AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 7

"I miss you...Master J.C...." On a certain island in the middle of Hoenn and Johto, a single silhouette sat alone on a cliff, gazing at the horizon, as she always did when she had free time. Her eyes closed, she daydreamt of a certain human, his metallic-green hair gleaming slightly in the sun, while his crystal-clear azure eyes squinted slightly from the brightness of the sun's rays. She slowly raised her right hand, gently laying it to rest on the spike which protruded from her chest, gripping it slightly, as a tear gently fell from her eye.

"Tha...That aura..." The female's ears twitched slightly in the wind as her senses picked up the slightest amounts of aura, slowly approaching the island from far away. The aura was...familiar...but she kept trying to shake it off. She remembered that exact aura, couldn't be him. Could it? No, it was probably just a passing airplane, with someone having a similar aura, right?

"'s just...a similar aura..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island...

" my home...or at of them..." J.C. seemed to fidget in his seat, as a huge mansion on an island gradually came into view. His friends stared unblinking, in total awe, at the island their friend had grown up in. His family owned the entire island, from the beaches to the cliffs, from the fields to the waterfalls.

"J.C....your incredible..." As the group stepped off the helicopter, J.C. began to point at various things of interest along the path to the house itself. When the group had reached the house itself, a maid seemingly appeared out of nowhere, to take their bags, and to welcome them to the mansion. As they walked along a large hallway, the maid suddenly stopped in front of a huge pair of doors.

" my room..." J.C. seemed slightly hesitant, but placed a hand on the door knob, turning it so slowly, that every click, rattle and creak of the door opening echoed through the halls. As he opened the doors, the rest of the group dropped their jaws so low, that they almost hit the floor.

J.C.'s room...was enormous.

As J.C. walked slowly into the room, each of his footsteps seemingly soaking in intense memories through the floorboards, his friends followed slowly behind him, not wanting to interrupt the return of his childhood memories.

"Master..." J.C. stopped suddenly, he thought he could barely, just barely, make out the sound of someone crying softly in the next room. Or rather, the second-third of his room, since his room was so big that it had to be split into three rooms, each separated by a frosted glass door.

" anyone there?" J.C.'s slowly opened the translucent door, while through the glass he could faintly make out the silhouette of a person lying on his bed. As he opened the door, he could make out the person's shape suddenly jump out of his bed upon hearing him open the door. The moment he opened the door fully, he just managed to catch a glimpse of a familiar blue-colored tail escape out the window.

"Lucia, wait!"

"J.C....?" Before his friends could ask him about anything, the young man did something that his friends, and even his Pokémon, never expected the calm and composed J.C. to do. EVER.

He jumped out the window.


"J.C., are you alright?!" The group rushed to the window, only to see J.C. running off into the forest next to the mansion, chasing after something, or someone that he had seen.

Later that day...

"Mark..." De'voir sat down onto the bed, lustfully trying her best to entice her trainer...her bed, though the blonde human seemed to take no notice. Mark simply rushed about the room, unpacking their belongings...and trying his best to resist his Gardevoir, though unknown to her. Or so it seemed.

"Mmm..." The Embrace Pokémon, true to her name, quietly snuck behind her lover while his back was turned, and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling him softly with her head. Mark smiled to himself, setting down the last of his things on the desk J.C. had provided, before suddenly grabbing hold of De'voir's hand, whisking her around him in the blink of an eye, so that she was in front of him, face to face.

"De'voir..." Mark pulled her closer to him, locking lips with her in a passionate kiss. He licked her tongue gently, before wrapping it around hers, bringing it into his mouth slowly. Her tongue completely in her mouth, Mark began to suck gently on it, causing the amorous Gardevoir to let out a soft moan, which came out muffled, given that her tongue had been unable to move from its position.

" turn..." Without much warning, as soon as the kiss broke, De'voir used a Psychic attack to push Mark onto the bed, then hopped onto the bed as well, and sat herself onto his lower half. Before he could even argue, the overly-aroused Pokémon used another Psychic attack to yank off the trainer's pants and shorts, revealing the erect member underneath.

"Heh...I see you've been fighting it..." De'voir's vulva dripped with arousal, she gazed lovingly at her lover, her hands working on his organ, as though in a trance. Suddenly, she brought herself down onto him, causing his full length to plunge into her depths, the shaft pleasantly stretching apart her walls, making her moan loudly all of a sudden.

"Ah...ah...ahh..." She raised herself almost completely off his shaft, before bringing her hips crashing down onto him, repeating the process again and again with increasing speed and force, her pleasure-filled exclamations increasing in volume with each thrust. Though not their first time mating, De'voir enjoyed every moment of it fully, feeling each and every vein on his throbbing length grind into her inner walls, the sensations near completely overpowering her senses, each feeling edging her closer and closer to her peak.

"Ahh...Mark...I'm gonna..." De'voir's insides clenched themselves tightly around Mark's member, the pulsating seemingly trying to draw out the white liquid within, like a vacuum. Mark held tightly onto her legs as she continued to pound her mate, the wet 'thwap' sounds from their lovemaking filling the air, strangely turning her on even more, making her insides tighten even further around him. Just before her climax, she felt his organ grow even bigger and harder, signaling to her that he too, was approaching his limit. Increasing the speed of the pounding even more, the liquid from their bond began to overflow, the force from the pounding causing it to go everywhere.

"Ahh...I can't take it anymore, fill my womb!" De'voir's walls clenched around her lover's shaft, her love juices suddenly spilling out of her like a river, the warm liquid engulfing their union and spilling past her lover's organ, soaking the bed sheets completely. Her orgasm pushed Mark past the limit as well, and she felt the intense sensation of his seed being steadily pumped, deep into her womb.

"Mmm..." The exhausted Gardevoir collapsed onto her trainer, who embraced her tightly, bringing her in for another kiss, before drifting off to sleep as well, his softening length still deep inside her.


"Hey, Sean..." Aegis - in Ninetales form - sat down on her trainer's bed, her furry mass of tails waving back and forth, as she watched Sean unpack their belongings around the room. She smiled to herself as she watched the young man scurry around the room, his golden ponytail swishing about, much like her own tails.

"Hmm..." The Fox Pokémon watched her mate, images of what she wanted to do to him filling her mind, causing her to growl softly. Sean stopped moving upon hearing his Pokémon's growl, and turned around to face her.

"Umm...Aegis?" Aegis had reverted back to her normal Suicune form, and had taken up a crouched position on the bed, looking ready to pounce on him at any moment. Instead of jumping on him, however, she leapt over him, landing behind him with a soft 'thud'. Sean spun around, but before he could react, the Aurora Pokémon tackled him, pushing him onto the bed.

"Hmm..." Her lower entrance already sopping wet, the legendary Pokémon jumped onto the bed, pinning Sean down with her forepaws. A sly smile forming on her lips, she descended on her lover...

Later that night...

"Good Evening." Mark and De'voir made their way to the dining room for dinner, using the Embrace Pokémon's Psychic abilities to navigate through J.C.'s massive home, finding Erika and Nicholas already there, but with J.C. still nowhere to be seen!

"J.C.? Hmm...haven't seen him." When Sean and his Pokémon arrived for dinner as well, they decided to look for him after the meal. Before they could even begin to eat, however, J.C. entered the dining room, with someone following behind him.

"Guys...this is Lucia." Standing behind J.C. was Lucia, a Lucario, and according to Arachne, one of J.C.'s three strongest Pokémon. Each of the three apparently had the job of protecting J.C. when he was young, in time growing to be both his bodyguards and companions.

"Good Evening..." The Aura Pokémon gave a small bow, before following her trainer to the table, sitting down, and beginning to eat. Throughout the meal, Mark, De'voir, Sean and Aegis couldn't help but watch the Lucario as she kept gazing at her trainer, a slight blush forming on her face each time he looked back at her, causing her to look away.

"Ah...what am I thinking...he wouldn't fall in love with me, I'm a Pokémon..." Later that night, Lucia stood in front of a mirror, both admiring herself, and cursing her fate to have been born a Pokémon. "Then again...if I weren't a Pokémon, then I never would have met master J.C...." She was taller than the average Lucario, being almost as tall as her trainer, and had slightly longer spikes, which each pointed upwards at a slight angle.

"Hey..." Lucia jumped as she heard knocking on her room's door. Opening it, she found her beloved master standing outside, looking slightly confused and flustered. Letting him in, she asked him why he had left her behind when he left to become a trainer, her voice shaking as she asked, the memories of the day he left filling her head once more, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Lucia, I...left you behind because..." J.C. told the Lucario the whole story he had told his friends while on the helicopter, and when he had finished, Lucia's face had turned a bright red.

"Master J.C....I..." She knew he had little or no idea how he felt about her, but she knew his true feelings were what she had always wished for. He loved her, not as just as a Pokémon, but as a female! As he stood up to leave, the Aura Pokémon grabbed his hand, making him turn to look at her, but before he could ask what she was doing, she pulled him towards him, pressing her lips against his.

"Lucia..." J.C. broke the kiss, causing Lucia to look away from him. Had she made a mistake? Did he actually hate her? If not, he surely hated her now-

"Mmmph!" J.C. wrapped his arms around her, locking lips with her, passionately this time. Surprised at first, Lucia eventually embraced him as well, pressing back into the kiss. When the kiss finally broke, Lucia looked at J.C. a sly smile on his lips.

"You...knew about your feelings all along, didn't you...?"

"Yeah, for the past month now...I just didn't know how you felt."

"Master J.C., I've loved you for years now."

Looking at his Lucario, J.C. embraced her once more, gently pushing her onto the bed.

"Lucia...I should have told you this a long time ago, but..." J.C. looked deep into the blazing crimson eyes of his Lucario, leaning in and whispering something into her ears, causing her built up tears to flow freely as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him passionately.

"Lucia...I love you."
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