AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 8

"Lucia, let's go!" Upon his command, J.C.'s Lucario launched a flurry of fiery kicks, reducing the multitude of wooden targets in front of her to ash and splinters in a moment, before using Hi Jump Kick to shatter boulders of various shapes and sizes, finishing off with utilizing ExtremeSpeed to launch a fierce storm of kicks, breaking her last few targets within seconds.

"Haaahhh...How was that, Master?" Lucia stood up a regained composure, surveying how she had done on the training field, then turning to her trainer for his assessment on her progress.

A long time ago, J.C.'s family had built a huge training ground for his Pokémon to train on, though since Erika's fighting style used her opponent's powers against them, she had to train by sparring against J.C.'s other Pokémon, while Lucia grew up and trained by focusing on honing her skill with her legs, causing her to be taller than most Lucario, thanks to her legs growing longer with the training.

"You did great." J.C. praised the Aura Pokémon by petting her lovingly on the head, causing her to let out a contented growl, then wrapped his arms around his Lucario lover, embracing her and locking lips with her in a kiss, making her whine softly.

A natural born strategist, J.C. had trained his first three Pokémon extremely well, since he had had them since young, teaching each one to focus on a single style of fighting, and they all eventually grew into very powerful fighters.

"Heh, Arachne wasn't joking about her being one of your three strongest." Mark, Sean and the other Pokémon watched from outside the training ground's perimeter, impressed with Lucia's abilities.

"Our turn, then." Mark stepped onto the training ground, walking to where J.C. had been standing, while J.C. made his way towards Sean and the others, with Lucia happily following behind him. Though both Mark's relationship with De'voir and Sean's relationship with Aegis were unknown to the rest of the group, J.C.'s feelings toward his Lucario were well known, and vice-versa.

Taking her place in the centre of the field, De'voir waited for the new set of targets to be arranged properly onto the field, before beginning.

"De'voir." Mark casually said his partner's name, and without another word, De'voir's eyes began to glow a bright violet as she prepared to attack her imaginary opponents, the rocks and pebbles at her feet beginning to levitate a few millimeters of the ground.

The wooden targets were first, and with a single Psychic attack, De'voir lifted every single one off the ground effortlessly, and then crushed them into powder. Next, the boulders, all of which froze almost instantly with a single blow from the Gardevoir's Icy Wind attack, then shattered by a mass of Shadow Ball attacks. Lastly, De'voir used Thunderbolt to strike the field, annihilating her last few targets.

Throughout the seventeen years of his life, Mark had trained hundreds of Psychic-type Pokémon, and yet another hundred of other types. However, out of all of those, De'voir had been the only Pokémon he had ever owned, and the pair had been together for as long as they could remember. Through all the time they had spent together, the two had developed an unbreakable bond, giving Mark the ability to guide De'voir in battle wordlessly.

"De'voir...she's strong, maybe as strong as me..." Aegis made a mental note to never anger De'voir, after having seen her deciminate the entire field in mere moments.

"Sean? You and Aegis want a try?" Sean looked at Aegis. She had never openly fought in front of the others properly, for risk of exposing her true identity as the Aurora Pokémon, and didn't plan to start now, so Sean politely declined J.C.'s offer, and the whole group returned to the house to rest. The Sootopolis Gym was approaching soon, and they had to prepare to go against the leader, Juan, so they had spent the whole of the day training, even though they had just arrived the day before.

" you ever...regret coming with me?" Alone in their room, Sean began to speak with Aegis. Aegis gave Sean a look that reassured him of her feelings, before pinning him down to the bed with her legs, for the third time since they had arrived, and began to run her tongue over his neck, slowly lapping lower down, sending a shiver of anticipation through her trainer's body. Her tongue felt...soft, like water running over his body.

"Mmm...I love how you taste..." As Aegis continued to lick her lover all over, she felt her crotch slowly moisten, aroused by the taste of his skin. As she continued to lick lower and lower down, her vulva began to drip with excitement, the erotic sensation making her whine softly.

"Ahh, Sean!" Unable to take any more, she began to grind her moist entrance against the hard bump in her lover's pants, the feeling of his Suicune's snatch steadily rubbing against him causing Sean's member to stiffen and erect, painfully pressing against the inside of his shorts. Seeing her lover ache for her insides turned Aegis on even further, using her hind legs and teeth to rip off his garments, leaving his hard manhood pointing straight up at her.

"Sean..." Using Extrasensory to guide his shaft, she positioned herself such that her dripping entrance was directly above it, lowering herself gently onto him. She felt him enter her, and let out a cry of pleasure as the sensation of her partner's organ grinding into her filled her mind, her senses overwhelmed.

"My turn." Sean suddenly grabbed the Aurora Pokémon's forelegs, flipping her onto her back while his manhood remained buried deep inside her, making her cry out in pleasure once more. Spreading her hind legs wide apart, he positioned himself between them, holding on tightly to her hips.

"Ahh...Sean...give it to me..." Sean leant forwards, this time licking her neck as he rammed continually into her, causing her to cry out yet again. Wrapping her two ribbon-like tails around him, Aegis began to pant heavily as she felt her lover thrust into her, his entire length felt like it was splitting her in two, the tip hitting the entrance of her womb, her cervix.

"Mmm...Haaahhh..." By now Aegis's consciousness had almost faded completely, the sounds and smell of their lovemaking driving her to the brink of lustful insanity, her tongue hung loosely out her mouth as she watched Sean continue to pound her soaked womanhood, and she felt herself nearing her limit.

"Sean...fill me...with your seed..." Sean felt his lover's insides tighten and clench, telling him she was approaching her peak soon, the added tightness pushing him closer to his own.

"Ahh...SEAN!" Sean pulled himself almost completely out of Aegis, then suddenly drove himself in deep, the head of his organ slammed against her cervix, setting her off. Fluids poured out of her entrance, her passage convulsing erratically as she came, crying out her mate's name. The pulsating sensations drove Sean past his limit as well, and he pumped his seed into the waiting womb of his lover, nearly emptying himself into her.

"Ahh...I love you..." Exhausted, Sean collapsed onto his mate, the mixture of their juices dripping out of her entrance as he pulled out of her. Aegis held him tightly with her forelegs, enjoying the feeling of his breathing against her chest, as they drifted off together.


"Mmm...Master..." Lucia pushed her tongue into her lover's mouth while he did the same, their tongues entwining lovingly as they kissed long and hard, their saliva freely dribbling down the side of Lucia's mouth, it wasn't easy to kiss as a Lucario, but she enjoyed every bit of it. Seductively, she led J.C. over to his bed, before jumping onto it and bending over, revealing her moist entrance, already slick with her juices.

"Master J.C....I've waited for this for years...make me yours..."
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