AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 6

"Let's begin." Sean stood on one end of the battlefield, completely relaxed, his eyes silently tracing even the slightest movement, even the smallest twitch, out of his opponent's Pokémon. The Pokémon watched each other from the opposite sides of the battlefield, their only movement being occasional twitches, their breathing, and the Claydol's endless spinning.

The silence was incredible. Both sides seemed to be playing it defensively, each unwilling to make the first move. The four Pokémon simply seemed to be watching carefully, for any sign of an attack from the opposing side, while at the same time remaining completely still. A heavy sense of tension began to fill the room.

"Aria, Draco Meteor!" A simple sentence from Sean shattered the silence. The twin Leader's Pokémon began their attack, the Xatu flying high into the air, while the Claydol's eyes began to glow a bright yellow. As the Xatu ascended into the air, it kept its head down, scanning for any attacks that might arise from the battlefield.

Suddenly, the Xatu's ascent was halted by an object, something, above it. When the Xatu looked up, its eyes grew wide. Above the Xatu was Aria, a huge blue sphere rapidly growing around her chest. The worried squawk from the Xatu caused the Claydol to look up, only to be stuck staring at the huge blue mass of energy and feathers as well.

"Hydro Pump!" Taking the opportunity, Mia slithered quickly forwards, until the Claydol was in her range, her mouth gathering water at an increased rate. By the time the Claydol realized it, it was too late: a huge stream of water shot from the attacking Milotic's mouth, the pressure slamming the startled Claydol into the wall, crumpling it on the floor in a heap.

"Xatu and Claydol are unable to fight! The fight goes to the challenger!" The twin Gym Leaders, defeated, proceeded to call their Pokémon back, and to award Sean with his Mind Badge.

"Congratulations." Sean looked down at his "Ninetales", his hand gently stroking her neck, causing the disguised Aurora Pokémon to moan softly, almost to the point of purring. Thanking the Gym Leaders and calling his Pokémon back, Sean rejoined the group, and left the Gym.

"Ahh...I'm tired..." De'voir flopped onto the bed, lying still for awhile, while her trainer proceeded to pack their belongings. This, though sounding difficult for one person to accomplish alone, was actually very simple, seeing as how Mark only carried a single sling bag full of belongings, and De'voir, being a Pokémon, carried only her held item, her Razor Fang.

"Alright, we're all set." Mark stood up straight, relieved to be stretching his body after about an hour bent over and running around the room. As he turned to face the bed, he suddenly felt his body become unable to move.

"What the..." Before he knew it, he was lying face-up on the bed, with his Gardevoir sitting happily on his stomach. Mark opened his mouth to say something, but quickly got cut off by De'voir leaning in and kissing him. Surprised as he was, he just gently wrapped his arms around her, lovingly pulling her closer to him.

"Mark..." De'voir slid her tongue in and out of her trainer's mouth, moaning softly as he did the same to her, her mind occasionally slipping and going blank, as her senses overflowed with the waves of emotions steadily flowing out of the two of them.

"De'voir...I love you..."

"Where's J.C.?" Mark and De'voir arrived at the breakfast buffet the next morning, to find the rest of the group all there before them as usual, except that J.C. was nowhere to be seen.

"He had...a phone call...waiting for him at...the front desk..." Sean mumbled in between bites, as he basically inhaled a plate of bacon and toast. De'voir sat down at the table, as Mark walked off into the crowd to get breakfast for the two of them.

"Here you go." Mark placed a plate of waffles in front of his Pokémon, before sitting himself down, and beginning to eat. Throughout the meal, the group discussed various topics, the most common of which was where they would go next. When breakfast was almost over, the group had gotten a dilemma on their hands:

"How do we get to Sootopolis City?" The group's next destination would, as anyone would guess, Sootopolis City, the city in the giant crater just south of Mosdeep. There awaited their final Gym, and their coming battles for the Rain Badge. However, there were only two ways to get into the city - One, flying straight into the city from above, and the other, an entrance at the bottom of the crater, deep underwater. Since none of their Pokémon could use Dive, they thought of using Aria's Fly, but she could barely hold Sean's weight, let alone all three trainers! Plus, Mark refused to call De'voir back, and Sean refused for Aegis, leaving at least five individuals needing to be transported!

"What about your helicopter?" The group turned to face J.C., now trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with the whole table. After being pushed for awhile, J.C. finally admitted that he could only use the helicopter if he went home to visit his family for the first time in years. Looking at his friend's questioning looks as to why he refused to return, J.C. explained.

"It's...not that I hate it family's barely there, anyways...which I don't mind, their lifestyle isn't really mine, with all the galas and fancy dinners and stuff...they even acknowledge my lifestyle as well, travelling the world as a trainer. If I recall, when I first called home after all those years being captured by Team Magma, they were just happy that I was well!"

Though they understood how he felt somewhat, Mark, Sean and their Pokémon still didn't understand his hesitation in returning home. Not only would they be able to get to Sootopolis City, J.C. would also get to see his family for the first time in years! Before they could ask him about it though, J.C. continued his explanation.

"It's just...well...Erika, Arachne and Nicholas weren't my only Pokémon. I had five in all, but when I left home, and just before I had gotten captured by Team Magma to join you guys, I left four of them behind at home. When I called home to get the rest of my Pokémon back, I left...two of them behind."

At this point, J.C.'s usual smiling face had completely dissipated, his eyes seemed to drift off, as if remembering some memories. His friends felt his sadness, and patiently waited for him to finish his story.

"My Pokémon were more than just that, they were, and still are, my friends, just like you two. They were also my protectors, with Erika and the other two beating out Arachne and Nicholas in battle, and stood by me, no matter what I had been accused of doing, or wherever I was asked to go. Eventually, I left the two of them behind, not because I hated or disliked them, but...well...honestly I don't know why. The thought of seeing her again made me say the least, and my chest ached whenever I thought of her. So, I left her behind, along with the other one, to keep her company. They were always good friends, anyways."

Mark and Sean looked at each other. Moving to sit closer to him, they put their hands on his shoulders, and gently consoled J.C., who at this point had tears welling up in his eyes, though he couldn't tell it himself. After a long talk, which had lasted about an hour or two, J.C. finally made up his mind. He stood up from the table, and walked off to make the phone call home.

"Anxious?" Mark and De'voir sat next to J.C. on the helicopter, the aircraft rapidly making its way across Hoenn, towards the island of which J.C.'s family called home. Together they spoke to their friend, making sure to not reveal their romantic relationship, and to calm down the normally calm and composed young man, whom was now fidgety as could be.

"'s been so long, probably don't remember what I look like anymore, anyways..." Slowly J.C.'s mind began to wander off again, as he gazed absent-mindedly out the window, his memories of a certain Pokémon flowing as clearly as a stream into his consciousness.


Meanwhile, on a certain island between Hoenn and Johto, a single silhouette sat alone on a cliff, gazing at the horizon, as she did whenever she had free time. Her eyes closed, she daydreamt of a certain human, his metallic-green hair gleaming slightly in the sun, while his crystal-clear azure eyes squinted slightly from the sun's brightness. Slowly she raised her right hand, gently laying it to rest on the spike which protruded from her chest, gripping it slightly, as a tear gently fell from her eye.

"I miss you...Master J.C...."
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