AGNPH Stories

United Through Two Worlds by 0cool


Story Notes:

This story is set on EARTH. our earth, you and me earth. you get the idea.Pokemon copyrighted to nintendo, blah blah blahdy blah blah

Chapter 4

"Good afternoon, you're that Michael chap, eh?"

His comment was quite different from his he presented himself in the email. Then again, so was his appearance.

"Uh...yeah, come in" Michael said as he moved out of the way. The scientist walked in, taking in the place as he walked, empty as it was.

"Come to the living room" Michael said, he motioned to the couch and two small chairs in the room opposite the door. It was modest, but comfortable. He and the scientist sat down, Michael on the couch as the scientist had already taken one of the chairs and was already scribbling notes on his pad, of what, Michael couldn't guess. Michael waited for him to start the conversation, but after a minute of silence, he thought he'd have to do so himself.

"" He said, the man just looked up with a small 'hm?', "Well, what do you want to know first?"

"That depends, what do you want to know about me?" The man said as if it were an average answer for him

"Well, what are you studying and why are you so interested in inter-dimensional creatures?" Michael asked

"as I stated in the email, I am investigating the effect of faster than light particles acceleration through inter-dimensional barriers and how it relates to this worlds own Newtonian physics and quantum fluctuations" Michaels stare was blank, confused, but blank "but in layman's terms it's the study of the quantum world and its effects on this dimension and others"

"So you publish documents on these findings?"

"Of course! Well...the scientific world has yet to approve my theorem for international use but it will be soon enough!" he said, Michael began to wonder if his studies were actually scientific at all.

"So what are you going to do if you find a creature from another dimension?" Michael asked

"Well study it!" The doctor exclaimed "Of course, the creature would probably be very simplistic, such a mere bacteria or cellular organisms, larger beings couldn't come through quantum fluctuations"

"Could you send this or any other creature back through?" Michael asked, maybe a bit too suddenly after the doctors answer

"Why would you want to do that? Creatures from another dimension would offer insight into the environment of that dimension and even allow us to improve our understanding of our own world" The doctor said, he was still writing something in that notebook

"Well, could the creature be sentient? Thinking on its own and acts accordingly?" Michael asked, yet again too suddenly, but the doctor caught it this time

"Why do you want to know? I'm wondering if you were being serious about this creature on the forums" The doctor said as he put his notepad down "are you going to let me see it, or was this just a ploy for your amusement?."

Michael decided to act, if he didn't the doctor would probably just leave and take with him Melody's hopes of getting back. He sighed and stood up, moving to the hallway and whispered something around the corner that the doctor couldn't make out. Michael moved back to the side of the door and faced the doctor with a very serious demeanour

"Doctor, what I am about to show you will not leave this room, you mustn't tell anyone of this. If you do, there'll be consequences for all of us" Michael said, his voice as cold as steel, the doctor slowly nodded, brow arched.

Melody, who had been waiting on the other side of the opening, stepped into the room. The doctor's eyes widened fully as he struggled to say anything, his pad dropped from his hand as it shook uncontrollably. Soon his eyes began searching all over the room, trying to process everything he was thinking. Though he soon calmed down, if you could call it that, he began to laugh. Not the cold menacing mad scientist kind of laugh but rather a hearty, fatherly kind of laugh.

"This is amazing!" He said through the wheezing "Fantastic, unfathomable, Incomprehensible!" He laughed even more at his words. "You have to show me where it appeared!" he practically begged

"She, not it" Michael corrected

"Right, right, just show me!" he said, Michael and Melody showed him through the door. As soon as they did, he made for his car. It seemed like he was going to drive off, but instead he opened the trunk and began to pull out numerous gizmos and machines. He followed Michael quickly through the field, looking and acting like a kid opening his Christmas presents. Michael pointed to the area he had found melody a few nights ago, the only un-burnt patch of wheat in that area of the field. While the doctor set up various machines and measures, melody seemed nervous. She was uneasy by being here apparently, the place where her life had changed. Michael gently took her hand, allowing her a little ease. The doctor caught his attention as he began walking around the area with something akin to a Geiger counter. It was emitting soft ticks here and there, but at the centre of the ashes was where it was the strongest.

"This is it! This where the event must have taken place, the tachyon saturation in this area is huge!" He yelled

"H-hang on a minute" Michael stuttered "Why are you sure? And what are tachyons?"

"Particles of matter that are able to travel through time and space at a near infinite speed! My theory showed they could travel through dimensions as well given the right conditions" He explained, a fair bit calmer now "If there was a wormhole opened around here, the tachyons would be all over the place as they had a chance to move through the barriers of both dimension much easier"

"So this area is like some kind of gateway?" Melody asked, Michael heard it too but the doctor was surprised to hear her speak, especially how her voice sounded

"Ha-ha! Intelligent too!" the doctor laughed "In a way yes, this area is basically a crack in reality! Imagine a giant glass cube, one small crack in the middle sends many fractures along it, make it big enough and things can come though, like you!"

"So can you get me back through it" Melody asked, hope rising in her heart

The doctors features dropped a bit, slight gloom showing. He hesitated before answering

"n-no, the energy needed to force a wormhole open is tremendous, we'd need more energy than the sun can put out in a hundred years, even with the weakness here" The doctor sighed "In fact the crack has probably already fixed itself, I'm sorry"

Melody's heart felt like it had been crushed by a lead weight. Losing all the hope she had to return to her world in a single statement, she couldn't take it all. Tears welled n her eyes as a faint blue outline surrounded her. It couldn't be true! There had to be something that could help! But the more she thought about it, the more hopeless it became. Wind whipped around the field as the outline became stronger. Fence posts were up lifted and sent flying about the area, the ground shook as the wind became stronger. Michael was knocked over by a stray post as he tried to move. Her emotions were out of control, reasonable with what she had just been told, but he'd be damned if he was going to let her just destroy herself and everything around her. He got up, gasping for breath after being hit, focusing his eyes on melody; he began to move towards her. As he got closer, bolts of physic energy jolted off her body, hitting the ground around her and frying what was left of the wheat. Michael wasn't distracted by this though, he had accepted death was better than this world a long time ago, if he was killed here, maybe God would give him some sort of forgiveness for trying to help her at least. Through the blasts of stray energy, he wandered, soon closing the gap between them. He reached his hand out and pulled her head close to his chest, hopefully she could still hear him.

"Melody, I said I would help you get back, I'm not going to let this stop me" He whispered in the most caring tone he could muster, not easy for someone who had lived a life like he "I won't let any harm come to you, I promise"

Melody's tears didn't cease, but the wind around the field slowly came to a stop, the random objects thrown about, now fell to earth with dull thuds and clatters. Melody quietly sobbed in Michaels arms, oblivious to everything but her own despair. The doctor was scurrying about the field, trying to find where his equipment had landed, muttering things such as "Incredible, unbelievable, amazing" under his breath. Michael decided that it was probably time to leave this place.

"Doctor, let's go back inside" he said, lifting melody in both arms. As they walked back, she clung to him like a newborn looking for comfort in a strange new world, Michael though she was in a situation like that anyway. As they entered the old house once again, Michael directed the doctor back to the living room, taking their respective seats once again. Melody had laid her head on Michael's legs as she lay quietly. The doctor was mellower than he had been, after seeing that display of power; he was reconsidering his view on other sentient species.

"Is there really no way she can get home?" Michael asked

The doctor slunk slightly into his chair "none that come to mind, this sort of science hasn't even been attempted by humanity yet, it's all theory" he said. A silence followed, neither really knew what to say.

"If you don't mind me see...her like a human don't you?" The doctor asked

Michael looked down on melody. She was a Pokémon, but she acted and felt like a human would, he guessed he had been treated her as one. After a couple of days living under the same roof, it was actually hard to distinguish their species.

"She seems just like a little girl to me, why wouldn't I treat her as such?" He replied "Humans aren't used to having another species that thinks for itself on the planet, it seems foreign after these thousands of years, but she seems just like one of us on the inside"

The doctor listened curiously; it was a strange situation to him too, why it happened was anyone's guess. But maybe there was something he could do.

"Michael...I'd like to stay a few days, if that's alright with you" the doctor said "Study the area more, I might find something that could set us on the right track. And, again if you don't mind, I'd like to study her"

The word 'study' seemed harsh to both of them, like they were talking about some lab rat, but there was really no other way of putting it.

"Just standard things, blood testing, cell analysis and brain scans. It could benefit everyone." The doctor reassured "Something about her might have gotten her here through that wormhole"

"That'll be fine with me, but ultimately it's up to her-"

"Its fine" Melody cut Michael off, neither Michael nor the doctor expected this "whatever can help" her once beautiful voice seemed flat now. Michael sighed

"I don't have a guest room, but you could sleep in here, I have a mattress I can give you"

"Nonsense, I don't mind sleeping in my car, it'll make things easier" The doctor insisted "and you can call me Will, doctor seems too formal now"

Michael nodded; the doctor was about to get up but Michael had one nagging question he had to have answered

"How is this possible?" he asked, Will looked at him oddly, not understanding, Michael continued "Pokémon is just a video game in this world, how is it possible that something like that could manifest so accurately in another world? It's ludicrous, it shouldn't be possible"

Will smiled a bit; he always loved lecturing people on a subject he was an expert on, it made him feel like a college professor again.

"Have you heard of the multi-verse theory?" he asked, Michael shook his head "it states that there are near infinite parallel dimensions to this one. If you can think of any kind of world, no matter how ludicrous, it exists in one dimension. My theory incorporates this theory. I theorise that all these dimensions are, kind of floating in a sea of, well nothingness"

Michael nodded, simple so far, but there were probably thousands of equations behind it all.

"Now, these dimensions are all moving in utterly random and chaotic motions and speeds, but sometimes these dimensions can come close enough to one another that they interact. This results in quantum phenomena like wormholes and such, of course this was all theory, but she seems to be the proof" Will said, making many hand motions to convey these ideas "but since the movement is chaotic, we don't know if her dimension has moved yet or if it's still near enough to ours that another portal could open in the already weak area"

"And if it is?" Michael asked

"Then there might be a way to predict if the portal will reopen" Will smiled, but it was a sad smile, as if he was saying 'but that could never happen'.

Will got up and walked towards the front door, leaving Michael to ponder as he often did. There was really no chance; it was a shot in the dark, a one in a million. But you'd have to be looking for that one in a million to have the chance to find it wouldn't you?

It was already dark by now; the sun had set during the incident in the field, letting the stars make their way into the velvet black sky. Michael slowly ran his hand over Melody's head, she stirred slightly as he said "you should get some rest, we can figure this out in the morning, okay?" Melody gave a small nod, allowing herself to be carried to Michael's room, which she now lived in. As she was set down on the white covers of the soft bed, she tugged Michaels arm, he looked in her eyes but she turned away.

"I'm scared" she said, voice quavering. "What if I can't get back, what if I'm stuck here?"

Michael sat on the bed next to her; she still held strong his arm. He had thought of this too, it would be hard for the both of them.

"Would it really be so bad?" He asked, his question made her flinch "Didn't you say that you had nothing to hang onto in that world? I know you want to go back, I can understand that and I won't stop you from going back if we can find a way. But if you are really stuck'll have me. You'll have me and Will to help you through all of life's troubles. Either way, I think you'll be fine"

Melody felt calmer from hearing this, a small blush spreading across her pale face, she was thankful he didn't notice it thanks to the darkness of the room. Michael's views on the world could be strange, but they all held a kernel of wisdom and truth.

"Thank you" she whispered, closing her tired eyes and finally resting. Michael tried to move away, but her arm was still around his. He was tired and just wanted to sleep, but she would wake if he moved, he decided to just sleep where he was. There wasn't much harm to it, but as he lay there next to the girl he'd formed a bond with over the past few days, he couldn't help but wondering where it would all go. He hadn't had much luck with females due to his depressive nature; they always went after the more outgoing, excitable guys. What was wrong with being himself, seeing the world through jade coloured glasses, wasn't that enough for people nowadays? After a while he had given up on it and just closed himself in, forgetting all about the outside world and its distractions. It was encouraged in every school and society to be yourself, but was being thought by people who themselves covered their own feelings and tendencies, all for the sake of being deemed normal. But she didn't follow any of those social vices, she wasn't exposed to them. She listened and accepted the person standing before her, she didn't expect more than he could give or expect him to change for her. The one female he thought he could actually care for and treasure, maybe even love, turned out to be a Pokémon. It was a cruel fate, wasn't it? Knowing the one person you could go that extra mile for, was eternally out of reach, just a mere illusion that could never be real. Michael let one tear drop from his sullen face before closing his eyes, one thought crossing his mind as he fell into a cheerless slumber

"Maybe in my dreams, my dreams..."
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