AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 3

"Mmm...Good Morning, Mark..." De'voir slowly opened her eyes to look deep into those of her trainer. Without saying a word, the Gardevoir gently pulled her trainer closer to her body, pressing her lips up against his for the second time that morning, slowly letting her tongue push into his mouth, while he did the same with his. Their kiss gradually became deeper and more passionate, both of them suspended in their own feelings for each other, a mixture of love and lust, until a sharp knock on their room's door snapped them out of their trance.

"Mark, are you there? We have to go check out the city, remember?" Sean's voice called from behind the door. Mark and De'voir quickly got out of bed, rushed into the bathroom, then rushed out within ten minutes flat, to join their friends outside the Mosdeep City hotel where they were currently residing.

"Sorry we're late!" With Mark and De'voir finally reaching the group of waiting trainers and Pokémon, the group set off to take full advantage of what Mosdeep City had to offer. Mark and De'voir had decided the previous night on the ferry, to visit Shoal Cave to both train and go on their very first "date" together. J.C.'s team had decided to go to the Mosdeep Space Centre, to...learn about space...and stuff.

Sean's team, on the other hand, had planned nothing, since Mia and Aria had fallen asleep in their Pokéballs as soon as the boat had started to move, Kimberly had also fallen asleep after just an hour on the boat, and Sean had left his cabin to find out what Aegis had been doing at the time. So, after some discussion, the five of them decided to simply roam the city and take in its sights.

In the end, they had gone to various places in the city, such as the Mosdeep Market, which, though not as big as the Lilycove Market, was still pretty interesting with all its unique products, or the Mosdeep Fishing Spot, where the group spent an hour watching Sean fish, and while he sadly caught nothing but Magikarp, the mere anticipation of what the next Pokémon would be was excitement enough for Sean's Pokémon, who were happy just to be spending time with their beloved trainer.

Meanwhile, Mark and De'voir had eventually gotten to the second-lowest floor of Shoal Cave, after fighting their way through hoards of Golbat and Sealeo. Though truth be told, the pair had been through so many things together, that those wild Pokémon, and even the Pokémon of most trainers, posed little trouble for them. As they had made their way through the cave, they had found various treasures here and there: Shoal Salt and Shoal Shells, which Mark simply kept in his pockets. Mark knew that the items could be made into a Shell Bell, a powerful item to be held by a Pokémon, but no matter what hold item he obtained, De'voir always preferred to stick with the Razor Fang she had, given to her by Mark when he was a child, and she, a Ralts.

Eventually the couple reached the staircase to the bottom floor, a staircase formed naturally by the constant flow of water in and out of the cave. As De'voir descended down the stairs, coated with a thick layer of ice created by the combination of water and the cave's natural low temperature, her foot suddenly slipped, causing her to fall backwards!

Seeing this, Mark jumped forward, reaching his hand out for De'voir to grab on to! De'voir desperately tried to reach for her lover's outstretched hand, but for a few seconds gravity seemed to triumph over the couple's love for each other. Closing her eyes, De'voir quickly used a powerful Psychic attack to slightly push herself back up the stairs, just enough to let her grab onto Mark's hand!

As her Psychic faded, De'voir began to fall back down, but this time Mark held onto her hand tightly, his only thought being to save his Pokémon, his girlfriend, his lover. Being a Gardevoir, and an especially powerful one at that, De'voir was able to read the rough outline of people's thoughts and emotions, especially if the person she was reading was touching her, and could thus tell what her trainer was thinking at that point in time. As she read Mark's inner thoughts and feelings, she was reminded yet again of the fact that he loved her as much as she loved him, and felt tears well up in her eyes, as well as a burning sensation slowly building up inside her.

Eventually, the weight of both people became too much for the weak staircase to bear, and the top layer of ice on the stair that Mark had been standing on gave way, causing BOTH Mark and De'voir to slide down the icy slope! As they fell, Mark pulled De'voir to him, and gently wrapped his arms around her. De'voir once again closed her eyes, this time simply to immerse herself in the feeling of warmth and safety that her trainer's embrace offered her.

"If I were to die like this, with him, in his arms, I wouldn't have any regrets..." Then, to the surprise of both of them, the staircase ended, but the slope continued onwards, gradually decreasing in incline, causing them to eventually slow to a halt in an immense field of snow, at the bottom floor of Shoal Cave! As Mark slowly let go of De'voir, the two of them simply looked around, with De'voir using her powers to scan for other Pokémon nearby.

"De'voir, are you oka-" Mark's sentence was cut short when his Gardevoir suddenly pressed her body into his, kissing him more passionately than ever before. Both lovers, hearts still racing from their earlier incident, continued to kiss with a heat that seemed to keep them warm, even in the frigid depths of Shoal Cave. De'voir gently pushed Mark onto the ground, bringing his back in contact with the snow. She couldn't help but laugh as Mark quickly shot up, the freezing powder seeping into his shirt.

Mark then lifted De'voir onto her feet, and pushed her against the wall, which had considerably less snow. He lightly and lovingly brushed the long strands of hair out of her face, embracing her slowly, proceeding to brush his lips against hers, licking her lips as he did, causing her to moan in delight. As he did this, De'voir used one of her hands to undo his pants, while she kept the other hand around his neck. De'voir gently wrapped her fingers around Mark's erect length, slowly stroking it, then every once in a while, using her first finger to rub the tip of his length, covering the head of it in precum.

After a while, Mark positioned his manhood right at the entrance to De'voir's slit, using it to rub against her sensitive pink lips, causing her breathing to get heavier, more labored. As the tip of Mark's length began to penetrate her, De'voir let out a moan of pleasure, as she felt her senses overcome with lust. When the thing went all the way in, De'voir bit her lip, so as to only let a gasp escape her lips, both her arms around Mark's neck now, and her legs around his waist.

"Ah...ah..." Mark began to move his hips, gradually thrusting into her, causing her to gasp out in pleasure each time. De'voir held tightly to her lover as she reached her limit, her hot, moist juices spurted past Mark's member, as she let out a soft cry. After pausing for awhile, to allow De'voir to catch her breath, the couple proceeded to continue on with their lovemaking within the deepest reaches of Shoal Cave.

Back at Mosdeep City, Sean and his Pokémon had just walked around for more than half the day, so they wearily sat down on a bench near the edge of the upper part of Mosdeep City, overlooking the sea.

"Mia, Aria, return." A bright flash of red light enveloped Sean's Milotic and Altaria, returning the two Pokémon back into their Pokéballs. Kimberly then returned to her Pokéball, leaving Sean and Aegis alone. As Sean slowly let his aching feet rest up for the trek back to the hotel, Aegis quietly sidled up next to him, resting her head on his lap.

"Aegis..." Sean put one hand on his Ninetales' head, slowly stroking her head, slowly running his fingers through her smooth, luxurious golden fur, causing her to moan softly in content. Aegis looked up at her trainer, gazing straight into his pale red eyes, and found herself unable to look away. Sean looked the fox Pokémon, his loving smile causing her heart to slowly melt.

Before she even knew what she had done, she found herself with her lips locked with his, her tongue heatedly sliding in between his lips, taking her time to slide her tongue around his. She jumped slightly when she felt his arms wrap around her body, his embrace pulling her closer to his body.

"Sean..." Aegis closed her eyes, letting herself get completely drawn in by the feeling of their tongues intertwining with each other, the taste of his saliva being mixed with hers inside her mouth, the warmth of his embrace. Suddenly, Sean broke the kiss, much to Aegis's disappointment.

"You coming?" Sean began to walk off into the direction of the hotel, his voice becoming surprisingly seductive, a tone that Aegis had never heard her trainer use before.

Her moist slit already dripping with arousal from the kiss, Aegis ran off, towards her trainer.
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