AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 1

"Mark?" De'voir walked over slowly to her sleeping trainer, letting her gaze fall upon his sleeping face. "Mark..." De'voir let out a deep sigh, gently running her hand through his messy hair. She smiled as she continued to stare at his sleeping face, slowly letting her mind drift off into space.

In her mind, she saw herself standing in a field of flowers. Standing next to her was Mark, and he was holding her hand. She saw herself slowly turn towards her trainer as he did the same, and they slowly wrapped their arms around one another as they moved their faces closer together...

De'voir suddenly snapped out of her daydream, thinking about what she saw, and realizing after so long, how she really felt about Mark, not the normal way a Pokémon feels for its trainer, but that she truly, deeply loved him. All of a sudden, a painful thought crossed her mind: "What if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" As that thought crossed her mind, she felt an aching in her chest. If she told him about her feelings, and he rejected her, what would she do? The more she thought about it, the more pain she felt.

As she thought about it, she suddenly felt her trainer stir in his sleep. "De'voir?" The Gardevoir quickly retracted her hand from her trainer's face before he noticed. "Morning, De'voir..." Mark slowly got up from his bed, and ran his fingers through De'voir's long green hair. As he walked past her into the shower, he failed to notice De'voir's face turn a bright red.

Her beloved trainer in the shower, De'voir stared to imagine what he looked like, the cool water running softly down his naked body, his hair slicked back with water... The more she thought about him, the more she felt a strange sensation welling up inside her, a warm feeling that seemed to fill her chest. Her breathing became heavier, more labored. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to be with him, to be loved by him, and not just the way he did now, she wanted him to be her mate, to spend her life with him.

Just then, Mark came out of the shower. De'voir got into the shower and began to wash herself, letting the water run over her, hoping to somehow clear these thoughts from her mind. Unfortunately, all that did for her was to clear her mind of all other thoughts, leaving her thinking only of her trainer.

Later that night, when she got out of the shower, she found a note on the bed. "Meet me in the forest. - Mark" She walked out of the hotel, and into the nearby forest. After a while, she came to a clearing in the middle of the forest, with a spring, the water alight with the glow of fireflies. Mark stood there, watching the fireflies.

"Mark?" Her trainer turned around. "Amazing, isn't it? I found this spring this afternoon." De'voir found herself staring at her trainer, his body awash with a near magical light. She felt her feelings for him start to rise again. At that moment, she made up her mind. She had to tell him, her feelings for him.

"Mark...I..." De'voir struggled to get out those three words that she had wanted to say to Mark for such a long time, since even before she had been changed. "I...I love you." De'voir looked down, unable to look at Mark's reaction to her confession. "Look...Mark...I..." As she looked up, her eyes met with his. She saw no anger in them, or hatred. Mark smiled slightly, "De'voir...I love you too." De'voir felt tears welling up in her eyes. Mark loved her back, it was a dream come true for her.

"Mark..." De'voir slowly wrapped her arms around him, as he pulled her closer towards him. As their lips touched, De'voir felt her tears streaming down her face. They played around with each other's tongues, as their saliva mixed around in their mouths. The kiss lasted for awhile, and when they finally broke the kiss, De'voir looked deeply into her Mark's eyes. "Mark...I've always loved you, even as a normal Gardevoir, and now, I..." Mark smiled softly. "I know. I've always felt that way as well."

De'voir felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her chest. She felt a strange sensation build inside her. She had to mate with him. Her mind began to waver. Without a second thought, she gently pushed Mark onto the ground. As they locked lips again, their kisses got more passionate. When they broke the kiss, a string of saliva remained hanging between their mouths. They looked into each other's eyes, both knowing what they wanted. De'voir, without even letting go of Mark, used her Psychic to undo his pants. As they continued to kiss, De'voir slid her hand down her lover's pants.

"Ah..." Mark seemed to be struggling. De'voir's face flushed a bright red color as she felt her hand touch his throbbing member. "It...It's so...warm..." She slid his pants off completely, and started to fondle his manhood. Mark slowly slid his fingers into De'voir's vagina, causing her to gasp. "Ahh...Mark...I...Ah!" Mark felt her insides tighten, as De'voir had her first orgasm. "Haah...hah..." Mark removed his hand from inside her, the hand now covered with her love juices.

As wonderful as that felt, De'voir found herself unsatisfied. She slowly got up onto his body, and positioned herself over his member. As she lowered herself slowly onto it, she let out a loud moan as she felt her lover finally enter her. Mark felt something blocking the way, but De'voir simply pushed herself onto him harder, as he broke through her hymen, he felt her blood trickle down his shaft. "De'voir, does...does it hurt?" De'voir gave her love a passionate kiss. "It hurts a little, but its fine. After all, it feels wonderful, this feeling that you're giving me."

After a short while, Mark began to thrust into her, and De'voir stood up, and he began to thrust into her from behind. As they felt themselves reaching their climax, De'voir turned around and began to kiss Mark again. As De'voir felt her womb being pumped full of her beloved trainer's seed and her juices spray past her lover's member, she felt tears running down her face, as she had finally made love with Mark.

Exhausted from the nights activities, the trainer and his Gardevoir, now lovers, made their way back to their hotel and quickly fell asleep, both dreaming of their long futures together.
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