AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 4

"Ahh...Sean..." Aegis let her trainer's name escape her lips, her body shivering with anticipation, as the two of them continued to kiss romantically. They were in the safety of their room now, no one could bother them. Aegis used her front paws to lightly push her lover onto their bed, slowly climbing on top of him, running her tongue up his shirtless chest as she did so.

"Aegis..." Sean watched as Aegis arched her back, using her teeth and tongue simultaneously to undo his pants, his breathing becoming rather erratic as he gradually got aroused by his Ninetales' actions. Aegis looked back at her trainer, her back legs gently kicking off his pants, revealing his erect manhood. Sean looked deeply into the eyes of his Pokémon, her beautiful crimson eyes filled with a swirl of emotions, the most of which he could make out was the feeling she held for him:


"Alright, Sean...I'm ready..." Aegis carefully positioned herself over him, her moist, tender folds situated directly over his shaft, as she slowly lowered her body.

As she felt herself being penetrated by him - the one person who had been there by her side when she needed him most, the one person who had always stuck up for her, who had trained her, been with her through thick and thin, the one person whom she loved so dearly - she felt tears slowly forming at her eyes.

She had finally become one with him.

"Ahh...Mmm...Ah!" His erect length slowly made its way into her, and as it grinded itself against the convulsing walls of Aegis's womanhood, she could feel every ridge and bump on Sean's hard member. She braced herself as she felt it touch her hymen, but she pushed herself down onto it even harder, wanting her virginity to be taken by him, no matter what pain it caused her.

"Nghh...AHHH!!!" Sean's length broke through her hymen, but the pain caused her to let go of her legs, causing her to fall completely down onto him, his shaft suddenly ramming against the opening of her womb, the sudden, unexpected feeling of it pushing through so quickly caused her mind to nearly snap, and she felt herself reach her limit far too quickly.

As she hit her climax, she felt a strange sensation build up inside of her. All of a sudden, a bright, white light enveloped the Ninetales, and once the light had faded, to their amazement, Aegis's body had undergone a drastic change! Her fur had changed color, from a beautiful golden color to a stunning blue, adorned with white rhombus-shaped spots, her underside a pure white, like freshly fallen snow. Her nine tails had merged into just two, white, streamer-like tails. But most noticeably of all, her forehead now had a hexagonal, aquamarine-colored crystal on it, a definite confirmation of what she had become.

" look..." Sean felt the words just slipping from his mouth, he felt like he was being drawn into her beauty, as the sky-painted creature turned its head slowly, to look at her lover.

"It's...been awhile...since I looked like this..." Aegis seemed to glace away from her trainer, ashamed of her new form, afraid that Sean would shun her new form. Sean smiled, using one hand to cup her cheek, gently turning her head to face him once again. What came next was a pleasant surprise for her.

"Aegis, you don't have to be afraid. I always knew what you were, you knew that yourself...We've shared your secret for over ten years, and we've never let it get in our way. I fell in love with you not for your species, or your looks, or any other single aspect of your being. I fell in love with YOU...for who you are, and always will be." With that, he brought her body closer to his, his arms wrapped around her neck, and brought the Aurora Pokémon into his embrace, kissing her deeply.

Aegis felt all her troubles, all her doubts float away as they kissed. She felt slightly foolish, for thinking that he would love her any less if she was in her true form. As they kissed, Sean's erect manhood, still buried deep inside Aegis's body, began to throb again, causing the Suicune to let out a soft moan.

As they held each other, they started to make love again, this time with Aegis in her true form: Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon, the embodiment of purity and the north wind.

"Master, I'm...hungry." J.C. looked at his Cacturne, her hand on her stomach, as if to show her hunger. Glancing at a nearby clock, J.C. sighed. It had been about eight hours since they last ate, and even Erika, who, being a Cacturne, was usually able to get by meals without food, had voiced her hunger to him.

As Erika ate her food, she hastily thanked her "Master" before continuing to eat. They'd had a fairly eventful day, with going to the Mosdeep Space Center as well as training for hours on the beach.

After the meal, J.C. decided to head back to the hotel, since Mark and Sean had probably gone back there as well, and get a good night's rest, to prepare for the Gym battle tomorrow. Returning Arachne and Nicholas to their Pokéballs, J.C. headed back to the hotel, with Erika as company.

"De'voir, Psychic!" Mark and De'voir had spent hours inside the frozen depths of Shoal Cave, finally emerging into the cold, crisp night air outside, defeating a flock of Golbat along the way. They sat down on the beach outside the cave, and watched the stars together for awhile.

When they returned to the hotel, they found that Sean and J.C. had already retreated to their rooms for the night to rest up, and recharge their energy for the following day's Gym battle.

After she had taken a shower, De'voir walked out of the bathroom, still drying her hair, and sat on the bed next to her trainer. Mark had already taken a shower before her, and had fallen fast asleep, exhausted from the day's events. The Gardevoir climbed into bed, planting a soft kiss on her lover's lips, before happily drifting off...
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