AGNPH Stories

Gardevoir Archives by lightningmatrix


Chapter 4

"Mmmm......" De'voir slowly opened her eyes, but shut them again. Suddenly, De'voir realized that though she was in her hotel room, she was not in her own bed, but was in Mark's! "Ahhhh!!!!!" De'voir sprang out of the bed, and an abruptly awakened Mark realized what happened. De'voir calmed down a little, and realized that since they were still wearing clothes, nothing probably happened. Mark explained that the day before, De'voir passed out from exhaustion because of the extensive training to fully control the Gaiga Bullet. He caught her in his arms as she passed out, but she would not let go of his shirt, so he had no choice but to let her sleep in his bed.

Upon hearing this, De'voir looked down slightly and blushed. "Get changed, we have a lot to do today." De'voir nodded, and hastily got out of the room. Letting the warm water run over her naked body, De'voir thought about how today they were going to challenge the Dewford Island gym leader.

"De'voir, are you done? I have to bathe too, you know." De'voir turned the water off, and got out of the shower. Using a towel to dry off her body, she wore her clothes and got out of the bathroom. Mark went inside, and started to bathe. Since De'voir was Mark's Pokémon, she decided to wait in the room until he was done. Bored, De'voir's eyes scanned around the room, looking for something to do. Suddenly, she found the necklace that Mark wore, the one that had De'voir's Pokéball attached to it.

She stared at it for a while, and then decided to put it back. "Hmmm......maybe Kimberly has something to do." With that, she left the room. Inside Kimberly and Sean's room, she found Kimberly just as bored as she was, waiting for Sean to finish bathing. "It actually takes him longer to bathe than I do, seeing as his hair is actually longer than mine, and he takes good care of it." At this, both the girls laughed, then suddenly, Sean came out of the bathroom, simply putting on his belt, naked from the waist up.

De'voir stared for awhile, realizing that she had never seen Sean without his hair in a ponytail, or his eyes uncovered by his eye band. Staring at him, she realized that his eyes were a strange color, his irises were a pale red, almost pink, and his pupils were white. Realizing that De'voir was staring at him, Sean blankly said, "What?" The two girls decided to let Sean change in peace. Waiting in the hall, Nicholas, J.C.'s Anthro Roserade came over to them with three canned drinks in his hand. "Drink?" the two girls nodded, and took the drinks from him.

While they were drinking their lemonade, Nicholas spoke up: "You realize our trainers take longer to get ready than we do? I mean, for Sean it's understandable, but how about the other two?" De'voir replied, "Well, I don't know about J.C., but I know Mark spends time arranging his hair." Kimberly looked surprised. "Wait, you mean he lets his hair cover his right eye on purpose?" De'voir nodded.

Later, the group stood outside the gym, took a deep breath, and entered. A surprising sight greeted them. Inside, the gym was half covered in water! A battlefield in the middle of the field was the only piece of land in the middle of the gym. Suddenly, a man, slightly older than the three trainers, came surfing up to them on a wave. "Hey there! I'm Brawly, the Dewford gym leader. I'm guessing you came to challenge me, so shall we get started?" The group agreed. Mark and De'voir went first.

The referee stood at the sidelines of the battle ground. "This will be a three on three battle, the challenger may switch out Pokémon at will." Mark replied that De'voir was the only Pokémon he had, which made Brawly laugh. "Confident, eh? I like that attitude." Mark looked briefly at De'voir, then back at Brawly, and said: "I have faith in De'voir." These words made De'voir turn a slight red, but she quickly regained her composure, and the well-trained Gardevoir made short work of Brawly's three Fighting-type Pokémon, as did Kimberly, as they both used powerful long-ranged attacks, not even allowing the opponent use a single attack. (De'voir used Psychic and Kimberly, Flamethrower.)

Then, it was Nicholas and J.C.'s turn. Nicholas made quick work of the Medicham with a Shadow Ball, as it was part psychic, and its dual fighting type could not cover for this weakness. However, problems started to arise for Nicholas after Brawly sent out his Hariyama. The tank-like Pokémon just shook off the Shadow Balls, and Nicholas's best attack, Petal Dance, was close ranged. J.C. decided to take a chance, and ordered Nicholas to use Petal Dance, only to be countered by Hariyama's Force Palm, also paralyzing Nicholas. Brawly smiled. "There are two ways to use fighting type attacks. One is like a Machamp, quick and powerful, and the other is my favorite style, using the opponents weaknesses to create an opening, like so. SMELLINGSALT!" The Hariyama slammed his hands together, smashing Nicholas in-between. This cured Nicholas of his paralysis, but also did double the damage, because that was how Smellingsalt worked. Nicholas tried taking a breather, but Brawly wasn't done by a long shot. "YAWN!"

Everyone was surprised, since Yawn was not something Hariyama could learn naturally. Seeing their surprise, Brawly explained that they trained hard for this attack, and they were going to make it count. Nicholas fell asleep, and Hariyama pounded him with a Wake-Up Slap! Nicholas woke up, but again suffered double the damage. J.C. was strangely still standing unwavering, with a smile on his face, as if he was planning something. "Nicholas! We can't beat those using normal attacks; we'll have to use OUR ace-in-the-hole!" Nicholas was being pummeled, but heard this, nodded and smiled. "TRANQUILITY!" J.C. was suddenly covered in a bluish-green aura, and his wounds were completely healed! Brawly saw this, but just shrugged. "So what? You can do a powered-up Synthesis. Now Hariyama! Let's finish this! Yawn!" J.C. said nothing, and neither did Nicholas, but they both were smiling. After the Yawn, Nicholas was still wide-awake! "What!? How!?" Brawly was astonished.

"Heh, you underestimated us. Nicholas's Tranquility not only heals him AND his allies, but it also prevents status conditions from afflicting them for the next thirty minutes." Brawly looked shocked for a while, but then smiled and said: "Oh...I see now, alright then, let's see what you've got!"

Now that Hariyama could not pull off those devastating combos, he was easily flattened by Nicholas's Petal Dance. Unfortunately for Brawly, his last Pokémon was another Medicham, which was easily pummeled by Shadow Ball. Brawly smiled, stating that it was his best battle in ages, and happily gave the group three Knuckle Badges. Happily, the group celebrated in their different ways: De'voir embraced Mark, Kimberly whacked Sean on the back, and J.C. and Nicholas went to a restaurant to eat.

That night, the group fell asleep easily, for they were exhausted, each with a shiny new badge with them.
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