AGNPH Stories

Heat by flexyourfancy


Chapter 1

It was quite late in the evening when the blizzard began to hit; much earlier than the Absol had initially anticipated. What started out as a rather mild winter afternoon, quickly transformed into a howling storm, complete with battering winds saturated in icy snow.

The young male had sensed the start of the snowstorm earlier in the day, and had spent most of his energy darting between small, human-made cabins that dotted around the rocky terrain that surrounded the small wood where he resided. Cold and exhausted, the Absol traversed slowly through the snow, the path ahead of him obscured by the foggy winds that assaulted him and pushed him back. The trees were all too few in the particular clearing he was trying to cross, and even the tracks he left behind seemed to be swallowed by the haze as he moved forward.

The Absol grunted; pain began to belt his bare face as the snow in the air acted like blades carving at him. All of a sudden, as the male stepped forward, his right paw suddenly went right through the snow, unbalancing him. The Absol barely realized he was falling before his form tumbled through the icy fluff and he landed on his side on a hard, cold surface. For just a moment, the male slid a ways, clearing a bit of snow as he did.

Confused and somewhat sore, the Absol dug his claws a little deeper onto the ground beneath him and realized he was standing on a sheet of ice, most likely from a lake or pond. He took extra precaution in his steps so as to not slip and potentially break the ice.

The Absol took a pained breath; he realized that if he couldn't find shelter soon, he would most likely succumb to the malicious cold that continued to batter him. Taking a quick moment to keep his calm, he gazed around the deep trench around him and tried to find any sort of protection from the blizzard. Instead of seeing the answer, however, he heard it.

A faint- but very real- whistling sound was barely audible for just a second off to the male's right. He quickly turned his head towards it, and heard it a second time, but just for a moment.

The Absol knew the rocky structures of the area and recognized that the sound he heard was most likely the wind interacting with an overhanging cliff, or if he was extra fortunate, a cave. The male could barely make out a tree in between himself and the sound, telling him that the shore to the lake he stood upon wasn't far off. The Absol took another breath and decided that it was better to head towards it.

Maneuvering on the ice was somewhat frustrating, but the gutter-like nature of the pond's edge helped shield him from the majority of the rougher winds. Once he entrenched himself in the snow once again, the sting of the cold once again agonized his limbs, dragging him down. The Absol hoped the sound was what he perceived it to be; he doubted he would be able to go back if he wanted to.

The rocky wall began to silhouette against the snowy fog as the Absol grew closer; no sounds other than the wind could be heard, but it wasn't deafening. Its shape did not at all suggest what he had been hoping, but when its color began to appear the male drew a relieved sigh. A large, gaping cavern entrance came into view, its insides dark with rock rather than light with snow. Reassured, the Absol built up a little strength to carry himself up a small slope and into the cave.

Finally free of the lashing winds and snow, the Absol calmed himself down and relaxed. The air in the cavern was still very cold, and his breath was visible against the brown walls around him; he planted himself on the closest wall, knocking about a few pebbles as he did.

At first, the cave was quiet; its enveloping darkness was a refreshing change from the endless white outside. The Absol took several serene breaths, reflecting on his predicament. The back of the cave was invisible in the blackness, but it definitely went straight into the mountain, suggesting that it may lead through it completely.

Suddenly, the sound of soft footsteps became perceptible in the shadows, alerting the Absol. He turned and brought himself back on all fours and tried to peer into the darkness, but only managed to see a dim outline begin to materialize; he prepared himself for a rapid encounter with some malicious cave-dwelling being. The figure seemed larger than he, but he couldn't very well leave the protection of the cavern.

As it approached, more detail of its body could be seen; it was certainly walking on four legs, and its neck or back seemed to have a large ornament that increased the size of the figure's shadow. When its breath became visible and it stepped into some light, the Absol blinked.

The first feature illuminated was the unique shape upon the beast's head; a feature that had made its silhouette look larger than it truly was. The creature had blue all along its back and limbs save for a few white shapes that matched the white of its chest. Behind its large head-crest was a flowing, purple cape-like projection that wafted in the air. Its body was slender and alluring, a trait customary to every member of this enchanting species.

A Suicune, and a female at that; the Absol was able to recognize this fact almost instantly. The she-beast walked towards him slowly, her gaze meeting his. Her deep, violet eyes made her look confident and majestic, but this contrasted with her form; the Absol realized that her body was shaking weakly, making her seem frail.

'So nice to finally find some company.'

The Absol flinched when soothing sounds rang in his head; the Suicune ceased her approach and looked at the male inquisitively. She was breathing gently, her eyes still trained on his.

'You naïve males, trying to be heroes,' the sounds continued. 'Got yourself caught in the storm? Lucky me.'

The Absol had never interacted directly with a Suicune before, but he knew of their limited psychic abilities; the chiming in his mind was no doubt her words, but they were alien to him. He recognized the tone of the speech as a human language, but he did not understand it. Confused, the male simply sat himself down and watched her.

'I find myself in desperation. I'm alone, and frozen... I have no means to create a heat source in here, so I hope you can accept my hospitality in return for a bit of your warmth?'

The Absol was completely oblivious to her words, but he could tell through her look that she wanted his help. After a moment of hesitation, the Absol raised a single paw and made a simple motion to signal that he wanted her to approach. She took little time to walk up unsteadily to him, her strange, band-like tails waving at her sides.

When she reached him, she sat as he did; she wasn't a great deal taller than he was, but still enough that she had to look down at him. She nudged up to his side, forcing her weight on him a little, making him sway.

Trying to get comfortable, the Absol began leaning on her body; her fur was quite cold, even compared to the chilled air of the cavern. The young male rubbed his paws together rapidly, and then brought them to her right arm and stroked it.

She sighed, 'You're quite cold yourself. This won't do...'

She looked at him with thinking eyes, taking a deep breath as she did so. The Absol didn't take much notice; he was too preoccupied admiring her charming form, examining her from her head to her hind paws. She was a magnificent creature, and he felt privileged to be allowed to touch her as he was.

'However,' the Suicune's speech interrupted his thoughts, and he tried to ignore it. 'There are ways we can both generate a little flame.'

Suddenly, the Suicune shifted her position, pulling her arm away from the male. He looked up at her questioningly, and she grinned. She placed one of her paws on his downy chest, and pushed him backwards gently. He reached back, trying to feel himself down, but she forced him to lie back on the ground just before the wall. The she-beast- still shivering- leaned over him; the young male was now very confused over her new intentions.

The female Suicune placed both her paws on the lower parts of the Absol's belly and simply caressed his fur softly. The contact was soothing and pleasant, and the Absol became tense; the she-beast sheathed her claws somewhat and weaved them through his fur up to his chest, and then back down again. She separated her paws from each other, and slid each of them onto both of the male's thighs teasingly.

The young Absol was enticed by the tickling sensation of her touch, but this realization made him feel awkward; he tried to sit himself back up and stop her, but she was quick to stop him with her paw and push him back down.

'Don't be nervous,' more foreign words sounded in his mind. 'I'm usually gentle.'

She leaned forward a ways, and he watched uneasily as she began prodding her paws eagerly in between his legs.

The Absol became anxious, but he suddenly found himself enjoying the contact as well; the she-beast massaged his loins slowly and expertly, creating an enjoyable sensation. It was a new feeling for the young male, but it was fleeting. The female kept at it, determined to accomplish something, but the Absol found his mind racing to comprehend the feelings emanating from her touch.

In no time, the Absol began to experience a strange tightness not far from where the Suicune's paws rubbed him, and- having had this feeling in the past- the Absol now knew that the she-beast was exciting his malehood. The Suicune made a slight growl at the sight of deep redness appearing from his white fur, while he looked down at her work with a fury in his head of confliction. Though his body was clearly responding to her, his mind had yet to grasp what was occurring.

The Absol drew a deep sigh as the beast above him used the cold, smooth side of a single claw to trace a teasing line along his swelling member. He shivered at the feeling; it was so delicate- so alien- that he could not help but close his eyes and relax his tension.

The Suicune began prodding at the tip of his spear with a hint of playfulness, but her eyes were trained on his entire form, studying his reaction to her gentle touch. She brought her right paw from the ground and leaned her body forward, placing it on a boulder next to the male's head. He heard her move above him; the sounds of her steady breathing were now perceptible to his ears. Most importantly however, the Absol realized, was the proximity- or lack thereof- between the pair's aroused sexes.

The Absol hadn't even noticed that the Suicune was aroused; there was no real scent present in the crisp air, nor did he notice it visually, but it was absolutely clear to him that she was as excited as he was. The sudden intensity and sharpness of heat between the feral pair was almost startling to him.

When the Suicune proceeded to place her left paw on his breast, he could feel the cold in her arm, even through his plentiful fur, but between their loins a completely different story was being told. The Absol found himself in a spur of some sort of mental excitement at the thought of the she-beast's arousal; he had no clue to what her final intentions were, but even without any experience to base his feelings, he knew that any inhibitions he may have had before were gone.

The Suicune began lowering her body; the Absol opened his eyes, only to see her completely around him, her flawless, white chest elegantly expanding and collapsing directly before his eyes. As her form descended, she placed more pressure on his chest with her arm, and the male placed his paws on her side. The Suicune turned her head back, her cool breaths now impeccably audible to him. The Absol's heart began to race with a tad more ferocity as he prepared for her contact with his member; despite being on his back, his limbs stiffened slightly in a mating poise, and the Suicune also seemed to hold her breath in an attempt to remain steady.

Then, the Absol huffed when the she-beast's moist, soft, and surprisingly warm folds contacted his length. The combination of such appealing feelings made the stiff member twitch as the female maneuvered her hips, trying to get his tip to direct straight up into her opening. Then, to her surprise, as soon as even the slightest bit of teasing penetration had been achieved, the anxious male thrusted his hips upwards and plunged his shaft sharply into her depths.

The Suicune made a startled grunt at his rapidness, and her ribbon-like tails suddenly jolted beside her; the Absol felt her muscles immediately clench around his length. The squeezing was almost barbarically pleasing, and the Absol huffed.

'Now you're getting it,' the she-beast's words prodded at him again. The Absol did nothing to respond to the unknown sounds this time; with his slate claws, he lightly gripped on the sides of the female, and maneuvered his hips so that he could remove a large portion of his member from her caverns, only to swiftly shove it right back in with force.

The Suicune grunted a second time, and her muscles mimicked their action; the young maleness within was suddenly surged with a spark of pleasure that made the Absol grunt as well. The male found himself craving the feeling, like his mind had all this time been famished for it. He once again pulled himself out, his heel spikes scratching at the rock beneath him as his legs bent; the thighs of the she-beast rubbed against him as he moved, her chill still very apparent. Once a fair amount had been freed, the Absol's member twitched in pleasure before he rammed it back into the Suicune's soft folds a third time, only to begin removing it without pause.

The female's breaths still echoed in his ears, and they were beginning to seem even more hungry-sounding. She lowered her head and chest somewhat, and clawed very slightly on the Absol's chest through his fur. Her body was putting a fair deal of weight on him, preventing him from moving at the speed his mind was now ordering him to go.

The Suicune's sultry opening continually clutched at the shaft as it repeatedly penetrated, triggering bursts of incredible bliss in his loins, enticing him to continue. The male could tell, through the way her sex reacted in kind to his every entry and the way she gripped him with her paw, that she was also greatly enjoying the act. The Suicune began to rock her body slightly with his movements; slight huffs in her breath accompanied each of the male's bucks, and her hips moved slightly with his erratic- but still evident- rhythm.

The Absol felt his limbs twinge unevenly as the bliss began to get stronger; the she-beast's caverns were radiating heat much more powerfully now, further adding to the stimulation. The young male gasped in pleasure when the Suicune grunted; her soft sex shuddered suddenly, and she clawed on her partner for a short, spastic second. The rush of exotic ecstasy rapidly felt its way through the Absol's form, coaxing him to push hard with his hind paws, rocking both bodies as he closed his eyes and made a soft moan.

The Suicune lowered herself again, but this time her lower abdomen was now pressed against his, their fur now rubbing together as he thrusted beneath her. The male kept his hold on her, his claws clutching every few seconds as his mind filled with primitive delight. He began increasing his pace instinctually, his member beginning to glide much easier through her plentifully moist and welcoming sex; but this also had the effect of intensifying the pleasure he received. The young Absol found himself breathing with a noticeable amount of haste and irregularity, but he could hear that his partner was as well.

The Suicune arched her back forward for a moment, her chest now meeting his. As she did so, the Absol craned his head back, his facial scythe barely brushing the ground beneath him. The Absol could tell from the groan that escaped her muzzle that she was experiencing the same wonderful feelings as he; both of them strengthened the grips of their claws, keeping each other together as their mating grew more powerful.

The male kept up his pace by pulling the Suicune down a ways; the female found herself pushed vigorously by the young Absol, and she began bucking opposite to him, increasing the depth and potency of each penetration. The Absol reopened his eyes when the muscles of her smooth walls began to contract and seize regularly, almost pulling at his pulsating member. The bliss that rippled in his lower body began to energize his entire form, causing him to twitch and gasp with hot, moist breaths. The Suicune upon him seemed to be having equal trouble standing steady; her legs were spastic and barely holding her to her rhythm, and the Absol could hear her scratch at the rocks with her right paw.

The Absol's mind was filled with craze, his body uncontrollable now. It was clear that it was running purely on instinct, bent on reaching the climax of this encounter. The Suicune dropped her head once again as the male kept tearing at her; her odd, lavender-shaded cape wafted gently despite her volatile movements.

Both partners began to hold their mouths agape in order to breathe deeper; their warm breath now very visible in the crisp air, but the Absol took no notice, because where his body wasn't burning with heat, it was burning with bliss.

The Absol huffed when the Suicune slid her hind legs down away from him and she began laying herself on him; her paw was now off of him and over his shoulder, and her head was now a ways behind his own. With her movements now slowed, the Absol increased his speed, the pleasure in his loins stabbing at his swollen length with every powerful shove into the she-beast's pulsating walls. His breathing was also quickening, and with every abrupt wrench of bliss he could not help but bellow a masculine cry. The Suicune pitched her own song of deep grunts and vulnerable roars, all of which echoed in the cold, dark cave, amplifying as they did so.

The young male never thought he could experience the level of raw ecstasy he was then; the Suicune's sex was rewarding him with enough warmth and gratifying squeezes to enrapture him in bliss. The act was getting faster, and easier thanks to an influx of slick juices along the glossy walls that continually clutched at his shaft. The power of their mating was beginning to be heard as well; accompanying each thrust of the Absol's hips was the sound of their damp fur slapping together quickly and messily. The she-beast began to completely relax her body, laying herself on her mate; their intercourse was getting much smoother and more tender, but still at an admirable pace.

The Absol remained strictly unyielding, even as the pleasure surged through his body; he kept himself firm in his stance, pushing himself deeper and harder into the quivering Suicune. Both of them were sighing weakly, unable to keep calm under the sheer exhilaration. The male could feel his loins almost churn with an incredible magnitude of heart-stopping bliss; his claws clenched on both his female companion and the rocky ground beneath him.

The Suicune's breathing was sounding much more labored now, her limbs shaking slightly as she moved. The Absol became unaware of any other feelings besides his member gliding along her glossy, shivering cavern, creating a rush of sensation for every mere inch of movement.

The pleasure was becoming almost volatile in his body; he cried out in ecstasy, his hips moving more sloppily now, but still fast. He could feel his fur start to somewhat stand on end despite how damp it was from the perspiration of both partners. The feelings evolved themselves into a long, unbearable drag that stung at his maleness and made him slow his thrusting to an excruciatingly slow pace; in a fit of instinct, the Absol dug his member to as deep as it could manage in the position he was in, causing the Suicune to cry out in pleasure and clench her muscles around him.

Then, without warning, the young male felt the bliss in his loins explode, enthralling his entire body with sensation; his member convulsed vigorously within the she-beast in a climactic fit. The Absol bellowed a deep, masculine cry as it almost felt as if his entire being was draining with each pump of every muscle in his lower abdomen; he held his breath, his mind racked with pleasure, and his heart was beating so violently it could have very well ceased to function.

The male held on to his companion harshly, driving her to clench him back. After a moment of his climax had passed, he began to buck very slightly into her, his member now easily able to move due to an abundance of fluids within. The Suicune bellowed again, this time with a volume that shook her body and reverberated through the cave around them, in a fashion no doubt signifying the pinnacle of pleasure in her own body.

The she-beast gasped sharply and focused her weight on her waist, straddling the young male as his shaft continued to surge within her. The Absol could suddenly feel her innards jolt with abrupt excitement, her muscles squeezing him in a rippling pattern that milked him; this created feelings that pierced through him, enticing him to continue bucking wetly. The two of them clutched at one another as they held their breath through the climax of their mating, effectively locking them together, their sexes interacting flawlessly at the apex of their deed.

When the Absol could no longer hold his breath, he let it out with an accompanying sigh. The Suicune held a little longer, but released her hold on him; he did so as well, and placed his arms at his own sides. The male ended up shuffling his sweaty legs slightly, and the movement that occurred between their sexes shot a twinge of residual bliss through his form, making him gasp. The Suicune's sex had calmed down some, but twitched slightly when the Suicune regained her breath, and repeated with every succeeding inhale.

Both partners remained panting for a time; the Absol waited for his companion to move before he did anything, lest he disturb her afterglow. He wanted to stay in their current position for a long as possible, but he realized he had became aware of the discomfort of the uneven ground below him and the dry cold of the air around them. He could suddenly hear the howling of the icy wind outside as well.

Without warning, the she-beast rattled her legs and toyed with the diminishing member in her sex, making the Absol jump somewhat. She raised her body upwards, her cavern brushing against his sensitive maleness before it was completely exposed to the cool air and fell to his loins with a wet slap. The low temperature was uncomfortable to the young male, but it didn't last long; the Suicune crawled backwards until her face was before his, displaying to him her violet eyes for the first time since the start of their act. She lowered herself them, putting her head on his chest and swathing his member in her fur. The Absol forced a week grin.

'Thank you kindly,' the Suicune's human speeches touched his mind once more. Even without understanding what she was saying, her eyes spoke of gratitude. 'Quite enjoyable, and I appreciate the warmth.'

The Suicune then sat upwards, her form now towering over him. She kept a single paw along her still-swollen sex, wiping away a concoction of pearly fluids that were present.

'You must be exhausted,' the female kept her gaze on his. 'I want you to stay here and wait. You've given me energy enough to fetch us some food.'

Once more, the Absol could understand what she wanted from the way she trained her eyes from him to the cave floor; she wanted him to stay put, no doubt as she went on an errand, most likely for food. Whether it be for herself or for the both of them was left to be seen.

With that, the graceful Suicune walked with a bit of awkwardness to the yawning cave entrance. The Absol curled himself up a little when a crisp breeze somehow found a way in, howling as it chilled the air. The male's body was still quite warm, but his moist body was catching the cold quickly.

The Suicune turned and noticed this, but simply grinned in response. 'I may be gone for a while, but if you get cold in my absence, I promise that I won't hesitate for a moment to heat you right back up when I get back.'

The Absol looked up and watched his partner disappear in the blustering, foggy winter.
Chapter End Notes:I'm new to posting here at AGNPH... My erotic work was mostly dedicated to YiffStar, so if something is amiss please let me know
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    Date:Sep 9 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1
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