AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Chronicles by lightningmatrix


Chapter 9

"Master J.C....I've waited years for this...make me yours..." Lucia knelt onto the bed and bent over, revealing herself to her trainer. J.C. followed her onto the bed and knelt down behind her, her inflamed vulva already molten with anticipation. He placed his hand on her back gently, and slid it all the way down, enjoying the feel of her fur between his fingers, her warmth against his hand, her breathing, everything about her. Lucia felt her trainer stroking her, his fingers combing through her soft fur, making her body shiver with pleasure. Using his other hand, J.C. began to softly caress the area around her entrance, causing it to twitch slightly, his fingers rubbing against her folds, her juices dribbling out slowly. Making sure she was ready, he slid two of his fingers inside her, the fluid allowing him to easily penetrate her depths. The Lucario gave a surprised yip when his fingers entered her, slowly adjusting herself to the feel of his warmth inside her, before giving a soft whine and pushing back against his hand, telling him to proceed.

"Master..." J.C. slowly began to slide his fingers in and out, his Lucario letting out various growls and pants as he pleasured her. Using a third finger, he began to trace a line down her slit each time his two fingers entered her, increasing the amount of pleasure she felt. By now Lucia had begun to lose it, her panting became faster and her breathing became erratic, her walls contracting around his fingers desperately, as if trying to hold him in place. J.C.'s free hand stopped stroking her back, switching to the front, stimulating her chest while he continued to finger her with the other hand. The added sensations became too much for the Aura Pokémon to handle, and she let out a howl as her passage clamped around his fingers, drenching them in her fluids.

"Please Master...Take me..." J.C. obliged, moving forward until he was directly behind her, his member positioned right at her entrance. Holding onto her hips tightly, her pierced her depths all the way through, breaking her virginity and hilting himself completely into her, making her howl from the intense sensations of being penetrated all the way through for the first time. She felt every vein and bulge in his shaft grinding against her inner passages, the feeling being more than anything she had ever dreamed. Yet, she couldn't be satisfied, not until she felt him pump his seed into her womb.

Before she had even grown accustomed to the feel of his manhood inside her, he began to pull out of her, setting off a whole new set of sensations, making her arch her back towards him, as if to keep up with his shaft. Before he had fully pulled out, though, he slammed his length back into her, making her growl and howl out in pleasure once more. Slowly but steadily, her trainer began to increase the speed of his thrusts, slamming the tip of his length into the entrance of her womb each time, edging her closer to her peak.

"Ahh! Master, I'm gonna...come...ahh..." As he felt her insides tighten, he too, began to near his limit, his thrusts slowing down to delay the inevitable. Just before he reached his peak however, he pulled out almost completely, then rammed into her one final time. That final thrust did it for Lucia, her walls clamping tightly around her trainer's member, her juices gushing out of her, while she felt his seed being pumped deep into her waiting womb.

"I love you, Master J.C...." Exhausted, Lucia collapsed onto the bed, enjoying the feel of their fluids mixing inside her, dripping out of her little by little. J.C. laid beside his new mate, holding her tightly, unwilling to let her go after being reunited after so long.

"I love you, Lucia..."

The next morning...

"Shh..." Sunlight filtered quietly through the windows, gently rousing a young Gardevoir from her rest. Yawning lightly, De'voir lazily rolled herself to the edge of the bed, before sitting up slowly, blinking open her eyes to look around the room.

Scanning the room with her eyes, De'voir looked for signs of where her mate had gone off to. Her gaze eventually came to a stop at the bathroom door, it and the wall separating the bedroom from the bathroom were both made entirely of frosted glass, allowing the Embrace Pokémon to see the vague silhouette of her lover showering through the translucent wall. She felt her mind slowly going blank, as she imagined her mate in the shower, the warm water running down his body.

"Hmm...?" Hearing a soft creaking sound, Mark turned the shower off and looking around. Seeing nothing particularly of interest, he turned back to start the shower again, and found himself looking right into two very familiar bright-red eyes.

"De'voir, what are you - mmmph!" Before he could react, De'voir pinned him to the shower wall with her hands, pressed her lips against his, and drew her lover gently into her embrace.

"Mmm...good morning, De'voir."

Later that day after much discussion, the group decided to leave J.C.'s island, mostly based on J.C.'s decision, and continue their journey by helicopter to Sootopolis City, and get their eighth and final badges. They would leave in the evening, so they spent the afternoon preparing to leave.

Sean spent the first half of the afternoon packing up, then spent the remaining time training with his Pokémon for their upcoming trials. Mia and Aria were the Pokémon he planned to start the battle with, and if they could not handle it, he would send Kimberly into the fray. Though of course, this was a last resort for him, since even Aegis agreed that the Charizard had extreme amounts of strength, beaten only by herself and De'voir. Sean knew this was no simple feat, since Aegis was a legendary Suicune, and De'voir...well, he had never seen her lose a battle before, nor had any of the group ever seen the limits of her abilities before. As he thought hard of strategies for the Gym battle, he felt Aegis brush up against him, laying down on his chest gently, gazing lovingly into his eyes.

"Ah well, I guess I'll battle on instinct as usual...good night, Aegis."
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