AGNPH Stories

Carpe Noc by okuma


Story Notes:

This story was a favor for a friend of mine. He wanted a story involving his Poke'sona, and I was happy to oblige. I hope everyone reading is able to enjoy this darker take on the Pokemon world. All original characters used with permission of their owners.

Carpe Noc

The wind sweeps over his wings, trailing behind wisps of clouds as he soars over the landscape. The regal Charizard Bracchus scans the lands below. This is his domain, he the fiery ruler of all he can survey. Many challengers have tried to take his lands, but none have succeeded. He drafts upwards quickly, skimming his underbelly with the spray from the waterfall he deftly hurdles mid-air. He looks upwards at the giant shining full moon, the Lunatone of the area congregate in the air to bask in the glow. They seem to tilt forwards in a gesture reminiscent of a bow of respect as Bracchus swoops near them. Bracchus roars importantly and sends a fiery breath into the sky well away from the gathering pokemon to enforce his dominance in the area.


The thick forest's shadows wrap around the small catlike Umbreon stalking in the canopy. Its rings are dimmed, barely even visible as he silently stalks the Wurmple population for food. Finding his prey, he leaps forward silently, the only warning of his approach, the flashing of his brilliant blue body rings, coming much too late for the Wurmple. Noc eagerly slurps down the insect, and begins to lick his paws clean. So bright are his rings now that there seems to be particles of the light emanating from them. Content in his domination over the Wurmple, he climbs the tree limb by limb out of the canopy and into the open and beautiful moonlight. Noc closes his eyes briefly as he breaks through the canopy, the moon's light beaming down on him. He notices as he stares upwards that the Lunatone reflected in the moonlight seem edgy. "I wonder what's got them all freaked out--" but his answer came more abruptly and clearly than he could have imagined. A roar breaks the silence of the night as a jet of flame singes the sky. Noc dims his rings instinctively, and crouches back into the modest shadows, looking around for the source of the sound, and the flame. He just barely escapes notice of the dragon that flies mere yards above him. "Oh? A Charizard wants to give the moonkin trouble, eh? Well, I'll just have to follow him and teach him a lesson. Noone disgraces the Pokemon who serve the moon while I'm around." Noc takes off in pursuit, leaping from treetop to treetop as he follows the attacker.


Bracchus lands gingerly near a river of flowing lava towards the edge of his territory. The lava flows slowly and thickly towards the sea nearby, creating a massive and constant plume of steam as water and fiery rock meet. Bracchus leans his head out over the steam, his mouth gaped open. The steam begins to collect on the roof of his mouth and his face, dripping in rivulets of water back into his mouth. Charizard unfolds one of his mighty wings over the steam, and cranes his neck so that it can catch the dripping water from his wing. Something about drinking the steam from a lava floe made it taste so much better to him. It seemed to stir something deep inside him. To catch the water dripping from his own wing seemed so much more erotic than merely drinking from the sea itself. A stirring inside him conjures a moan of pleasure deep within his spirit. He smiles wide as he licks the underside of his wing again.
Noc, having remained well hidden during his pursuit steps forth from the near shadows, his markings glowing a bright blue. "So, Charizard, you seem to have a problem with moonkin? Then you have a problem with me. Defend yourself!"

Bracchus looks over to the Umbreon, an amused grin on his face. "This is my territory, Umbreon. Are you challenging the king in his own castle?"
Noc charges forward, leaping at the giant lizard yelling. "You dare to attack moonkin on the full moon, when we are strongest, this is MY territory, dragon." His nearly lightning quick Tackle collides with Bracchus, knocking him off balance. Noc lands deftly a few feet away as the Charizard falls to the ground. "And the name of the new ruler of this territory is NOC!" He screeches the last word, causing Bracchus to wince in pain.
Bracchus shakes his head jerkily, trying to shake out the pain in his ears. "Don't be so sure. I have no intention of changing my name. Bracchus rather suits me." His wings spread out, and with one mighty powerful gust he dashes into the air. He flicks his tail towards his opponent, sending a ball of flame towards him. The Ember lands harmlessly on the ground where the Umbreon was. Bracchus realizes just a second too late that he has left himself open. The Umbreon is now just above him, having moved with a quickness never before seen from a simple Pursuit attack. Noc kicks out, striking him in his long neck, sending him back down to the fiery earth below.
"Speed and intellect will always win out over brawn, Bracchus." He mocks as the two of them land, one rather more gracefully than the other. Not relenting, he dashes in again, spraying sand from the ground towards the Charizard's face as he flies by.
Bracchus rolls away before the sand can get into his eyes, standing up quickly with a look of pure rage on his face. "That's it! Now I'm pissed." He inhales deeply, and emits a thick cloud of noxious smoke that prevents Noc from seeing him once again take to the air. From the aerial vantage point he can see the dashing pokemon distorting the Smokescreen attack, but he's unable to get a solid lock on its true position. He flies a little closer, just enough to not give away that his voice is from above. "What good is your quickness doing you now that you can't find me, little Noc? Have you been outsmarted by the big dumb lizard?"
Noc realizes quickly that this is not a good position for him to be in. The taunting voice that echoes around him seems to always be out of position once he attacks. He stops moving as the realization that an attack is coming hits him. Finally, he decides to act. "What's wrong dragon? Still afraid to attack me even though I'm blinded? Are you going to let me do all the hard work this whole time, and stand back and take it all like a bitch?" The roar that echoes lets him know that his ruse has worked.
Bracchus, tired of the taunts roars violently, and spits a large gout of flame out of his mouth, impacting the ground with a thud. He whips his head around, and creates a circle of flame on the ground. The heat from his fire begins to melt the hardened lava again. He smiles, satisfied as he sees Noc stuck in the center of the flames, and lands just ouside the flames. "Well well. Looks like someone can't handle the heat."
"Don't be so sure." Noc once again jumps out of the shadows as the flames engulf his substitution. "Now take this!" He opens his mouth, and the telltale glow forewarns of the next attack. The huge beam of pure energy flies from the Umbreon, nicking one of Bracchus' wings as he barely dodges it.
Bracchus roars in pain, looking over at his wing. His face contorts in rage as he looks over at the gasping and panting Noc. "You used your trump card too soon. And now you're going to pay for it." He stands up, eyes filled with rage. "As I said, this is MY kingdom. Even the land here submits to the flames." His body begins to glow lightly. "The rocks you stand on now were shaped by the flames." The air around his body begins to distort, waves of heated air draft off of him trying desperately to find cooler air. "And you dare to claim my kingdom as your own?" He steps forward closing on Noc once again, his footsteps leaving behind glowing imprints in the lava. "You attack me unprovoked, taunt me, and even attempt to destroy me with a Hyper Beam?" The air around his body begins to spark, the heat becoming so intense that it's igniting the very oxygen. The solid lava rocks under him begin to melt once more. Noc, still exhausted from the Hyper Beam lies there panting and gasping for air, but finding little more than heat. Bracchus closes the gap fully. He gazes down at his opponent. "Now stand back and take this like a bitch." He roars violently as the very air around him bursts into intense flames, his Overheat attack melts the land, the lava scalding Noc and trapping him as it hardens again. Noc screams intensely at the pain of the searing lava engulfing his paws. "Who is the ruler of this kingdom?" Bracchus asks arrogantly at the badly injured Umbreon.
Noc pants painfully, near unconscious from the pain. "You are. Forgive me, please." He half-collapses from the pain, though his feet are still firmly frozen in place.

"I'm glad you can finally see that." He balls up his massive fist and slams it down hard into the rocks beneath Noc, causing it to crack. He then roughly pulls each of the badly burned paws from the rocks, picking up his defeated foe. He lifts him up to eye level, and looks him over fully. "You'll survive." Bracchus sets Noc down onto the ground, caring little for the well being of him. "There is one more thing you need to understand, Noc. As this is my kingdom, I am the eyes and ears of the law and the swift hammer of justice. There are a few laws, and only one punishment for breaking them. Do you know what that punishment is, Umbreon?"
Noc shakes his head gently, the only answer he can imagine being one he does not want to give. "No, my king, I do not."
Bracchus cranes his head around to look at the defeated Umbreon. "You must pay me a tribute." He turns his body around to face Noc, explaining with no words or question what that tribute is. His cock shimmers in the moonlight, glistening with his own juices. He grabs Noc roughly by the back of the neck, pressing his face into the rocks below. "Now prepare my tribute, and it had better be a good one. Do you understand?"
Noc nods slowly, not having the energy to resist or retaliate. He closes his eyes tightly as he feels his ass being penetrated by the sharply tapered tip of the dragon's cock.
Bracchus begins slowly pressing against Noc's tight ass, his cock invading little by little. Bracchus grins and snorts happily as he feels the quiver of pain and fear from his victim underneath. Noc grunts painfully as the head of the dragon's cock passes through his ass, his tight hole closing back around the ridge of the head. He shirks away sharply as he feels the saliva and hot breath of the dragon on the back of his neck. "You're going to need to relax, we don't want you getting hurt too bad from this." Bracchus is distracted by a noise in the tall grass nearby, and he looks over sharply. "Who's there, this is my domain, show yourself at once." He pins down the Umbreon's head into the still very warm rock to ensure he doesn't try to flee.

The grass parts, and the dusky yellow form of Toninjinka, Bracchus' loyal slave appears. He is a very unusual looking Marowak, being surely the only one without a skull mask on his head. Instead, a great starburst-shaped scar adorns his forehead, the lower ray of which extends the full length of his muzzle. His scar the only remaining evidence of his mother's skull mask, which he broke in an epic battle for control of the forest against Bracchus. Having broken the skull and his will, having believed he has lost his mother's honor, Jinka, once the proud and fair ruler of the forest lost to the tyrannical and cruel Bracchus. He now wanders the forest, dejected, and the uncaring slave to the whims of Bracchus.

Brachus grins as he sees his plaything approach. "Ahh...Toninjinka, your timing couldn't have been any more perfect. Come here, and show this usurper what happens when you attempt to steal my territory." Extracting himself from his victim, Bracchus pulls a wing around Jinka. Jinka recoils sharply as Bracchus reaches for the bone he has used as a weapon since birth, but a stern look from the dragon sets him straight immediately.
Jinka relinquishes his weapon, and kneels down before the new victim, a look devoid of any emotion in his eyes as he reaches underneath Noc, sliding his hand along his sheath, coaxing the pink flesh from the shaking Umbreon. "Relax, and obey or it will be that much longer. You made him mad and you pay the price. Just accept it and get it over with." His voice is flat and without any emotion at all, nearly robotic.
Noc winces in pain again as he feels something hard at his ass again, but instead of feeling the softer fleshy feel of the former intruder, it's hard, smooth and unyielding. He looks back to see Jinka's bone club being stuffed inside him. A new feeling of pleasure starts to inch its way to the surface as Jinka's muzzle engulfs his emerging cock. The expert tongue pleasures him with skill never before experienced. Jinka's tongue slides all over Noc's pink flesh inside his mouth, caressing it softly, teasing at the very tip, with just enough suction. Noc's mind races, not able to decide why he is starting to enjoy this. He has never felt anything like this before, having never lost nor been taken advantage of in this way. He knows that in his current condition any resistance would likely spell his end, but thoughts of resistance have been taken over by thoughts of desire. His mind throws millions of questions his way, one of which is why is he now aching to have Bracchus inside him once more. He opens his eyes for a moment, and looks around for his captor. Bracchus is hard at work behind him, fucking his ass with the club. Noc catches Bracchus' eye for a moment, and communicates without word exactly what he wants.
Bracchus grins as Noc turns around again in shame, closing his eyes and hanging his head. He knows what is being requested of him, and has known for some time that Noc has went from an unwilling participant into a slave begging for more from the way he has been responding to the pleasure both he and Jinka have been giving him. "Say it."
Noc knows he is being addressed, and knows what he is supposed to say. He shakes his head no, violently, not wanting to further submit to the Charizard.
"You know, as pleasurable as this is for you right now, it can change in a second. You know you want it, so say it." Bracchus chuckles lightly to himself.
"I...I can't." Noc gasps.
"Sure you can. And you will, or you'll be begging me to stop instead." The master replies. "Just submit to me, and you'll be so much happier. Submit to your new master, or be dominated by him, it's your choice."
Noc's mind soars higher than even the moon itself. Undeniably he wants to say it, but his pride stands in his way. His heart and mind are at odds with his body. Finally he shakes away his negative thoughts and submits to the pleasure, and his new master. He turns around again, eyes wet with tears, salivating so much he is nearly drooling. "I want you in my mouth, let me suck your cock, master."
Bracchus smiles arrogantly as he realizes his domination of the weakling is completed. "Very well, Noc. I will give you permission. But know...that if I am in any way displeased...I will kill you without thought." He moves around to the front of his new slave so that he can still hold the club with one hand.
Noc eyes the dragon's member in front of him hungrily. He rubs the outside of his muzzle against it gently, letting his tongue hang loosely out of his mouth. He finally opens his mouth and takes a good portion of the large cock into him, attempting to mimic the expert sucking he is receiving from Jinka. He moans gently as he tastes his master's cock, wriggling his loins in pleasure as the bone club is slid in and out slowly. He contracts his muscles rhythmically to make his own cock jump back and forth inside Jinka's mouth. Noc whimpers as his legs go weak and his seed unexpectedly fills Toninjinka's mouth. He drops to his knees quickly, body jerking as he continues to eagerly suck at the cock in his mouth. Jinka eagerly drinks the cum, knowing his place as his master's slave. Noc shudders and tries to stand back up, but cannot. Undaunted, however he continues to please his master.
Jinka emerges from under Noc, his muzzle slick with saliva and semen, and immediately moves towards Bracchu's cock slit, sliding his tongue all around the base of the dragon's cock. He looks down the substantial length of the member at Noc, and moves up towards where Noc is still eagerly pleasuring their master. He replaces Noc's position while Noc mimics his actions, sucking down the length of the cock towards the slit. The two trade positions over and over, one pleasuring the length of the shaft while the other sucks the head. Noc feels his cock starting to harden again as he starts to taste some of the dragon's precum, the sticky salty fluid coating his tongue. Jinka sees Noc getting turned on again, and crawls underneath him, positioning the Umbreon's cock in front of his ass. He presses back against Noc, wincing slightly as his ass parts slowly, and then eagerly for the cock.
Bracchus grins down seeing his two subjects pleasuring him and each other. "Good, now you see what keeping me happy will bring you." He pulls his cock from Noc's mouth, and pants down towards the two of them. "Noc, you are now mine. You will receive my protection and grace, and in return, I will allow you to roam freely through my lands. And in return, you will pleasure me any time I see fit." Bracchus strokes his ample cock a little more, the long shaft quivering and pulsating in his hand. Noc and Jinka open their mouths eagerly waiting for the annointing from their lord. Bracchus roars loudly as his seed spills over the pair of them, coating their whole bodies with one giant load. The pair revel in the warmth of the sticky cum, kissing each other, and cleaning each other of the seed. Braccus pants happily as he watches his new slave slide right into his role happily. He walks over to the edge of the water, the near-constant flow of lava sending up puffs of steam as the wave splash against it again and again. Bracchus once again stretches his wings over the steam, letting the water condense and form into droplets. Noc and Jinka approach each side of their master, and catches some of the water that drips from the wings into their mouths. Bracchus shares with his two thralls his favorite erotic activity. He glances down at the two of them, both of their fully erect cocks quiver with anticipation and wordlessly beg for more. "Very well, my sex slaves, get ready for round 2..."
Chapter End Notes:Any and all constructive criticism is more than welcome, and encouraged. I am but a mere human, and in no way perfect, so tell me what is good, but more importantly what is bad so that I may grow as a writer.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
    Dan Buizel
    Date:Mar 18 2018

    Please write more!!!

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