl.

"Come on, we don't have time to act like this. Just tell us the way to fix this; we have to get back to our mission." It was a reasonable demand, but I don't think anyone would be welcome to the suggestion we got next.

"Well, there is really only one way to fix this. Since you just teleported, the switch between your minds are kind of... well, unstable. Your window to reverse this is about a week. That's the good news. The bad news is, in order to do this; you both must completely lose control of your thoughts and emotions at the exact same time. The last time this happened... well..." He began flushing deeply at this.

"What is it? It can't be that bad. Just tell us so we can get over with it," I replied, tapping my foot with impatience and crossing my arms across my chest.

"It's not that it's bad, I just don't think you'll like it. The other pair that was switched was a married couple, and, well... they did it. You know, DID it....? " That was around the point I started panicking. I couldn't even consider that possibility, I mean, what about Rena? There was no way I could even consider, but if I didn't, I would never be able to see again, not to mention never be in my own body again.

"I have a week right? I'll just wait it out. We're bound to switch out by then, right?" I asked, looking up at him hopefully, although technically, looking would be the wrong word due to my blindness.

"That's the thing, I don't know. Since the last group in this situation was a married couple, we didn't really have any issue."

"Well, I'll just have to risk it. I can't, I won't do this. It's just not right, I replied, sincerely believing at the time that I could avoid my fate by putting it off.

"Alright then, if you have no objections, it's time to get your team out and suited up."

As if on cue, all my pokeballs opened up. I guess they heard, seeing as all that was between them and we were small plastic shells. Right away Rena ran straight to me.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? Oh this is awful, I'm so sorry this happened to you!" Rena sobbed. I was a little taken aback at this sudden outburst that was so uncharacteristic of her. I decided the best thing I could do for her was to take her mind off the situation, so I reassured her I was fine and then changed the subject.

"Form up team, we have a boat to catch and not much time left to reach it. We need to get suited up pronto!" My tea, with Neo in the lead of course, lined up by the equipment bag to get suited up. Everything went smoothly, apart from the slightly awkward situation of having to have someone else help me dress. Finally we were all ready to go, so the man who welcomed us at the teleporter brought us outside to a waiting SUV. Once inside, the vehicle took off for a short trip to Lilycove city.

"Ladies and gentlemon, we have arrived."

"We were quickly ushered from the SUV and into the waiting boat. Inside our small compartment was a tiny view screen that had a GPS running as well as outer cameras from the ship. From there, all we had to do was wait, so we settled in for a long ride.


I awoke to a gentle bumping and a hissing noise. I guessed that I had fallen asleep, and from the looks of my groggy companions, they had too. I crawled over to the view screen and switched on the cameras. Nothing showed up on the front or side lenses, but the rear showed us just what we were waiting for. An old iron ship emblazoned with a crimson 'R' was pulling us in, hopefully bringing us to the secret Rocket headquarters. I motioned over to Cecelia, or rather Chris in Cecelia's body, to come take a look.

"It's almost time," he whispered to the group, "everyone, turn on your suits." As he said that we all activated our camo-suits and slipped on our special goggles. These two devices rendered us invisible to everyone else while still allowing us to see each other. The suits even came with a psychic blocker that emitted a special signal that made a psychic Pokémon unable to read or sense minds they had not already encountered, which effectively dropped us off the radar. Once suited up, we sent our current coordinates to The Order HQ before turning off our equipment and pressing the memory erase key for security reasons. We then slipped out of our hiding place and waited near the access port where the Rockets would be boarding. When the men in the black jumpsuits rushed in, we snuck out, hiding in a storage closet near the exit out of their ship. At one point, we were almost discovered due to a nosy janitor, but Chris quickly paralyzed him with a quick blow to the ulnar nerve with his newly acquired wrist spike.

It was a few more hours before the ship arrived at its destination, but to us it seemed like days, what with all the tension and anxiety. By the time the ship landed, we were almost glad to sneak out of the ship and onto the secret island.


The island was dark and dirty, with grime spilling off of the dock and into the water below as well as onto the sand. What little vegetation was left was withered and blackened, like sickly specters waiting to ensnare any who dared to pass by. No wonder this place was never discovered, it gave me the creeps and I was blind at the time, only seeing with aura. I signaled with my paw to move forward slowly, staying along the grimy cement path to avoid leaving footprints in what we thought was sand. I say thought because there was so much filth that it was hard to tell. After awhile we came upon a large old building with high cracked concrete walls coated with creeper vines and other such plants. The main door was guarded by two burly men in black Team Rocket jumpsuits. I decided it would be too difficult to open the door without notice, so I signaled to go around the side. There was a small steel grey door with a card key lock, but Cecelia opened it using a small EMP device from my bag to shut down the lock and open the door.

Inside, we saw a long corridor with many rooms. Dylan flew to the front of the group and let out a supersonic attack, then signaled us to follow him. So far, the operation was going along without a hitch. Dylan led us to a door labeled, central computer room that was guarded by two more Rocket members. Neo and Rena quickly knocked them unconscious and dragged them into the storage closet across the hall, gagging them and scanning their faces with a special device. Neo activated it and the two guards appeared next to the door again, fake of course. We crept inside, closing the door quietly behind us. In the room was a large, unmanned computer, as well as another door engraved experimental labs. Now, it was my turn. I took out a special flash drive designed with a worm virus and placed it in the computers USB port. I didn't know what was in that computer, and I wasn't in any position to read a screen, but the flash drive would download all the data and delete the original copy, so that didn't matter to me. Neo told me when the files were downloaded and I removed the drive.

After that, we went through the door next to the computer. Once inside though, I wished we hadn't come. There were only three things in that room. One was a Giant glass tube that contained the largest Pokémon I had ever seen (well, sensed in this case). The second and third thing was the worst though. Darkrai floated behind the one person in the world I was truly afraid of, Cassidy.

"We've been expecting you..."
Chapter End Notes:****

Once again, I apologize for the delay. On a brighter note, this story is almost complete, so I will be able to edit the first few chapters soon ( they need some work)
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