AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 1

"Argh...Ahh...Ooph" De'voir moaned as she blindly stumbled through the forest that she had woken up in. It had been three days since she had woken up from the lab explosion. The young Gardevoir had been blown far from the laboratory, and the only things she had on her mind were finding food and water, and getting back to her trainer, Mark.

She had not drunk or eaten anything since she had woken up, and was on the verge of collapsing, when she heard a twig snap behind her. She turned around and started to use a Psychic attack when her vision started to fade, and suddenly, she blacked out.

De'voir woke up in a bed in what seemed to be a Pokémon center, and she tried to get up, but a human hand gently pushed on her forehead and she subconsciously lay back down again. "Relax, you've been through a lot." She heard a voice say, but she just closed her eyes and fell back asleep. When she awoke again, she could sit up, and she looked around the room. There seemed to be a human sitting on a chair next to her bed, bent over, sleeping on her bed. She tilted her head and stared at the human for a while, thinking whether or not to trust this human, when suddenly she realized something. The human was wearing a black shirt and pants, but there was a long brown coat handing on a coat hanger nearby. What's more, the human was roughly 17 years old, with a blond hairstyle she knew so well. "Mark? No, it couldn't be, it must be another dream of mine. Yeah, that's it, it's a dream." She looked around, thinking of a way to wake herself up, and she decided to try something stupid.

She stood on the window sill, looking down. "Wow," she thought to herself, "this is one huge Pokémon centre, as it had to be at least 10 stories high. She edged closer to the edge of the window sill, when suddenly she felt a flurry of emotions from the human that was sleeping behind her, jumping from curiosity, to shock, fear, haste, and suddenly, her train of thoughts was interrupted by a hand grabbing hers, and she was so shocked that she fell. The hand grabbing her tightened, and suddenly she was dangling from the tenth story window of a building, with only a human hand holding onto her.
Using a little of her psychic power, she tried to make herself lighter, while the hand pulled her up.

A while later, she was back inside the room, both herself and her savior breathing heavily, with De'voir sitting on the lap of her savior. After a while, she looked up, and her eyes met the pale blue eyes of her savior. In a state of shock, only one word escaped her lips. "Mark..." Suddenly she was fully conscious and realized what she had almost done out of thinking that it was a dream, and she embraced her lost trainer, and buried her face in his shirt, and burst into tears Mark said nothing, only stroking her, trying to comfort her. "Mark, oh thank God, it's actually you!" De'voir simply managed to choke out these words through her tears, tears of sorrow at nearly taking her own life, and happiness at finding her beloved trainer once again. "De'voir, it's alright, stop crying, or you'll dry your eyes out." She smiled, as she knew it really was Mark, who was always afraid to show his true feelings, but since she and Mark were telepathically linked she could tell he was feeling just as overjoyed as she was by their reunion. (They shared a close bond, for Mark had De'voir since she was a ralts, and they had grown up together.) For a few moments, they said nothing, and the young Gardevoir simply held onto her trainer's shirt, with her head leaning against his chest, as Mark embraced De'voir lovingly.

Suddenly, the door banged open, and there stood Sean and J.C., Mark's closest friends, as well as Kimberly, Sean's Charizard, and Nicholas, J.C.'s Roserade.

"Are we interrupting something?" They said, as they stood in the doorway, staring at Mark and De'voir embrace each other. De'voir stared at Kimberly and Nicholas for awhile as they looked different from when she last saw them. As she was wondering what it was, something suddenly hit her. Mark understood what she had said!

Mark could guess what she was thinking about, so he explained. "Look at yourself in the mirror." De'voir wondered what he meant, but did it regardless. "" She looked like a human! Instead of the usual Gardevoir hair style, her green hair was significantly longer, reaching her waistline, with some parts of it over her shoulder, the rest of it trailing her back and her fringe was coving one of her eyes. "How did I not realize my hair had changed myself?" she wondered to herself, as she examined the rest of her body. She was wearing a short sleeved blouse and skirt, instead of the usual Gardevoir's dress. Her red fin was sticking out of both sides of her blouse, as if she was still wearing her dress, and she had green legs, even though she was hovering over the ground slightly, as it was how she had moved around previously.

She set herself down on the ground, but as she was not used to her new legs, she fell down, but thankfully was caught by Mark. De'voir realized that Kimberly and Nicholas had also become human-like Pokémon. This sort of explained why she could speak human, but she still needed an explanation as to why she was like that in the first place.

Mark explained that when the explosion had occurred, all Team Magma units had already evacuated, but they were the only ones out. De'voir had fallen unconscious, but Mark had carried her through the laboratory, when the explosion occurred, and a wall of fire separated them. Mark tried to get her, but Sean and J.C. held him back with their free hand, their other hands grasping Kimberly and Nicholas' Pokéballs. They escaped, but got caught in the explosion, causing the Pokémon to change their genetic codes, the three Pokémon being evidence for that. But it had caused effects for the trainers as well, now, whenever any of the three caught a Pokémon, the Pokémon would change to become human-like.

"Team Magma..." De'voir thought back as she remembered those human scientists that were trying to get Pokémon to talk and obey commands, experimenting on trainers and their Pokémon. She shook off the thoughts and smiled; none of the past mattered to her now, she was back with Mark, and they were free. Suddenly, she felt something weird on her chest. Her chest had "swollen". She poked the bulges curiously, as the other five in the room tried hard not to laugh. Mark then explained that they were in Rustboro city, the closest city to the lab. He also explained that they had decided to enter the Hoenn league, needing to gather badges from eight gyms throughout Hoenn, after which they would take on the Pokémon League. Sean explained that Rustboro city was ironically the city with the first gym, and that he and J.C. had already won their badges by beating the gym leader, Roxanne in a battle. J.C. then explained with a smile that they tried to get Mark to catch some new Pokémon to use, but Mark refused, instead wanting to search for his beloved Gardevoir. Upon hearing this, De'voir looked at Mark with tears in her eyes, throwing herself at a startled Mark.

She learned that the gym leader used rock types, and she smiled. "Rock types, huh? That'll be easy." Mark smiled at her confidence, and kissed her on the forehead, making her face turn red. "Get some sleep; we'll go challenge the gym tomorrow." "O...okay..." De'voir lied down on her bed, and quickly fell asleep with a smile on her face that night.
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