AGNPH Stories

A way to your pokemon's heart by Eliv


Chapter 1: First encounter

"Damn it! I can't masturbate like this." Absol growled in frustration as she moved her paw up and down her pussy, but each stroke send a spike of pain up her right paw. She tried using her left paw, but it was no good, her left paw was too clumsy and it only made her hornier and frustrated. Stopping her actions she laid down, laying her head on her forepaws. She thought about a way to get off, using a stick wasn't good enough and there wasn't any male pokemon nearby. And then it hit her My trainer! Why didn't I think of that sooner! She snickered inwardly. Maybe I would have to be a little persuasive but I think it can be done. Setting her mind on the task, she got up and began walking in the direction of their camp, where her trainer would be, careful not to hurt her paw even more.

She walked up to her trainer which was now lying his back against a tree and reading a book."Master," she said softly "I need help." His eyes went up from his book to rest upon her dark face. "Sure, what is it?" He asked, oblivious what his Absol planned for him this time. Laying her right paw on his knee she started "You remember when I hurt my right paw in the battle with that Flareon right?" he nodded wordlessly "As you know my right paw is the dominant one and you see..." she paused for a bit "I tried to relieve some stress by masturbating but my right paw hurts so much I couldn't get it actually done," she sighed "and now I am aroused and can't do anything about it," she looked up at him "but you can."

Her trainer looked at her stunned. Did she just ask me to masturbate her? "Excuse me?" he coughed "Did you just say that I'm to get you off?" she thought for a moment and then said innocently "I guess so," nuzzling to his knee "are you gong to help me 'Master'?

It's not like she's going to tell anyone. Smiling at his Absol he extended his hand and petted her "Alright you horny, 'sol. Let's see what I can do about it." With that he grabbed her like a big kitty which elicited a soft meep from her and laid her down on him, with her back to his front and scritched her chest plafully. "Mmmmm," she said murring and wiggling a little in his grasp "I'm not here for petting." baring her sharp teeth at him to prove her point. Holding the Absol around her chest he began moving his right hand down her body, rubbing her chest, her tummy along his way down. Until his fingers touched a considerably hotter and wetter area - his pokemon's pussy.

If he wasn't experiencing it right now, he wouldn't believe how warm and wet an Absol's vagina can be. He was brought back to reality by Absol's moan as he rubbed her black pussy lips absentmindedly, spreading her wetness all around it, making it easier for him to pleasure her. Still not being able to believe he was just pleasuring his Absol, he leaned his head down next to hers, rubbing his cheek against hers while whispering to her, "How am I doing so far?". Absol murred at him but added, "I'm not made of glass you know? Harder." sticking out her tongue at him, causing him to snicker and adding a considerable amount of pressure on her clit and cunt. Moaning out a little louder the Absol wiggled her hindquarters as a spike of pleasure surged through her loins and her inner walls twitched, begging for something to be inside.

Trainer feeling more adventurous circled his middle finger around the entrance to her body, feeling her writher and moan in his grasp. Eyes closed as his finger began to sink into her, centimeter by centimeter, surrounded by her warm, wet, slick walls, rippling around the intruder. "Yes," she moaned loudly "stick your finger in me..." as he began to move his middle finger around in her, teasing her in the most intimate way possible. As more juices started to flow around his finger, he guessed it is a good time time to add a second one since there were enough of her juices to lubricate his movements. The tip of his point-finger instantly found her entrance and quite easily sunk in, right next to the finger already in her cunt. The Absol was now wiggling, squirming and moaning but his left hand held her quite tightly as he began to thrust his two fingers into her. Slowly at first but his hand eventually picked up a pace.

Absol's love juices now flowing steadily around his thrusting fingers as she neared the climax, her walls rippling around them in short intervals. Realizing she's very close, he smiled at her and licked her face, speeding up his rthytm for last time. His Absol howled in extasy as she climaxed, her walls rippling around his fingers, trying to suck out non-existent seed from his fingers, to quelch the fire in her loins and releasing a gush of her female cum, coating his hand and her crotch instantly. Slowly coming down her high, panting and sweating, she licked his face. Absol watchet him as he pulled his fingers from her and sticking them to his nose, taking a whiff of her ginger-sweet smell. Mmm it smells great he thought and decided to take a lick. He dragged his tongue along his point-finger, his eyes went wide as the candy-sweet taste of his Absol's juices blossomed on his tongue.

Exclaming loudly he looked at her, "Why didn't you tell me you taste so good?". She grinned up at him and reached with her head up, lapping up her juices from his fingers effectively. "You wouldn't leave me alone if I did that!" She laughed at him as she finished cleaning the juices from his fingers, licking her chops. He hugged her close to him and kissed her on her lips causing her to meep in surprise, but smiling afterwards. "We should get you cleaned up though. Let's head to the lake close by." She shook her head "Nah, I've got a better idea." she winked at him.

To be continued.
Chapter End Notes:To be continued? Maybe if people like it
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 15 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: First encounter
    Too short for my liking... But still hot