AGNPH Stories

Tail of the Traveller by neo782


Story Notes:

Well, this is my first non-horror story and my first on AGNPH so I hope you like it. Now onward into the liquid abyss!!!

The Final Fight


I was temporarily in shock at the sight of that monster, but managed to retain my composure. I took a step forward and was about to speak when Cecelia addressed Cassidy with an acidic tone. "So we meet again, and aren't you doing well for yourself? Crazy as ever and still obsessing over me."

Her eyes glanced over to me and gave and almost imperceptible nod only detectible by someone with aura sight. I took her cue and backed off. I trusted Cecelia enough to let her handle this, besides; the longer Cassidy was left in the dark about our situation, the better.

"Ha! You only wish! I just was in the neighborhood and thought you may want to meet a little friend of mine. Or have you already been acquainted? No? Pity you don't remember him, because he remembers you and has a score to settle! Darkrai, Do your duty and destroy this pathetic weakling. Show him the TRUE power of Team Rocket!" With that she took a step back as Darkrai advanced. His shadow claw flew straight towards Cecelia.

"No!" I screamed, diving between her and Darkrai while creating a barrier with my aura.
The claw slammed against the barrier with immense force, shattering it and sending me staggering, coughing up blood. Before i could react A second claw tore through my body. I Tryed to breath as my aura sight began to blur. There was an enormous hole where my chest should have been. I looked back to Cecelia and managed to choke out, "I'm sorry," before fading into sweet oblivion.


I looked in horror with my newfound vision as my master fell before me.

"Who was that, your girlfriend? Pity, she would have made a good slave to team rocket." Cassidy jeered at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I charged blindly at Darkrai only to see a white blur flash in front of me.

"What have you done you bastard!?" It was Rena with a full on slash attack. Her claws passed through the ghost without effect and it seemed to chuckle. "Oh you think that's funny!" she screamed with tears in her eyes. "Well let's see how you like this!" She began charging up the largest shadow ball I had ever seen in my short life. Darkrai's eyes grew wide with shock and it began to back off, but it was too late. Rena fired the shadow ball point blank range. A great explosion went off, but when the smoke cleared Darkrai was still floating there, protected by a field of dark energy.

"Come on you coward, show me what you've got!" She screamed, once again charging towards the fiend. This time it just laughed, batting her aside like a ragdoll to lie limp in the corner. This time it was my turn. I stepped forward but Neo and Dylan stepped in front of me.

"Y-you know we need to complete the mission," Dylan said shakily to me, "if you die, then all is lost!"

"He's right; this is what Chris would have said to you. Take the flash drive and go! We don't need another death..." He had tears in his eyes as he and Dylan turned and charged. All I could do was stand there frozen. I watched helplessly as first Dylan fell, and then finally Neo collapsed. Darkrai then turned to me, a helpless form with my arms by my side. He lowered a shadow ball to my face, I saw a flash of light, and then I knew no more.


"Death is not your fate little brother." My eyes slowly opened. I saw surrounding me the ring of elementals I met in my dreams long ago.

"Wha-... What's going on? Where's Darkrai and Cassidy? Why am I here?" I stuttered, starting to panic.

The elemental of darkness approached me. "You have died my brother, but that is not your fate. It will not be Cecelia's, of whom you had taken her body, either. That is, if you succeed."

"What do you mean if?" I replied, seeing that I still had a chance.

"The balance of darkness and light is threatened. While you and your team stand for all that is good, Team Rocket has amassed a great amount of darkness over which I no longer have control. Darkness is not always a bad thing, but in the wrong hands it can lead to terrible destruction, just as light can. My brother, we elementals seek to restore this balance. We will restore you and your team to life, as well as to your proper bodies, but you must defeat the darkness for if you fail, we will not be able to help you again."

At his last words the circle began to glow and I felt an immense amount of power flow within me. I opened my eyes, for apparently they had been shut, and before me was Darkrai, a shadow ball leveled at my head. "Enough of this nonsense!" I shouted and batted away the shadow ball as if it were but a mere toy. I leveled an enormous golden aura sphere at my adversary and let it loose. The ball slammed into Darkrai and sent it flying into the tank with the gigantic Pokémon. An immense cloud of debris filled the room.

"What have you done?!" I heard Cassidy scream. I heard one last wail from her and then she went silent while I searched the cloud for Darkrai. All of the sudden the room darkened. A large shadow loomed over me and the air turned to ice. As the rubble cleared I truly looked into the face of terror, a ghostly dragon known only by the trail of death it leaves, Giratina.

It vanished, the suddenly appeared behind me, snatching me in its fangs too quickly for me to react. I cried out in pain, looking around and seeing my possibly dead friends, seeing the fangs sink into my chest. "No! This isn't how it will end, I won't allow it!" With the last of my energy I let loose an aura sphere, engulfing my body and releasing me from Giratina's grasp. I looked with satisfaction as the beast head exploded and it began to topple, then slammed into the floor and sweet unconsciousness.

*Chris: Some time later*

My eyelids felt like they were made of lead. I slowly opened them to see a bright room and a crimson pair of eyes looking back at me, and although my eyes were a bit blurry, I knew exactly who they belonged to. "R-Rena?" I asked groggily. She nodded with tears in her eyes. "I thought you were dead..." I said quietly.

"So did I," she replied. "You saved us all. Thank you," she said, leaning in closer and pressing her cute furry lips to mine. I returned the kiss the best I could, but then my ribs felt like they were on fire and I nearly bucked Rena off.

"I'm sorry Rena," I said, mortified.

"It's alright, you broke five ribs, I'm just glad you're alive." She smiled down at me for what could have been forever, but of course something had to interrupt that golden moment.

I heard the door open and a crowd of people file in. "You're alive!" I heard Neo shout joyfully, running over to me. Rena gave me one last sweet glance before backing away to make room for everyone else. There I lay, surrounded by my friends. We had done it; from what I gathered, the flash drive had been recovered when The Order found us. They brought us back and I was the last one to recover. By the time I woke up, there was enough evidence decoded from the drive to shut down Team Rocket for good.

As time passed, peace reigned across the world of Pokémon. I married Rena, and though we could never have pups of our own, we were together in the eyes of the law and each other. All was well in the world, but I couldn't help but think that something was forgotten. It all came to me one night, In one last dream.

I was dreaming of Rena that night. We were running down a beach by sparkling waters when all of the sudden everything went dark. At first I thought something terrible was about to happen, but I was surprised by once again being surrounded by my fellow elementals. "What's wrong this time?" I asked with curiosity.

"There is nothing wrong, just something left to deal with. As you recall, you are the elemental of light. However, during your time on Earth, you have also become something else. You are a human being as well, and as such, we cannot just take you from your life. If it is your wish brother, then your elemental power will be drained and a new light peon will be made. With this, you will be free to live your life as a human. Your other option is to remain with us."

"I have a life here now. As much as I feel that I will lose a part of myself, I can't lose Rena," I replied.

"It is decided then. Goodbye brother." The circle slowly faded away, and I woke up. I looked down to see a fuzzy white Absol snuggling against my chest. She mumbled happily in her sleep. At the same time I could hear the telltale sounds of my teammates in the other room and I knew that I was where I belonged.
Chapter End Notes:****

Well, what did you think? Now that this is finished I plan to go back and edit the first few chapters (they were terrible). I have a few ideas, but if anyone has a good idea for a sequel or a story in this same pokemon world then I would love to hear them. If not, expect a story about a young Lucario named Lucas, but that's all I'm revealing for the time being
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