AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 2

"Mmm..." Mark slowly opened his eyes, and looked over at the figure of his beloved Gardevoir, now his lover, still sleeping soundly next to him. As he gazed at her, he found himself enchanted by her beauty. He carefully leaned in closer to her sleeping face and softly pressed his lips against hers. To his surprise, De'voir began to kiss him back, passionately swirling her tongue around his, causing their saliva to mix around their mouths as he held her in his gentle embrace. "Mmm...Good morning, Mark..." The young Gardevoir opened her eyes, looking deeply into the eyes of her trainer.

Even though Mark and his companions had eventually found a way to undo the effects of the mutations that had affected them months back, De'voir had kept her long hair, and all of their companions had retained the ability to speak both human and Pokémon, including Mark and De'voir, of course.

"Mark, are you awake yet?" Mark jumped out of bed when he heard a knock on his door. Sean and J.C. were standing right outside the room, waiting for Mark to go down to the hotel lobby for breakfast, before checking out of the hotel, and Mark and De'voir were together in bed! "Uhh...hold on!" Mark quickly put on a pair of shorts before opening the door, while De'voir quickly dived underneath the covers of the bed.

"Heh...sorry guys, I woke up a little late today, I'm just gonna take a shower first, so you guys go downstairs first and I'll meet you downstairs in a moment." Without even waiting for an answer, Mark simply closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. "Heh...that was close." Mark walked into the bathroom and quickly took his clothes off, failing to notice that De'voir had quietly followed him into the bathroom. As he stepped into the shower and began to wash himself, he was suddenly pushed against the wall by the Gardevoir, who then pressed her lips against his, pushing her tongue into his mouth. While the cool, refreshing water ran over them, the two lovers continued kiss lovingly, nearly forgetting that they had to be downstairs soon, or else the others might get worried and come looking for them. Breaking the kiss abruptly, they decided to wash each other, so as to speed up the process.

Meanwhile, the others were eating at the hotel's outdoor breakfast buffet in the garden, a place made especially for trainers and their Pokémon to eat breakfast together. All of Sean's Pokémon had also returned to their original forms, but could still talk to humans, so they were careful to only talk in Pokémon language, so as not to draw attention to themselves.

For Aegis, Sean's Ninetales, this meant not being able to communicate with Sean, whom everyone in the group knew she was in love with. Of course, the same went for Mia, Sean's Milotic, and Aria, his Altaria. For Sean, it pained him to not be able to talk to his Pokémon, especially Aegis, whom he was also in love with. Sean and Aegis had actually kissed quite often, months back when she was still transformed into a human, but ever since she had returned to being a normal Ninetales again, the two of them seemed to hide their feelings for one another once again. Kimberly, Sean's Charizard, though not in love with him, cared for him as a good friend, and it hurt her to see him in such anguish.

J.C., on the other hand, was unfortunately completely oblivious to the fact that Erika, his Cacturne, had fallen for her master. Arachne, J.C.'s Ariados, knew this, and had tried to get the Cacturne to confess her feelings to him on multiple occasions, but Erika's tough and seemingly emotionless personality stopped her every time. Nicholas, J.C.'s Roserade, stood at the drink stand, drinking his twelfth cup of punch.

"Hey." Mark and De'voir walked into the garden and greeted the others, before going to get food for themselves.

Once the group had checked out of the hotel after breakfast, the group decided to hang around Lilycove City for awhile, until the next ferry to Mosdeep City arrived in port, so that they could continue on their journey, to challenge the Mosdeep City Gym.

So, after deciding to meet back at the ferry pier in two hours, the group split up, with Mark and De'voir heading to the city's outskirts to train, J.C. going to the Lilycove Department Store to stock up on potions and other supplies, and Sean being dragged around Lilycove City by his Pokémon, all of them wanting to see the different attractions and sights Lilycove had to offer.

"Thunderbolt!" De'voir's fingertips began crackling with electricity, and a moment later, she let loose an extremely potent Thunderbolt, knocking out the wild Wingull in one blow. Mark walked up to De'voir once the battle had ended. "Well done, I think that's enough training for today, so let's get back to the pier." De'voir agreed, and walked behind her trainer back towards the city.

At the request of Kimberly, Sean had gone to the Lilycove Art Museum, and later the Lilycove Music Hall at Aria's wishes, and after that, he was dragged to the Lilycove Contest Hall by Mia. Finally, after he could get all his Pokémon back into their Pokéballs without argument, Sean walked back towards the pier, to meet up with the others.

When he reached the agreed meeting point, Mark and De'voir were already there, and awhile later, J.C. came running up to them, having bought a bunch of new supplies at the Lilycove Department Store. Once they were sure they had not left anyone behind, they boarded the ferry headed for Mosdeep City, and waited around on board for the ferry to set sail. As the ride would take about three hours, the group would arrive at Mosdeep at night, so the group set about entertaining themselves, to while away the time.

Later that day, on board the ship, Aegis found herself alone on deck, watching the sunset and the white waves that the ferry left behind as it travelled along the water. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Aegis looked to her right, finding her trainer standing next to her, watching the view as well. "Sean..." Continuing to watch the sunset, Sean asked, without looking at her, "Do you miss it?"

Aegis seemed slightly puzzled. "Miss what?" Smiling, Sean turned to look at her. "You know what I mean. The time before you decided to travel with me, back when you didn't have to pretend to be a Ninetales." Aegis smiled, and turned to look back at the sunset. "Yeah...I miss it slightly. But I would never leave your side, you mean much more to me than that. I mean, what's the use of being able to show my true form, if I'm not with you?"

Sean looked at Aegis, and then turned back towards the sunset. "Thanks...Aegis." He leaned in closer towards Aegis, and whispered into her ear.

"Or maybe I should call you by your real name...Suicune."
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