AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 3

"Hmmm......" De'voir put down the book that she had just finished reading, stood up from her chair and walked out of the cabin, but not before giving her sleeping trainer a glance to see if he was alright. (They were on a ferry between Petalburg Town and Dewford Island.) Smiling, she left the cabin to get some fresh air on deck. It would be another two hours before the ferry reached Dewford, since it was a scenic ferry. As soon as De'voir left the cabin, Mark turned around (Heh, he's awake.) and picked up the book she had been reading.

"Funny, I didn't know she could read. I guess it's from becoming human-like. Aaa...nyways, let's see what she was reading..." Mark flipped through the pages with a smile, but his expression quickly changed. " her beloved trainer brought his face closer to hers, the young Gardevoir closed her eyes as their lips touched and parted, letting their tongues intertwine and fondle each other as tears of joy streamed down her face at finally being connected with her beloved trainer on a level she had hoped......"

Mark dropped the book, feeling emotions on so many different levels, and just decided to put the book back, pretend that he had just woken up, and go on deck to forget it ever happened.

Meanwhile in the Team Aqua HQ.....

"Amber, Ruby, Amethyst, where are you?" Three silhouettes stepped into the dimly lit office. "Yes boss, you called?" The shadowy man in the big chair at the other end of the office grinned, "Yes, I did. It's about the three Pokémon trainers who interfered with us at Rustboro." "What about them, boss?" said the male figure standing in between the two others. "According to our encounters with them, they are very powerful, making short work of two of our grunts, very short work, five seconds each, as I understand it. Your job is simple, beat the three; it should be easy for three of my seven Oceans. You are three of my highest ranking admins. Do not disappoint me." The three figures bowed silently, and vanished.

Back on the boat......

"Mark?" Mark turned around, "De'voir? Something wrong?" "Why don't you keep me in a Pokéball like J.C. does with Nicholas?" Mark thought for a while, then laughed, "Well, I guess it's because you are now my first and only Pokémon, and I don't think that I should keep you cooped up in the ball." As Mark said this, he gestured to the De'voir's Pokéball, which he kept on a necklace, hung around his neck. The young Gardevoir thought for awhile about how Mark took care of her Pokéball, and why he didn't want to keep her in a ball, and was overwhelmed with happiness. Unable to contain her feelings, she lunged at her trainer, embracing him. "Alright, alright, get off please." De'voir let go, and looked away from Mark, blushing slightly. Mark, on the other hand, could not help but remember the book of De'voir's that he had read earlier, so he just ran off in a hurry, leaving De'voir a little confused, but relieved that she did not have to explain herself to anyone.

"Hey there!" Suddenly, Kimberly fell out of the sky. The humanoid Charizard stood up, rubbing her sore back at the same time. De'voir stared open-mouthed at Kimberly, who explained that she was still getting used to flying as a human-sized Charizard, so Sean had told her to train for the battles ahead.

Landing on Dewford Island, the team got off the boat, and ran to the gym, only to find a sign that read: "Gone Surfin'".

So, the group decided to check into the hotel and just rest up for the next day. Mark and De'voir spent the rest of the day training her Psychic and Gaiga Bullet attacks, while Kimberly and Sean trained their bodies in another way- the hotel spa.

It was a mixed bath, and Sean wore a towel over his...erm...lower area, and Kimberly was naked. (It didn't matter since Sean was blind and could only "see" heat signals and body shapes as well as a person's genetic code. (The heat signals, body shapes and genetic codes wouldn't matter, as they would be the same with her clothes on or off.) "Ahhh......Sean?" "Yeah?" "What does this train?" Sean thought for a while, looking for a way to phrase it, and then said: "Well, it increases our resistance to heat, so that you can use THAT attack more easily." Kimberly thought for awhile, "Oh...Okay."

J.C. in the meantime sat on his bed in the hotel room, looking at his bracelet. "Sigh...Mark and Sean both have female Pokémon, why don't I?" Nicholas, who was in the Pokéball in the bracelet, heard this and replied: "Am I not strong enough?" "" "What? You like female Pokémon THAT way?" J.C. was slightly taken aback. "No!" Nicholas stared at his trainer through his Pokéball, wondering what it could be. "I...I just feel left out...that's all."

"Gaiga Bullet!" De'voir focused her psychic powers into the usual handgun-shape, took aim and fired the expanding bullet of compressed psychic energy at the target made of wood. The attack worked a little TOO well, blasting the target to splinters, but also wiping out the trees behind it. De'voir forced the attack to end before it caused any more damage, but the energy used to fire five Gaiga Bullets in a day without resting, as well as stopping the last one, was apparently too much for her to handle, and her consciousness started to waver.

Mark ran forward, catching De'voir as she fell. Unable to hold out any longer, De'voir fell asleep in the arms of her caring trainer, resting up for the next day.
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