AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 2

"De'voir? You awake?" De'voir sat up quickly out of surprise upon hearing her trainer call her name, causing her forehead to smash into Mark's face, as he was bending over her to check whether she was awake or not. "Ahh...Oww..." Mark bent over, rubbing the bridge of his nose. De'voir tried to hold back her laughter, as she asked is he was alright. "It's okay, you can laugh." Suddenly, De'voir burst into laughter, and laughed so hard that tears actually formed at her eyes. Mark stared at her for awhile, and then also started to laugh as well. "I...I'm so ...s...sorry," De'voir said through her laughter, "D...Don't get angry, please." "It's alright, we were reunited yesterday, how could I get angry?" De'voir then thought back to events the day before, from finding Mark, him saving her from a close fall (literally), to finding out that since the accident, she had changed into a human-like Gardevoir.

Later that day, as they were walking down the sidewalk (they being Mark, Sean, J.C. and their Pokémon), Mark asked De'voir: "So, do you remember the attacks we perfected in the lab?" De'voir looked a little surprised, but replied: "Yeah, the ones we were going use to escape, right?" Mark smiled, and replied that that was what he was talking about. "What about them?" "Well, I think you should use those attacks later during the battle with Roxanne." De'voir then recalled that later that day, they were going to battle the Rustboro gym leader Roxanne for the Stone badge. She nodded, acknowledging her beloved trainer's words.

"So..." J.C. butted in, "Where are we going now?" Mark thought for a moment, and decided to train in Petalburg forest.

As they walked through the mass of trees and dangling vines, a Wurmple dropped down from the trees, and frightened De'voir. The next thing De'voir knew, she was clutching Mark's coat, and holding onto him tightly. De'voir let go, and there was an awkward moment where Mark was looking up and to the left, while the blushing Gardevoir looked in the opposite direction. De'voir was clearly afraid of Bug-type Pokémon, so Kimberly decided to break the silence by firing a Flamethrower at the Wurmple, annihilating it (not really, it was just unconscious).

Suddenly, a man wearing a green suit came up to them, and asked them if they had seen any Shroomish around, since he really liked the Pokémon. Just as they said no, a man wearing a blue and white striped shirt and a blue bandana with some kind of symbol on it ran up to the man in a green shirt, demanding for some important papers. The green man was clearly scared, and ran behind J.C., causing the other man to send out a Poochyena, and confront J.C. to hand the green suited man over. Mark, De'voir, Sean and Kimberley decided to step back, as they knew J.C.'s (to be precise, Nicholas') attacks were dangerous if they stood too close. J.C. grinned at the blue-clad man, and reached for the bracelet he wore on his left hand. As the blue-clad man watched, J.C. took a Pokéball out of the indentation on his bracelet, and threw it. Suddenly a flash of light occurred, and Nicholas appeared. The blue-clad man, having never seen a human-like Roserade before, thought it was a strange new humanoid Pokémon, much like a Machoke or Alakazam, did not mind a little as he smirked, as he knew J.C. wanted to fight. "You dare challenge Team Aqua? I'll kick your ass." Five seconds later, both the Team Aqua (as he had called himself) man and his Poochyena were lying on the floor, unconscious.

J.C. called back Nicholas, and turned to face the green suited man. The green suited man said that he was a worker from the Devon Corporation, and thanked the three trainers over and over. As a gesture of gratitude, he gave them a strange Pokéballs, which was red on top, orange on the bottom and covered in flame like patterns. "This," he said, "This is a Heat Ball, it can catch Fire-type Pokémon more easily." The Devon worker looked at his watch, and ran off. The Team Aqua man sat up slowly, and said: "Oh man, the boss is gonna kill me for messing up." He then turned to the three, and told them: "Oh yeah, we of Team Aqua are also after something in Rustboro city." With that, he recalled his Poochyena and ran off. Mark and De'voir looked at each other, shrugged, and decided to go for their gym match.

"Ah, you're that boy who wanted to find your lost Pokémon before challenging me, Mark was it?" Mark nodded. "And did you find your lost Pokémon?" Mark nodded again, gesturing to De'voir. "Interesting, she must be some different kind of Gardevoir...Anyways, shall we get started?" With that, Roxanne threw out a Pokéballs, and out popped a Geodude. De'voir was a little nervous, but remembering that Mark was counting on her, as he had no other Pokémon, snapped her to attention. Getting back the confidence she had the night before, she ran up to the Geodude, and gave it a powerful Ice Punch. The Geodude was knocked out in an instant, and De'voir smiled happily, as did Mark. Sean and J.C. were sitting at the sidelines, unenthusiastically clapping, as they had already won their badges, Sean using Kimberly, and J.C. using Nicholas. "It's not over yet!" Roxanne yelled, as De'voir looked back at Mark, who gave her a smile, and replied to Roxanne, "BRING IT!"

As Mark and De'voir walked out of the gym with their first gym badge, a man ran past them, whom they realized was from Team Aqua, with the same Devon corporation man from earlier in tow, shouting for someone to "stop that man"! Mark quickly assessed the situation, and realized that he was too far for De'voir to hit with Psychic or Ice Punch (duh) or even Thunderbolt. Mark realized that to help the man, De'voir would have to use the attack that he and Devoir created during their time back in the laboratory. However, using it would use up a lot of her energy.

De'voir had also realized that, and she turned to Mark, and gave him a weak smile, and nodded. Mark smiled back and yelled: "Gaiga Bullet!" De'voir gathered up a lot of Psychic power and materialized it into what seemed to be a handgun, pointed it at the man, and fired a bullet of compressed Psychic energy, which kept growing at an accelerating rate, until it reached the size of a small car! The attack slammed into the Team Aqua man, tossing him forward, knocking him out. Ecstatic that the attack worked, De'voir jumped at Mark, embracing him.

The Devon worker walked over, thanking the three once again for helping him. He also requested that they follow him back to his corporation's building. There, they met the chairman of Devon, who thanked them for saving his employee, not once, but twice, and even saving the goods from being taken by Team Aqua. As a reward, the chairman gave them each a Pokénav, and told them of its features. "I'm sorry to ask this, but could you also deliver the package you got back from the Team Aqua thug to Captain Stern in Slateport City? If you are doing the Hoenn League challenge, it is on your way." The chairman requested of them, "Oh and if you see a man called Steven, please do not hesitate to challenge him." On their way out, Mark turned to De'voir, "Heh, it looks like we've got quite the adventure ahead of us, huh?" De'voir said nothing, but simply smiled at her beloved trainer happily.

Meanwhile back at Team Aqua HQ......

"WHAT!? You failed in getting neither the goods nor the papers? Argh...these three trainers you speak of are indeed an annoyance. If they interrupt any of our operations again, let me know." Putting the phone down, the shadowy character sat back in his reclining chair and smiled. "Soon...soon all my dreams will come true...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
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